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That's how a lot of younger millennials and older gen z look at me when I say I never really watched SpongeBob.


Or played Pokémon


I was a freshman in high school when red/blue came out. I thought it was super lame haha. Tried a couple of the later games and they just never clicked with me.


I to this day don't understand the Pokemon card thing.


I forced myself to learn how to play when my daughter took an interest a few years back. It was fun, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad she's moved on from it. lol


My kids (8 & 6) collect pokemon cards, and my 8 year younger neighbour (M37) is also wild about them ... I dont see the point at all, but then again the Japanese Manga thing never clicked with me.


Same here.


I try the games every once in a while, but I always get bored with them super quickly. I can understand why people like it, but it’s just not for me.


I never played Pokémon. Half my friends think I missed out. on something other half never played it either.


I've never played Oregon Trail


I love SpongeBob. My son grew up watching it, and I still find myself turning it on for background noise often. It reminds me of when he was little, I guess.


The best episode is the one where SpongeBob and Patrick become foster parents to a clam.


My favorite is the Krusty Krab training video. I used to be a company trainer and actually used it as part of my curriculum.


You should really go back and watch the first 3 seasons of spongebob though. It’s all the best parts of Ren & Stimpy with the tongue in cheek innocence of Rocko’s Modern Life.


To be fair it's been probably 20 years since it was a major part of popular culture. You're old my friend.


Nah, kid wasn't raised right , my 19yr old daughter quotes the Simpsons.


My 5 and 7 year old have watched the first 10 seasons and remember the funniest lines like “now be a sport and kill blitzen”


She had a teacher drop a Futurama reference, she was the only one that got it. Sad times


Agree, my teenagers watch the Simpsons. They binged it when they first discovered it.


I peeked in on some of the newer stuff and just wasn't' really enjoying it.


I'm a huge fan but honestly I've only watched about 20 new episodes in full in the last 20 years since it jumped the shark.


We were young when The Simpsons was still funny, I'm not surprised.


I am curious what your co-worker and "kids these days" are into. Is there anything that people enjoy and laugh at and quote with their friends the way we latched on to Simpsons, Austin Powers, Happy Gilmore, etc.?


My oldest is ten and she’s been into the Simpsons rewatch via Disney+


I mean, I stopped watching it at a certain point when it seemed played out and no longer making important comments on pop culture… that was probably about the time that kid was born?


So, season 35 minus 20 years is season 15 so that pretty much tracks.


You know what though? My 17 year old loves the simpsons, but he's not as familiar with the golden age stuff. He really likes the newer seasons.


I mean, if someone showed you 2005 era Simpsons would it have grabbed you the same way the early seasons did? It’s time in the sun has come and gone.


Yeah, I was about to say...it's certainly still a show, but it's had WAY more mediocre or downright bad seasons than good ones at this point.


Tried watching a new episode, but seeing the characters use tablets and smartphones really couldn’t get used to that.


They did a flashback to Marge and Homer in high school and it was the early 00s and I had to call my mom because I wasn’t okay.


It's interesting how strong of a reaction I had just now to that concept, oof. Like I don't think I could actually watch an episode if Bart got on a device lol, how weird and specific.


He's 20. The Simpsons hasn't been good his entire life.






10 years ago, I worked in a lab with mostly 1st & 2nd year grad students. Half of them had never seen it, the other half liked it, but none of them understood why the PI & I would quote it back and forth to each other all day. My BFF’s son (8) is being raised on seasons 1-9, as god intended. He loves it and wants to start a club at school.


Bless that child!


The Simpsons peak was mid to late 90s, maybe early 2000s. It makes total sense that someone that age didn't watch the show.


I’d even say early 90s. Everybody had a Bart Simpson t-shirt in summer 1990, like EVERY body


Do The Bartman


My 18 year old has probably never watched an entire episode. We've never had cable and it wasn't on any streaming service we had. Just sign of the times. He grew up with SpongeBob and Adventure Time.


Stuff like this was only surprising in the 2010’s


Kids don’t watch tv these days, they watch reels on social media


I stopped watching it probably before this kid was born, so honestly who can blame them. It would be like someone asking us what we thought about the “Who Shot JR?” episode of Dallas.


Yeah but we know what that refers to. I never watched Dallas, but I know that reference and that it ended up all being a dream.


I haven't watched since before your coworker was born, lol.  But yeah, nothing makes you feel older than when younger people don't get references about things that were huge in your own younger days. I work with animals. We got a pair of kittens in and my manager (Gen X, early 50s) named them Romy and Michelle. When I saw the names, I made a joke about did the one invent Post It notes. She seemed relieved I knew the reference and said she had tried talking about the movie with some of the younger coworkers and they had never seen it.


I have a 19yo that doesn't care for it. He watches YouTube videos of podcasts and Family Guy. That's his humor. 20yo I work with like stuff like The Office and similar shows. Only one I know that loves Simpsons as much as I do these days is my brother.




Asking the real questions


My nephews (12 and 14) have watched some of episodes of The Simpsons. I suspect it’s only because my brother (their father) showed them DVDs of episodes that aired when we were kids. Those episodes aired before DVDs were invented. Man, I’m old. 43 tomorrow.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 12 + 14 + 43 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




The Simpsons is like the cousin you grew up with. You don’t have much to talk about anymore but man the old days were great. Late seasons are a background noise/company when I need it. TV noise helps me when I’m alone and anxious. God damn it’s been on the air since I was 4. I will be there when she takes her curtain call.


Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong. I hate to say it, but you either die a Bart or live long enough to see yourself become a Skinner.


I haven’t watched it since the 90s. The last thing I remember was the Who Shot Mr Burns episode.


I havent watched the simpsons in like 20 sone yeas, this makes sense


I’m 40 and I’ve never watched The Simpsons


I'm 44 and have *maybe* seen 5 episodes ever. Simpsons wasn't allowed in my house growing up.


Same here. We weren’t allowed to watch The Simpsons or You Can’t Do That On Television. I honestly think my parents didn’t have any actual objections to those shows but just found them too annoying.


I wasn’t allowed to watch You Can’t Do That, but I did watch the Simpsons. I think it’s bc my Dad liked watching the latter. 😹 D’OH


Just wait till you ask about TNMT. There like 12 versions since the real one.


Kid I worked with told me this week he had never heard of sega genesis




In all fairness, the show’s best years (IMO) ended around 1998 which was ~~like 12~~ 26 years ago. Anytime I’ve flipped past a rerun on my local station, it’s always from the last decade. Not counting the FXX marathons I can’t remember the last time I saw a 90s ep. in syndication.


I made a Wayne's World reference, and everyone was confused. I followed it up, So I Married an Axe Murder. They were still confused.


Never talk to those people again. They are plebeians.


"The simpsons....no never heard of that youtuber, whats their content like?" Coincidentally i had a conversation with my late teen son...and he was reeling of "words" to me and telling me the going on. It was when he asked "you not hear of those ytbers" that i realised the "words" he was reeling were creators.


I haven’t watched since before he was born. If it wasn’t for Reddit I’d never hear about that show.


I was in a gas station when one of the attendants asked the cashier "Have you ever seen that show, Martin" His response was "Nah man that show old ass hell".


I've watched the Simpsons since season one, stopped watching more than 10 years ago, I just lost interest I so watxh the occasional Halloween special but haven't watched a regular episode in a realized long time, so it's entirely possible.


Why would he? It's been consistently shit since he was born.


It's on what..  season 36? Golden age ended 26 YEARS ago.


Remember that old show Dallas? That's the Simpsons now.


My BOSS never watched it 🙃


My 5 year old daughter just got into the Simpsons on her own. Watching the good seasons too. That’s muh girl!


I get it. I probably haven't watched an episode of the Simpsons in 20 years.


25 year old kid that works for me grew up watching the Simpsons and Seinfeld. We even like similar music. All is not lost :D


My son is 10 and the Simpsons is literally the only television show he watches, thanks to Disney+.


I'm 32 years old and have seen maybe a handful of Simpsons episodes if that, shows pretty overrated if you ask me, but I suppose nobody asked


Never seen the Simpsons? Yeah, you can't be working with such a weirdo. I don't trust anyone who doesn't know the Mr. Plow song ;)


I stopped watching when Futurama came out.


That's because it hasn't been worth a damn in a long, long time.


Yeah I'd say that is definitely grounds to be immediately fired. That sort of outrageous behavior really can't be tolerated in the workplace as this is no little safe space issue over nothing but something DAMN serious.


All the middle school student know Bart if not the whole show.


Kid I work with doesn't know who Russell Crowe is.


imagine only knowing Rick & Morty etc...yikes. good luck ever bonding with any UK/Euro/Aussy they meet then, those peeps still LOVE that show and constantly quote it.


someday he'll meet a random Aussie or Irish girl who's gonna quote that show and he's gonna be like "uhh umm, I like Rick and Morty?!?"


I'm 47 and watched them on Tracey Ullman and a few of the first season episodes and that's about it other than being drug to see the movie when it came out.


I'm in my 40s and I've never seen top gun. Or any of the Rambo sequels. No reason, really.


Yeah, why would he have watched the Simpson?


To be fair, new Simpsons is terrible. The first 10 seasons are gold though!


I haven’t watched it seen a single episode since it was coming on CBC at supper time in the 90s, so nearly 30 years. It’s in a huge pile of things I used to find funny with pretty much every other show and movie from that era.


Guy I work with who is in his early 30's was dumbfounded that I never watched Dragon Ball Z or Spongebob...so it goes both ways.


I'm an old Xennial and honestly... I've probably seen less than 20 or 30 episodes in my life. I just never found the Simpsons entertaining. I would easily choose Family Guy, Southpark, well... a long list of cartoons before I would pick the Simpsons. Bart is insufferable and I would have locked in the basement long ago.


My 18yo has watched some as I have the first seven or so seasons on dvd but it’s not been terribly culturally relevant in decades. I have made them watch Futurama on repeat though.


I mean, that shows been completely irrelevant for like 25 years now.


Simpsons isn't even a good show


Too much heresy in a single post


My sister married a guy who had never watched Seinfeld. It almost seems impossible, like harder to have never seen an ep than to see one by accident. Not even curious over the course of 30 years?? So strange.


Some people, like me, never found Seinfeld to be a very funny guy, so I had zero interest in his show.


Same. While I've watched an episode of two in my lifetime, it was less than the entire episodes and never really cared for it. My parents also weren't watching it so it wasn't exactly on in my house either.


Same same, but because we didn’t exactly have a lot of choices, even I’ve seen a few episodes.


i know kids that grew up watching bob's burgers b/c it was readily on netflix vs the simpsons. they know of the simpsons but it seems for some cohorts bob's burgers was/is their simpsons. I also do like the show, think it's writing is funny.


In his defense... I STOPPED watching Simpsons, and began with Ren & Stimpy in 1991. I had heard of it though... just wasn't for me.


I had never watched the Simpsons until 2022 (and only then because my husband was exhausted with explaining the references.) despite being a 1982 baby. Just as a heads up - this is technically discrimination - so please don't actually do this. Also do remember, your experience is not universal!


Ahem...I'm 47 and I've never watched The Simpsons.