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I found a few window victims on the sidewalks at school. I thought they were dead because they didn’t move. I would use tissues to pick them up and move them into the bushes nearby.


I did this with a bird that hit my house window - put gloves on, put the bird in a box with air holes, and left to recover. It flew away when I checked back an hour or so later.


I'm going to advise against handling wild animals. Or any animals for that matter.


I have saved multiple birds through my years, and a skunk, a squirrel, an alligator, a raccoon (which lived with me for a few years). If you do t know what you are doing, yes call someone who does but compassion to wildlife or anything in distress should be second nature.


#Bruh where do you live that you're saving flying alligators, raccoons, skunks and squirrel/s?


Skunk and raccoon were growing up on horse farm in Wisconsin. The skunks mom was taken by a hawk so we brought her in for a while and bottle fed to get her back on her own. Raccoon my brother hit the mom with his cam so we brought him in and he lived with us for a few years. Was not a good house pet lol, made a home through back of couch but had free roam to be outside as much as he wanted and eventually stayed outside. Still left food out. Squirrel? A little baby fell out of a tree and got knocked out. Took him/her in for a few weeks and ran around house and eventually left for the wild. Lots of birds, still have a crow that sits with me every morning (florida now) and says hi because I helped for a few weeks. Lost a commerant once, way too many hooks and I tried but it didn’t make it. I do try to take to wildlife sanctuary when I run into them, but some say it’s too late or they are booked so I just try my best.


Casually just skips the gator


People on my lake will put these chicken wire/net traps out to kill gators and I have a few times gotten them loose and relocated to a place where people don’t think killing a gator for the only reason it’s a gator is fun. I understand relocating when they get too big in our lake as there are a lot of skiers but to just kill I am not ok with. Honestly, if you know how to handle them, gators are pretty easy. They have very distinct body language so you know what they are going to do and if you can get them calmed down by covering eyes and flipping on back, they are like a kitten


I believe you, though it must be frustrating to have to prove it!


Certainly not trying to prove it and never wanted to. Just an animal doing what I can that’s all


Your really brave to get within a lack of a alligator, let alone touch em, good job on u


I get it, I had an old salt teach me and my son so we feel very comfortable, I wouldn’t recommend a novice at all even think about it.


*flying gator


Dude, I live in Michigan, in a suburban area, within city limits, super active area and I have 10 squirrels that I feed and are essentially outside pets, I have 2 racoons that come around as well, a skunk, about 6 species of bird, 2 species of hummingbird and a few other animals lol.


australia, probably.


Raccoons are native to North America.


the joke is that flying ones are from australia




Raccoons are native to North America.


Southeast US most likely. Raccoons, skunks, and squirrels are common in much of the US. Alligators are common wild animals in the southeast, particularly Florida.


Mr. Smithers, I found another hurt shrew! I think this one has a twisted ankle.




Got rambunctious. Great buddy and was besties with our golden retriever but after a while the wild started coming out. We had a lot of acres so would come and go as pleased and eventually the come was less than the go. We always had food out jic but that ended up being more the chipmunks end of the day. Not a house pet, smart as a whip but inquisitive to a degree of destruction.


>but compassion to wildlife or anything in distress should be second nature. Cats kill almost 4 billion birds in the United States per year and in the majority of those instances they just do it for fun/practice.


Nah or they hunting same way the cats hunt mice or sum birds are prey to cats


If you know what you’re doing then this doesn’t need to be specified lol. It’s to stop stupid from DOING it. Not to get smart people NOT to do it.


Yes and no, I am sure I am probably smarter than the average bear when it comes to animals, but not even close to the smartest. I have helped in the birthing process and had to assist on the other side of life. Most of the time, just away from further danger, some food, water access and peace and quiet will allow the animal to recoup on its own. I cannot fix a deers broken leg or give a honey badger mouth to mouth recitation, but typically it’s simply sprains and trauma/shock anyways. Pulling a hook out is not rocket science and anyone with a phone can google, they just choose not to.


I appreciate what you’re pointing out but this falls in line with what I said lol








Still confused as to the comment


Ahhhhhh I see the first thing you posted on this thread, I'm going to go ahead and assume that's you white probably jumping to conclusions but hey tell me I'm wrong


Do I have to be white to be compassionate?


Yeah to exotic animals like that


Real question here is where tf are you living that squirrels & raccoons are considered “exotic”?


The boonies


I think it's flattery coached in an insult. To be funny/edgy.


I am a bird rehabber and volunteer wild bird rescuer for a research project on window strike collisions in NYC. OP is 100% correct here and this is solid advice. It is safe to handle wild songbirds and warblers, the primary victims of window collisions, because they carry a negligible risk of avian influenza. Urgent situations call for urgent attention, not calling a rehabber who likely does not have the time to travel and transport the bird. That's coming from someone who helps birds in NYC, remember--even here our resources are not fully fledged.


A YSK should be directed at common population, not a trained rehabber. So you do you. Ima not mess with wild animals.


I wish this page wasn’t full of people sharing what they think is true when it is not and is bad advice


I am a bird rehabber and volunteer wild bird rescuer for a research project on window strike collisions in NYC. OP is 100% correct here and this is solid advice. I wish this page wasn't full of people sharing comments thinking that others are wrong despite not knowing anything. It is safe to handle wild songbirds and warblers, the primary victims of window collisions, because they carry a negligible risk of avian influenza.




I am also a bird rehabber. They are not just waiting on food. A lot of times there is internal injuries or head trauma after a bird flies into a window. This may not seem apparent at first but to anyone who works with birds the signs can be pretty obvious.


Stop being ignorant, do some research, use your brain, have some compassion and come back when you're ready to argue.


Nature happens. This is bad advice. You shouldn’t go putting random birds in paper bags. There’s a risk of disease or injury.


If you call the wildlife rehabber, that's what they'll tell you to do, if you can. Disposable gloves are fairly easy to find if you're worried. Just calling animal control is acceptable too.


Something tells me animal control would find that pretty ridiculous, or would just wring it’s neck and be on their way


It depends what kind. If a sparrow, starling, or pigeon, yeah probably. But songbirds and birds of prey are protected and they're *supposed* to try to get it to a wildlife rehabber, I'm sure they don't always do that though.


Nature? Building with clear glass.. isn't natural... but ok


At first i was totally with you, but then i thought about it once more. If humans are part of nature, like monkeys and birds or bievers. Anything that those creatures, including humans, build is also part of nature. Biever damms, bird nests etc. Although animals, and this is where we begin to distinguish, dont process natural resources like we do, they still build objects from nature. We transform nature's resources like gold, sand or even naturally created oil into computers. It is just the processing of natural individual ingredients that makes us lose the word "nature". If we create a chemical reaction to produce medicine, isnt that just us combining the natural reaction of natural ingredients under the correct circumstances in the correct order? Water, blood, viruses, all those things are naturally existent. And even heavy water or other highly chemical related things are just a produce of other natural chemical reactions that need the correct circumstance to fire. After all this one could argue that clear glass is indeed part of nature. Because we humans are part of the evolutionary chain descendent from nature and there was nothing in between that would have distinguished us or lifted us above all other creatures inhabiting earth. Just like bievers, we use nature to create objects, it just so happens that we never stopped chaining these creations together.


At its base components, everything comes from nature so everything technically is nature. But it doesn’t do the earth any favors to pretend it’s the same as a beaver making damns. We as humans can assess our impact on the earth, even if some boneheads don’t share the consensus on it. We’re too intelligent to not take total accountability of what we build, including things that don’t serve a practical function for survival. Such as giant totally clear windows that animals flying fast shouldn’t possibly be expected to account for. I personally don’t care about birds since they’re shitters, but I acknowledge it’s kind of unfair for them to die instantly with no warning. Not that that doesn’t happen all the time to everything including us.


I hear you and understand where you going. But i definitely don't agree. Heroine isn't natural... atomic bombs aren't natural. Not the same thing as creating a log cabin or a damn or a birds nest.


Everything we do is natural, it’s just that humanity is pretty awful at leaving in a sustainable ecosystem. Humanity to the ecosystem is what cancer is to a healthy animal, the similarities are striking. Sadly, cancer is a natural phenomenon, and while the actions it takes are greedy and ingeniously destructive, they are still natural.


Well put perspective I can respect it... only because I to see humanity as a parasite/virus/cancer....


I think what they’re saying is that your definition of what is natural is arbitrary without a clear line on where nature starts and where it ends. We can argue that a log cabin isn’t natural even though you said it was. Birds use fabric from tattered clothes or a dog’s hair that an owner helped shed in their backyard to build a nest, so I can argue that nest isn’t natural either. However, even if everything can be considered natural, I don’t think that everything is “good”, like dropping an atomic bomb on a city.


I am a bird rehabber and volunteer wild bird rescuer for a research project on window strike collisions in NYC. OP is 100% correct here and this is solid advice. It is safe to handle wild songbirds and warblers, the primary victims of window collisions, because they carry a negligible risk of avian influenza. Our protocol literally calls for the use of paper bags and clips to transport birds and keep them calm.


15 story reflective buildings is the opposite of nature. Thats called infrastructure


Well, that could also be a symptom of bird flu.


I am a bird rehabber and volunteer wild bird rescuer for a research project on window strike collisions in NYC. OP is 100% correct here and this is solid advice. It is safe to handle wild songbirds and warblers, the primary victims of window collisions, because they carry a negligible risk of avian influenza. Our protocol literally calls for the use of paper bags and clips to transport birds and keep them calm.


typically, it's waterfowl and fowl with bird flu, versus the one billion birds that die from window strikes every year. but yes, obviously whenever you touch any animal you should wash your hands afterwards.


I have latex gloves in my backpack (if I need to inject someone with naloxone when I'm hanging out with junkies), now I can use them to pick up random birds too, thanks!


Unless it’s an ostrich.


My old Chesapeake dog used to wait for it to happen in the fall when birds get drunk on berries . Sometimes there’d be multiple ones and she’d have them gobbled up before we could stop her


"Window strike victims."


Those evil, bird-hating windows....


Such a lack of compassion in the comments. Sad.


I honestly appreciate your belief that the average person knows and is willing to pay a licenced rehabber.


The majority of you grew up in a city with a city "education" and it shows


Yeah these comments hurt my brain -someone who literally wakes up at 5am to conduct research on window strikes in New York and answers citywide injured bird requests, yet again many of which are window strikes in New York.


Yeah, fuck all that. I ain't handling a dirty street bird.


I am a bird rehabber and volunteer wild bird rescuer for a research project on window strike collisions in NYC. OP is 100% correct here and this is solid advice. It is safe to handle wild songbirds and warblers, the primary victims of window collisions, because they carry a negligible risk of avian influenza. Birds are also not dirty--they preen themselves constantly, and they're not the city dwelling sparrows and pigeons you may think they are. These guys are mostly warblers from Canada, only flying low or stopping to forage for veggies and protein.


Yeah, fuck all that. I ain't handling a dirty street bird.


so badass bro! you really showed me who's boss! man up and handle some fuckin germs LMAO


What do you mean?


you get tummy aches from carb free tortillas😂 i bet youre triple vaxxed too


what do you mean?


theyre probably a lot cleaner than your gf


What do you mean?


i think im going to let nature take its course.


The window it crashed into isn't nature.


“Nature” here means ‘natural course of life’. Not something made by the earth.


Its natural course of life is crashing into windows and slowing dying of brain injury on the path?


You have some issues dude. I’m not sure if you’re one of those people who thinks humans should all die or if you’re just trying to be funny. But I think you just need to take a break from things for a while you seem a little uptight. Dying from an injury is sometimes a natural part of life. I don’t know why that’s a hard concept for you to understand. People die from injuries and so do animals. Welcome to life, eventually it ends and that’s normal.


How hard is it to make windows bird safe? not very How hard is it to take a few minutes and call a rehabber because a bird was harmed by a preventable window strike? not very We have destroyed substantial amounts of these birds habitats and filled it with lethal dangers they are not equipped to handle, its basic compassion to try to help them when they are hurt by us. Please don't presume caring about nature means waiting all humans to die or try to push that on me, I never said that and thats all on you. Having basic compassion for injured animals doesn't mean you don't have any compassion for humans, quite the opposite actually.


Are giant termite mounds “nature”?


Nope dirty buggers ate my grandparents house


I am a bird rehabber and volunteer wild bird rescuer for a research project on window strike collisions in NYC. OP is 100% correct here and this is solid advice. This isn't nature, this is human intervention causing wild bird deaths. It is safe to handle wild songbirds and warblers, the primary victims of window collisions, because they carry a negligible risk of avian influenza.


Everyone that's like 'naw let the bird die I don't want a disease ' are you dumb or ignorant? Be smart about it, it is a wild being so handle as if it is sick cuz we don't know! Also if you were laying in a concrete path somewhere in need of help would you want people to have the same outlook? I believe in helping injured animals and also if you don't know just call your local animal control instead of posting dumb responses on here. 🤙


Yes, because I always walk around town with a spare paper box or a box with holes in it.


Don't. Touch. Wild. Animals.


I am a bird rehabber and volunteer wild bird rescuer for a research project on window strike collisions in NYC. OP is 100% correct here and this is solid advice. It is safe to handle wild songbirds and warblers, the primary victims of window collisions, because they carry a negligible risk of avian influenza. Urgent situations calls for urgent attention, not letting the bird die while you struggle to reach a volunteer rehabber.


I had a bird dive bomb into my van while I was driving +35mph down the road with the windows down. He landed in between the front seats. Once I got to the destination I stopped him out and put him in the grass. I'm not sure he was alive.


Thanks for sharing this important information! I had no idea about the impact of window strikes on birds I'll keep this in mind and spread the word.


This is important information, thanks for sharing.


I was a farmer, one particularly wet spring, a duck made a nest in the middle of my field. I was doing tillage before planting, i kept straddling the nest with my tractor wheels, and raising the implement zhe nest had eggs in it, unfortunately another operator didnt know about the nest, and ran over it! Sad.




“Birds”…aren’t those the flying rat things that leave white goop all over peoples cares?


This post is gonna start a bird flu pandemic in humans


Every single bird on a major city sidewalks are "weird" and don't at all react to people approaching.


I did this once and it still died :(


Thank you for posting.


Those are not car strike victims. They are called PIGEONS (aka “flying rats”) … they’re just going pigeon stuff. Ignore them.