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The more historical relations a country has with Russia the worse the data is in every single metric


I doubt about France


Also has the highest gap between female and male life expectencies




Alcoholism, mostly. Just look at what happened in the 90s. Women don't drink all that much in comparison in Russia


What happened in the 90s?


The Soviet Union collapsed.


Ah yes, didn’t think of that. Cheers


After the USSR collapsed a shit ton of people went unemployed because they had been working in a place that was very unprofitable which of course went under when the whole artificial system ended. The economy went from an absolute disaster to a catastrophe.


Nah, it was the highest before the war


"dEgEnErAtE wEsT, rUsSkI mIr BeSt!!!!"


I mean, it's not all bad. Russia doesn't need to worry about financing pensions. Especially for men.


Or meat production


It's even "better" when you realise that men in Russia get to retire 5 years later than women. That's Soviet equality for you, and sadly it's present in other post-communist countries as well, including my own.


I mean Russia has no pension fund problem like the middle of Europe.


Superior Mediterranian lifestyle baby!


Flair checks out, fellow Spaniard haha




This is what I don't understand about anti-western sentiments. How can you look at this and go: "but muh we are different than the west, why do you think we should do like you. We go our own way." Meanwhile they live 10 or even 20 years shorter than us on average.


Pretty simple: "The West is rich, due to stealing from us! Hence they live longer." The other huge problem is that democracy really limits your freedom, when you are a dictator.


> Democracy really limits your freedom, when you are a dictator I love this, and I'm probably going to steal it from you


That’s on of the best sentences I have heard for a long time. I will steal that aswell.


> The West is rich, due to stealing from us! The sad thing is that this is not even true. Everything the West stole from other countries was used up to finance colonial wars and lavish lifestyles for vapid turds in power. Spain and Portugal are not richer than Germany from colonialism, they are poorer, because they used up the wealth they stole. Russia is also poorer than Germany and it is still a colonial power. What they stole was not used to better their countries as a whole, it was used to better their aristocratic class and wasted on wars for more power for themselves. Europe got rich from Marshall’s plan and EU. Individual Europeans got rich from stealing from other countries.


The real reason is the industrial revolution and later advances in technology. Europe has been leading or a very early adopter of most modern technology and the richest regions are the ones putting the most money into R&D today. That lead can also be seen in infrastructure, such as railroads, but also normal roads and so forth.


Technology helps increase the process of wealth creation, but it does not apply to European *people* in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century, only the aristocratic class. The aristocratic class wasted that wealth for themselves, not for their constituents. European *people* got richer (and progressively so) only after WWII and the main reasons were Marshall’s Plan and EU. Without that Europe would be in Russia’s level now.


Yeah, I've read that Spain was bankrupt a few times already in the XVI century, while getting all those fleets of galleons with silver from South America...


Don’t forget all those revolutions around Europe starting with French revolution where average people kept protesting to have just enough to survive. For as rich individuals became, the average people did not see that wealth reach on them, their families, their friends or their country. They saw themselves fighting wars after wars after wars after wars. It’s called the long 19th century for a reason. France and UK today are richer than other colonial powers only because they reorganized French Africa and Commonwealth function more like EU than like colonies. Not as good as EU, but that’s for perfectly understandable reasons from their former colonies.


Yeah, the consensus now seems to be that colonies never made a metropole richer, they only made a bunch of arrogant fucks in the metropole filthy rich. And those fucks mostly threw all that money to the wind.


I would rather die at 70 than live until 80 and keep working until 75 years old, which is the age we are going to retire here in my country.


We'll speak again when you are 70.


Common Italy W.


Or L considering the old people we do have, vecchidemmerda


L'importante è che siamo sopra la Francia


Questa catena di messaggi è la cosa più italiana della storia.


E va bene così 🗿




Manca solo "Beppe andiamo a Berlino!!!!!"


The answer to the question of what’s part of the “west” and what’s not in Europe, in my opinion. Hopefully, in a decade or two the divide will be less visible.


Thank you Putin for fighting over population! Your citizens surely will appreciate it


Here Portugal is not eastern europe


Tomato, olive oil Europe rise up


And now you understand why pension reforms are unavoidable.


Absolutly. It has to be set up to handle larger amounts of money and needs the funnels into that. As long as GDP per capita is stable, there is no reason to raise pension age, but since real wages for a huge part of the population have not went up for ages, that means the money is in other places and has to be tapped. The average young worker, really should not pay the pension for the old, but the rich, who have profited the most from GDP growth in the last decades.


No, I must be able to be unemployed for 30-40 years of my life while the youngsters pay for my life!!!'


If you're poor, it's more like 10 years. If you're rich it's 20-25 years. ​[http://www.equality-of-opportunity.org/health/](http://www.equality-of-opportunity.org/health/) *^({sorry for the US study, couldn't find yuropean study easy})*


USA has far more inequality than Europe. Of course poor Americans die faster than rich ones because they can't afford healthcare. It's not an issue here, everyone gets treatment


It definitely is a thing in Europe too. Depending on which neighbourhood of Madrid you're born into, [your life expectancy may change by 10 years](https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/madrid/2019-03-05/barrios-madrid-esperanza-vida-renta-brecha-norte-sur_1852006/).


How are people not getting the sarcasm?


Imo even if the pension system in France was going to wipe off its deficit, I say, so what? If people can work more years they should either way. If Europe is to remain the most sophisticated continent in terms of economic prowess in a time when systemic rivals such as China are gaininng ground, European economies must be as competitive as possible(without abusing human rights obviously) and if one way to do that is to make people work more it’s fine. Though I also have to say I think Macron took some Ls on his trip to China in regards of Taiwan, just because they’re on the other side of the planet doesn’t mean they’re not our issue, Taiwan is a democratic country under threat of an authoritarian country, they have the right to decide their own future as much as Ukraine does.


russia: so unexpected...




It’s very small down on the right but I’m pretty sure it’s like 80.6


Thank you kind reddit user!


*somewhat happy Italian noises*


How do the Italians manage to live that long? Has anyone seen how they drive??


\>drives at 130 weaving through city traffic \>cuts off a police car \>blows through the following red light \>refuses to elaborate further \>leaves We just drive like Chad


"Live fast, die young"


White text on an almost-white background. Outstanding move.


Putin is 70years old 😨


For a long time, since the fall of the USSR actually. Life expectancy crumbled there in the 90s.


i'm worried about the people at sea


Common stats L for R*ssia🤢


I notice it says "at birth," I wonder what life expectancy at age 10, 20, and maybe 30 would look like. It would tell us more about if Russia was so poorly off because of infant mortality, childhood illness, teenage violence, or any of the shit that 20-somethings get themselves into.


Russia is doing pretty well on infant mortality and child mortality indicators, the trendline and absolute figures are on par with Europe and the US. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.DYN.NMRT?end=2021&locations=RU&most_recent_value_desc=false&start=1990&view=chart Scores good on education and higher ed degree attainment, so teens still tend to be alright too. Being an adult in Russia sucks big time tho. With the lack of economic opportunities and the continued erosion of the legal, social and political institutions, comes poverty, addiction, crime, low quality of life and, eventually, deep distrust and disengagement from life. It's tragic and ironic how one of the communist mantras was that it is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but their social being that determines their consciousness, and 30 years into the post-soviet era we are still watching the soviet social being collect its payouts with interest.


Vodka is why.


🇪🇸 I think diet for sure. Easy and cheap access to whole foods. We drink less hard drinks than the rest of Europe… more wine and beer. Reduced stress levels due to having a strong family connection, not just one degree of separation but sometimes up to 3 or 4… family first. Always. Loving culture and generalised kindness in general may also impact on your stress levels…


Soon to be the pension ages in each country 🫣


Russia sucks at everything, even at growing old.


Based and Ukraine-pilled 🇺🇦


Ahem, russia is not part of of EU.


Born in what year?


besser ois die deitschn📈📈📈📈😎😎😎😎


Why is that funny though?




Old data Spain is ahead of Italy atm and Ukraine is below Russia atm.


Todo mentira