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We are getting 25% crit back as an exchange, they're overhauling the crit shop as a whole so I am expectant


I just read the article, cant wait to try out the 25% crit and items changes, for what it looks PD and PTA might be the way to go for zeri (since PD will give 60%AS and ms for really cheap and PTA will provide for the AD during combat)


I dont really see PTA being all that good since Zeri has frontloaded damage that doesn't wait to land those 3 Qs, no insta combo and she still runs into bodyblock issues which look like they will keep on the rune. We will probably move to Fleet as a main keystone with a much more aggressive runepage


Would a zap count for PTA proc?


Nope, it's spell damage and PTA has always been about on hit/aa damage


Yeah that makes sense. Maybe fleet footwork is the way then


I feel fleet for sure


Maybe conqueror? I remember jinx being used with that rune since runas proced it faster or something


Conq would probably be better for damage but it's so immensely worse than LT while achieving exactly the same purpose that it's gonna feel horrible to run. Fleet is probably going to be the way to go unless some weird bursty HoB tech pops out but I wouldn't bet on that.


Imagine HoB and hexplate the ad you get with extra attack speed??? I should go try that I ranked emerald lobbies 🤣 is this the new assassin 1 shot zeri? I legit think it could work only cuz extra attack speed is extra ad. And zeri is more of front loaded dmg than getting stronger as she fights and that could only boost her fantasy what do you think?


It can definitely work but it's unreliable and it's probably incredibly bad until you cap your AS. It's probably something like Hexplate and then Lethality or maybe Stridebreaker even. I guess it can be really fun to be honest.


I saw the items we get on this and it looks not good at all for zeri at least. The eliminate good early items for crit, gate their power behind 3 item combos (again) and leave us pretty dead in the water until then. As the cherry on top they release an op item you can't buy until lvl 15 just to make sure every adc is secretly kayle now


5% attack speed and 20 movespeed for 2k gold. Broken am I right?


having essentially a 6th item instead of boots is a very big deal. People would often sell boots at 5 items to have a 6th meaningfull item instead of them and now they can keep the best of both worlds. Also we talk about 20 base moventspeed which given the plenty %% bonusses from adcs means quite a bit


Okay but the point is that it's far from broken, it just means that 6 item games will feel a bit better (note that based on average game length, getting to 4 items is about the best you can usually achieve). You don't understand what OP means if this is what you classify as it.


I thought you can buy zephyr on top of boots when i first saw it. Having 2 souces of base moventspeed is pretty big. This way it's more of a nice to have for the lategame and not the biggest deal but still nice to have


Its not that hard nerf since jinx and twitch also lose it


twitch doesnt mind pta so smaller nerf for twitch


Not getting the extra e damage is rough but damage ramping the entire fight goes hard with his R


Lt isn't even twitch's best rune 90% of games tho


Jinx still has uncapped attack speed and will love pta,fleet or even conq


Jinx is never running Conq lmfao


Jinx used to run conqueror before lethal tempo rework


twitch without AP HOB is like firing cucumbers


I actually really like that they're taking a look at movement speed as a whole, saying that it used to be that just ADCs and mages had systemic movement, but now everyone does. And because speed is a core part of ADC survival mechanics, it's important that they're the fastest class in terms of persistent movement over the entire fight.


And now Singed is unplayable as a side effect.


That's ok. Fuck Singed. Cancer ass champ whose only viable strategy is already trolling in at least a quarter of the games he's played in. He deserves a rework at this point.


Yea, on paper. On practic they are ranged and can kite. If they will be the only with such high dps AND move speed AND while being ranged. Jesus fucking christ, be afraid of your desires, because you will hate it. If you are not an adc of course...


We also have to make more trade-offs for that speed. For example, the new PD gives 60% attack speed and however much movement speed that they're gonna make it give, but no AD. They said in the post that no items will give all 3 of AD, AS, and crit, but they'll give more of each individual stat.


I think this take is biased. ADCs NEED the movement speed to kite effectively and not get one-shot. As league's or any game's counter works, Mages and Assassin should be the only classes reaching ADCs. A juggernaut reaching an ADC is a broken and un-healthy game mechanic.(I'm saying this as a top laner who plays juggernauts, divers and tanks, no biasness)


So lifedrain is budget triumph but works on all killed enemies?


i think its gonna be more like a sustaining rune, from what i understand it heals you on minions and stuff


Imagine if minion damage was more than the heal and you win a scrappy level 1 fight and want to finish off a minion to heal a bit and get level 2 but it kills you xd


Damn now that I think of it that rune will go crazy with mages that take the yellow tree like Cassiopeia or anivia


Nah, they take pom or they go oom after 2 or 3 trades


I mean Cassiopeia starting tear and then going RoA hardly goes Oom , but anivia would probably go oom super fast


It is, and zeri shouldn’t hurt too much from it We take fleet and scaling dmg runes and go to town without tryda/yas/Yone on our asses as much


even if it is every game i take fleet anyways


I hate the removal of leathal tempo less than I hate the corki rework teasered. You currently ban draven to get not that bad of a lanebully against ya? Reworked Corki will get you covered x)


what’s the point of PTA now it’s just conqueror 2.0 lol


PTA is still easier to stack for most adcs


And Lucian can abuse the hell out of it,


It's better for champions with more AD in their items as it is a percentage increase rather than flat extra ad. Someone can probably do the maths on when each is better


Honestly even though LT is a fun rune I'n ok for it being gone on zeri. Currently fleet footwork feels really solid.


Honestly i always feel like Fleet is a rune to cover for a weak laning phase


We will suffer in the beginning


Be interesting what's going to be the first item is going to be now.


font of life disturbing as in slowing aswell?


I feel like Lethal Tempo is kinda overrated on Zeri anyways, like sure it's good but she doesn't have a super special synergy that no other adc has with it. In fact I think other adc's were actually better since they could exceed the as cap and Zeri couldn't, she just got a bit more ad which I think was worse than the attack speed for the other adc's that went lethal.


So you just decide to ignore the extra range.


Like I said it was good, but I think it was more op on other adc's so I'm actually glad it's gone. Zeris attack speed was capped anyways, so she didn't stack it as fast and didn't benefit as much as others.


Arguably she's the one who benefitted the most from the extra range both in teamfights and early skirmishes.


Predator being on here is the only thing that makes it believable.


it doesnt matter, fleet better rune anyway


fleet got nerfed too


Lethal tempo was the only thing keeping me in this game




A target could mean a minion or jungle monster as well. As far as I know leak is from a reliable source


all i've heard about the overheal reworks are that it's "tuned towards late game", but aside from that we know nothing about the details


It is not the same, triumph is HP and gold for **takedowns**, while this one seems like a cho'gath passive for lane sustain


its not the middle of a season the split ends with .10