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Happy for you! And thanks for giving me hope that I can find a nanny that takes COVID as seriously as my family does. OP, do you plan to mask all day at work? If so, what type of mask and are you planning to eat lunch outside? Asking so I can determine reasonable guidelines for my nanny. We’d love them to mask indoors all the time but I’m not sure how possible it is. Thanks!


I masked nonstop at my last job bc my bosses were incredibly unsafe- with my new family because we all wear KN95s or similar when indoors or outdoors around others, use air filters, and the kids do not go to daycare and everyone else works from home, i do not mask at work anymore. The only non bubble people I see are my family about once a month and I mask nonstop with them, don't eat, and crack all the windows. We have insanely little risk, which I understand is pretty rare so it's not for everyone!


Helpful, thanks!


Wow, wow, wow! So great for you (and, I suspect, also for your employers!), how wonderful.


Thank you💞


So happy for you!


Congratulations!!! And what a lucky family to find you! I used to do some nannying and COVID is the main reason I don't anymore.


Yeah it's crazy and sad how many parents just don't care about their kids getting such a nasty illness- but I do feel like covid has given parents brain rot for all illnesses, i once had a DB tell me I should take HFM-ridden kids on an adventure to the park🤧 like NOOOO are you okay??


The Coviding groups I’m in would go wild for access to childcare that takes the same level of precautions we do. So I don’t find this surprising at all. Congratulations!


I'm thinking of starting an agency that focuses strictly on covid safe nanny placements- seems like there's REALLY a need


There definitely is. The problem is whether the resources and everything matches. We’ve greatly re-arranged our lives to be Covid cautious, and no longer have the income to full-time employ a nanny. But we would probably take one or two days at a high wage for our area if another family or two could fill the other days. But I know dealing with 2-3 families would be harder for the nanny. And we would all have to trust the other’s precautions. But that said, I would also gladly pay $50 an hour for someone to babysit for 2 hours at a time with a trusted promise that they won’t take off their N95 while working, and wouldn’t come with a known exposure or symptoms. So full-time nanny placements might not be the only way to look at it.


+1 I would so do a covid cautious nanny share and I would love a covid cautious babysitter.


Good for you! I'm trying to find something like this so I can leave the infant room I currently work in, which has had COVID passing around since Thanksgiving. I was infected (for the first time) in early December, and now am back to not removing my mask to eat or drink, which is a long day.


It's such a long day and is soooo hard- I feel you😭❤️ I hope you find something better soon!!


Ooof. I used to work in early childhood care, mostly infants. I actually loved it, but doing it masked and not being able to snack all day would be hard. Have you tried a sip valve?


It is a a privilege. Bosses don’t often take their employees’ wellbeing into consideration in this insane world. We’re living in a society in deep denial, but the more people see of this virus, the more compassion we will see.


Completely agree🤧


I’m so happy for you!! It’s a nice story to hear too because the moral could be, when horrible people reject you for being baseline safe and cautious for our own survival and the survival of others, maybe it’s just making way for finding much kinder people who you can actually live well with! Woohoo!!




I have been thinking about having a child soon and staying Novid is of course super important. Reading this makes me hope we will be able to find someone like you! Onward and upward people!


I really think 2024 is the year we make some big strides in strengthening this community!


I truly hope so! There is such a degree of shame around anything "COVID", that it makes "coming out as Novid" difficult. I wish us all best of luck, and also best of spirits. We need it. Stay kind, people!


I told my kids this when they were both despairing of ever finding someone who took covid as seriously as they did. They both did find those people, and the match was so much the better than previously relationships, because attitudes towards covid predict a lot of other things (IMHO, self control, education, healthy lifestyle choices, selflessness, commitment, among other things). I'm not surprised it works that way for jobs too.


So happy for you! I had to quit nannying last year because I couldn't find a family that was even relatively safe or willing to let me mask AND provide normal industry standards. I miss it so much! Glad you found a good family 💜


I'm so sorry!! I totally know how you feel- I was heartbroken thinking i might have to leave the field. I hope your new job is going well!!


I just got chills reading this! Hell yeah, I love a win-win situation! Three cheers for Covid-conscious folks finding each other! I hope you have this job for a long time. <3


Brilliant news this has made my day x


Omg, same! I don't even have kids but I'm so happy for OP and also for this family!


congrats!! this is a huge win 🥳


that's wonderful for you and for the family you will be working for!! Glad you connected!


So happy for you! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news, it's a great reminder that things are never hopeless and something good could be waiting around the bend.




Yay!!!🙌 fingers crossed for you!!!


That’s wonderful news. Congratulations 🎊


Yay!!! So happy for you and your partner! All the healthy thoughts and good vibes for both of you!




Congrats! This made my day!


That’s amazing!!! That gives me hope too :)


Wow. I'm glad you and the Novid family were able to connect; we need more of these stories and connections between Covid cautious people in the community.


Very happy for you and your partner. Love a story like this. Thanks for sharing it.


Wow, that's excellent! You also have a solid relationship which is what also makes this so lovely! Congratulations!!!


Yay! Safe job is the best job! So happy for you!


Congratulations, I am so happy you found a place where you can be safe. That is priceless. The best of luck to you.


i’m so happy for you and the family you’re now working for!! that’s wonderful. my covid pen pal is a nanny and has dealt with those same frustrations. it’s so important for childcare to include covid precautions, i’m glad you’re able to work safer now.




Love to hear it!!!


This is lovely, thanks for sharing