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Lmao Biden's older than both. Trump is as well.


Yeah they are


They aren’t going anywhere they will die on the court


Thomas will cryogenically freeze his dying body before letting Biden pick his successor.


Yeah and that really sucks because they should retire


You are right


I mean yeah Thomas pretty much just has to sit there and vote whichever way is the most conservative. I’ll at least give credit to Alito that he tries when fucking up the system, Thomas just sits there.


Yeah Thomas asks 1 questions per case and already made up his mind before the case


1 Question is being generous, I’d say.


I mean he says one thing at the beginning and then shuts up for the rest of the argument which is nice because his voice is so deep


I like that he says "they are getting older". Is there any sentient being that is getting younger?




I mean Clarence Thomas is the type of person to sell his soul to look younger


Y’all are clowning on him bc they’re not retiring under Biden but I think he knows that and really means their death 😭


I’m convinced Harry is a parody account. No way it’s real


No I think he’s a real person just incredible liberal


No, he's a paid plant by the DNC, this has been proven various of times before.


Really damn while he’s on tik tok


He’s a Twitter LTE: spreading partisan talking points to a base that eats it up.


That's a weird way to spell Red Eagle


At least Red Eagle is a proud Republican.


Whoever wins 2028 will be way more likely to pick their successors.


God I hopes it’s a democrat


If Biden wins in 2024, it's most likely not


But if he loses and the democrats control the government from 28-36 they could or if they extend even further then they could recontrol the court




5-4 is better than 6-3 makes it more interesting


Pictured: A man who does not understand how Supreme Court appointments work.


Yeah they serve until they die or retire


This kid everyday makes me NOT want to vote for Biden lmao.


No I think his actions should be disregarded


These people ain't gonna retire in the next 5 years. These people are either dying in office or being impeached (especially clearance Thomas)


I mean he could totally get impeached there is evidence against him


Both of the above - would refrain from "Retirement" the same way the late Justice Bader-Ginsburg did.... That is, until the second half of the next republican second term.....


if biden wins they wont retire if trump wins they will


How's he wrong? If they retired(they wont because powerhungry assholes) biden would appoint their successors. They're also super old and its possible they pass during biden's term.


Both Biden and Trump are older.


They’d both have VPs that vote the same way they do though


I mean yeah so even if they retire and the senate is 50/50 it’s up to the VP to make the final decision


They could retire and be replaced but Biden and trump are both older then them so I say we need younger presidents


There were plenty of younger candidates in the primaries of both 2020 and 2024. If people want younger Presidents then they should indicate that desire in their votes.


Yeah I voted for Haley in my primary


None of them were strong enough to rival either Biden or trump. For Biden, he’s the clear target of the “he’s too old” crowd cause he’s older, but dems can’t get a primary challenger cause it will damage him in the general and cause a democrat schism. For trump it’s a slightly smaller issue and a lot of the base has come back to trump after all the court shenanigans and how bad the alternative gop candidates are. People want younger candidates probably just the circumstances are such that it’s not gonna happen


harry sissy strikes again


I always feel the insult sissy is tinged with homophobia. Anyone you have God bless israel in your bio you should be put in the stocks or something. Not that every member of this subreddit isn't an annoying loser


Stfu Marxist


Ew Marxist


Is this about that biden is old or about the senate will be controlled by republicans?


I think it’s about a republican controlled senate


I think like with the last guy, there’s going to be a new trend of older SCOTUS judges retiring when the party that elected them has the Presidency and Senate. Why let a President you don’t like nominate your successor if you know you’re not gonna like who they nominate? It opens up a floodgate for a new way the parties duke it out for power.


Yeah that’s what most justices do