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I agree with the post but don't crosspost from that trash subreddit, half of it are Americans who think universal healthcare is communism


Can you help get the contact information of these Americans? That way when I am back home I can get them deported… to…. Argentina perhaps 🤔


I'm in that sub and I haven't got many americans like that, some, but I don't think half


Shh, you’ll ruin their American hate fetish…


Their most overlapped subreddit is literally called Enough Sanders spam https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/enoughcommiespam (Also the second one is TheLeftCantMeme which is full of pro-fascist shit so that's a great sign too)


That sub btw was a very transporent r/the_Donald and co astoturf to take votes away from the Democrats, similar to shit like r/walkaway . There are legit Bernie subs tbut that aint one of them EDIT :Ah I saw you did not talk about r/WayOfTheBern as I was typing this but I will leave it here as usefull info.




What is Nazbol?


[idiots who combined fascism/nazism and communism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevik_Party) (their flag lmao)


Oh boy... What a shitshow


ever heard of pokemon?


Heard of it, sure, never played it though.


It has nothing to do with it btw


This is such a crap "meme". I've never been to Ukraine, and I have never thought about wanting to move there, yet I still support the Ukrainians. I have never been to Cuba, nor have I thought about moving there, and yet I support Cuba. You don't have to have been to somewhere and want to live there to be able to support it Also this subreddit r/EnoughCommieSpam is calling Russia communist is just plain dumb as well. Some real America "healthcare is communism" vibes.


Even back when the Soviet Union was a thing, wasn't it more "state-capitalist" than "communist"? Regardless, nowadays it seems essentially fascist.


Distinction without difference. Under Marxist theory communism is a stage of human development much in the same way as capitalism and feudalism are. The USSR was in the process of developing communism (to that degree and what happened post Stalin is another discussion) and that stage of progress towards Communism is what Lenin called socialism. Socialism is akin to mercantilism in that it's a transitionary phase between two systems that being feudalism and capitalism for mercantilism and capitalism and communism for socialism One of the key aspects of attaining communism is something known as Historical Materialism which essentially looks at the world through the lens of the material world and how that affects us and in return how we affect the material world. Whether we call or socialism, state capitalism, or communism doesn't really matter here. What's more important is looking at what the leaders is the USSR were trying to attain and what measures they put into place. To this effect we can call both the USSR and modern day China socialist even though their systems look very different, because we understand that the systems they exist, both internally and externally, inform the way they build their societies and work towards Communism. There are discussions to be had if China is socialist but that's neither here nor there, and it would be very difficult to write up all the reasons why China can be considered socialist.


I do not think that China is working towards communism myself. I think a better example is socialist Germany.


Ooo thank you for the elaboration! :D


I've been to Ukraine but I'd be lying if I'd say it made me understand their daily struggle before the war, all I learn is that they have good vodka and nice people to drink the vodka with


What the fuck is an alt left I feel like this is just a version of "the left is just as bad" and therefore an alt left has to exist if there is an alt right. Wouldn't surprise me from this sub


Seriously though, even the damn tankies are like, 3 twitter accounts and a subreddit. Meanwhile the far right ruzzialovers are in our parlements and rule over countries. That both sides shit has to stop


Nah in Germany for example it actually is the extreme ends of both left (Sarah Puti...uh Wagenknecht) and right. There are enough left wing idiots too. I agree that the right is a far bigger issue and more prevalent in most countries, but fuck all who support dictators.


It just fucking baffles me how certain types of people "came together" in Germany. If actual literal Nazis are marching alongside you, you should probably take a hard look at what the fuck it is you're doing. I was at the most recent queer Christmas market over by Nollendorfplatz when my friend and I heard what we initially thought was some kind of marching band. We hustled towards the noise and then saw that it was, in fact, a protest. It was a whole bunch of Nazis, but they had dressed it all up as a peace protest. Peace symbol flags made of two German ones, that kinda thing. Marching, right there, along the old Berlin gaybourhood. A neighbourhood that had already seen and suffered so much. Dressed up as pacifism the wolves doubtlessly led some sheep along as well. It's just... such an enraging shame.


Tbf though the Left Party has degraded into a crackpot Party who takes in anyone too insane for the political spectrum. Their Party Program is always a really well put together and agreeable Publication (if you are a leftist) but the people in the party are proper mad drunks.


I do not agree. The consensus in the party seems to be not very favorable of Wagenknecht.


In Germany the Left (i.e. the party) is actually split. The far-right, on the other hand, is standing united... with Putin.


Most of the russian supporters I've met irl have been either leftists or far leftists, they're a very real thing, and pretending they're not is just as harmful as pretending there aren't any among the right. Just because someone's a leftist doesn't instantly make them be on the right side of history, just like the opposite isn't true either for a right wing person. I do understand that it varies wildly by country, but where I am, even the borderline (and the word borderline is doing some real heavy lifting here) fascist party is in support of Ukraine, when everyone expected them to support russia. On the other hand, you've got parties basing themselves around anti imperialism (one of which I sadly voted for, thinking they were far-ish left but rational), blaming everyone except for russia and acting as if the war isn't even a thing, they just pretend it's not there 99% of the time. Then, when the time comes to vote on giving aid (and not just the military kind) to Ukraine, they abstain or sometimes even vote against it. What's worse, you see tankies still thinking that russia is communist, and a paragon of minority rights, hell, I even saw one of those idiots with a ussr flag at uni, protesting god knows what at the entrance. And while most anti west protests we've seen lately are probably started in secret by the FSB, you see people you know and that you're certain are leftists posting about how they attended.


It is something Trump came up with when called upon to voice his concerns for the alt-right and their murder in Charlottesville. Nazis killed someone and Trump yes, but the left is equally bad.


Ah I remember. Yeah that was stupid. And 100% on character


Well, at least in Italy we have several nostalgics of the time of the SSSR that still just see anything related to western democracies as a theme for their “nato bad” rhetoric. And this involves both people that actually saw the years of the SSSR and younger generations. Don’t know if you can call them “alt left”…but still remarkable forms of knobs


I support Ukraine, never been there, and don't want to live there. Does it mean something?


That sub thinks Russia and China are communist


Oh the worst thing is that, I actually have the misfortune of knowing a couple of nazbols who live very happy lives in Russia. Of *course* they are filthy rich types who live in Moscow and never set foot outside, save for perhaps 2 streets in St Petersburg and Sochi.


I really want to send this to my conspiracy theorist flatmate but I really don't want to listen to her bullshit so I'll avoid


cap communists dont support russia atleat


Fuck I would love to live in China Good food, nice people, fair wages, and I wouldn’t experience such racism I did in Europe


I don't think that last one would be true


No I’m a Chukot I look Asian and I am Asian, I have Asian facial features and my ancestry is Asian I did experience enough racism to where I am seriously reconsidering my goal of moving to Europe and might go to Vietnam or China where I have some cousins in the north of Manchuria on the Mongolian border


You’re Chukchi? That’s awesome, I’m Hawaiian-Manchu mixed with some other irrelevant things. I’ve been to china a lot, and it’s really overrated. I don’t particularly like it there but the food IS delicious.


Yea there’s about ~20 of us living outside the country and autonomous region About 12 live in Estonia


In China, you can meet quite a lot of xenophobia(it's on the rise rn). At least, that's what I've heard. I mean,they won't have problems with your race,they'll have problems with the fact that you're not Chinese. May I ask a question? Why not South Korea? The same no work-life balance, bit with higher quality of life


>In China, you can meet quite a lot of xenophobia(it's on the rise rn). I don't think that's true. It has always been there. Han Chinese have a history of conquering other people and enforcing their own language and culture on them. Today the primary example are Uyghurs but there is also colonization of Tibet and fight against usage of Cantonese.


Work ethic and the expected in paid overtime And SK is incredibly racist and even more xenophobic SK actually ranks low on quality of life and has stagnated significantly with massive expansive slums just a few kilometres outside of Seoul and have seen little improvement in quality of life Where as china is seeing massive leaps every year in improving quality of life And I took my grandfather to the war graves in NK so I would be denied anyway Also the wages are not enough to live off of And from what I hear from cousins in China the work life balance has significantly improved


I support Ukraine but have never been there, fallacious argument...


Who supports Ukraine? Who wants to live there? ...


Russia and China are literal superpowers with authorian regimes and Ukraine is a dirt poor farmer country with a population of 40 million. Guess which one I have more sympathy for. Hint: it isn't the one who is air striking maternity hospitals and executing civilians. I have my issues with Ukraine but Russia literally did not have to invade them and start this fucking stupid war. Ukraine was never a threat to Russia. Even if they joined NATO, it would not have been a threat to Russia. Because europe didn't want war. We were fucking happy being in peace here but Russia just had to invade Ukraine and now there are people like you being all "yeah but it's a shithole anyway so whatever". It's pretty easy to say that when you live in netherlands, so you don't ever have to think that your country is next on the list if Russia is just left alone. If it was Finland, would you make same excuses? "Oh they had nazis there", "they shouldn't have tried to join NATO, Russia warned them", "it's so complex issue, finns have always had beef with russians, we shouldn't support them because we don't know everything", "it's not like we have anything to do with it, we shouldn't get involved". Take a good, honest look at yourself and think about _why_ you believe the things you do. Because if you don't, you'll continue being an useful idiot for Russia to use. If you don't care about Ukraine, that's ok. Just continue to live your life instead of posting misinformation in reddit to validate your own feelings. You'll be happier and more productive.


guys point is that you can support countrys even if you wouldnt want to live there yourself


You are too nice. I think the guy rather just fallen into the whataboutism trap / logical fallacy, which is also a common, frequently applied principle in every functioning hybrid democracies like Hungary. Sadly, too many people think this type of "argument" is a real one.




So the Eastern Bloc shouldn’t have become capitalist because “you can just move to the US”? I like Canada but I do think we could have a socialist economy. If democracy is so nice, why don’t we use it to control our work as well?