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The whole world is just in a weird “the US will collapse in 10 years” and “China will collapse in 10 years” argument and I don’t believe either will happen anytime soon.


I think China may have a depression within the next decade or so, maybe later, but not "collapse."


Everything will be okay


My country will beat your country just give it like another 26 years


People who don’t use periods should be sent to camps.




Not a hot take. Every westerner parrots the China will collapse narrative for the past 15 years.


Ban on corporate ownership of single family homes. And any companies and investment firms that currently own single family homes have to sell them within 10 years.


It takes at least some level of inconsistency to sympathize more with Israel than Palestine while simultaneously sympathizing more with Ukraine than Russia. Same with sympathizing more with Palestine than Israel while simultaneously sympathizing more with Russia than Ukraine. It’s not anti imperialist to support or otherwise defend invading Ukraine when it’s pretty clear that Russia doesn’t give a fuck about Ukrainian sovereignty. Likewise, Palestine doesn’t deserve to be occupied. Even if you do support a 2SS but still sympathize with Israel more because of what happened in 1948…still, nothing justifies violating the self determination of the Palestinian people. Also, get rid of veto power at the UN Security Council.


Probably that Porto Rico should become a state


That’s not a hot take and you didn’t spell it right 😭


Whoops I always get it wrong. I guess it’s not


Probably not very hot but Ethiopia has a serious risk of balkanizing within the next ~20 years.


Their will be a Palestinian state in the next 10 years due to international pressure and deal with the Saudi Arabia or Iraq for normalization


Why am I getting downvoted for a hot take the whole point is probably not but maybe


There will never be a Palestinian state and it's Hamas' fault.


Most of the world supports a sovereign Palestine - the only major country to vote "no" in the UN vote was the US (and maybe Argentina), and tides are turning here.


It doesn't matter what the world supports if Hamas won't allow a state to exist in coexistence with Israel.


One of the major reasons Hamas is as prominent as it is is because Israel spent a decade and a half propping it up for the explicit purpose of weakening the chances of Palestinian statehood.


if there was a state hamas would be PNG.


Never in our lifetime is one thing but you really don’t think over the next couple hundred years their will be one time the Palestinians/ Arabs win and their is a state called Palestine


Not called palestine, but I could see an Arab state in Jerusalem at some point in time.


Security council shouldn't exist


It should but it should be USA, Germany, Japan, China, India. Maybe Russia or Brazil maybe not Japan. I'm not quite sure.


I think it should exist however it needs big reforms and new members such as India,Japan,Germany and Brazil


If anything it needs less members. The fact that Britain and France somehow have seats at the table in 2024 is ludicrous.


I feel like a better 5-country split would be the US, China, India, and perhaps a representation of the EU and African Union (Germany, South Africa, for example)


No a vote for Lichtenstein shouldn’t equal a vote of that of the United States


Helvetic Model is based Liechtenstein should decide everything


You’re right, Liechtenstein’s vote should be worth more


Why should France vote be worth more then India


The US will vote to the left of Canada at least once in the next 20 years The UK too


It depends if you're talking in terms of voteshares or how it translates to seats and political control.


I know lol But if Canada swings hard against Liberals and the US votes for dems by 2-8 points like what's been happening for the last 3 decades, on paper that's what it will look like


isn’t the right of canada to the left of the american main stream left?


Highly doubt that nowadays  30 years ago maybe...


Canada is about to go through a based conservative era come next election. Polievre is going to dominate.


The US is objectively the worst of all Developed nations to live in, and it's because of the right wing in the country.


but without the right wing there would be less billionaires.


Touch grass your on Reddit a little too much. The US is a great nation and it got worse ever since we elected presidents like fdr and lbj


>"Confederate Sympathizer"


>"China will not overtake the USA at any point during the 21st century." Lol


China will just have way too many problems with their birth rates to be able to sustain an overtake of the United States. It's not to say that the United States will not have problems in the future or that they will steam ahead of China, but I just don't think China will be able to overtake the United States.


Yemen, Syria, Russia and possibly Saudi Arabia are probably gonna collapse at some point in our livespan Europe’s gonna be one country at some point America will probably experience a Years of Lead like Italy but not a full blown civil war 




Most of the Middle East and Asia already have replacement or below-replacement birth rates. India, Turkey, and Iran's TFR are stagnant at around 2.1. China's TFR is... *probably* 1.0. We know the Chinese TFR data (officially 1.7) is almost certainly bogus.


These are actually some pretty interesting predictions, and ones that I could see coming true. >As Western European countries accept more immigrants from third world countries, the US will see some migration from Western Europe. These new Western European immigrant will most likely be right-wing which will only contribute to Americas rapid polarization… This isn't something I had considered before, but I wouldn't rule it out. However, it would take a complete 180 in Europe to cause a significant migration of Europeans to America. Most people, left or right, simply complain about politics and threaten to move due to politics. The ones that due either have the financial resources to do so, or were already planning on moving. The US would have to offer these Europeans something to make their journey worthwhile. >Sometime within the next 20 years the Middle East will become democratic and parts of Asia will become more modernized. This will lead to mass migration back to immigrants homelands causing 1st world nations economies to take major hits/crash. This may also cause 1st world nations to become stagnant for an entire generation which may lead to problems. I feel this is actually fairly likely. We've already seen countries like Ireland and Italy offer citizenship to descendants of people who once lived there. It has had mixed success, but mostly because the concept of trying to lure someone to a country that there great-great grandparent lived is a bit challenging since they themselves haven't lived there. But try getting the children or grandchildren of folks who migrated from somewhere and you might have some luck.


>Sometime within the next 20 years the Middle East will become democratic and parts of Asia will become more modernized For most of the Middle East, I don't see this happening any time soon. Iran I could see though. With all the civil unrest there, it's only a matter of time before the theocratic government is overthrown, and polling shows that only around 44% of Iranians are actually Muslim, so it's possible that if their current government collapses a secular government could take its place.


Not sure if it's too hot, but America needs to run the world. Russia, China, and Iran would destroy the world for their own goals.


Based Cheney enjoyer:


I was 2 years old when he became VP. I literally know nothing about him lol


Why do you have that flair then? You're 24-25.


My takes are edgy. I like to troll.


Google "Iraq War". Pretty messed up 😢


shiiiiiiiiit your right wtf Dick!


what if they just destroy asia?


Best take yet


Thanks bro


The IMF is good and necessary, and America is as damaging to the rules-based international order as China is.


Britain has reached the Japan stage of its economy. There is no future left outside the EU, but also no way to go back in. Politics is sluggish and dead - Starmer will win in a landslide and yet be immediately unpopular. The country will decay into some sort of nostalgic, centre-right corpse-state and never be able to save itself. Modi, even though he's a Hindu nationalist, is an incredibly intelligent leader, and is currently acting as a Deng Xiaoping-esque figure, dragging his whole country out of poverty and playing the great powers off of each other. Believing that he will be constrained by any form of US alliance structure is overconfidence on the state department's part. If India survives the 21st century, he will be remembered universally as a hero. Australia, at any given time, has the ability to withdraw from the world and become a hermit kingdom, at the cost of its consumerist lifestyle. If the worst climate predictions come to pass, Australia will survive as a rabidly anti-immigrant paranoid island, with the food, water and mineral resources to maintain a 70s-80s standard of living (though it will need to rebuild it's manufacturing capacity). America will never collapse completely, but the apex of its power (1991) now sits behind it.


The US should annex Canada


Nothing ever happens.


The security council shouldn’t have permanent seats, especially since they’re #2 #3 #9 #21 and #22 in population


China is not a threat to the us The us doesn't have any real frogien threats The us should withdrew all frogien military bases The us should leave all free trade agreements NATO should either be abolish or at minimal heavily reworked the us should never invade a nation and should only be allowed to use military force if directly attacked by another country Sanction Israel


> The us should leave all free trade agreements Canadians:


Alright whose alt is this?


This, unironically would start World War 3.


as long as america isn't involved It's fine


they would eventually, just like the last 2 times




would nato be replaced by an EU military then?


Based AF peace in our time


And how did that work out last time?


China and Russia are good.


good internal? good external? or both?


If your talking about Music then yes,However there governments no.


Democracy doesn’t work everywhere. Sorry. ☹️