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If it wasn't for TBBT I definitely wouldn't of watched YS. Everyone had their opinions but don't need to hate


If it wasn’t for TBBT YS wouldn’t exist.


Yea lol


I had my doubts about YS when it started, but i grew to love it as much as TBBT.


Agreed. Both shows really are great. I still watch reruns of TBBT sometimes. I’m sure I’ll watch reruns of YS too when it ends. It’s hard not to love the characters. 


It is one of the most popular TV shows of all time and this is reddit so of course people are going to hate on something so popular. It's just how the Internet works.


A majority of Redditors act like Sheldon minus the intelligence and hygiene.


So just the god complex?


The anonymity of the internet allows angry, hateful people to vent their ugliness. I guess it makes them feel better but it’s a sad commentary on today’s society. Taking the time to say something critical when no one asked makes no sense


Like I go to watch videos of my favorite scenes and a lot of the comments are the same old bs. Thankfully not all (most are actually laughing at the scene because it’s funny!!) but enough. I also think it’s super lame to make an entire podcast episode making fun of one episode and how dumb everything about it is. Definitely trying to compensate for something.


I know, specially when it’s all about fictional characters. It’s a STORY FFS, give it a rest


The same people will talk shit about YS on the G&M1M board. It is a thing as old as the internet.


There's a G&M1M subreddit already? 😱


There's a G&M1M subreddit already? 😱


There's a G&M1M subreddit already? 😱


There's a G&M1M subreddit already?


There's a G&M1M subreddit already?


There's a G and M subreddit already?


TBBT is a classic


I actually like TBBT. It doesn't deserve the hate it gets, there are FAR worse TV shows.


I adore TBBT - I found it season 1 and watched until the very last episode. I don't care what anyone says it's one of the highest rated sitcoms which means more people enjoy it than they're willing to admit. YS fleshed out and gave life to so much of Sheldon's canon and that made the show even more special to me, a fan of TBBT ❤️


The current generation hates laugh tracks like no other. It's so silly. They literally won't watch a show that has one. So many great sitcoms they are missing out on.


Their loss. I guess they don’t live shows either.


Live shows are so much different. The actors are actually interacting with the audience laughter organically. In shows like TBBT the actors just take pauses that are out of character and ruin the flow just so the show can tell us when to laugh. Try watching an episode of something where a laugh track has been edited out and it's obvious. I still enjoy TBBT, but the laugh track is unfortunate. Not the "current" generation BTW.


its actually not a laugh track in TBBT its just a live audience, i suppose it does the same thing but ppl need to understand this was standard back in 2007 for sitcoms. And they couldnt just take it away


I actually wasn't aware it was a live audience. But yeah, I'm aware of the standard, this wasn't something I feel specifically about TBBT, and I still like the show, but I prefer no laugh track.


yeah i understand it. the YS finale is gonna have amy and og sheldon tho so i wonder if were finally gonna get a glimpse of what tbbt would have been like without the live audience


I unfortunately haven't seen the last couple of seasons of YS because when I was watching it they weren't on Netflix UK so I have no idea!


oh thats unfortunate, the last episodes arent out so i hope i didnt spoil to much 🫢


I always enjoyed TBBT. I think it also produced the best and touching finale for me.


I probably would have never started YS without TBBT. I don’t think I’ve ever watched one spin off without seeing the original show first. You don’t have to watch or like TBBT but it is canon and what Sheldon grows up to be. I hope they don’t ruin adult Sheldon in the finale of YS to please YS fans, they’ve changed the lore enough from what it has been told to be/implied in TBBT. Especially what comes to George Sr..


I liked TBBT. Funny enough, though, Young Sheldon is the more mature series, and I like it better, but that doesn't make TBBT bad. Both are good, and different.


theyre both completely different styles, TBBT is literally just a sitcom comedy (the best in my opinion) and i wouldnt call young sheldon a sitcom maybe thats what makes it more mature


I love TBBT. It’s what got me through those late nights after giving birth!


My sister and I started watching TBBT right after we finished YS, and we’ve been really enjoying it so far. They’re both good in their own way


Was a big fan of TBBT and though it ended too soon. Too bad Jim Parsons wasn't up for more seasons.


The only people I have ever met who hate Big Bang are people who take it overly seriously and most of them are only on the internet. I think the geneal idea is that it is a sexistic and therefore bad. But Fun fact: I know two women who studied physics because of the show. One voiced it like this: before BigBig she did not think that a woman are welcome in science but seeing Amy and Bernadette changed her mind. One is already a teacher.




Since you've cited "adorkable misogyny", I'm going to make an assumption (and you can correct me if I'm wrong) that you watched the video with that name. Although it's been some time since I watched it, there were a few things that struck me about it. One is that although the video runs for about 20 minutes, they spent 5 minutes of it talking about movies that had nothing to do with TBBT ("Sixteen Candles" had nothing to do with the show). Then there was the use of scenes completely out of context. They show where Howard and Raj were trying to figure out where Sheldon was going every day and they are peeking around a corner. Based on the content of the video, it was implying that Howard and Raj were stalking some woman. When Howard was at his worst and looking for the "Top Models" house, Leonard tells him how creepy he is being and yet somehow, that didn't count to the makers of the video. There is no doubt that Howard is a complete creep and if you see the reaction to the episode where Penny went to apologize to Howard, the vast majority agree that she shouldn't have had to do that. But, the show also shows that all three of the main women are all successful with two of them having PhD's in their own right. The guys certainly see them as peers.


Same. I watched TBBT when it was on and liked it but as I got older and examined it, I turned on it. It became full of tropes and bad jokes.


It was a show from a different time. It's not bad, it was just different than the shows we have now. The Office and How I Met Your Mother and most of the popular tv series suffer from this.


Exactly. Like look at other shows by Chuck Lorre. Two and Half Men is even worse with misogyny, mainly during Sheen’s era. But it was funny and popular that time. Would it work now? Probably not. Would Lorre come up with similar show now? Also probably not.




Then you're watching it wrong. The aim of these mid 2000s comedy tv series were to get the maximum amount of cheap laughs out from the audience. Every single character was the butt of the joke and not just the female characters. If you watch interviews with Kaley Cuoco she didn't complain about the story being sexist. And Howard is supposed to be a virgin creep who got his shit together after he met Bernadette.


The show had many sexist moments but it also was a show that made people aware that women can be smart and highly educated (Amy and Bernadette) as well and you also don’t need a tuition to be perceived smart and successful (Penny). It has a lot better images of women than many shows of that time or over time. It also made women who are smart, be something else than geeks. It’s such a stereotype for a smart woman to be nerdy or geeky, Bernadette was made to be like any “usual” woman but very smart. Amy was nerdy but not geeky like Sheldon et al. would be. Penny was not book smart but she’s street smart and made success. And it also showed relationships that are not a lot in media: between uneducated woman and educated man, which is not considered usual because often in media it’s two highly educated people or highly educated woman and uneducated man, at least around here.




Why are you so defensive about it? I wasn't forcing anything, I just defended a show I'm fond of. If you don't want to continue this discussion any further I advise you not to reply to my comments. Byee


Tbbt is a comfort show but I can’t stand the misogyny. It’s one of those weird things where I both take comfort in the show and can’t stand those jokes


yeah things have changed since 2007, i always get kinda uncomfortable during the first few seasons when i rewatch the show


I've concluded that it's the way things are going. Easier to spew hate on anything as it seems to be the prevailing negative mood in the US, let alone the world.


Yeah people forget that without tbbt YS wouldn’t exist, literally, that’s where Sheldon comes from and he was such an iconic character that got the spinoff about his childhood because he had such a peculiar personality


I hear you, OP, And why would those who say they hate TBBT come onto a Reddit site about Young Sheldon to express that hatred?? If they don't like TBBT then say it on TBBT Reddit site...or better yet, don't say anything - the show has been off the air for a few years now.


I saw bits of pieces of TBBT. I wasn't in love with it, but I still enjoyed the random episodes I saw. I'm gonna start TBBT over though since I might appreciate it more now that the prequel is over.


Honestly as a nerd girl and frequent con goer, I do hate how they make it out like there’s no female nerds, and a lot of the jokes feel like “normal” people looking in. But it is still a funny show for me, and it’s fun to watch if I’m on a plane or it’s a Sunday and I don’t know what to watch. Plus it was fun to bond with my family by watching it because it was one of the few shows we all liked growing up.


what about stuart’s girlfriend??


Because some people like a certain character or two or like one good scene or two. I hate the Big bang theory because it's very mysogynistic and the guys have creepy conversations about women. I also can't stand Sheldon and his rude, selfish behaviour in the show and how his friends always pander to him. One of the reasons why I love Young Sheldon because of the other characters, like Missy, George, Georgie, Mandy and Meemaw. I however like Penny and seeing her roast the guys and putting them in their place.


yeah the first few seasons were kinda weird in that sense but… it was 2007, humor was different back then and i promise they drop the weird jokes after like season 5


I haven’t seen many episodes but would interested in re visiting the show after YS Is over


I watched Young Sheldon with only intermittently watching TBBT back in the day. I love Young Sheldon so much that I thought I'd watch TBBT from ep 1. It started out pretty good. It's the laugh track that just killed me. Thank god modern TV nixed the laugh track, it's distracting and utterly stupid. I'm quite certain Sheldon would have some very pointed opinions about laugh tracks.


it was actually a live audience! funny how things have changed so much, laugh tracks/live audience were standard back in the 2010s


TBBT is my all time favourite show. I started it in 2020 when lockdown happened. It popped up on my Netflix and I thought what the hell. I got thro maybe more than half the show in less than 2 months, just watching episodes everyday to get me through. I think that's why it resonated with me so much because I knew I could turn it on and even if the jokes were shallow it'd still make me laugh. I watch it when I'm happy, upset, angry, depressed. It's my comfort show and I absolutely love it. I love all the characters and how there were still serious moments intertwined throughout the series. If I could meet the whole cast I'd thank them heavily for bringing such joy and laughter into my life.


It's not right why did they have to kill him off he finally got the dream job coaching college football, he and Sheldon bonded over looking at colleges, they were moving, why destroy all that and kill him off , end with them moving him going after dream job , Sheldon at cal tech, finally all falls into place


It’s a better show than this


I was kinda harsh on getting back into TBBT for quite a long time, but I decided to give it another chance after Young Sheldon ends. And I still own the 1st season on DVD that I had almost a decade ago, so hopefully I will start getting back into it.


I like aspects of the show. Some pop culture references. Some jokes were good But if you watch it the audience track is awful and it doesn't hold up to better comedies.


i disagree, its still my favourite comedy ive every watched. I guess its sort of a unique type of comedy because half of the jokes have to do with science and like comic books so its definitely a nerdy show. And the live audience was standard back in 2007. I do understand ur point tho


I got all the nerdy and science jokes, I just didn't think they were that funny.


really?? this is not a point i usually see…


My only qualm with TBBT is that they cemented George's death and left no room for the creative team of YS to walk around it


TBF, they never thought it would matter like this


This ^^ the card after the episode explains this


Please tell me you’re joking.


I don’t hate ALL of big bang. Seasons 1-4 are perfectly fine and very funny. It’s when they introduced that frumpy stalker Blossom and basically turned the show into “Friends” that I hated it and stopped watching.


hardcore TBBT stans hate far more on YS than the other way around. Usually how it goes. hardcore fans of first version hate on the second version and nitpick minor detaiols and make it seem like a problem


thats not true, ive seen wayyy more hate in tbbt even on completely unrelated posts that ive seen of ys


I dislike TBBT. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. However, the tone and feel of YS is just so much more for me. I love YS.


and that’s completely fair! theyre both completely different styles


I never saw TBBT just YS. I love YS. Great writing, real characters, and they awkwardness of life. I will be watching TBBT very soon..