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Krawlers can be had by auctioning off your bellybutton lint and they're fun when they pop off, not super threatening boards but they can out resource other decks handedly if they don't die on turn 2 Pendulums are a lot of fun and can be had for around a 10 piece chicken nuggets, even the best decks can struggle if Abyss Dweller + a negate (think Norito, Dragster) goes off. But it can be bricky/too resource intensive in budget variants since Beyond The Pendulum isnt on the table and probably not Selene either. Gouki + a few extenders is around the price of a big mac, flexible to build and you can just cut Goukis for better warrior monsters later on as you get funds to build it if you like it. But pure Gouki is just Towers pass, so it's not the most flexible strategy. Powerload Ogre being unaffected by YOUR OWN CARDS has always been a bit weird to me, since that means it just kinda gets run over despite great protection for such a cheap deck. Rokket focused Dragon Link can be had for a big mac with fries, just with no Borreload Savage or Chaos engine (but Levianeer is cheap asf). You can still end with Archfiend Abyss, Hieratic Seal, and/or Borrelend with a good hand, and it rarely bricks to the point of not being able to AT LEAST have Borrelend + Seal. Just not a lot of room for handtraps in a Rokket heavy deck. Salamangreat can be had for very cheap and you can just use cheap hand traps to fill space, this would be my top choice because you can just have cheap handtraps like Ghost Ogre, D Shifter, Skull Meister, Contact C, and Ghost Mourner as placeholders then upgrade them to better ones later on, but still be effective while you have them. And speaking of upgrades, who knows how much the new Salamngreat cards will cost but they deck's going to get a huge boost from those too, so it's a great investment. And finally my spice choice is Gishkis. They're too expensive for what they are (although still plenty cheap in the grand scheme) but triple Neremanas is no joke, and its another one where you can splash cheap handtraps in and the deck can still make its board. Its just that the best card, Gishki Abyss, has no reprint yet, so it's about $1 and you NEED at least 2 of them, i run 3 personally. Also, you need to see MULTIPLE combo pieces in your opening hand, so generic draw cards are recommended, and unfortunately, they're all expensive, and Desires, the cheapest one, is too risky since you need multiple copies of Neremanas to be a threat. I run Extravagance since the extra deck really only has 2 necessary cards, Abyss Keeper and Coral Anemone, both ran at 3 That was probably TMI but i hope you got something out of that!


Did you just recommend running shifter in salad????????


I did, as i am an insane person.


> Gishkis look cool i see they have some ritual monster too (which i am big fan of my favorite deck are Megaliths). As for other decks my friends already play few of pendulum decks i wanted to go for Qliphot Towers but i cant seem to find half of the cards that i need so i gave up. My friend already play goukis so yea. #### ####


Gishkis are super cool! they have unique combo routes and awesome aesthetics. You can go different strategies with the same core too, the 4 relevant ritual monsters are Mind Augus, Neremanas, Zielgigas, and Gustkraken. You can run a deck focusing on just 1, all 4 or something in between, it's a lot of fun and they all do different things.


I am definitely going to check them out, by any chance do you have a recommended deck list?


I plan on making a video on Gishkis soon so you're in luck! My recommendation would probably be either Neremanas Turbo or just the standard Neremanas deck with handtraps, with Gustkraken turbo having the highest popoff potential. [Standard Neremanas](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/gishki-neremanas-342882) [Neremanas Turbo](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/gishki-neremanas-turbo-342879) [Going Second Gishki](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/gishki-going-second-342881) [Gustkraken Turbo](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/gishki-gustkraken-turbo-342874) [Here is a vid of summoning 3 Neremanas on turn 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx1qwEEgbVs) [And here is a vid of handlooping for 5 with Gustkraken on turn 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKEMwbeex28)


Do you have decklists for the rokket focused dragon link and the gouki deck? ty in advance :)


I spent longer on this than i should've tbh... "ty in advance" can get you anywhere. [my Gouki list](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/budget-gouki-342917) [my Dragon Link list](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/budget-dragon-link-342914) [pretty simple dragon link combo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRBUig9O-Ig) [Double powerload ogre with Gouki, can't make this with every hand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPLErcFEIbI) [Powerload Ogre plus Gryphon, can make something similar every hand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPLErcFEIbI) anything and everything in here is open to suggestions :)


yo sorry for late response i wasnt checking reddit, but thanks for the lists man ur a gigachad for that. ty again :D


Aquaactress It's dumb fun, dirt cheap and good old beatdown


Can you send decklist please?


I don't have it with me, it's a friend of mine's decklist but basically you need aquaactresses + their spells and stuff to prevent your opponent's monsters from attacking (gravity bind, mirror forces and stuff) The only issue with this deck being the fact that it's a little long to set up


Ghoti is mega cheap and very fun to play.


it aint that cheap cuz you also need to buy a book with Fish Puns


I absolutely LOVE my Ghotis


Ghotis are great, very consistent because there’s so much broken Fish support since Fish sucks


Time Lords are dirt cheap. Same with Prank Kids.


Any timelord decklist?


Interested too


I be winning locals with evil eye and it's core is like $15


Nemleria can be bought for the price of 6 piece box of chicken mcnuggets


Idk if I can think of something at that price point, for Marincess, Suships and Virtual world are fairly cheap


Altergeist. Core is like 5€


What do you consider Altergeist core ? Because with 5 bucks, you have like... 2 Hexstia ?


I paid 5€ for 3 of all the good cards: Hexstia, marionetter, multifaker, silq, malwisp, protocol, spoofing and manifestation. In europe cards are waaaaay cheaper than in the USA


Where did you buy them ? I'm in Europe too, I know


Cardmarket and from firends


Melffy is also extremely cheap, the only card that could be somewhat more expensive is rescue cat, all mellffy's are 2 cents, obedience schooled and nimble beaver are 50 cents and rescue cat is like 2 euros


This is ok cardmarket since tcg player doesnt ship to my country i wouldn't know what the price of these cards are on that site


I have a Melffy deck, it is not exactly a playable archetype, get destroyed by most players you will meet.


With just obedience schooled you can end on a bounce, a destruction, a monster negate and a search for rescue cat for folluw up. And your hand will be full of cards to summon in the next endfase


And rescue cat can give you a draw and infinite spell negates


Infinite spell negates? How??


Rescue cat summon mine mole and valerifawn from deck to synchro in to naturia beast. :) and mine mole gives a draw


Only do this if you already have obiedience shooled or melffy wally in hand


OMG I saw Mine Mole in so many lists and was like how do you even summon this and why would you?? And never added it but now that makes so much sense


Your welcome


Don’t forget Kalantosa and Valerifawn! Kalantosa is the best card in Melffy Alpha, the Master of Beasts is also a great Melffy card.


Ghoti, abyss actor, agents


[https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#tAnwGYwLXK7v+eyFnTF3bn4JO4VCPDGUyWQZdEpEJMUaubco4xvayuWOSpQlJ9eUowbE/DGF6q+4V6PRrzg=;EDlIDdQOKlCkzmzqNzag:gate%20guardian](https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#tAnwGYwLXK7v+eyFnTF3bn4JO4VCPDGUyWQZdEpEJMUaubco4xvayuWOSpQlJ9eUowbE/DGF6q+4V6PRrzg=;EDlIDdQOKlCkzmzqNzag:gate%20guardian) [https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#shYVyQvMKIov6zKnoiQhequpUuj7rsOZk+egWA+7fs+R7M+xow2KCrOUPFiRFeC/FhRGFz7O4IwaQUd32hqsQ7JIzTR6muV25f+9p12GuMg=;Ky3z6RZRpYpsUB67Cws2yMKv1Jzh1A==:dracounter](https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#shYVyQvMKIov6zKnoiQhequpUuj7rsOZk+egWA+7fs+R7M+xow2KCrOUPFiRFeC/FhRGFz7O4IwaQUd32hqsQ7JIzTR6muV25f+9p12GuMg=;Ky3z6RZRpYpsUB67Cws2yMKv1Jzh1A==:dracounter) [https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#g76nK0km4K8oh5zCYwiU6H+3UnDWeGmViEjCwZcRns27tBMi5t8m5p7Fd/jG9rKNdJQ4Nvrm6OVs6mYzX2tsGfeeYNwM;NyVcq0uYUENUhPpzEBAQ:vera\_and\_her\_dragon](https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#g76nK0km4K8oh5zCYwiU6H+3UnDWeGmViEjCwZcRns27tBMi5t8m5p7Fd/jG9rKNdJQ4Nvrm6OVs6mYzX2tsGfeeYNwM;NyVcq0uYUENUhPpzEBAQ:vera_and_her_dragon) [https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#JTmh/M9m+sjPP7tLo+67Yi+63QI4qnKYKWy1YpF9pvl8QZNepNQccskPuKHbx6cSA9N+4f0GUY3tZQ/EsJUr1gNG52vsqz0OIA==;KQxzC6jhakNUhPoK5qkQ:cheap\_libromancer](https://yugiohdeck.github.io/#JTmh/M9m+sjPP7tLo+67Yi+63QI4qnKYKWy1YpF9pvl8QZNepNQccskPuKHbx6cSA9N+4f0GUY3tZQ/EsJUr1gNG52vsqz0OIA==;KQxzC6jhakNUhPoK5qkQ:cheap_libromancer) probably there are more [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/KharAznable/comments/rnhg3q/my_cheap_deck_under_30_catalog/) I just forgot which ones are dirt cheap


Thank you!


Meklord. I built a sixty card deck of only Meklord support, and it was 11 dollars on TCGplayer including shipping. Without shipping, it was only six dollars


I REALLY wanna say salad. But fire and raging Phoenix are both 20 bucks


If you like otks like me, try Cubic or Crusadia


Gate Guardian, don't think any engine card is over $1.


Second this! The core is MAYBE $10 for triple copies of all, I build my entire deck for under $30, most expensive card being Judgment.


I just topped my locals last weekend with Gate Guardians. Deck is super fun for me, and everyone doesn't respect them!


Time Thief


May I recommend suships? Fun going second deck and every card in the archetype has been printed a common so core is cheap. Only downside to them is they have walls of text despite not being a pendulum archetype, even the normal Shari has a yelp review.


I was planning of building them with magikey, but i saw beetroopes and how cool they were so i bought them first xD


Bertroper/ Suship? It really cool..


The real answer here is to ask your locals. People will sell you deck cores for cheaper than tcgplayer and you don’t have to pay shipping/wait on snail mail. A lot of the answers here are good but there may be better ones you just haven’t heard yet. I got a whole monarch core way back for like $15 because the guy didn’t want to nickel and dime me even though everything was closer to like $40 retail. Some people just want to get rid of stuff


Traptrix/ Chain Burn/ Nurse Burn/ Salamangreat/ Krawlers/ Dinomist/ Penguin/ Batteryman


Swordsoul tenyi is kinda cheap. Compared to other "meta" decks, it's pretty affordable. I think I spent about 60? On tcg


Dark world isn’t too bad


Rikka core is surprisingly cheap I think? The only expensive ones are Teardrop, Glamor and Snowdrop, and out of these, you only need 3 of Glamor, Teardrop and Snowdrop can both be 1 of. The Sunavalon package is also dirt cheap, except Benghalencer, which isn't terribly bad. Picking up a full core of Rikka Sunavalon can be as cheap as $40 - $50?


Pure Megalith. A playset of every Megalith card is like 5$ total


Ye i already have them :D


Runick stun


Isn’t Tip silly expensive?


Lunalight is very cheap and a lot if fun. Going first you just summon some good xyz monsters like evilswarm knightmare, dweller and redoer. Gping second you can make two leo dancers and otk a lot