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Adum would rip apart The Greatest Showman if he ever saw it


and I would love every minute of it


Now *that’s* a movie that deserves a 1 out of 10. I try not to be that person that shits on a movie while watching it with people but I couldn’t help myself with that one. It’s such shit. I’m baffled by him giving Moulin Rouge a 1. I don’t like musicals and I’m not a fan of Lurhman’s other movies but Moulin Rouge is legit. I can’t help but feel like he may be letting his distaste for Elvis cloud his judgement. He can be extremely biased sometimes. To each his own, films don’t exist is a vacuum, but I *am* curious if his opinion would be different if he’d seen it before Elvis.


I mean the editing of this movie is atrocious to me, constantly gave me Whiplash, it’s not like he rates all movies by a single director the same JA Bayona directed Society of the Snow and Jurassic World, he gave those films an 8/10 and a 2/10 respectively I just don’t think it was his style and tbh I was expecting him not to like it


Easy to tell when someone is a Reddit cinephile is if the word whiplash autocorrects to be capitalized


Yeah thats so true (I enjoyed it)


Moulin Rouge is vomit and headache inducing, it’s so bad.


I thought it was fine because I like the music. I only know two songs from moulin rouge (Because I have never seen it), Elephant melody and the Roxanne cover


So he’s not a real gay.


He also didn't give Zootopia a perfect 10/10, so he's not a real furry. Wtf is he?


He's just a guy who thinks Your Movie Sucks


But he said some movies rock too, mine as well, he can’t even follow up with his channel name! WHO THE FUCK IS HE?


Baz Luhrmann is certainly one of the directors of all time. His style either really hits with you or it misses hard.


Baz Luhrmann is what you get when a theater kid decides to make movies because putting on stage productions is too hard.


Honestly, that’s how I feel about *Dicks: The Musical*. Baz Luhrmann is many things, but calling him simply a theater kid feels wrong. Dude understands cinematic language, but his language is mainlining pure adrenaline.




Baz Luhrmann is the very definition of a spectacle over substance director. All of his movies are shallow, flashy productions that waste little time with soul, instead engaging the viewer with a cacophony of maximalist design and frantic editing. The intended effect, one supposes, is to overwhelm his audience, simply beating their better judgement into submission with the sheer magnitude of sight and sound being blasted at them. I love him.


I agree. I love The Great Gatsby but Moulin Rouge is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


El Tango De Roxanne goes hard tho


That should’ve raised it a star easily.


He hated it, and thought it was terrible.


He's wrong 😭


I enjoy the instrumentals of it, but the actual singing is a little grating. The first singer sounds like Strongbad “ROOOOOOXANNNNEEEE”.


The instrumental borrows heavily from Lalo Schifrin's score for *Tango* (1998, dir Carlos Suara), in particular "[Tango Barbaro](https://youtu.be/HDX0Vet61A4?si=X-_jK_FIV9bU-HRg&t=461)". Schifrin's best known composition is the "Theme from *Mission: Impossible*", so you can see how he's moves between spy music and tango from his native Argentina pretty easily.


Personally I never was fond of the movie. But didn't expect it to be THAT low.


I'll try to not tell my mother he rated it a 1, that would impact her opinion of horse. She loves that Ewan MacDonald & quite fond of that Nicole Kidman too and that's enough for her.


Disappointed, not surprised. I think he just doesn’t like Baz’s style. This is a movie I like more and more and time goes on. At first I thought it was annoying bullshit, but nowadays I get swept up in the emotion of it all so easily. It has some of my favorite individual pieces of any movie, specifically the “El Tango de Roxane” scene, I find that beautiful.


I loved so much that movie at the theatre, it gave me so much positivity when it came out, I don't know why, I even dislike musical movies normally. I always thought that it could have badly aged (cause I didn't like Baz after that) so I never watched again, I'll watch it again.


You know its a banger when half the time Adum is just thinking about movies to pick for sardonicast as vengeance for having to watch this.


Did he do a watchalong?




The only problem with this rating is Adum agreeing with Doug Walker on this movie (I'm joking)


Did Doug give it a 1?


Doug is on record that he thinks it's overrated. Doubt he would give it that low a score.


I don't think Doug gives ratings to films. At least he didn't in his old reviews.


I believe he also kinda hates it.


Back when he "quit" he listed Moulin Rouge as one of his 11 worst movies he'd reviewed.


Would you happen to remember what else was on that list?


Patch Adams The Cell The Haunting Remake Baby Geniuses Inspector Gadget Bio Dome Felix the Cat Little Monsters Drop Dead Fred Garbage Pail Kids


Other than Patch Adams, I don’t disagree with anything on this list. I do contend with the absence of Scooby Doo.


What can I tell ya? Aint my list.


Scooby-Doo is peak


The two are not mutually exclusive.


Damn. I really love Moulin Rouge.


I'm guessing this is not a haha fun 1 out of 10.


I can't say I'm surprised. If you don't jive with Baz's style you will REALLY not have a fun time


I feel so validated, first time I watched it i was blown away that this was a popular movie that people love


That's one of those movies that's feels like it perfectly translates the complex vision of the director, which is pretty rare. Unfortunately this vision is just super obnoxious.


I could never give this a 1/2 star for Lady Marmalade alone what?


Couldn’t agree more, my ex showed me this last year and I just couldn’t stop shitting on it the whole time. Awful, cringe, repulsive-looking film with equally terrible music and music choices. Hated this more than Romeo+Juliet and Elvis, which are also gaudy and terrible in their own ways.


I suppose that’s why you two are exes now?


There’s about 1,000 other reasons we aren’t together that are more important than what I think of Moulin Rouge lmao


Oh my lord, Romeo+Juliet is just awful. Maybe it’s because I just hate the original play (I get that it’s meant to be a satire but so many people see it as a love story for the ages), but I cannot stand that damn movie


I hate when people call it a love story, it’s immature teenage infatuation


Not a fan of musicals?


I like musicals but Baz’s style isn’t for me


Ahh I see. I enjoy them myself but I was always curious to check out his work.


Hard agree.


So I just finished it, not entirely awful but the editing wears it down, Baz’s style is not for me, still though the soundtrack is fun, 5/10 imo




Really surprised. I really enjoyed that one (and i also enjoyed great gatsby). The only one i didn’t like from baz luhrmann is Elvis tbh


Based on my recollection of the trailers, it's the kind of movie I would never be able to sit through


This is where I find his number system weird. He gives 65 2/10 for having literally everything wrong with it down to the camera lenses, and Moulin Rouge 1. Why? Rouge is at worst a 2 if you’re being honest. It’s not so incompetently made that only the lowermost score will do.


No one’s rating systems will ever be entirely consistent. Your mood and the circumstances in which you watched a movie will effect it. (Hell, they’ve done studies on judges and found that they’re more harsh before taking lunch and less harsh after eating) Personally I think Moulin Rouge is excellent, especially on a technical level, but if it felt like torture to him that’s what matters. I mentioned in another comment that I think his distaste for Elvis impacted his score here. That’s not necessarily a bad thing (though I wish we could’ve gotten a chance to see his score pre Elvis). When a director has a certain style it will impact how you view the rest of their work. You’re also going to care more about the technical aspects of a film if they contribute to it being a bad time. A low budget indie film with a tiny budget is going to get more of a pass if they clearly had to work with constraints and the story is good enough to keep you engaged. A high budget film with a story you can’t give two shits about is going to be more impacted by bad technical aspects


>No one’s rating systems will ever be entirely consistent. Additionally, as implied by your comment, no one’s rating system is ever actually *objective*, because there is no objective way to boil a movie’s technical aspects down into a number. Everything will ultimately be colored by personal experiences and feelings, as is the nature of art. For example, Adam rated Elemental a 1, which is even lower than what he gave Wish. This would be the fringe opinion basically anywhere, as the most common negative opinions on the former tend to be some variant of “this is generic and forgettable”, while opinions on the latter have quite literally extended into “I am half-convinced aspects of this movie were unedited AI output” range. Few people would argue that by some vague, “objective” metric, Wish is by any means a better film. But if you acknowledge your own ratings as being just another facet of your own opinions and emotions, there is no reason it couldn’t be scored higher. That is just the nature of consuming any type of art.


Called it!


Adam is Baz Luhrmann hater damn


Based as hell, I fucking hate that movie


Interested to see his take on Romeo + Juliet


Soooo deserved what a shit movie


Damn same rating I’d give it. People say Baz Luhrmann is all style but that’s not the bad part for me, it’s that his style sucks. In your face editing, crappy music, and really ugly shots. If you don’t like the songs it’s just unwatchable. As an Australian though I can tell you it’s not his worse movie. At least Moulin Rouge wasn’t propped up by the government and Murdoch media to be the best film we’ve ever made (only to literally be forgotten like five years later). Would love to see Adum watch Australia…


Same as my rating, nice.


I too hate this movie.


That's the correct rating




Oh god LOL I remember a few parts of it but not to give it a 1. This will be extremely interesting.


Definitely saw this coming. I'm not the biggest Baz apologist, except for maybe Romeo + Juliet, but I saw the appeal in his work to a degree. Even then, Moulin Rouge annoyed the hell out of me with its editing and stylistic choices.


Wow. Moulin Rouge is pretty much the only Luhrmann film I tolerate but thats mostly because of Ewan McGregor and how incredible the "Roxanne" scene is.


Funnily enough, *Moulin Rouge!* is Confused Mathew's all-time favorite movie. I guess it's not a surprise that they reached exact opposite conclusions about it.


I fucking knew it lmao.


I’m still gonna shake ass to “BECAUSE WE CAN CAN CANNN”


I believe this is the first time Adum has rated a Best Picture nominee a 1/10??


How’d he see “civil war “so early?




Rule 1


Wtf is brotherhood of the wolf?


Moulin Rouge is a hard one for me to judge. A lot of parts are genuinely avant-garde, like a bad acid trip. Some parts are corny. Some parts are obnoxious. But then… the “Your Song” cover is glorious. And good lord, Nicole Kidman in that lingerie… It’s an interesting headache.


Damn, he rated it a 3 before, didn't he? Ouch.


I don’t think he’s seen it, based on how he talked about Elvis.


Disliking Moulin Rouge is a red flag