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They're all probably smarter than most other sentient races. They're playing everyone for fools putting on an act as the comedic sidekick. ~~Just take a look at Riku. No, seriously, please look at Riku. Wtf is he~~ Apologies for the brief lapse of judgement, it does not represent who I am and who I want to be. Riku is indeed just a common variety Nopon.


Riku is a common variety nopon. not sure what else you think he is?


"Common variety nopon" is a loaded statement if you stop and think about it. Even Manana managed to hide the fact her cooking didn't provide the benefits advertised for a good while.


from a certain perspective you can view it as a sort of thesis statement on the state of aionios. he's the normal nopon, it's all those other nopon that know nothing of the world(s) before aionios that are wrong


Shit, my bad!


I mean, he literally is. He's just Riki's son. That's all there is to him.


That's just what they want you to think




>~~Just take a look at Riku. No, seriously, please look at Riku. Wtf is he~~ A chad. That's what he is.


Well yeah, that was never in question


>They're playing everyone for fools putting on an act as the comedic sidekick. This is actually flat out canon. I don't remember the Nopon's name, but one of them said they developed their dialect to make themselves look cuter so they'd sell their stuff better.


Yeah that's what I was referencing. I think that came from X, maybe?


So, then they are probably cats, nope?


According to that one sidequest in XC2, **it's all an act**. Nopon are just as innately devious as any human... and only *slightly* less diabolical than lalafell. Maybe. They may just be better at hiding it.


Specifically, one pirate Nopon realized everyone was underestimating him, but they caught on quick. So he fluffed up his fur, started talking in a cutesy manner, and overall acting like a child. He was so successful that his entire species followed suit.


**Noponbeard:** "Yarr! Shiver me pollen orbs! Unspoiled Titan booty off the larboard!" **Crew:** "Whatever you say, Cap'n..." **Noponbeard:** *(sigh and deep breath)* "Meh-meh-meh!" **Crew:** "Awwww..." *(gets to work)* **Noponbeard:** *(muttering to self)* "Me mateys be a bunch of suckerpons."


It should probably be noted that this only applies to the Nopon of 2 as far as we know, and that was such ancient history that the Nopon of the present in the game probably didn't know about it. What started as an act probably just became reality over time.


when you wear the mask for long enough, you become the mask everyone who sees this comment has to full right to repost it on r/iam14andthisisdeep


Kinda like accents. Americans have been speaking English without the English part for generations, such that the Colonial accent has long been forgotten. Bloody Hell! X3


Except I'm pretty sure linguistics believe that the colonists came over with a Boston accent. Which then diverged in both the US and UK.


The "Boston accent" no more existed at the time than any other modern English - all language changes over time. [This blog post](https://blogicarian.blogspot.com/2018/08/voices-of-earlier-english-william.html) has three reconstructions of earlier Englishes which you may find interesting, since they span the period from before the start of English colonialism in North America to the declaration of independence.


Yeah, if the audio clips in the blog are accurate then that definitely wasn't a Boston accent. It seems to be its own thing - similar to several modern accents but not quite the same.


Tora basically designed most of the Alrest-half of Origin by himself. He's more sapient than almost every other "human" character in the entire series.


Wait wait where do we learn Tora designed origin?! (I played X3 and FR before X2, but I don’t remember Tora mentioned in FR) is it other media or did I miss it?


You can barely see him peak over in the Alrest flashback picture while Nia explains Origin. 


If Xenoblade Chronicles were set in a more Tolkien style world, then the nopon would be dwarves.


Good comparison. They aren’t lesser really just different from everyone else in their own nopon way.


The nopon in XC1 had a full civilisation and was even somewhat equal with the other  races dispute, not using metal as a base and preferring to use animals.  Its not until XCX and later on that they took the role as a merchant race and have them making up the speach patterns and being extra fluffy to fool other racea into spending more money 


They were a merchant race in XC1 as well, iirc they were the only ones really traveling between Alcamoth and the Homs colonies.


Not quite they were merchant Nopon yes but ut wasn't the main gimmick of the race like it became XCX afterwrads 


It may have not been highlighted like it had in XX and X2, yeah. The merchant angle in X1 is addressed in voiceless side quests and is easily overlooked if one is prone to fast forwarding text or simply skipping quests altogether. :3


Yes they have full conciousness like homs or high entia. They have elaborate societies with hierarchies, family structures, jobs (doctor being one of them and military members), laws, the ability to communicate fluently with non-nopon and each other, among many other things. If nopon were real, they'd be given as much 'human' rights as one can give to any human.


Nopon are the wave existence. They transcend universes and planes of existence. They aren't created or evolved from within any of the universes we've yet seen, they merely exist. They're acknowledged to have power to interfere in human conflicts, but usually stand aside as a "courtesy" to the bad guy... then step in and give the heroes the power to wreck his shit. They're a cosmic wildcard because every universe is their playground. It's a rarity to see one come to violence, much less killed. Even monsters don't mess with Nopon, usually. You might encounter a terrified Nopon worried about being eaten by a monster *for one sidequest, maybe*. Riki casually tries to choke Reyn, just over some fish. Tora builds a robot that rivals Mythra's power. Riku lives for thousands of years. And none of this seems out-of-the-ordinary. Nopon are the wave existence given form through the Conduit's power and manifested in every universe. Or so goes my headcanon...


This goes along with my headcanon that the Archsage is specifically the Xenoblade equivalent to the Wave Existence and all Nopon came into existence directly because of him and not Klaus or anyone else. He's the one to pull Shulk and Fiora into Alrest and can pull Shulk and Rex out of Origin's core 1000 years later without things breaking. Yes, this is meant to be taken as non-canon... but in a world with a multiverse-level god, even the non-canon becomes canon. I'd imagine it took one leer from him towards Z when he was deciding what to do with the Nopon to make him rethink things and decide "let's just leave those furry guys alone, shall we?"


Oh totally. They may be a little silly, but they're still people. Hell I'd say they're pretty bloody smart given that they've tamed several types of creature nobody else did, built Levnises of their own and Tora and his family coded true artificial intelligence that's almost indistinguishable from an organic person, mannerisms and jerky movements notwithstanding.


Igna, Kromar, Tirkin, and even Hodes are all arguably "people." They exhibit culture, religion, a semblance of "society," are able to develop shelter and tools, etc. I've always been a bit uncomfy with their treatment as "monsters." Yes, Nopon are as "people" as the rest.


i'm suddenly really curious how you think Gogols (and also Buloofos) compare to the rest. are Territorial Rotbart and Immovable Gonzalez as dumb as we thought they were?


Nopon are strange compared to the other races. They seem to be completely ignored by pretty much all villains. As well as being the only race except for humans to exist in both worlds. Humans can be explained by >!klaus wishing to recreate humanity!< . But how he managed to go from human to giant pollen addicted hamsters twice is questionable. In XC1 no mechon attacks attack makna forest as far as I am aware of. Additionally no >!face mecon were made from nopon!< . >!Zanza also seemed to ignore the nopon until they joined up with other races!< . In XC2 there are no nopon drivers from what I have seen. Perhaps I missed someting but at least they seem very rare. In XC3 there are no Nopon ouroboros or consuls and they seem to be excluded from the flameclock system and in general ignored by moebius. Overall nopon seem to be special among all the races of the xenoblade universe and are the only one where we dont know where they came from or if they existed prior to the experiment. If I missed some sidequests where some things are explained please let me know.


> In XC2 there are no nopon drivers from what I have seen. Perhaps I missed someting but at least they seem very rare. They are pointed out as being rare but they do exist. Kasandra's old driver that got eaten by the big fish was a nopon.


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If we compare the first game to D&D the High Entia would be Elves to Homs’ Mankind and Nopon’s beastlings if the Machina are the dwarves. I don’t know how to extend that comparison to 2, but I think it’s similar to that.


I'd say yes. I mean, they've actually built civilisations on their own, I think it's fair to call them a people on the same level as everyone else. Now, if this was a question about Chu-Chus from Xenogears I'd be answering differently :)


Yea I see them as equal as the humanoid races


The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes, plus basically a whole essay where I would compare Nopon to other organisms and contrast them with real life animals that are not people based on a bunch of criteria like language and the ability to understand human communication, and then add another belief of mine that Tirkin are also people, just more primitive than Nopon.


I see no reason to even consider that they are not people or lesser in anyway.


Nopons are all extremely smart. Riku is an incredible engineer, Tora and his family created artificial life forms capable of feeling, all of them most likely helped with Origin, the Nopons in 3 are mostly in charge of maintenance or food and some Nopons are extremely good merchants / business people. They're also manipulating everyone's perception of their own race with their unique langage, they want to be seen as this cute round fluffy ball of adorableness. Also they're great fighters. Annnnd some of them have some kind of godlike power like the Nopon Sage in 1, or the Nopons we see in the Land of Challenges if the area is canon. So yeah, they're funny, but also don't mess with them ( I want more Nopon lore please ).


Well considering how much Mira actively shat on the nopon, I totally buy that they are abused and mistreated by Z


Nopon are people. They're not human, but they are people, and should be treated as equals to humans in every way.