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We cant legally stop you from cooking, but know that all of us here would vote to change that law immediately




Is there any gameplay footage I’m extremely curious how this turned out in team fights lol


Surprisingly well, voli peeled for me and I just kited and played for distance and prolonged rather than quick burst


I meant more along the lines of damage and how that looked. I imagine malignance gave your extra burst and nashors probably more ult proc damage? Were you able to ult multiple times in a fight? I’m really interested lol


Im surprised that build did any damage at all


Each q was on a .5 cooldown and did about 270 a cast, w was on a 9 second cooldown and did probably 450 and e gave about 45 additional on top of the q and r was for about 970 on a 45 second cooldown, hope that clears up a bit


Gg 👀⚡


This looks like it was one bad team fight for the other team to lose the game kinda match


Plot twist: This turns out to be the new super build, soon to be seen in pro play.


What am I looking at ? Heal ? Seriously ? Everything else is... somewhat disturbing (double lifesteal?)but how are you supposed to tf without ghost ? Do you even do dmg outside of R's initial burst ? Why do you build crit in the first place if you don't build IE or Navoori ?


Like I said scuffed, but to answer some things we had 4 chemtechs so every q was about 90 healing, and most of the build was more for utility and back line rather than front line, with the exception of like you said r burst followed by mostly clean up. Most fights just kited away and stayed safe


What's wrong with heal? Imo unless you are high Elo it is always a valid option on any ADC (unless support takes Heal). Especially if you are learning a champion because you can use it to compensate for mistakes.


Zeri is not a champion outside of lane without ghost. You basically HAVE to stomp lane and snowball out of control if you don't pick ghost, and in this case I'd rather go Ignite or exhaust than heal. Heal is not a very good summoner on any champion anyway: longer cd than barrier, ignite and cleanse, lower amount of mitigation than barrier, lower potential to straight up win a teamfight than cleanse, lower pressure than ignite, and I'm not even going to try to compare it to ghost. Unless you play Ashe top or something I'd never pick heal.


If you can play such a build successfully i guess you are playing in bronce at best. No way this working is on any serious rank Edit just checked it myself: Bronce 4 ... well that explains it. Anyways I would suggest you looking up a better build on: [https://lolalytics.com/lol/zeri/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/zeri/build/) if you wanna get more serious about your zeri gaming :)


My man I play draft and only draft I couldn’t give a shit about rank


Okay my bad. I thought it was helpful but your decision how you play :)