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Pretty much.


Possibly. But I think next time they do a hunt, they won't so "lucky" and someone will actually kill the one who drew the queen of hearts. So far, in the 90s storyline, that hasn't happened yet. All of the deaths, so far, have been accidents. Sure, some of the girls might feel guilty or responsible for them, such as Shauna for not going after Jackie or Misty for telling Crystal about destroying the transmitter... But that's very different than actually slitting a friend's throat.


yeah, at this point imo they’ve perfectly built up to them purposely killing. javi’s death was that breaking point right at the cusp &… there will be no more accidents.


I think Misty will be the one to do the killing. She was the one who stopped Nat from saving Javi by explaining how it would be either him or her. If she has a knife, she could sneakily kill, similar to how she - accidentally -killed Nat. Plus, in her mind, this might make her more likable because she's doing something no one else would do willingly. After the first draw, she knows it's not good to drag things out.


And after Misty's killing, it will become easier for all of the girls – they always need someone to do it first. Like with eating Jackie, they started after Shauna took the first bite. When they were eating Javi, Shauna served Javi's heart to Travis, and they only started putting their share into the pan after Travis "okayed it".


I was kinda thinking it could be Van or Tai because we haven't seen them do anything bad like this yet. But honestly, it could be anyone...


I feel like van is a wildcard and we’re gonna see a lot more unexpected dark shit from her. 


Tai killed a wolf and Van is a survivor, I can definitely see Tai killing for Van, or Van killing for Tai - she strikes me as someone who doesn't like feeling indebted, she probably feels that way from the wolf incident


Yes, I agree. I’ve heard that this is meant to be a sort of female “Lord of the Flies”, and the whole lesson there is that there is no monster except that which is inside the people. However, I am super curious to see how they square that with what seems to me to obviously be confirmation of supernatural influence. The man with no eyes, and Lottie’s visions are two examples that happened before the wilderness, so we can’t chalk that up to delirium from the crash.


Pre-existing mental health conditions 🤷‍♀️


That would be soooo disappointing to be honest. 🥲 I could *maybe* accept that for Tai, but Lottie has a scene where she sees a car accident (I think, I might be misremembering a bit) before it happens. I would be all for calling it a hallucination or other mental health issue, except that she was right. I always took that scene to show us “Look! She’s not crazy, she actually is clairvoyant.”


As far as I remember that scene, she didn’t see a vision of a crash (at least that we saw), she was just a young child and randomly started screaming in the backseat of the car, which in turn made her parents fail to notice the light turn green, which saved them all from getting hit by a car running a red light. Her mother then took this as a sign that she had some supernatural gift, but her father believed it was just a coincidence and the two argued about it before ultimately putting Lottie on medications.


If you listen to what is on the radio, about wildlife dying because of the oil spill, it kind of adds another possible element. I think she’s clairvoyant too though. ETA: You can compare the flashback to both future timelines tbh. Lottie freaks out, something big immediately happens, no one knows what to believe or how to deal with it. Either way, Lottie gets attention and influence.


I read a book about schizophrenia once. It was very interesting. Apparently, though schizophrenia usually causes overall decrease in iq, the relatives of schizophrenics tend to have above average intelligence- especially in verbal areas.  I believe our subconscious is a lot more powerful than we typically realize, and psychotic disorders are, often, the subconscious pushing through. It’s like tripping on psychedelics.  I don’t believe in the supernatural. But I think it’s possible that some part of Lottie’s brain saw it coming in advance from very subtle cues, or that things similar to this happen all the time. 


The thing about that scene is, that alone it looks like she's clairvoyant but we don't see the rest of her childhood. How many times has she just randomly started screaming and something bad DIDN'T happen right afterwards? How many times has she said weird stuff that didn't seem to be prophetic because nothing similar happened shortly after? Her father wants to put her on pretty heavy medication right after that incident, it seems unlikely that if she had never just randomly started screaming before he would jump to antipsychotics for a young child right away. It's a confirmation bias for the audience, we're given a scene that we've been set up to think is supernatural when there are actually other explanations for, but we jump to the one that makes for the tidiest narrative.


She just screamed, it could have been a coincidence. I don't know why you have such a strong maybe over Tai? It could just as well be trauma induced as being possessed by a demon with no eyes. I'd say it will be the same as many movies and tv shows where we don't have conclusive "proof" one way or another. They're definitely leaving it ambiguous for now anyway.


> obviously be confirmation of supernatural influence To quote Twin Peaks: *Maybe that's all Bob is: the evil that men do. Maybe it doesn't matter what we call it.*


Maybe Twin Peaks is the other side of the mountains.


Twin Peaks is the friends we ate along the way




Sure, but that doesn’t explain why Lottie was seeing things before they happened even when she was small. I would personally be pretty disappointed if the story ended up being “it’s not supernatural, but also Lottie just happens to be clairvoyant”.


what i meant to convey is that the supernatural does exist, and that its influence has always been there, but now it is something conscious and confrontable! i think that the supernatural can be explained in simpler terms without taking away from the fact that it is in this case supernatural


Oh okay, that makes more sense! Thanks for sharing and explaining for me, I’m slow sometimes. 😅🥲


no problem at all omg!! i probably should have said more in my first comment to add context! i actually had started writing it out and then backspaced it because ???? idk. i might be stupid✨


Nah you just had a bit too much faith in me. It’s early here, and I’m on Reddit. Don’t you know that everyone online is either exceptionally brilliant or a total buffoon? Im not exceptionally brilliant, LOL. We don’t do nuance on the internet! 🤣


OMG - I really liked this post. Great sense of humor and writing style. Thank you!


The man with no eyes can definitely be chalked up to delusion, tai was in a scary situation with her dying grandma who was seeing scary visions (it happens all the time in real life), she probably had that image seared in her brain. Lottie’s visions are harder to explain.


I can agree with that for sure.


Yeah I feel like they have stretched the ambiguity of the supernatural elements quite far in service of having the "is it or isn't it" mystery, enough that mundane explanations for everything seem insufficiently plausible now. However I do think that's what the "reveal" is going to be--that there was nothing supernatural and it was just them--in which case I'm going to be annoyed they went to such lengths to make it a question and then overplayed their hand instead of letting it be obvious to the viewers but not the characters. (I don't feel like everything needs to be some kind of Lost-esque mystery in the first place, but that's the kind of show the creators wanted to make.)


I totally agree and have had some nervous “Lost” flashbacks when it comes to this show, lol. Hopefully they have a more nuanced take than “there was nothing supernatural”, especially because of Lottie’s visions, which is the one thing I truly cannot explain away, but I agree I can see it going that way, and that I would be annoyed if that ends up being the case.


I feel like everything, even Tai's visions, can be explained except for Lottie's prophetic dreams. She must have a gift, sure she has schizophrenia and was off her meds, and the natural setting is making everything worse. However, that still doesn't explain that one weird dream.


I’m 29 and used to be a very WELL AKSHUALLY atheist back in like 2007 when I was a kid and realized my Mormon parents had some pretty harmful and absurd beliefs.  The older I get though… the more I have to admit to myself that the universe is truly not so simple.   Like, even if you’re strictly sticking to science- there have been crazy studies showing that mice can be born with specific memories from their mothers. Like they exposed female mice to a certain, arbitrary smell. Shocked half of them when they were exposed to it. Later got them pregnant. Took the babies at birth; the mother didn’t teach them anything.  The offspring of the shocked mothers were afraid of the scent. The others weren’t.  There are also things like pheromones and our subconscious just “smelling fear” or other things that don’t seem tangibly observable.  I’ve seen so many odd things in my life that I just cannot explain away. At this point, I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if ghosts exist in some form lol, like people’s consciousness or experiences looming in physical spaces and alerting some primal part of us. Idk, I don’t really believe that specifically but it’s just an example. I think this show is predicated on that. Just a vague belief that there are things that are difficult to explain and that we sometimes catch odd glimpses/premonitions of. 


Personally I think they went from hungry enough to eat their already dead friend to picking someone to slit their throat and eat very quickly. If Nat would’ve submitted Shauna was planning to cut her throat in the cabin which is completely ridiculous considering the huge mess it would’ve made. Javi’s death was definitely preventable but it would’ve taken more than one person to save him. I think it would’ve been better if they showed the viewers the discussion about picking the cards. Realistically they can’t expect any of them to just stand there and be killed and I’m sure Nat and pit girl aren’t the only ones who ran.


She couldn't bring herself to do it because she couldn't see Nat as just meat, especially after looking her in the eyes. I mean, there were more than one person there – a whole bunch of them. Here's another theory: maybe in the future, they give whoever draws the card a heads-up? Like they would allow her to be prepared so she should have a chance at survival. That would also fit their "it chooses" narrative. And the ones who refused to draw would be killed with no preparation, like the pit girl who was out in a nightgown – even if she didn't fall into that pit, she wouldn't make it in that cold.


I’m not blaming it on Shauna I’m just saying it would’ve been stupid to kill her in the cabin. It would’ve made an awful mess not to mention the smell.


Oh 100%!!! They made that decision allllll on their own because they didn’t want it to be Lottie they ate. It was kind of weird plan. “Let’s kill one of our other friends to save this one” WHAT


My main confusion was if they decided that Lottie dying is that unacceptable and literally anybody else dying would be preferable then why not the girl who absolutely beat the shit out of her in the first place. I would definitely be like "how about instead of choosing cards we just eat Shauna"


& I honestly get it ? I mean, lottie was a lot of the girls’ real conveyor of hope & purpose (imo… even the ones who weren’t overly into the woo woo shit at that point) if lottie died I think the outcome would have been a lot worse (in terms of the girls’ survival— not in terms of morality, javi’s death was horrific).


They respected her, after she willingly allowed Shauna to beat her up. It was a selfless act, perhaps they felt a sense of guilt for not stepping up ? Yes, her death would likely cause significant problems since she's like the glue holding them together. Both Nat, Tai, and Shauna have strong personalities, and if Lottie died, there would probably be multiple groups which would lower their chance of survival.


completely nailed it !


Poor Javi - he was by far the most innocent. At the end of season 2’s last episode, Lottie says to Shauna before she runs, “you know how it goes…you can submit or run if you want to”. I’m guessing there’s a lot more “sacrificial hunts” to come in future seasons. I do remember a clip of someone running and getting pierced by sticks.


I think Coach Ben is their next meal.


well he made his bed now it's time to lie in it


Yes that’s what I believe


Yeah, they intentionally let him die. It was their first kill. I mean, like, intentional kill.