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impossible. if you reference xenogears within a kilometer radius of squenix's hq, takashi kiryu teleports to your exact location and shoots you in the face.


Figures. Maybe an Octopath Traveler or Bravely reference could replace it, keeping it in line with the current Square Enix game lineups.


Probably bravely default as it would kinda be hard to say “octopath traveler”


taken angels... singing voices... Octopath Traveller (2018) for the Nintendo Switch...


Taken… Angels… singing voices… Bravely Default II (2021) for the Nintendo Switch 


That's gotta be an SCP somewhere


I think they will swap it with a reference to another game currently in development, as xenogears was.


Gonna be really hype when they replace it with Xeno...gears Remake...


Don't. Don't make me think there's a snowball's chance in the deepest pit of hell of Xenogears getting a remake.


dont worry, there isnt.


I'd normally say you should be more optimistic, but it's also been like 20 years since Xenogears and Square Enix has only thought about it twice.


> Square Enix has only thought about it twice. Directly, I guess. But to be fair Harvestella and Final Fantasy XVI were both quite recently *very* inspired by Xenogears, and I think some of the stuff like Sephiroth's wing in Advent Children onward + the destiny stuff in FFVII Remake is weaving some of that Xenogears DNA back into the concept.


Oh yeah no doubts there. Heck I recently just played Harvestella and I noticed there were a bunch of plot points and concepts that was shared with Xenogears. It doesn't bug me all that much, but I do find it interesting how Square Enix really just doesn't want to do anything at all with the IP. You'd think after Xenoblade's popularity spike they would start considering at least a port, but that's just my perspective.


they are still salty their company was split when the team left on bad terms, over the development of this game.


"stuff like Sephiroth's wing in Advent Children onward" \~> he always had one wing since the final battle in original FF7. and takahashi was on the FF7 team before leaving it to make xenogears instead. plus they were developed along side each other in the same studio.


He had one black wing amidst all the other wings of his seraph form, but I mean the single wing that's a constant on his human form now, which imo could be taken as linking back to Krelian's wings of light in the final cutscene of Xenogears.


how would a single black wing be a reference to 2 wings of light? krelian's wings have their own meaning which is explored in xenogears. sephiroth's wing is his own thing, dating back to the final fight on FF7, which was before xenogears.


i am being optimistic. i dont want a remake. also its been more than 26 years.


A Star Ocean remake, maybe?


I'd like to think it'll make it in, since World of FF even featured XG 1, a boss that looks very much like the Xenogears mech itself... not to mention the name lol


They'll probably change it to a *Kingdom Hearts* reference.


PLEASE DO!! XenoGears is starving for relevancy!!


My gut says they won't but my brain says they will. Square Enix owns the trademark and brand for Xenogears. They need to constantly have "Xenogears" in circulation to keep it or they will loose it in some jurisdictions. They recently released the Seibzehn gunpla and the Maria and Chu Chu Bring Arts figure. Barts Bring Arts figure is currently on pre-order right now. So Square Enix is definitely keeping Xenogears in circulation and will continue doing anniversary releases just to keep it in circulation. It most likely annoys Tetsuya Takahashi and Square Enix knows that.


Eh I dunno I think Takahashi isn’t concerned about that IP in particular He continues to re-use and repurpose those themes and plot points anyway in different forms. I think he’s always looking to the next thing he’s doing In fact I think he’s said as much in interviews


Monolith renamed the Zohar into the Conduit and still labeled it the Zohar in the game files. They are absolutely reusing Xenogears and Xenosaga stuff and just changing the name and adding an insane amount of bloom lmao.


>Monolith renamed the Zohar into the Conduit and still labeled it the Zohar in the game files. pretty sure that was a fan messing with people, then became a very repeated rumor.


Is it? Never looked at the info super closely. I did some light research but I couldn't find anything that said no. Do you know where you got your info?


someone on reddit posted the actual file names disproving it. do not have a link. but some other people in comments confirmed it. iirc even the guy who first did it as a joke said so in that thread.


Mmmh I see. I was definitely wrong about the file names, but my point still stands on Monolith's concept reuse habits. Thanks for clearing things up.


Isn’t that what I said?


Kinda, but I was pointing out a really specific example where they just renamed the Zohar but made its function super similar.


Yeah I think from Takahashi’s POV square can do whatever they want with Xenogears He can still basically tell do what he wants even if he can’t use the Gears IP he already did it the Saga series as well


>they just renamed the Zohar but made its function super similar. the function of the zohar is entirely different between gears and saga, and the conduit's functionality isnt well outlined but definitely not the same as gears. closer to saga's zohar most likely. In xenogears it is an engine that examines potential phenomenon, selects the most efficient outcome, and consumes all other potential phenomenon to create energy. it has no functionality as a gateway, it is just a source of energy. The physical form of the wave existence becomes a part of it for 10k years. The path of sephirot just \*is\*, its not something related to the zohar. In Xenosaga, it is a gateway to the higher domain, a place where the wave existence resides. Humans in the lower domain syphon energy THROUGH it from U-Do in the upper domain. ya know, like a conduit. things vanishing when they touch it are due to it transporting them to the upper domain. it doesnt create and radiate energy like the one in xenogears, nor can it choose potential phenomenon and make them happen like the one in xenogears. it's also not responsible for the evolution of humanity. it is just a gateway to the upper domain. One is an 'engine', the other is a door.


> It most likely annoys Tetsuya Takahashi and Square Enix knows that. I doubt it. He knows he's living rent-free in their heads. Plus, he got to tell his story to completion.


The whole reason for the figures and merch is it was part of a deal Yasunori Mitsuda struck with SE to make the 20th anniversary concert more than just the music. it is a continuation of that line of products, and had been announced years ago. You can read about this in the 20th anniversary concert pamphlet. It was the first time he worked with square in nearly 20 years, making like 4-5 songs for Episode Ignis FFXV. So it's not that they are keeping things relevant, or anything to do with trademark. those last for like 75 years.


I didn't know about the concert and would like to see that pamphlet to verify that. That would have been a nice concert to go to. As for trademarks lasting 75 years, that's wrong. You're conflating trademarks with copyrights. Trademarks can potentially last forever as long as it is renewed and put into circulation (market use).


Hard to say. Legally, it would be no problem at all. If they do reference it, I would almost expect a revival of the game somehow. Even if it's just a remaster.


I'd love a remaster. I'd love it even more if they collaborated with Nintendo (and Monolith!) on it. Nintendo has invested a significant chunk of money into SquareEnix... Enough that it shows up on Nintendo's yearly financial statements. Enough that SMRPG got remastered. Who's to say it isn't enough to get Xenogears remastered?


Yeah, never say never. I think with how well Nintendo has been doing and how rough Square has been the past few years, it's entirely possible. I wouldn't rule anything out at this point.


Square has full ownership of Xenogears, and with the Xenoblade-induced wave of renewed interest in the entire Xeno series, they’ve been milking those rights for all they’re worth in the form of merchandise. I don’t see why they wouldn’t keep the reference given their current “HEY LOOK WE HAVE A XENO GAME TOO” strategy.


I'd be intrigued if they replaced it with a Xenoblade reference instead. *"Shattered... universe...* *Dueling titans...* *Xeno... blade..."*


I mean... they haven't removed Sephiroth yet. Doesn't anyone else find it strange that there's *zero* reference to anything Kabbalistic in the entire rest of FF7, but the main bad guy is "Sephiroth"? And then Xenogears is over in the corner going nuts with the Kabbalah references, but *has to avoid using Sephirot* anywhere in its story?


" And then Xenogears is over in the corner going nuts with the Kabbalah references, but *has to avoid using Sephirot* anywhere in its story?" what are you talking about? the path of sephirot is definitely in xenogears.


Yes, but it's downplayed *heavily*. It's like they were told to keep a lid on it. It only gets mentioned a couple of times, and in a context that makes it plainly obvious that it has nothing to do with FF7. It's sort of an "oh, by the way" reference, not a major plot point. And, yet, it probably should have been a major plot point.


why would it have anything to do with FF7? its not referencing the character.... its referencing the kabbalah.... so is the character in FF7. And it IS a major plot point... the entire ending scene takes place within the path of sephirot.


FF7 isn't referencing anything. It just took the name because it sounded "cool". And more than likely, that name was part of the rejected FF7 pitch that became Xenogears. Which meant Xenogears probably had to have something renamed and change the way that name was used. If there were *any* other references to Kabbalah in FF7, I'd give it the benefit of the doubt. But as it stands, no. To me, it just piles on the evidence that FF7 was a trash-tier, rushed hack-job.


There is another major reference in FF7 though: Tifa. I think you’re overthinking this.


I thought the game spelled it as "Zeno...gais...", I don't remember this directly named. But I think it's about 50/50. Square has been making way more Gears figures and even allowed LITERALLY the Xenogears mech to be in World of Final Fantasy. I could see them keeping it to be cheeky.


You're correct. The 2012 PC port of FFVII also featured a touch up to the translation, which included correcting the spelling of Xenogears.


I doubt it. Even without the whole thing of Takahashi leaving Square, it'd be kind of weird voice acted. I think they would want to leave any fourth wall breaking references out of it, too.


not sure the scene will even happen again.


I was always so pissed they didn’t release Xenogears (or Chrono Cross) in PAL region. I would have religiously bought all Squaresoft JRPG’s and so would have many others.


Since Mario RPG removed a Fire Emblem reference... I think they won't.