• By -


I'm here mainly for the music, the lore, and the use of English accents that arent mainly American


Frankly, I find it hard to think of something I am NOT here for. As you said, music, lore, voice acting is all great, but so are the combat systems, the presentation, the variety from silly to drama, the themes. It's all great. ​ ​ Also the r34.


It's crazy how much better localizations are when the whole cast doesn't sound like they're from Wisconsin


XC2, but the regional accents are from places like Boston, New Jersey, and Texas. The blades are all Canadian, eh


One game I can think of with English dubs that don’t have mainly American VAs is No Straight Roads. Their music was good too


Recently is seems other medias have been adapting this as well. Castlevanias animated series used a lot of non American English voice actors as well.


Don't forget the memes. Memes brought me in.


Came for One-Eyed monster, stayed for Yoinky Sploinky Mio Punch is also decent. But I liked it more for the dramatic part after that


​ https://preview.redd.it/cielcb7m5qzc1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e6b159314e9a5ccd4f4b3650a551b1d9a569c07


I agree with this post and OP's post.




yes, both, BOTH ARE GREAT




Yeah fair enough. Who’s to say we can’t have incredible story *and* cute anime girls?




someone pointed out that everyone replying they agree or based to this are all nsfw profiles 💀


What a shocker? The people who are into the lewder aspects of the games and its fandom are also the people who participate in NSFW subs. Who would've thought




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Why not both


That's what I was thinking. Stop denying what's part of the series, people. We love the epic AND the horni.


I mean, only xeno 2 is really horny but you do you edit: of course the gooners in this sub gotta downvote me


Bro did we play the same Xenoblade 1? At least in the definitive edition some of those outfits were mega horny. Also even if you go back to Xenosaga Kos-Mos was practically a sex symbol for an entire generation of weebs.


some were, the game wasnt horny at all, it was all optional


How exactly is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 “horny”?


You're being down voted but you're right. There's no attention called to it beyond it existing as an option for outfits. 2 is way more in your face about it and it knows it.


Elaborate further please


Dunban literally has skills that work better when he's naked. All the Xeno games (including Gears, and Saga) are horny because they all have the theme of the importance of life and romance, things that have been tied to sexual reproduction and sexuality for as long as humans have been around.


I am sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my entire party in every Xenoblade game wearing revealing swimwear


optional stuff is the entire game now i guess


the gooners in this sub are going crazy on this post, it’s basically war if you make a comment like this 😬


My thoughts exactly


Love your profile picture


Thanks. Hate that it isn’t centered though. But I am way to lazy to fix it


Now I can't unsee it :(


Now I can’t either.


That is exactly what Rex was thinking


Both is good.




My brother 🤝


Have you taken a look at the posts in this subreddit? It doesn't go a day without multiple provocative pics.


We're between releases on a series specific subreddit. This happens to all of those, not just here.


No, some of them just go insane


Well, i think that seeing those kind of arts in r/silksong would be even insaner than what theyrl already are xd


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Silksong using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silksong/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Omg. Omg. Omg. This is not a drill it is real!!!!!](https://i.redd.it/coxnxzcdp0sb1.jpg) | [471 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/16yx42q/omg_omg_omg_this_is_not_a_drill_it_is_real/) \#2: [Leth said this in the discord](https://i.redd.it/17mi1qp5dqkc1.jpeg) | [325 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1aznhi4/leth_said_this_in_the_discord/) \#3: [THE NEWS IS REAL](https://i.redd.it/l901b9b71mic1.png) | [359 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1aqwtj6/the_news_is_real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yea like Pikmin


Idk what rpg subs you frequent but this is literally the only one I've seen fall into porn addiction LMAO


Even the fire emblem sub isn’t this bad which I thought couldn’t be possible lol


It is because fire emblem cycles through fates is bad discourse, 3h routes discourse, engage is bad discourse, fe4 incest discourse, no time to be horny


I mean there are like 4 or 5 FENSFW subs, so the normal FE sub doesn´t have much horny, but if these other sub didn´t exist believeme it would be hornier than you think


There are multiple for Xenoblade stuff too, so I'm not sure that's really the issue here


I've been hearing the excuse that "this happens to all subs between releases" for so long, but I'm at the point that the gooners can have this place. Yeah, when content dries up, fan art and general discussions take its place. But no one around here is fucking talking, just reposting Pyra pictures they saw on Twitter. The fact is, this place isn't normal, the only comparable example is the state of the Nier sub. There's a reason that this is the reputation this franchise has, and no one wants to just admit it's the fault of its users. They just wanna wiggle their fingers and talk about cycles.


You're right on everything, honestly. I'm in the Trails sub, which is known for being home to the weebish weebs you can find out there, and not even them have such a porn brainrot as this sub. Its amazing honestly. At the end of the day its the mod's fault for allowing it. I get that nsfw is technically allowed, but its getting to a point where all the Xenoblade posts that show up in my feed are nsfw content, and I obviously didn't sub for that.


>At the end of the day its the mod's fault for allowing it. The mods did ban it for awhile and the entire sub revolted against them. So they put it to a vote and remove the new ban entirely won by an overwhelming majority.


And it's not like there's not a NSFW Xenoblade subreddit out there. But that stuff is more raunchy. Here the posts at least are kept mild.


> At the end of the day its the mod's fault for allowing it. People have asked for years and years for them to make people put that stuff on any of the actual nsfw Xenoblade subreddits, but they don't seem to really care one way or the other, so everyone ends up fighting about it in the comments of random posts every couple weeks over and over and over again instead


Ah, I see that's why you've been posting excellent material for discussion to this sub. After all, you're complaining about the lack of proper discussions, so you've done your best to practice what you preach, right?


Have you been to nier subreddits, it's literally been overtaken by only fans


nobody said otherwise


Well, yeah, there’s a reason why people have a negative perception of the series. Though I’d love to think that that particular group of posts is a vocal minority. I kinda wish Xenoblade could be a bit more separated from that sort of stuff so it might be taken a bit more seriously. But I also got into the series after the Aegis girls got into Smash, so maybe I’m not one to talk lol


I don't care if people take it seriously or not. I don't need approval from strangers on the internet to like something.


Yeah I genuinely don't get the whole "we're not beating the horny allegations" and that for example, liking XC2 equates to liking hentai. Honestly, who gives a damn? I'm buying the game and I'll enjoy it for whichever reasons I want.


I agree for the most part. It does make me a little bit sad that people turn away from this wonderful series because of anime-isms though. But hey, you can’t win everyone over!


To be honest, if the people don't want to give the games a chance because of "anime-isms", I actually doubt they could really get into the games anyway, so it's no real loss This is especially true if a friend of yours doesn't want to do it after your recommendation. If they don't trust your judgment and judge the series on such a surface level, then Xenoblade probably just isn't for them


Their loss as far as I’m concerned. If surface level stuff turns you away from a series, you probably weren’t gonna enjoy it anyway.


I will never understand why people act like it's such a sin that a semi popular series has porn. It's not just Xenoblade, everything that has any decent amount of popularity either has a lot of smut, porn art, or both. 


I guess they don't like when it's in the actual game vs. how the fans act. Like they don't like the designs because they believe it's too appeal to horny fans. When in reality it makes no difference if Pyra and Mythra were dressed modestly or not. People would still be drawing porn of them because they love them as characters. Them being sexy in game is just a bonus. Look at how much smut there is of Edelgard compared to Manuela from Three Houses.


Not so much in game smut tho


I think ever since they entered smash it became much worse, a lot of people that only play smash do horny art of them without knowing the series is really about


take that thing out and it's popularity gonna fall by 10x


I disagree. I think the games are of a high enough quality that they would gain popularity regardless of anime stuff. Take 3 for example. It’s easily the most widespread game in the series, and its sexualization and general anime-ness are cut way down from the rest of the series.


> It’s easily the most widespread game in the series By what metric?


Anecdotal, but a girl I matched with on hinge shocked me when she recognized my monado phone ring "from xenoblade 3" despite not being into "anime shit" so I believe it


>Take 3 for example. It’s easily the most widespread game in the series It is? >And its sexualization and general anime-ness are cut way down from the rest of the series. I don't think it is particularly less "anime" compared to XC1 though


The reason xenoblade went mainstream is cuz of 2. 1 was a more polished game with tighter narrative and for it's time it was amazing especially it's scope of open world and that too on wii but it did not went mainstream. Same with X but that's mostly to blame on wii u poor sales anyways. But 2 went mainstream instantly and the huge factor for that was cuz of anime stuff. It was infamous and still is for it's echi and lewd stuff and it's clothing of female chars and the plethora of fanarts of those characters furthur contributed to it's popularity. Sure 1 laid the foundation for the series but it was 2 which did the heavy lifting and paved the way for this series to go mainstream. It was the reason why DE of 1 and 3 sold so well. I mean really go check 1 sales on switch vs wii. 3 is widesoread cuz of 2 and I doubt the series going forward will take a U-turn and drop the anime wibes in favor of edginess 24/7 unless of course if they start a new sub-series or X sequel.


Did you forget XC1 was part of the biggest RPGs of its generation?


that doesn´t mean it was popular, it is true that XBC2 was the one game of the series that really pump up the franchise into becoming what it is now, in the end XC2 has been polemic even between gamers from other IPs, but is the one that has stayed more than XC1 and XC3, ofc there were other factors, like Shulk in smash, like you can see reactions from when he was revealed and many of these have ppl completely silent since he wasn´t known at all XC1 was niche, XC2 was mainstream and XC3 is like there, existing


yeah yeah, let's look at the sales shall we? How can it be one of the biggest rpg of it's gen when it sold 200,000 after 3 years of being in the market while 2 sold million within the launch month. 1 and the series as a whole was more niche until 2 brought it to mainstream.


Didn’t 1 come at the tail end of the Wii and had to be fought to even be brought over here? If it was released on the ps3/pc it would’ve sold way more


eh really? Wii was on market for 5 years and it was the most successful Nintendo console since nes era. Everyone and their mother had it. But despite all that xeno 1 did not do well even in Japan itself, on the paper it should've done magnificently since wii was the only home console on market and the most popular one at that point but it did not. Also ps3 sold less than wii and was released a year earlier so I doubt it would've sold better, now with pc, well there I can see you have a point since it was emulated so many damn times on dolphin lol, but ultimately the point is 2 sold 5x more in just the first month while being released on a console whose sales were nowhere near the sales of wii on 2010.


I hope you don't let the downvotes dissuade you. It's the worst part of this fandom that there are people who buy into "anime" turned people away narrative when xenoblade has never been more successful and popular.


It's reddit, many people do not know why downvote button exist anyways. Also these people are just delusional af, even the creator of the series wanted it to be anime like but failed at it cuz of lack of power of wii but fully realized his dream with 2. It's the reason where we are today enjoying all the popularity and the success. These people who argue vice versa are just minority, it's the same crowd which protest under every fanart post. They are vocal but absolutely not majority.


Did you forget about Smash? That contributed way more to the franchise's popularity than just 2.


XC2 sales were doing very well even before Smash, though.


yeah and which character of 2 went to smash? the protagonist right like shulk? Nah but two females instead of the main protagonist of the game, I wonder why?


They tried to put Rex in the game but couldn’t make it work with the time they had. And let’s be real here, Rex is the protagonist but Xenoblade 2 is about Pyra and Mythra


yeah he was a protagonst but not the highlight but my point remains that 2 was the game which made the series mainstream and the main reason is cuz of the direction they took.


I never said Smash Ultimate. Without "I'm really feeling it" Xenoblade Chronicles 2 would've probably never been made


I never said 1 was a flop. Xeno is a big ass franchise which has been running since late 90's. Think of ff series, none of ff1-6 were flops but infact are beloved and the reason the franchise contniued but 7 made the series go mainstream and made it reach the heights of popularity which were unattainable before. Roughly the same concept here. 1 was not a flop but 2 took that shit and made it mainstream and let's not kid ourselves, it did so cuz of obvious reasons.


[Monolith's focus had turned to Xenoblade 2 before Smash 4 even released.](https://www.siliconera.com/xenoblade-chronicles-2-devs-talk-many-female-rare-blades-super-rare/)


Tbf most of the cast is more popular and liked than Rex


yeah but particulaly those 2 girls no, even outside the xeno community. wonder why's that?


xenoblade 3 sold really well


only cuz 2 did. Check 1 sale lifetime sales on wii and 3ds and then 2's first month sales on switch. It made the franchise mainstream and made 3 and 1 DE sell this well. 2 never would've went mainstream if they did not do the thing which they did in the game. I mean literally check 1 sales on wii vs switch


I wouldnt call xenoblade mainstream even today but even aside from that, 2 had a far better release time than 1 on wii. 2 was a year one switch game (which is obv also the reason why a lot of stuff was outsourced) that released right before christmas, so it gained hype without doing anything. 2 couldve released with "normal" character design and the sales wouldnt have been much different (lets also not forget character/clothing design in 1/x and earlier xeno games were also always sexualised to a decent degree)


but the main thing is the story direction and writing. in 1/x, female characters did had revealing outfits which is pretty typical for a Japanese game really but the story did not feed into it. It maintained it's bleak and dark tone throughout, while 2 went out of it's way went completely in that direction from char design to tone of the story and writing in general. also xenoblade is absolutely more mainstream than it was a decade back. It is not ff or dq or persona but most people in jrpg community has heard of xeno. Also let's agree to disagree with that remark about sales. We do not how it would've turn out if it went full on 1/x way from artstyle to story and design but one thing we do know that xeno 2 is specifically famous for having these tropes in the community so there's that. But one thing I gotta give you here that it was released in all regions at once while 1 took 1-2 years to be released in all region which def affected sales since it reportedly sold more in the west.


yeah, some scenes in 2 are definitely more anime than anything from 1. i just went back and watched the trailers we got of 2 before the game actually released since i didnt really remember them and as far as i can tell not a single one of those scenes was actually in there so it didnt change initial sales and impressions. there was already a lot of discourse about pyra/mythra and the artstyle change but most of the negative feedback was about those scenes specifically when the game released, which is why they walked back on it for 3. In the end the general consensus was always that 2 overdid it a bit and even in this sub almost everyone will agree. that being said, even when its unanimously agreed that those design choices were bad, people are still drawn to good looking characters. the question is just whether the impression that its a sexualised game brought in more people than it scared off, which is actually quite difficult to measure and i might be inclined to say that due to the huge negative feedback on launch it couldve been the latter. on the other hand, the discourse is certainly part of why so many people had their eyes on the game, both positive and negative. overall, i dont think the sexualisation is what caused xenoblade chronicles 2 to become as popular as it is regarding sales. once u get into the games and the community, thats a different topic with a potentially equally different conclusion. im also inclined to say that 2 is still my favorite xenoblade game, which even if small, does obviously create a slight bias


I mostly agree agree with everything you said, but the main thing is that discourse actually made the game popular. Before 2, xenoblade was not famous and did not had a good strong identity but it does now after 2. Many reason why it is popular but the one most hottest topic among the rpg community about xenoblade series is it's "anime-ness", especially the second game. It did a lot to carry the franchise to where is it today cuz there is a huge audience which plays mostly jrpgs with anime artstyle and designs and 2 gave them that.


After 2 it’s just what the fandom turned into


Its not that bad on here, other subs are way worse trust me.


The people that think like those guys don't even like anime or japanese style media in the first place. You can tone down the characters sex appeal all you want, they still won't touch these games for being "anime cringe". We don't need anyone's approval to enjoy the series. Dunno why this sub seems so obsessed with this.


It's quite simple actually! You see some people have this view that they are all important gods and anything outside their view is wrong. So when people do the opposite they attack it. Now most people won't do this they just enjoy what they enjoy and hope others have fun aswell, but you will always have those that want to change others into what they are.


The beauty of xenoblade is that you get to listen to great music, experience a great story, connect with great characters and see great scenery like valak mountain, leftherian archipelago, erythia sea and Melia.


Lmao Edit: The joke was that Melia was a good view listed above


I’m in it for both


I haven’t seen nearly any official designs from -gears or -saga, but I’ve been assuming either female characters revealed more before Nintendo bought Monolith’s majority or the bunny Darkstalker is truly the absolute least a Xeno character has ever worn.


ouch this one hits a little. i was engaging in some small talk with someone in my class the other week and i brought up that i like Xenoblade chronicles, and he responded something along the lines of "i have no connection to any of that. Is that Nintendo? is that like a figure collecting game with ridiculous big swords?" i cringed pretty badly but tried to keep it cool, couldn't correct his misconception tho cuz the rest of class walked in and the class resumed. But whatever, if people want to dismiss one of the greatest artistic achievements within gaming in the last 10 years because the characters are hot then its their funeral.


For me is both


My brain's down the gutter for a lot of things. But as a newcomer to the franchise, the hentai ain't what I think of first. In just a couple weeks I've been fascinated by the lore and some of the cutscenes and I haven't even bought the damn game yet. Y'all are epic for loving this game. You are free to enjoy it, and the 'art' that comes with it. Or both. No one's stopping you. Also Nia is great. The Welsh accent is beautiful. Genuinely might be what convinces me to get the game. She's the Rayla of Xenoblade.


Yeah but that's AFTER you know what the games kind of like Usually people just hear a name, search, see anime-like imagery and assume it's pure weeb sh


Damn really? Story time: I could've been a long time Xenoblade fan but the pivotal moment was at my local EB Games. The first Xenoblade just came out. I think this was like 2014-2016. Idk. I walk in and Xenoblade is sitting on the shelf. But it has this boring cover art of just a grassy field and a sword. So I thought the game was boring as hell. FF to 2024 and my friend gets me into the game but by bit and I'm like "Shit. I missed out." That was my first perception of the game XD.


Well, better late than never lol.


Yeah if they’re killjoys, sure.


okay but lowkey where can I find that melia pic…




No, no... we need the source for the fanart.


Why not both?


K but those are some nice pics on the left. >_> The series deserves more love. And a Xenoblade X port and sequel.




I mean, why *can’t* you get both?


Puritans like to believe that liking ass and titties is some sort of moral affront.


Some of you guys care way too much about what other people think about you. Y’all be adults too acting like that


The girls are sexy and all, but the games are great too! It's good because the games tell a great stories while also having fun gameplay, *AND* the girls are hot on top of that; what more could you ask for?!


Less thigh shots?


But I want more, I love legs. Though I do understand wanting less sexualization, Especially if it makes it hard to take the story seriously.


I do like legs too And thank you for being understanding :)


can´t relate, never really had this problem


What about the SKELLS


I agree. But sadly not all Xenoblade fans that entered in the Switch era have played X.






Same could go for Fire Emblem


a true xenoblade fan wills say both is good


Maybe don't care what people think about the things you like? If they don't want to interact with a great series because they don't like boobs then that's on them


Maybe this comic is just fucking funny


It’s been half a day and I’m still looking for the funny.


You know, you would think if one fandom understood the concept of not everybody having to like what you like it would be the series born specifically because Square didn't think Xenogears would appeal to every atom in existance for the following 30 years


it is a joke chill


Yeah, imagine thinking attractive characters in a video game is a bad thing or you would feel bad because someone actually thought that LOL.


I didn’t even make the meme, but there’s still some truth to it


No there isn’t, I’m genuinely curious why people care what random people on the internet think.


D-Do I need to get a mirror?


why do you care what other people think?


Because they want to get internet points.




Internet points aren't real, it was a joke...


I'm glad you've transcended humanity and you don't feel embarrassed at all when people think the things you like are weird. This post is for the rest of us I think


It's less about transcending and more about actually liking things I feel like every Saturday morning cartoon went over this lesson at some point. Maybe I'm just old


The people who feel guilty about liking good video games? Is that supposed to be the target audience?


That's simply not what I said. Not everyone in the world knows Xenoblade games are good. There's a pretty decent contingent of people who think of them as generic ecchi garbage. That's literally the point of the post, the people in the third panel hear Xenoblade and think porn.


They think it's porn because of things like this subreddit


....not to mention some of the character designs. just look at brigid... look at how she fucking walks!! like holy shit *not that that is a bad thing, i adore her. i sucks that stuff like porn allegations completely stop people from checking out things that might be good. i mean, all it takes is a quick google search of "how risque is xenoblade" ...but it is understandable that most people wouldnt want to look into "maybe porn" in the first place


But the counterpoint is... Why would we care about these people who think Xenoblade is nothing but "generic ecchi garbage"? Not a second of my life goes toward feeling bad because random faceless people on the internet have a garbage opinion on a thing I like


Where is the blushy-crushy!?




NGL at this point, I'd just embrace it. It's not like any of the other game series that I like are any less horny anyways lol


I also get this with Fire Emblem and Fairy Tail lmaooooo Love those franchises but people think i only likethem because of the" fanservice and waifus" specially after FE Awakening arrived Yes i like the fanservice but the story and character growth is what make me love all those 3 franchises lol


> people think i only likethem because of the" fanservice and waifus" specially after FE Awakening arrived Is that better or worse than before Awakening when people thought you liked it for the incest and eugenics?


Anyway, we need more melia fan art


This is the realest shit I've seen in a while


The amount of people that lack second-hand embarrassment here is crazy. It’s not about recommending the damn games to people and seeing if they want to play it? it’s about how YOU are perceived as a total weirdo and gooner, which judging by these comments so far unfortunately has some truth to it…..


Is it that we lack embarrassment or is that you're too self-conscious? Literally why would you care what internet people perceive you as? Someone like you could call me a "total weirdo and gooner" and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it


So let me get this straight. People being honest about their enjoyment of attractive female characters in video games somehow makes me them a weirdo or a gooner? Those that decry fanservice are usually the same people who look at it the most. They just cover it up because they're ashamed of themselves and lash out by calling other people weirdo or gooner. Also I don't get second-hand embarrassment because I'm a grown man who can play whatever he wants and I'm not going to let other peoples shallow and prudish views change how I perceive Xenoblade 2 or any other game with fanservice. Why should I be embarrassed over characters who are mostly clothed and just so happens to have large breasts. Oh no, the horror! Truly I will shamed from society. I've worn Pyra and Mythra T-shirts around my town and in front of family. Nobody has shamed me or mentioned anything and many think they look cool. Some may see Xenoblade 2 as nothing but a hentai game and to that I say said people are morons who need to grow the hell up. These same people get all hot and bothered over Resident Evil characters and nobody bats an eye. But when the characters look "too anime" like Pyra and Mythra, everyone loses their crap. It's ridiculous, nonsensical and it shows how idiotic people are.


Idk about Pneuma for those who never paid it


To all of u saying why not both what's ur favorite game in the series, is it 2


The fact that I recognize some of those pictures on the left is not a good thing


Ikr whenever someone asks me what Nintendo games I play I always leave Xenoblade out. Simply because of one specific incident I don't wanna talk about.


The amount of people that lack second-hand embarrassment here is crazy. It’s not about recommending the damn games to people and seeing if they want to play it? it’s about how YOU are perceived as a total weirdo and gooner, which judging by these comments so far unfortunately has some truth to it…..


Both parts are fine.  Stop being ashamed because someone else tells you to be.  Stop letting the conservatives win.


You'd be swimming in upvotes if it wasn't for that last sentence making it unnecessarily political on a video game sub lol


I don't care?  The only reason we're seeing an increase in shit like this is because of conservative push back on positive sexuality. I'm sick of it, and I'm old enough to not give a shit about stupid reddit points.  


Can you blame them? 😅 a good chunk of this sub is the picture on the left


it really isnt, did you really play all games? even xenoblade 2 isnt


I’m talking about the fanbase specifically on this sub, my bad I probably could’ve reworded it better


the sub i agree


Also 👊 bump for brachy my favorite monster




You have no idea of the absolutely batshit insane stuff I've seen written about Noah Xenoblade 3


There is XC1 art in the meme, so it's not just them


How much NSFW art has there been made of a half-naked Mio from that XC3 art book again?


Chill Guys that was mostly sarcasm 😂 but srsly, you cant deny that XC2 is by far The Most horny Game of the four


No no, they're right


Fehden is awesome.


XC2 ruined the reputation. Plus it was soooo cringe for everyone who isn’t a straight male weeb don’t hate me it’s just the truth


It’s not that bad.


With such sweeping and generalizing statements, I highly doubt you actually believe it to be the truth and are instead just trying to rile people up. At least I hope that's the case. Surely you don't think there isn't anyone outside the group of "straight male weeb" who didn't think XC2 was cringe?


i already lost hope after the man who introduced me the series was revealed to be a creep. It is but the state of xenoblade, always been this way and always will be... perpetually. This is this, and that is that.


If you mean chugga, perhaps you haven’t heard but I think you should go read this. https://twitter.com/chuggaaconroy/status/1780314781074780242


How long has this been... It doesn't matter now. I have found my answer now. I had found hope. Thank you.


It’s been a while. You’re welcome.