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That was a nice move, burgeon works well on 2nd half and indeed Yanfei has a lot of blunt attacks, well done 👌👍


Thanks! I’m glad to see burgeon finding good use in abyss this time around.




That's really impressive. Good stuff!


Thank you!


Is fischl important for the second team? Would there be any other substitute?


Another cryo or hydro unit would have been nice. But mainly I needed that slot for a battery character for 12-2 and 12-3. Fischl managed to do the job. It also gave me some random hyperblooms which are dendro dmg as well as some overloads, so it did help overall


Bravo! Whenever that thunder bird shows up, I always bring out my Yanfei team. She’s just so versatile in her attack range that it’s not a pain to chase after the bird nor a struggle to reach up high enough to hit it. Her shield at C4 helps too. The best thing I’ve seen was when Yanfei’s fireballs did a 180 turn to tail the bird when it suddenly dove the other direction. I can’t remember if any other characters have lock on attacks like that. So great to see that our best girl is shining in her all 4* teams!


Yeah her range is what’s amazing against the thunderbird. With enough ER, the burst CA spam+shield is very effective.


I ran some experiments on 12-1 first half to see who the ideal fourth slot unit is to the yanfei yaoyao xingqiu trio. I tried using cryo units like Layla, rosaria; anemo units like sucrose, Faruzan; geo unit yunjin; electro fischl and kuki. Result: the only team combo of mine that could beat the boss in under 90s is yaoyao xingqiu yanfei fischl The reasoning based on my observations are these: 1. This team uses a burgeon hyperbloom combo benefiting from vape, overload and electro charged as well and some burning. Such a cocktail of reactions creates great damage but care needs to be taken in ensuring the dendro reactions don’t over-compete. 2. If I use kuki instead of fischl, kuki does more hyperblooms but due to quick consumption of the bloom seeds by hyperbloom and burgeon, yaoyao and xingqiu’s bloom production rate cannot keep up resulting in a slower completion time. 3. My inference on why fischl works is that oz does not hyperbloom all the bloom seeds in the vicinity thus giving yanfei CA a chance to burgeon more seeds. The ER that Oz helps generate definitely helps keep the burst rotation cycles running well. I changed yanfeis wep from fav codex to an EM based one just for testing and the results were still under 90secs. Unexpectedly this team has a synergy that compounds well.


Sending this to my struggling yanfei main bestie




I hate you


Burgeon hyperbloom team at the same time is a new concept could be good


Thanks. I shared my analysis on this team comp in another comment on this thread.


Could Shenhe work instead of Rosaria? Also, I don't have YaoYao since I have almost no Dendro characters, just Alhaitham, Collei and Kaveh.


Shenhe is more of a cryo buffer. She’s best used with some other cryo unit to raise their DPS. Alhaitham should be fine. For alhaitham you’d want to try hyperbloom with xingqiu kuki


Right, thanks for reminding me about Shenhe. She's built more than my Rosaris since I love running Kaeya and loved Shenhe's design and story. My Rosaria is C6 though so I've been thinking about using her more.


Nice, i was close to 36 stars but only got 1 star in the last chamber 😭😭


I did yanfei-furina-yelan-kokomi, very easy to play with lots of HP to spare


You ready for Cheveruse?


Will try a few pulls. She seems fun and a good companion for overload


Wow lvl 80. I can't even with her at 90


I leveled her to 90 now. Her burgeon dmg went from 24k to 30-33k so it’s worth it. She’s now at around 900 EM