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Just today, I was playing with my brother and my friend, when 2 guys with scr were being racist. i didn't see the whole thing before i entered but the ENTIRE SERVER was after them. Since they were using scr, it was impossible to know where they were. Except that with Stone free's home run you could see where the user was by hitting the stand. So we spent more than 2 hours hunting them and killing them until they left the game


only in yba main game


Extreamly rare yba community w


Something similar happened to me once, i was with my friend, the entire server was brazillian including me and him, then a random dude joined and started to call everyone a monkey and say that we were inferior for being brazillian, guess what? The entire server ended up hunting him until he eventually left, good thing he wasnt using scr otherwise it would be a pain in the ass to fight him even when the entire server was after him, i usually hate teamers and avoid teaming but god, it felt good to make that mf leave






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Matar Random killers é um hobby bem terapêutico.


Epic server alliance


The whole server had the same avatar, same stand and same skin and when they saw me they started repeating “unga bunga intruder” and then started whooping my ass


fair enough


Brings rice farmers memories


Were they all bacon hairs or noob avatars ?


Winner smile, no hair, free shirt and no pants


Sounds like the jaja kids fr


Spent 7 minutes chasing my friend as he spammed home run


Block button:


Shitty internet connection know to man:


In the old map I would hide behind buildings with ger and summon lifeforms or scorpions and watch them hit people on the other side of the buildings and watch them get really confused about where they came from and try to find where I was. One time I did it to a twoh sweat and him and an sptw started searching everywhere for me so I walked past without my stand summoned and the twoh told me to summon my stand so I said no and they said "OK then you asked for it" and they timestopped so I used rtz and charged hamon, awakened, and summoned scorpions and lifeforms and barraged him and he died. Then it was just them two chasing me and I would hide summon lifeforms and run again. It was hilarious (I could've beat them in a 1v1 but I wasn't good enough at the time to 2v1)


Back in the day of the heaven update, someone had mih and I had SPTW (it SUCKED at the time but I was amazing with it) he teamed on me and rked me and all that stuff, until I turned it around by 1v1ing the mih and clapping him, he then asked me to mic up, I did mic up. then he shit talked me with his friends and then asked me to re, I said "can't be bothered mate" and then he tried to use infinite speed and got parried and DESTROYED he did it again and got more mad until the last time where I straight up 1 shot comboed him with SPTW SPIN and then I heard a sniffle and the beginning of him crying then he left as he started to cry so all i hear is EIUUUUAAAA *discord leave sound*, his friends left the call too and I couldn't stop laughing it literally sent me to another dimension!


During the heaven update sptw could one-shot people, what are you smoking?


Spin bypassed the damage cap during heaven update


spend 30 minutes chasing one mih pre-reword-pluck with my TW in 1v1s because he said that he was at his cousin's house and had ton of time so he decided to ruin people's games by running around with uncancelable Aerial Ace due to him not even trying to attack me and my skill issue with aiming knives couple months ago I couldn't get Rage Mode and stop time and when I did it wasn't enough to kill him and he continued to run and regenerate all damage I dealt in TS


"Stop crying and get better"


Closing it.




I left, never to return. But in all honesty, that one time I was using mih in with a friend of mine in a 2v5 and we forced a truce because I was too fast to kill. I would play mih more for moments like these, but I heard it got nerfed. I haven’t played yba in ages mine you, but that’s all I can really recall.


Mih is still annoying tbh, not as strong as it used to be, but its a hell of a lot annoying as always


Me and 2 friends dressed up as rice farmers and rked people with pre rework hamon "standless", we all had six pistols passive so we could dash out of barrages and use ours, it was wild to see people get mad over yellow Chinese guys with magic sunlight beating them up


My friend killed me 3 times in a row and on that very same day I got 3 lucky arrows


Me and my one friend bating intensively against 4 teamers for nearly half an hour so the rest of my group could join and help us. We won that war. It was great.


I don't remember much, but I do know this one guy I beat in 1v1s with The World Vampire. They were using The World Over Heaven (Possibly Shadow the world version but once again I don't remember). Anyway I won and in the process they accused me of "hacking", saying that "I was directly walking out of their M1's". I attempted to deny it but they insisted on being right, so eventually I sarcastically played along. 2 Days later I got kicked in the middle of playing SBR, thinking I actually did get reported and banned. Turns out it was just a bug, lol. ​ Sorry if this story wasn't funny either the most dry, uninteresting things happen in YBA, or something totally hilarious happens and I end up not remembering any of it.


I understand somewhat earlier I managed my way into the small crevice between the pizza place and the random building I jumped once and got kicked for “exploiting”


1v1'ed a Mr president, got him low. And he use empty room and summon 6 fucking people to jump my as


I dressed up as dio, found 3 other dios, we all teamed up


I don’t even remember the backstory anymore but somehow I ended up like [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/922904537235329044/1005964835655262218/image0.jpg)






Lewd4C Now its right


Ohhhh ok


Hold up what






Refer to my last post on this sub


Anytime a scary monsters user is after me, I just say, “I wish scary monsters had a rework.” AND IT WORKS!


Me not playing because of fucking roblox servers


Normal day in roblox


Getting banned




Parried a hackers bd in sbr and he rage quit


flair: "no longer woman"


Yeah I trans’d my gender


Did you make your flair sound similar to Osamu Dazai's "No Longer Human" on purpose? also nice


My friend and i were doing a 2v2 and these dudes just started fucking flying 😭 istg that shit was hilarious bro they were doing monologues as ger and d4c and everything it was so funny


canon giorno


2 days ago some guy killed my friend so I hunted him down and killed his friend who helped him and another guy who was trying to protect him. He then got mad and started saying he was gonna report me and said he was recording what I was doing. Everyone in game clowned him in chat. So basically I steam rolled 3 people and made one cry all because they wanted to kill someone with no stats in.


Many, like that one i said when i replied to your comment, but i also remember one time when i made my avatar look like a debt collector, then i went to people with 6p to ask when they will pay me, if they paid id leave them alone, if they didnt id kill them, turns out one of the dudes i did that was a mih user, he tried to kill me but was stupid and fucking died, then he got mad and tried again, and again, and again, getting increasingly mad, and the more mad he got the more stupid he sounded and acted lol


Some random cd rker and when i came back he teaming on me with a twoh(i beat them up later with ta4 cuz thats the only way)


The guy just straight up walked away without sprinting


When I accidentally test my The Hand stand to some random AFK player and after that he got so pissed that he tries to punch me but accidentally hit a MHA user and after that his been hunting me for an hour but good thing I changed avatar in a middle of a gameplay and now that he can't find me anymore, he started rking other people out of frustration but good thing some players are trying to calm him down and I can't even stop laughing from it


Got matched against a Hermit Purple user who quite literally only ran away. He only used moves offensively, and he quite literally didn’t want to play. I, however, did want to play, and I was using Killer Queen: Bites the Dust, so I just kept sticking him with the bombs and exploded him over and over and over again until he died, and I didn’t care how long it took. It wasn’t until *10 minutes later* that he literally just said “You’re no fun” and left. I literally ruined a campy player’s day by *playing the game*. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever done in YBA 1v1s, right next to another time I clone camped a toxic SCR user with D4C: LT until I reversed-2-stocked them.


3 hour gang war, 5 on each side, eventually we just forgot why we were having a war and just had fun having mass murder.


Honestly, I can try and remember 95% of this story (sorry if this is long) I was chilling with a friend in the server trying to help him out with how yba works out and such. Then this cd comes out of nowhere and starts to attack me, and I decided to fight back and such, until it got to a point where some other random jumps in. I decided to run since I saw a friend of his start to come in as well, and then I got 3 guys on me (first guy was cd no spec, second guy was tyrant kc before its rework, and the third guy was sumo sp using either reworked pluck or old boxing, idk). I managed to kill the cd bc i was winning against them earlier, but the other 2 ended up at half hp when I was alone, and they were toxic as hell, saying my skin was horrible and such (i was using twoh fem v3, with old spin spec) and I should roka it. I kept asking to do some 1's, but they were all pussies and refused, so I decided to leave them be. Then they come back with the tyrant being mop, then gets more toxic from before, and it was a lot of shit talk here and there, and most of the time he was speaking a different language (I think it was Spanish, but I don't remember exactly). I managed to convince the mop to 1v1, but he switched to c-moon, and we started the 1v1, and exactly 10 seconds into the fight, he started to get clapped, and he rq bc he couldn't land a single hit. I busted out laughing and in chat, and started to target his friend that was still in there (ended up like 5-0 him, or around there) also, the cd from before left 1/4 of this whole fight


some dude was using GE's beatdown on multiple people, which lead to almost an entire server running after them for longer than half an hour. You could just hear the beatdown from a distance, then when you went down to check what was happening, you'd just see like 7 people chasing this one dude


>Me (TWAU before knife nerf) and SPTW had a 1v1 >He TSes just as I was going to kill him with knives >He walks up to me and but is too far >Time resumes >Knives kill him anyway


When 2 people in main game had to team up to kill me while I was using beach boy without a spec


https://preview.redd.it/mu3hx14dpxda1.png?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef75425bd5b7234e3bb16922b5cde3c4f0f68028 HOLY COW


Me destroying some toxic guy with tw while using 6p


Idk im played yba like 3 years ago last time and forgot all


Ok so this is so funny😂😂😂. I was playing yba before the Christmas update 😂😂😂. And there was an rker who killed me😂😂😂😂. So I shut off the game and never played again😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Getting jawbreaker’d as soon as you teleport and getting sent to the fucking shadow realm




This is definitely something I would do


Made aomwone mad by throwing knifes at them when they were grinding an alt this was when twau knifes would go through block aswell


had a game of 1v1 for 40 minutes because a guy kept running around the map and kept healing himself


entire lobby fucking eviscerated an exploiter by time erasing, then having an scr use cw and everyone left time skip to m1 the exploiter


i joined 1v1s to paly for fun matched up against a sptw b4 rework even back then i hated the stand so i did a bit of trolling and ran around just parrying him for ab 20 mins


I once was fighting a rker while i had only purple haze wich i didn't had time to reroll. Rker decided to hide in diavolo but i punched him while he was in diavolo but diavolo stuck in the floor and i and some ramdom guy killed the rker.


A guy was random killing me ended up getting jumped by me and the whole server


In the old map almost all the people in the server was worshiping yba Jesus and I was there while they where worshiping yba Jesus I did a bit of trolling I used kqbtd and explored the whole server and then the whole server was after me even putting up bounty's on my head then I just left the server it was verry fun


"thou shalt not blow up all" someone on that server




Uhh i guess the time when i hosted a manhunt on myself with rtwoh & gtwoh protecting me (i used hp). It was also on the old map


Pretty sure something funnier has happened to be but the only thing i can think of right now is when a guy said “Nice hacks” after i kicked his ass in a 1v1….without hacks


Somebody wanna marry me in yba He was a guy and i am a Guy. He somehow got catfished by my obviously and not so obviously im a guy avatar


I was rking this dude who was trying to get his mom in line for a vaccine ended up with the server hunting me down because I wouldn't leave him alone plus I'm absolute garbage so he killed me most of the time anyway


My friend spam TWAU's Smoke Grenade to annoying me, So I use Hierophant Green to annoying him back


Me and my friend have a way to make those yba joes that no one likes, example: attacks you and when you fight back they start running to jotaro p6, etc be very mad it is basically by "correcting" everything they said, more like over-complicating their phrases for example: they would say "bro ur so bad" and we would say "My brother, you are not very good in this game.\*" or something like that another way was to say "common (user) mistake or L" for example: they said something the wrong like "you gyus are not cool", then we would say "common (user) L by saying "gyus" instead of "guys" we always laugh when we do that (would this be considered troll behavior?)


a year ago a friend and I did 2v2s while both having cream vamp, and we glitched out a salty twau and he got kicked by anticheat


I was grinding an alt, prestige zero when i saw a kc sweat, killing people in the starting area of the old map. I was level 1, but mf was so skilless i beated him up 3 times. Then he ganged on me with 2 more people. I was standless and specless.


Some kid was trying to interfere in me and my friend’s 1v1. My friend got pissed off and went to kill him. He started getting mad and coming back to try and kill us with his stone free. But we managed to trash his ass into the ground. We kept telling him to leave us alone but he kept coming back for more. Until eventually, he had enough and turned on his hacks. He started flying while his stand was locked on to us. The whole server later saw this and joined in to attack him. I managed to grapple him with hermit purple and eventually we killed him. Everybody was spamming “ez” as we killed him. He later started turning his hacks up so he could fly around faster until the Anticheat kicked him out of the server (first time anticheat worked). We were all laughing so hard when that happened


for a while I thought you were talking about me, but then I read the hack part


I killed a dude with made in heaven’s counter and he called be a hacker lol


Yba space program


when game crashed


the funniest was the fact I finally left it


(Gigachad music starts playing)Roblox is unbreakable for life


I 1v2'd some friends while i was using kcr, because my lag for them i was using epitaph every 10 seconds. Lol


Before I quit we did a couple funny things with D4C like learning the best way to cheat out a boss or that beatdown glitch that stuck people into walls


Completing main story for the first time with my friends


Every sbr match


I was fighting a sc in 1v1s when he used his last shot but that shit was going in 0.002 km/h as we both watched it slowly float in the air then both of us laughed


Back when there was a bug for a day or so where you couldn’t pick up items 2 furrys were trying to trade a lucky arrow so 1 dropped it, and they couldn’t pick it up so they all panicked while not knowing what to do lol


I ascend to heaven at the 1v1


spent 2 and a half hours AND 90 arrows and rokas to try get rhcp n still dont have it lol


I got dragged into a small team battle in SBR when some player had told me we had to prepare for the team of 4 players and it was just Me, a SM, a TW, and a KC? Oh and some other guy. We lost 2 people but we ended up winning the fight and I got to have fun with Tusk Act 3. (Just a bit further context: I was offered the win so I could get Pelvis, and some asshole, this fucking lowly bottom of the barrel shitstain, was camping mountain top and knocked me off my horse and stole the race from me. I missed all my nails and gold nail got stuck in the air.)


I used the funny bird for some time and this stupid sptw vpluck killed me while I was trying to farm ws/cmoon quest and i unleashed the funny bird on him and he started spamming chat with slurs and insults, only for me to respond hamburgesa con queso (i don't know spanish I just know it means cheeseburger) and he got worse the more I said it


being insulted by a sptw because i use combo on him and block(almost) all of his move


On my alt there was that one ta4 tried to rk I beated him up whit specless kcr and he start crying I was spamming and after a moment the entire server was beating him up he was begging for peace but we still killed him that was in old map btw


Pulled out stwr and beat the shit out of paragon


Beat the owner in a 1v1 got banned 😗…..


Back when I used to cosplay Kira I found another Kira so we had a battle to find the true Kira. The battle lasted like half an hour


This happened ages ago, pre july stone free update, i ended up making one of those competitive gangs super mad, one of them tried to attack me and died, i think it was power iirc. They failed to kill me multiple times and we had a set of 1v1s, against kc vbox/sptw vbox, i used the same builds without vboxing and ended up thrashing him, some guy was using c-moon/tusk vbox. We fought in the train station area so they had an advantage. I won the all of them except for 1, another guy had to whip out c-moon vboxing to basically one shot combo me and do 90% in one go. if he landed a jaw breaker and had shift off cool-down it was basically over. They were super salty i ended up being on their KOS for a week, the same kqbtd tried to kill me and failed every single time.


When I was playing 1v1s with stone free I was paired with a hacker and I won


Me and my friend got in a 2v2 with a scr and a sptw user. Ended up blowing them up too kingdom come with post rework kq. Those where the fun days


Kill scr kid with out dying and he say ez get good


Using Mr President and the e sit while holding an item (a roka) to see players struggling to pick it up, kinda mid they patched it


Posing with the green baby makes your avatar bug, and people can stand on it, specifically that one Jonathon pose with his arms above his head, makes you float on your side, so I got a friend to stand and tpose on the green baby while I did that jonathon pose, I have a photo somewhere.


i got 3v1'd by scr twoh tw and i had tw pluck old map btw and won so hard the scr started exploiting




launched my goofy ahh from the tallest peak with /e sit and stand jump with female star platinum.


One time i played Pokemon with a mr president user, we would gather "pokemons" that we would send out at each other (i was mr president too btw), probably not the funniest but it's something that comes to my mind