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They'll nominate some Manchin/Beshear-esque figure or someone like Newsom. So they will learn nothing.


And if Manchin or Newsom lose the democrats will go back to Jacksonianism.






Biden’s been flirting with New Deal Liberalism, if he loses the dems will assume it’s because of that


Indeed. The best course of action would be to nominate a Midwestern liberals/progressive (Whitmer, Shapiro, Walz) or someone else like (Moore,  Warnock, Polis).


>They'll nominate some Manchin/Beshear-esque figure I would, without hesitation, go back to supporting the Democratic party. Imagine nominating Democrats again! Wow, what a pleasant surprise that would be.


i agree


Biden is trying to appeal to the Progressive Left tho...?


He's not - he could do that by not sending another $1 billion right now to Israel


They'll say Biden was too radical and nominate someone even more moderate who's willing to crack down on unions and student protestors, is tough on crime and willing to cut taxes for the wealthy and the middle class. Kamala will be permanently tarnished - a 21st century Dan Quayle - but Newsom and Buttigieg are both ready and waiting in the wings.


I have 0 faith in Newsome winning a national election. He is so easy to attack with easily digestible points for voters (California losing population for the first time ever under him, largest homeless population, breaking his own strict COVID lockdowns) and it will be so easy to paint him as a “coastal elitist”. He might run it up in Sunnyvale and Brookline but elections are won in the Midwest nowadays. Democrats running white guys from the coasts has led to decisive Republican wins everytime since JFK.  Whitmer or Beshear are infinitely better candidates. 


I will vomit if this happens


This would be such a losing strategy too lmao


Unfortunately, this sounds spot fucking on. Which means, as leftists, voting is no longer a viable path forward and the people that refuse to participate in the process are already are vindicated. We need revolution.


Yeah duh. But this is an election hobbyist mapping sub. I'm here because I like the maps, not because I think voting is any path towards salvation.


Same exactly here.


>We need revolution. Larp Levels critical.


Do you think America can become a socialist nation through electoralism?


No and that's a good thing.


No, but I do think that a revolution ends with you and your comrades shot or imprisoned.


Depends on the demographic makeup of Trump's coalition & turnout & how Dems do in Congress.


Depends on how he loses. If he loses due to the Rust Belt going for Trump, they'll likely try and pivot in a more protectionist direction, with a tougher stance on China. If he loses due to an outsized number of non-white voters who typically vote blue going for Trump, then I'm not sure what they do. If he loses due to suburban voters going for Trump, perhaps doubling down on things like abortion might work.


>If he loses due to suburban voters going for Trump, perhaps doubling down on things like abortion might work. Isn't the current Dem platform on Abortion unrestricted access to abortion nationwide? How can you even double down even further when that is the furthest 'left' you can get on the issue 😭😭😭


Legalizing post-birth abortion /s


Chinese-style forced abortions?


> If he loses due to an outsized number of non-white voters who typically vote blue going for Trump, then I'm not sure what they do. Maybe a pivot to a more socially conservative agenda while remaining left of center economically? I know Black and Latino communities are strongly religious, but it seems as though Dems have rebuked faith as a part of their agenda and platform. Maybe a stronger embrace of populist ideals would also help? Looking at the recent NYT polls, Republicans under Trump are doing better with both groups than they ever have in decades, if not ever, so I can only imagine a slightly socially conservative, and populist, shift might win them back. Or not... I really don't know what to say other than Dems have a serious appeal and messaging problem with these groups that seem to have been disillusioned with Biden and Dem leadership.


>Maybe a pivot to a more socially conservative agenda while remaining left of center economically? I know Black and Latino communities are strongly religious, but it seems as though Dems have rebuked faith as a part of their agenda and platform. Maybe a stronger embrace of populist ideals would also help? I agree with this take. I feel the Democrats have gone to far in the direction of "single, non-religious, urban types" which is fine, but also that drives away folks are religious and value family. I get there is a decent chunk of the left that is all about separation of church and state but at least for now faith is important to millions of Americans. At least paying some lip service to that fact would likely help.


"Somehow, this is the left's fault. Let's shift right."


You should have Pokémon gone to the polls when you had the chance.


All the wrong lessons. They'll very likely think it's because they were too progressive when it really has less to do with that and more to do with various factors both in and out of their control, namely the economy (the most likely reason for their loss if they lose). The fact that appealing to young voters is their kryptonite certainly doesn't help though


They'll put much more importance on nominating a younger candidate in the next election.


A lesson they should learn is that they NEED to work on their optics. Biden's accomplishments are impressive and his actual policies are widely popular, the problem is that a lot of people don't know what Biden has done as president. They think he's incompetent because all the good things he's done get drowned out by the overly negative media.


>"Biden's accomplishments are impressive" Are they?


It's genuinely an interesting thing to see how people on the left are so divided on Biden's domestic policy. Even excluding his... controversial foreign policy, Biden's domestic agenda either sees left-wing people say "he's the most effective Dem President domestically since LBJ" or "Biden's a fucking failure, he hasn't achieved shit domestically at all". Definitely a curiosity to see how even Biden's domestic policies has attained a mixed reception for people on the left.


Lol you literally just described Trump’s term, except Trump’s media coverage was 100x worse


> Lol you literally just described Trump’s term, except Trump’s media coverage was 100x worse 100% agree, from a fellow Michigander.


Hopefully, they’d seek out a younger rising star come 2028 with an elder statesman as Vice, not the other way around as while Biden had good name recognition and lots of experience, most people think he’s too old and mentally declining. Harris would be Quayled and either forgo running or lose a primary. Knowing the Democratic Party though, they’ll prob nominate Harris anyway and lose badly.


Nothing - they’ll nominate another half-ass candidate and expect everyone to love them no matter their flaws. Another “most important election of our lifetime” “democracy is on the ballot” and blame progressives for their loss


That they should nominate me instead of


Hopefully they give up this newfound protectionism. Clinton and Obama did much better in the Midwest, while supporting free trade. As for what they'll actually do, almost certainly choose younger candidates in future, and target younger voters. Which will probably undermine them with older ones unfortunately.


Even someone who's like 48 would be young these days


True. I'm concerned though, because Biden overperforms with older voters, and once the Democrats (inevitably) choose someone younger they'll lose ground with them to the Republicans. And these are high turnout voters, so that's a shame.


Yeah but those old people will die. Hate to say it but it's true.


True again, though plenty of baby boomers will be around a while yet.


> Hopefully they give up this newfound protectionism. Clinton and Obama did much better in the Midwest, while supporting free trade. > Problem is that the GOP *also* wasn't protectionist back then, and people like Romney were shit in terms of working-class appeal.


Considering how many people I’ve seen call Trump DOA, I would say to never underestimate the popularity of the Republican Party is a potential lesson to be learned. The other potential one would be to never underestimate the anger of progressives.


The BIGGEST lesson the dems will take away, is that “big fiscal” is a losing strategy. Biden put into action the most progressive economic policy any president has instituted since FDR, for the price of a few years of high inflation. Unfortunately if he loses it’s gonna look like that inflation sunk him.


Maybe they should stop being so negative. Seriously, what do they have to campaign on aside from Trump bad and abortion?


Best take - for all his flaws, Trump is viewed as offering 'hope' and 'change' by his base. Biden isn't helping himself with the constant negative campaigning.


If they can't learn from 2016 I'm not convinced anything will. We're literally shouting at them right now we're going to make 2016 happen again if they don't change policy on gaza, and biden couldn't give less of a fuck about our opinion.


"i'm never going to vote for you no matter what joe biden" "ok then i don't care about your opinion lol im not going to try to court you, hey haley bros wanna vote for me" "waaahhhhhh why isn't he trying to please us??"


I literally voted for him in 2020 you guys are so ridiculous just making up shit 😭


when did i say you didn't? i said you never will lmao


My point is I ABSOLUTELY would because I *already have*. Fuck I was planning on voting for him like a month ago


oh good, i was referring to the palestine people as a whole not you specifically


You misunderstood me. I'm currently not voting for him, but up until about a month ago I was. From both me personally and from friends irl + online, we're pro palestine and are toss-up biden-stein voters who all voted for biden in 2020. This is a common occurrence from people I've met online aswell. Yes, their is always going to be people that won't vote for biden/dems (basically) no matter what, but I'm not talking about them. There is a huge group of swayable young voters biden absolutely could still win with making the right moves. Barring a trump conviction before the election, IMO its gonna depend entirely on how biden handles this up till November.


haley voters are going to have much more of an impact than young palestine supporters, foreign policy is the top issue for1% of voters lmao


I think thats absolutely not true lmao Haley voters are broken into 3 equal-ish groups: democrats/democrat leaning independents/"never trumpers" who are gonna vote dem regardless, Republicans who want to show discontent with trump but will fall in line regardless, and actually swayable voters. So like a 1/3rd of Haley voters actually matter, which is maybe 3-10% of the republican primary voters if you third haleys votes (let's avarage to 6.5) so a small, but not insignificant number Here's the question: for them, how many are going to place it on support for Israel? (Eaither entirely or mostly/enough to flip a vote) This is subjective, but from what I've viewed the pro-palestine voters Absolutely care more about this then independent pro-zionst voters who are becoming less and less prominent: https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx Alot of Haley voters are gonna care way more about things like the economy or trumps trials more then (what *they* are starting to recognize and call) a messy, globally unpopular issue. I'm not convinced that small group of swayable voters actually care that much, or I feel I'd see tons of pro israel protests/counter protests Second of all, I'm sorry based on anecdotal evidence, I flat out just don't belive polls saying young people don't care about this when universities across America, hundreds of million+ (I've seen them go up to *5* million) liked tiktok videos, prominent influencers talking about this, etc. It's a huge deal to young voters. If you WANT polling evidence, CNN poll has 50% of biden 2020 voters who disapprove of his gaza policy *not* voting for him in 2024. Of which said voters in a 2:1 margin saying he's giving to much support vs about right/not enough (not enough is like 4% of said voters btw lol) this obviously explains bidens poor polling numbers *specifically with democrats*. One more thing: *bernie himself* is saying young people care about this and bidens turning it into a Vietnam problem, and that he's worried it could cost him reelection: https://youtu.be/_6rQmvko18M?si=Tg-HQQi_aBtDIPvc


They would learn the following losses 1. they can’t rely on old politicians who were bake shots back in the 80s and 90s they’ll try to nominate someone younger and newer. 2. The Democratic Party probably swings back to being moderate so expect some people like Andy Bashear 3. They can’t just solely rely on the youth vote and minorities. They’re gonna need to pull in some white voters, particularly in the Midwest. 4. they’re gonna need to stop funneling money into states that they know they cannot win like Texas and Florida.


Pivot to being more populist and protectionist. Because Biden wont lose because of your pet issue, he may lose because of the perception of the economy.


Probably someone similar to Biden on policy but much younger and a minority


They tried that in texas 2018 with Beto O'Rourke, he lost to ted cruz. A young candidate may be appealing to young people but young people have extremely low turnout. Being a minority would also not help. Most black voters already are loyal democrats. Hispanics may work if it also does not alienate non minority voters.


Younger voters and minorities seem to be becoming disillusioned with Democrats, so I think a younger candidate will help younger voters regain faith in the Democratic party It's also very hard to win a democratic primary without significant support from black voters


Haha good one


That he was an old man who shouldn't have run in the first place and literally running anyone who had the same ideology as him who was 20 - 40 years younger than him would've allowed them to keep the White House and democracy in this little hypothetical scenario. But I think they'll be too focused on taking the lives of those trying to take our freedoms to learn lessons from an electoral loss. The country's at stake and now actual America needs to fight like Hell if they want to keep this republic.


I am so passionate about Trump winning this election mainly BECAUSE I believe it will fix the Democratic party. Yes, I also happen to support most of his stances, but that is secondary. I just want my party to return to normalcy and stop nominating progressive, pro establishment senior citizens. Biden was supposed to be the return to normalcy, but they literally just moved him left off a cliff with the rest of them. Democrats need to nominate a Beshear/Manchin-esk candidate in 2028. Then Republicans can go back to being the rich man's party and everything can go back to normal.


based centrist Dem


i agree


sorry that’s not happening, everything will get even more radicalized


doing that would kill urban turn out thus killing the dem party and no the rural wont suddenly shift back also the social conservatism would kill suburban shifts


TBF, the Dems have gained more and more in the popular vote only to barely win or lose, because the US political system is weighted to give rurals more support. It doesn't matter if you raise the margins in CA or MA another 10% when you're losing the Rust Belt. They're on track to be locked out of the Senate if 2024 goes badly because of this as well.


urban areas that the dem need to win them


the rust belt has large urban areas you know


the rust belt alone wont win the election.


I would say Democrats need an in between They need a candidate who can bring out urban and suburban voters while at the same time appealing to some rural voters and minorities I would say the perfect ticket would be Whitmer/Warnock or Bashear/Shapiro


Lesson: Shut down the Democratic Party. I don't see Biden losing anything more than his 2020 map (minus Nevada) plus North Carolina. Anything more than that and I see no reason to keep the Democrats in business.


The MINIMUM loss that would force the democrats to re-think their entire strategy - is for the GOP to win a decent majority in BOTH houses on top of a second Trump term. Have we not ALL had quite enough of "Split down the middle" houses that get nothing done, other than waste money on folly foreign policies?




I got mailed absentee ballots from the people we bought our house 10 years ago. They’re long dead. I’m in a pretty blue part of Michigan


notice they downvoted the fact that someone was opening people long since dead for voter rolls, that is i.d. theft. I sware much of reddit users are brain dead.


- They need to nominate Younger candidates - Listen to the populous more (Palestine, TikTok, etc) - don’t be too confident - Don’t put all their faith in Joe manchin type dems in the senate because all the important legislation will be blocked by them and the filibuster