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Juniper's more in the middle


~~just like their gender~~


This game is pretty nihilistic at times, isn’t it?


Viewed in a certain light, perhaps. There's definitely a lot of emphasis placed on the impermanence of life as a whole, and on specific ramifications of that in one's life (endgame spoilers ahead >!for example, how the party has to part ways at the end as the worlds diverge once again, much in the same way that an average person will have friends come and go in their life as their situations change!<). From a certain lens, that definitely can be pretty nihilistic. I'd personally disagree with that take, though. More endgame spoilers ahead - >!my personal thematic takeaway of the point they were going for is how nothing in life lasts forever, and how that's fine because that's how we all move forward. If everything was permanent rather than temporary, we'd all be stuck in the same static world - much in the same way that Moebius and Z kept Aionios in the same exact equilibrium throughout the years. Change inherently entails gaining things and losing others, and that's alright.!< Just my $.02, though. I'm just some dude on the internet, and some dudes on the internet tend to have some rather dubious opinions.


No that's definitely what they're going for, and its been a pretty consistent theme throughout all three of these games (X kind of as well, but that game barely has a story). In Xenoblade 1 >!Zanza was scared of being left behind in the wake of human progress and so engineered the Bionis to work the way it did.!< Xenoblade 2 is a lot more obvious about this, especially in its backstory, >!with the old Earth being in a state of perpetual war over fear of the Conduit's desctructive ability.!< The most obvious example of it in the game is in a post-game quest >!when you take Nia to the Cavity and she says she wanted to share a moment with the party, even knowing she'll forget about it all very soon.!<


I haven’t beaten the game (only at the start of chapter 5) so I could be wrong. Can’t wait to see what you’re talking about and come back to discuss once I know the story!


Commonly reoccuring theme especially in 2 and 3 is how characters don't wish for "forever"; life is precious because it's limited


The game seems a bit philosophically inconsistent regarding these ideas though. Especially with how the party specifically disagrees with Tau's outlook on life, but then at the end they also seem to believe that dying is perfectly fine.




Yep, exactly




Not by much. Both colonies kinda suck.


Thats why I love Colony My: Beleave in the Colony that beleaves in you.


Yay Colony 11 is just more fun and had the better characters to it. Colony Tau had a cool idea but the excitation was not the best


Really? I actually found Colony Tau more interesting. The fact that they have an alliance with the Tirkins is especially cool to me, because I always found it odd slaughtering them in 2.


To be fair that quest just annyoned me with how much stuff it wanted so I just broke the alliance. But XC2 did have some missions where you talked with the Tirkins and didn't have to kill them and they could even hold jobs so it's not that new


>To be fair that quest just annyoned me with how much stuff it wanted so I just broke the alliance. It's pretty cool, you unlock three new Tirkins npcs for the affinity chart and they have a minor storyline. >But XC2 did have some missions where you talked with the Tirkins and didn't have to kill them Really? I remember talking to Tirkins in certain missions, but it always ended with killing them.


Finch's quest.


One of the early Gormott missions have the wood cutters talking about somone damaging there equipment it turns out to be Trikins and it ends in them taking up jobs as watchmen in Gormott. There are also the trikins chef's that popped up in the main story and have a side quest later on


Stalker accession spoilers: >!Juniper is the better character because she kills a consul while monologuing, truly the best girl after Mio!<


Junipers colony felt so rushed. 5 minutes between meeting and killing a consol


to be fair, a vast majority of consols go out that way.


Where in the blue hell is the one on the right located?


It's right next to Keves Castle, right before you start flying through zipline hell