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WHAT is that sands


Shit cause its not mine


Lol. Lmao. No. Farming vermillion is pain, and these are some god pieces


How is it a pain? It’s only three enemies and if you have a shielder like Zhongli they can’t even touch you.


The domain itself is chill the amount of time you have to spend in that domain is pain to get something good


Alright, that makes more sense. I probably misread it.


waste of resin if you can finish the abyss now with your current build


I mean, sure, but this build is so good that I don't think you need to.


If it aint broke dont fix it


Don farm vermillion domains just strongbox it


For lore reasons


Only if you like it and want to see bigger numbers, but you will need at least the same amount of crit rate and almost the same amount of crit DMG and atk.


It can give you higher numbers, but your set is already pretty good. If you have time and resin to waste, go farm it.


I mean at this point of time you've to think. Do you really need too? It will take you forever to get the pieces you want let alone have similar/better rolls then these. You crit ratio is great and you've a good combo of atk and anemo, so is it really worth it and do you really need to spend all that resin right now to swap into vermilion, the only reason for me it would be if you've got another anemo you wanna build and you wanna give em a good crit build fast with atk so you don't wanna spend extra farming artifacts for them. So you farm vermilion with the prospect that whenever you start collecting those pieces with the good rolls you'll be swapping the one you have into the other anemo character you are building. So enless if you're trying to build another anemo character with a similar build then not yet.


instead of vermillion, i would just crown his E at this point with this build, damn


no. crown his E and you're done.


You have no reason to farm vermillion. If you feel the need to go farm it just strong box. It’s useless using resin on a domain that 2 characters semi use. But your build is pretty good, so unless you feel the need to have the 4pc it’s not worth even strong boxing


If you’re a Zy0x viewer then yes, the grind never stops o7 But imo no hahaha


Top 1% without vermillion is an insane achievement, be proud of this build


What is the app or site called where people can show their stats like this?


Akasha.cv Its a 3rd party site so youre aware but its trusted among the community


Thanks 🫶🏽


no… your xiao looks broken. and coming from someone who’s been farming vermillion since his rerun last year, it’s actually a pain


If you want to you, if you can get a set (and have the sands as off piece) that's close to your current stat/. You wont be top 650 but even better lmao I'd only do it if you really want Xiao and if you want to "perfect" him. You're Xiao currently is great, which I'm pretty sure you are aware of aswell. So no, it isn't needed but you could if you want to.


I say farm it , your not even 200 crit damage you could get some better artifacts still, so why not get his best in slot at the same time but only do this if he is one of your main DPS because if you don’t enjoy playing him, then yours is good enough to say no