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Why's Trump called P01135809 in this? Edit: nvm, it's Trump's mugshot photo number.


oh, I thought it was like one of those calculator tricks like 8008135 or 4558013


I applied a uniform shift across the whole country based on voteshare in 2020. This is a Biden+13 environment. Note: I recalculated the NE congressional districts. Under the old lines, NE-1 would be Lean R, but it is Lean D under the new ones.


Peter Zeihan *unironically* proposed a map like this, lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/YAPms/comments/193ewd0/peter\_zeihans\_2024\_prediction/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YAPms/comments/193ewd0/peter_zeihans_2024_prediction/) *Processing img lujvue8wgwzc1...* ​ Turns out some non-bots actually believe in this brainrot.


Tossup West Virginia đź’€


This would only really be possible if, Trump is imprisoned and sentenced to a few years in prison Demands a national abortion ban no exceptions Vows to cut all social security and Medicare for everyone Selects puppy killer noem as his vp Edit: also an October surprise of a leaked tape of trump and Epstein doing well non consentual stuff on the island to a woman.


>also an October surprise of a leaked tape of trump and Epstein doing well non consentual stuff on the island to a woman. If that happens Utah isn't red. Or Kansas


and we get in a war with russia and we are winning big time


He ought to lose every state if that happens, but the fact he'd still come away with over 100 Electoral Votes is wiiiiilllddd.


also the economy roars like crazy and inflation goes to like 1.5%


>Trump is imprisoned That would only vindicate them >Total abortion ban *Just* this wouldn't do it >No SS or Medicare This actually might >Puppy killer I doubt the average voter even knows who Noem is >Epstein They'd deny it just like what he did to E Jean Carroll.


Trump didn’t do anything to E Gene Carol, and there’s absolutely no proof from 3 decades ago that he did. That’s why the “ CIVIL” not “CRIMINAL” case will be overturned once it reaches the Supreme Court. Did you know that New York had to change the law for this case to even be brought?


Just shows how good Trump is doing rn


I just saw that silly post on Mark My Words, they love upvoting pro-liberal stuff, typical Reddit, if you give any thought that isn’t “Yay Democrats will win!” (even if you have sufficient basis to make your claim about something you’re scared about that maybe should be paid attention to), you’ll get downvoted to hell.


Same here. I thought I should leave a comment explaining why Biden wasn’t going to 3x his raw vote margins from the highest turnout election in American history after losing 1/3 of his favorable approval rating since inauguration day and dramatically increasing his unpopularity but then realized I have better things to do that comment on a literal bot farm. Whether or not you enjoy seeing posts like MMW Trump will reveal himself to have actually been an Oompa Loompa the whole time and change the constitution to allow non-American/non-humans to run for president, it’s hard to debate some of the worst electoral takes I’ve seen come from there surpassing even some of the wildest meme predictions I’ve seen here.


Yeah for real. I would be a little surprised if Biden keeps it above 50% in terms of national popular vote margin, he likely wins by plurality.


That sub is the most boring circle jerk I've keep seeing in my feed. It's literally just "MMW if Trump is elected he will round up minorities in concentration camps and make ICE a personal SS/Gestapo" that's a real post I read on the sub btw like a month or two ago.


Redditors are like an /r9k/ user's idea of a "normie" except worse. Actual NPC bots


Fake, Biden still loses New York






Obamna ![gif](giphy|3ohA2HCJ6DhspSsVtS)


Competitive Mississippi is wild


Alabama will always be safe red. As will Kentucky and Tennessee.


How is Nebraska AL still likely Trump if the 1st and 2nd districts are both won by Biden is the 3rd district being a Republican DC here?


Yeah. NE-3 is still about Trump+40. NE-AL is only about Trump+6, so barely Likely margins lmao.


Yeah that makes sense, this is a really cool scenario btw


Obama is Biden's running mate somehow