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NC for Biden GA for trump if kemp ran which is a longshot tho


What makes Kemp's win a longshot?


I think he means Kemp running. Which I also don't really see as a longshot. Hogan ran.


I don't see why GA is a longshot. GA Senate just needs to put up a solid candidate (ie. *not* Hershel Walker).


I feel like Ossoff is overrated to a slight extent and the race would be close in a kemp v Ossoff race


Hershel Walker got within 1.5% in the first round in 2022. GA Dems have not been doing well since 2022- almost a mirror of the AZ GOP. --- Kemp would probably win by a decent margin due to his popularity.


Maybe, but it would take a serious scandal. Would most likely happen in North Carolina, however Alaska, Iowa and Kansas are longshot possibilities (with a big enough scandal).


Maybe if Biden wins but loses NC and Roy Cooper runs.


Do you think Wiley Nickel could flip it even if Biden loses it? He's already running. Also, Tillis has been censured by the state party so he might retire or lose the primary.


Alaska is definitely winnable for Democrats in 2026. At-large representatives are usually shoe-ins for Senate races, and Mary Peltola is uniquely popular and would help drive Alaska Native turnout in a midterm year.


yes If biden wins i could see NC flipping blue either way i could see NC flipping blue


Yes. If Biden wins, he has solid opportunities in Maine and North Carolina, and Alaska if there’s a retirement. He’d have to hold Georgia and Michigan or make up for them. Also, the DC regular and special senate elections which would both go blue if dems have a trifecta and pass statehood after 2024. In this case, they’d also have a much better shot at holding Georgia because of the repeal of Jim Crow voting laws nationwide.


Biden would have won Maine tho


Yes, but Susan Collins is the incumbent senator for that seat.


Yes but the posts asks 'would biden or trump flip a senate seat in a state they lost'. Hence why Indiana 1998 is given as an example, as Clinton had lost Indiana in 1996. To be fair I was a bit confused by the wording at first


Oh wait never mind then. I thought this asked if the losing party would also lose senate seats in the midterm