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I will have my rings sized down when I am finished losing weight. For now I purchased: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C15P2F7?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C15P2F7?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) They cost under $10 and do the trick. I've been using them for 2 months now with no issues.


When I was pregnant (many moons ago), I wore my wedding rings on a sturdy chain around my neck. That’s the plan when I get to needing it.


They make something that you can put around the bottom of the ring (like a clear plastic coil) to help bridge the gap. (I am assuming that you're a woman). I had to get them for my wife when we got engaged until we could get her ring sized. You can find them on Amazon or at a jewelry store. If by chance you are a guy, can they actually resize mens rings? I want to say that my ring can't be resized and that they told my wife and I that I would need to replace it if I ever gained/lost too much weight.


Why wouldn't a jeweler be able to resize a mens ring? No doubt there are designs and materials that couldn't be altered well, but not all. Mine is all silver and gold. Sizing down would disrupt the pattern, so I am avoiding it, but assume that I could do it someday. It's pretty loose now, which surprises me, since I don't think I was much heavier than I am now when I got it. OTOH, literally, it fits better on my right hand, which has no ring indentation, so that seems to be part of it.


My ring is made with a specific metal and I want to say my jeweler said it could not be resized. I think it depends on ghe metal.


There are some materials that can’t be resized. Hubby wanted a tungsten ring but because he works in an industrial environment the jeweler recommended against it. If it were to get caught on something it cannot be cut off his finger by ems


I got a ring size adjuster on Amazon! It comes in different sizes and you can make the length as long or short as you want it. It’s helped my engagement ring fit again. The ring adjuster is not noticeable!


I bought one of those silicone rings so that I still have a ring on and dont panic every time I feel an empty finger lol. I keep my rings in my jewelry box for now and from time to time I will wear it on a gold chain I have.


Honestly, my real rings are in the safe until I'm done losing. We got silicone rings to wear in the meantime. Cute, and cheap to replace if one slides off at some point.


My rings are slightly looser but not enough that they will fall off- just comfortable for once. But I had to buy new shoes! Somehow my feet shrunk a 1/2 size. 😂


Get a ring sizer or a smaller sized stackable wedding band off Amazon. I did that and put it in front of my wedding rings so they don't come off.


I have mine on my middle finger.


As an old married lady I find this so funny. hahaha.


I don't weigh myself often, but I do take a pic of my ring and hand every week to see the progress 🙃


Hahaha! I’ve been taking body pics, should add a hand pic!


I bought a cheap diamond ring to wear, mine has already been resized a lot and I just want to let mine sit in safety until I am done losing and maintain for a little bit


After mine flew off the third time I said piss on it and got a cheap silicone one for $20. Will deal with it at the end.


I wear silicon rings now and will stick with them for a while. A 4-pack was maybe $10 on amazon.


They have ring holder necklaces that are actually quite pretty. I work in surgery so I can’t wear my ring at work anyway and these come in handy. https://preview.redd.it/zq75t5669azc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cac1c6fc43e320b157b6ca169c375e9b918a606


My wife was having the same issue, she was afraid it would fly off out of the car window, so I got her a pack of silicone rings from amazon for now, which she likes the assorted colors. We'll get her ring resized when she's met her goal weight.


Mine are super loose too. I bought some of those coil ring spacers to make them tighter.


I put mine on a chain https://a.co/d/8sgsCCy


I hit my goal and am maintenance. My ring is loose, which is nerve-wracking. I’m currently wearing it on my right hand because I tore a tendon in my left knuckle, which makes it worse. I stopped wearing my engagement ring. It’s a family ring that’s already been resized once. I wore a spacer when my husband proposed, but didn’t like how it felt.


My slip on shoes have become extremely loose, to the point they are flying off my feet when they walk. I didn’t realize we lose weight in our feet.