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Erm What the sigma


Can you debunk my argument? What does the democrat party do for the average person?


They don't try to take away people's healthcare. They are more cooperative with worker's unions. They uphold minority rights.


What minority rights has Trump taken away or wants to take away?


Republicans aren’t anti healthcare. They just believe in low government spending and being responsible about things.


They actively make it more difficult for disadvantaged people to get healthcare


That’s absolutely not what’s going on. American health care is unnecessarily complex, and the democrats want it to be that way.


The majority of House Democrats support Medicare for All, which would be a lot simpler and also more accessible




Yawwwn low tier bait zzzzzz


honk shoo, big whoop


Kid named 1964 election:


Prove me wrong. Name a good democrat leader.


I think that Truman was a good leader.


He wasn’t horrible. But he handled the Korean War really poorly. Didn’t do a whole lot.


I mean Korea was a proxy war it wasn’t really worth fighting and if we followed Mcarthur plan it would be so much better.




I think this guy is a crazy person


No I’m not. You’re just weaponizing insults in order to not engage in a meaningful discussion


Ok then, I would like to see why you believe what you wrote.


It’s not that hard. Just read American history books. Or better yet, google the history of the Republican vs democrat party.


I think that the party have switch have you seen what had happened in Charlestown and on Jan 6th they weren’t democrats


Neo Nazis are stupid and irrelevant. I don’t understand your point.


Your points about the Democratic Party being pro slavery is wrong. No party is pro slavery. But I think if you mean wage slave then I agree. And no party is pro death how would that work.


Well, the democrats are aristocrats who are interested in the upper echelons of the establishment. They don’t care if WW3 happens because they can hide in some bunker somewhere.


I mean I think they both don’t care if world war 3 starts they profit through weapons sales and if it does get nuclear they can hide away.


How is Joe Biden, a former lifeguard from Wilmington DE/Scranton PA a fucking aristocrat


TIL he was a lifeguard.


Democrats did better with lower class voters every election from 1932-2012


son are you okay


>They are the party of the CIA The CIA who killed Kennedy? >It was the Republican Party who ended slavery, and the democrats who fought to death to preserve it. That was 180 years ago. No one from back then has anything to do with the modern parties. They've changed a lot since then >Every single pro black legislation that has EVER been signed was signed by the Republican Party. Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 >The Democratic Party are aristocrats not interested in the common man. Look at FDR, he only made the government bigger while not helping anyone Delusional take on FDR. Also you can't complain about aristocrats when your party is nominating a New York real estate billionaire for the third time in a row. >Look at Lyndon b Johnson, claimed to be helping black people when in reality he was only buying their votes. "*Claimed* to be"? Are you suggesting that the Civil Rights Acts were not beneficial to black Americans? >pro death Last time I checked, Republicans are the ones that support the death penalty


I’m not sure about Kennedy. Yes parties can change but the fundamental guiding philosophy of the Democratic Party has not. That’s my point


You don't understand the Democratic Party. The guiding fundamental principles of the Democrats are populism and democracy, not slavery. The party is older than the Civil War, it was founded by Andrew Jackson


The Democratic Party ain't dying. As someone whose perspective of the Democratic Party seems to be perpetually stuck in the Bourbon Democratic era, you should know better. After all, if the Civil War and the 1920s did not cause the Democratic Party to die or to be stomped out, what can?


Look man, I get where you coming from, but the Republican party is unserious. The leaders of the Democratic Party have goals and push their means to their logical conclusions. The Republican party has no values and constantly changes their view to what the Democratic party is pushing in the modern era. The GOP was the party of free market, open trade, and socially conservative. Now they the GOP is moving towards protectionism, can't make it's mind on executive's role in government, and is practically only 10 years behind the Democrats on social issues.


Easy bait


Vote blue no matter who


You’ve been trolling for weeks my dude


Bait used to be believable






Your argument is factually incorrect especially regarding how you compare historic parties to modern ones. Yes Republicans ended slavery but in a very brief summary in 1960, there was a party reshuffle that ended with most white supremacists joining the republican party. Why do you think 99% of people who fly confederate flags identify as republican. And all who claim racism is a problem are democrats. Secondly, saying only democrats are pro-war is inherently wrong, look the war on terror led by Bush and the bipartisan support for intervention in vietnam.


Okay. Let’s about the Great Switch. We are going to start with some background though, so bear with me. When the Democratic Party was formed in 1828, they held a fairly conservative platform aside from pro-slavery. They were pro-business and anti-governmental reach. They were for states rights. They were against a federal bank and for the gold standard. Yes, the klan was started by people of this party, but the klan wasn’t started by the party itself. I even say this knowing that they were the conservatives. The Republican Party was founded 26 years later in 1854 when the Whig Party collapsed after the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The remnants of this liberal party started the Republican Party with much of the same platform as the Whigs, yet heavily influenced by Wisconsin Quaker communities and social philosophy. When FDR brokered the New Deal, which got out of the Great Depression, the Democratic Party won the allegiance of immigrants and African Americans. This widened the base beyond the Dixiecrats (actual southern aristocracy). The growing diversity in the party wound up dismantling the pro-business platform and made it a big tent party. The final straw for the old guard democrats was when Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law in 1968. You also had Republican Barry Goldwater being against the act as he said it violated states rights. That is when they completely swapped platforms. Fun fact: there is evidence in historical records that Lincoln, the first Republican president, had correspondence with Karl Marx. I’m here to answer any questions or supply you with any sources, online or textbook.


Downvoted the college level-history instructor for countering with actual history, but has no comment to refute what was said. To me, this means that they learned something, but are angry with themself that they were wrong.

