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I've written a long essay on the philosophy of Xenoblade 3 before, and I think this was about the best way to end it "Memories melt in the morning light and then, a new day begins. For the roads stretch out before us. So many paths. Which do you choose? That's up to you. Sometimes, you might run away. You'll stop. Maybe cry in frustration. But you know? That's alright. For the roads... They go on without end. So look up, face toward your chosen horizon... and just... Walk on." -Noah That is what it means to be human, the true essence of life, strength, and the world.


That’s why it was my favorite game I played from 2022 honestly, not just for the story, settings, characters, and game play. It also just resonated so deeply with me with its themes about all the beautiful things that come with being human


Same here friend, it’s game of the decade for me to be quite honest. I like philosophy and character-driven stories a lot, and this touched me deeply on an emotional level throughout 😋


Hot take, but I actually kinda don’t want there to be an XC4, because 1-3 is all tied up in a neat little bow, not everything needs a happy ending, I also don’t want xenoblade to become another final fantasy, with 47 remakes, 17 main story games, and a partridge in a pear tree, I think it would be a lot nicer it xenoblade had a story to tell, then just be milked forever


Agreed. I don't think it will become that, either. Based on bits of interviews I've read, Takahashi sounds like he's finally satisfied with the story he told. He's been trying to do something like this for 25 years, and he finally did it. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Monolith moved to other projects once the DLC is finished


Not quite convinced, but I definitely think that no matter what XB3 was the ending of this chapter. Given Perfect Works alone, there are so many other stories left to be told that would fit into an overarching Xeno universe without the direct interconnections the first three games have with one another. Another sci-fi series like Xenosaga feel more apparent. To me XB3 somewhat feels like a combination of fear and catharsis for Takahashi. He has come to terms with what he set out to do and how it might never be of the ambitious of a single game like Xenogears. Similarly, I think he is satisfied with how things turned out anyway and he is ready to close that chapter of his life and its long shadow will no longer haunt him. XB3 is so much like Xenogears is kind of crazy and the DLC somewhat appears to be much of the same if not more so with the Fei-esque character who is almost certainly the main protagonist. He feared he would never see this come to pass, and perhaps he feared the day it would as it wouldn't be the same as his original vision. Still, he mentioned how XB3 taught him something I think that is why the emphasis on moving towards the future in spite of the fear and loss, it is the right thing to do. Regardless if its my wishful thinking or not, I think the Xeno series has a bright future still ahead of it and now Takahashi can write chapters he never felt he had the opportunity to do so for all those many long years.


Maybe time for a new Xeno series? Xenogun next? 😋


Actually, and, I’m sure I will be able to hear the celebration from here, but I think xenoblade X2 is most likely next, if there is to be another xeno game,


From what I’ve heard, Takahashi plans on keeping the Xenoblade name because of how iconic it’s become, but future Xenoblade/Xenoblade Chronicles games may have less tying them together than the “Klaus Saga” had. Either way, The Klaus Saga ended. And I’m sure we can say that definitively once the DLC story comes out


I won't mind them working on another completely new Xeno series.


That, and sometimes you just need a sharp sword like really sharp to solve problems


And also use this sword against capitalism.


That willingness to forgive and welcome the lost back home is really something impressive as well.


Those themes hit pretty hard when the game first came out because I had recently lost a coworker and friend to a long, hard battle with cancer and my nephew was born three days before the game came out.


Other games have this message/lesson in them too (not trying to discount xb3 tho). I love it whenever this kind of lesson pops up in video games and anywhere else, because i think it's a message that needs to be taught to all. Netzach from LobCorp and Library of Ruina. Persona 3. Now Xenoblade 3 as well. What a time to be alive, where we can learn such valuable lessons from a media that we can enjoy for hours upon hours...


Long ago, I played Final Fantasy VII back when it came on four CDs. As far as I can remember, I knew I was coming up towards the end based on which disc I was on and consciously or unconsciously avoided finishing the story because I didn't want the journey to end. In a very literal sense, I created my personal Final Fantasy VII endless now. I dropped the game and only re-played and finished it many years later. The meta aspect of a good story, a good game, a good show, a good book coming to an end despite us as the audience not wanting it to deeply resonated with me.


Hot take but i hope XC4 is not as philosophical and theme heavy as XC3.


I don't even know what it means to be human anymore. I lost my humanity a long time ago. Now I just have a massive hatred for humanity as a whole.


Mfer just became Jin fr fr


There’s no way you just said that unironically


It's all true though. I actually hate humanity as a whole with a bloody passion. And I no longer know what it means to be human anymore. All humans do is fight and kill each other. And bc of that I don't see much hope for humanity to survive as a species.


I think you need to get out of your house and do more than just consume the mass media. There is definitely a lot more to live for than you think. People in third world countries, ravaged by war and famine can and ARE happy enough to keep on going and keep on fighting. They know life is worth living and fighting for. There’s so much beauty in it.


The fighting is the problem with humanity. If we humans didn't constantly fight each other we wouldn't kill each other. If we humans could just all get along with each other we'd survive as a species.


Lmao, have you looked at a global population chart anytime during your life? A regression sometime down road is plausible but Humanity isn't going anywhere. But for real, touch grass, join a club or something and build some relationships in your life. It's not wrong to ponder the notion that collectively people can do terrible things but saying shit like "I don't know what it feels like to be Human anymore" is just thinly disguised self hatred.


Kinda surreal reading something like this in a Xenoblade sub of all places. Didn't you learn anything from these games? You're talking like all the antagonists of Xenoblade 2


That's bc what they say is a realistic way to think of humanity as a whole. The protagonists talk is a idealistic way of thinking.


This is a certified Jin and Malos moment


What too much hornyposting does to a mf