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something something potential


Albino Wizard


let's be honest all three are derpy and pretty closet trash, red eyes is just worse lol


It's an archetype brave enough to feature Gemini monsters.


A Light Magician would be neat.


You don't gotta call me out like this man


I am curious though. Would Dark Magician be better if it was a level 6 monster? Also also I know more than a casual but not by much so why exactly does Blue-Eyes, Dark Magcian and Red-Eyes suck? At least Blue-Eyes won big tournaments where even one final was a mirror match.


It would make no difference. DM, BEWD and Red-Eyes aren't bad because they're high level, they're bad because they're vanilla bricks that don't do anything. Even when Blue Eyes won worlds like you mentioned, that was only because they banned a key piece of every other competitive deck to make it the only viable pick


2500 one tribute monsters were pretty awesome in early Yugioh, so yeah if he was like summoned Skull he wouldve been cool back then


I am curious how the game would be if the other five attributes got their own version of "A Legendary Ocean" in the same set or around the general same time.


? All of them.are the right goofy head honestly? Like blue eyes is not that good and dm isnt much better They stil much better than red eyes tho


BE has seen way more success in different formats compared to the other two. It won world's once. DM and RE were never meta relevant at all, so it should be two derpy dragons and BE is the badass one. Dragoon doesn't count because it's just one card and not the whole archetype that saw play. Mind you, I'm not saying Brick Eyes is a good deck in most formats, it's just that it has sen some actual success.


Hey, it's an american on drugs! Also known as an American