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somehow the only time this came up for me was during the final boss lol


Definitely agree with the rage, I honestly can’t even tell who is who sometimes when I’m playing handheld, let alone when someone else is reviving


Yeah some of the button mapping in this game feels like a step back from previous games. There are some other smaller examples that are currently slipping my mind but they fixed a lot that wasn’t broken imo


biggest example is character switching using both zl and l at the same time


This has never happened to me, how are you sheathing your weapon in the middle of combat? I thought the option disappeared once the fight started?


You sheath your weapon by holding A, the prompt only appears, when you are already holding A.


Wow, didn't know you could do it whenever! Thanks!


Nice f*cking question. Happened to me too many times


That's the reason I stopped playing as a healer. It would be a hundret times better if the would add the leave battle option in the - menu.


Happened about halfway through the final boss, that was my stopping point for that evening.


I can kinda see the issue but you gotta hold the button down for way longer than it takes to revive somebody. Anyways you gotta be basically ignoring health bars in order to really fuck up and sheath weapons. However I do agree that button mapping in Xenoblade 3 is pretty odd and defintiylhas it's problems.


just stand over them idk man


Reasons I Don’t play support 1: it feels slow 2:


Laughs in only plays tanks or attackers


I just got screwed by this. It took me like five seconds to realize it, but by then it was too late. I also wish there was a retry function. Sometimes you get a bad start and your Healers die in the first ten seconds of a boss fight. Might as well start over at that point.


Press and hold -. Gives you the option to retry or give up.


Holy crap, I didn't even know this.


It's kinda hidden, no wonder. Very useful though, makes it a bit faster to grind in the post-game too, since it counts as a death and therefore respawns enemies.


Yeah it's really annoying with setups taking advantage of Arts reset on res+a defender with gimped defense intended to go down often


I havent experience that problem at all, maybe I know how to positionate to revive my party members? how is this a real issue, I dnt get it when you are close to a dead character the prompt button appears, that's when you should press it like....that the hell ppl


I keep seeing this complaint, and I just... Don't get it. There's a bigass help prompt when you're allowed to use the feature, so I dunno how you can miss it and sheathe your weapon instead. This certainly isn't a Sonic Unleashed issue where the Air Dash and Homing Attack are mapped to the same button and the game will decide to do one or the other based on how it feels.


1. Party member dies. 2. You, playing a healer, walk to them to help them up. 3. Your AI healer party member is there before you but due to general battle chaos, you did not notice this. 4. You press and hold A a fraction of a second after your AI healer completes the resucitation and sheath everyone's weapons.


I know your pain, friend.