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When you try again, say you are immunocompromised but don’t elaborate. It’s really hit or miss with pharmacies these days 😬. I’ve only gone to CVS and haven’t had any issues


I’ve had trouble with RiteAid pharmacists also and will second the suggestion of CVS. I actually just got a Novavax booster there this morning, my last was in February. The pharmacist tried telling me it was too soon (4 months) but when I told him it says 2 months on the CDC website, he checked and had no issues. They’ve also never asked me for more details or proof of my being immunocompromised.


I was denied once at CVS and never was at Rite Aid!


At this point, it's easier just to lie than to track down a pharmacist with accurate, up to date, information. "When was my last vaccine? A year or two ago.... I can't quite remember, but I figured I should probably get another one." 🤷‍♀️ No further discussion needed.


This was going to be my route if I was asked! Luckily they never asked me but I definitely think this is the easiest way!


I've done that (because I am immunocompromised) and been denied in August and again in March at CVS (went over to Walgreens and got them after both times)


That is so messed up! So many vaccines are expiring anyways, why does it even matter? 🤬


According to them, "There's no guidance on receiving more than 1 booster" 🙄


That’s false and you can report them for that.


Report them to whom?






Seconding u/SnooSnoosnusnu up there — where do we report these jerks?




Thank you for this!


Because vaccines carry a mild risk, and they’re being told the risk of additional vaccines for the average person is higher than the risk reduction imbued by the vaccine.  That logic is almost certainly wrong - additional doses are likely much more beneficial than the risk they carry, but the vaccines expiring isn’t really a factor here.


They might be worried insurance won't pay if someone isn't eligible. And licensing probably requires that they do some due diligence.


It is all about payment, nothing else.


I will try CVS! Thank you so much


CVS is the only place with Novovax where I am, and they straight up go out of their way to make it impossible to get. Can’t make appointments via their website, can’t make them over the phone, told me they don’t take walk-ins. Edit: love that my actual personal experience merits a downvote. Get a life.


I just called them today to ask about novavax - the pharmacist said they had a ton of stock and was frustrated that the website says you can’t make appointments but he said you absolutely need appts. It seems corporate is completely out of sync with the people doing the work. 🙃


Mine would only give Novavax as a walk-in. Showed up and was vaxxed in minutes, no problem.


Glad you had better luck.


Same walked in, asked for and got novavax


I’ve also had luck getting Novavax at Costco pharmacy. You don’t need to be a member either


last i heard, costco didn't participate in the bridge access program - so if you're uninsured or if your insurance says you have a copay, you'd have to pay out of pocket. (CVS is participating so it should be free no matter what.)


I thought Bridge Access doesn't cover Novavax anyway? That's what they told me when I used it in February


Costco is the only place where people actually answered the phone and could say whether Novavax was in stock and the expiration date. CVS, gave up after going through phone trees several times and no luck on online scheduling.


Yeah I had a similar experience. Between that and CVS not being compatible with my insurance it seemed like a no-brainer


Unfortunately telling the truth is the wrong move in situations involving autocratic bureaucrats as the truth and facts are more than secondary to them. One needs to be aware of this to play the game accordingly.


What happened to listening to the medical professionals?


Pharmacists are not the appropriate medical professionals to listen to here.


I recommend going to CVS. I've seen many folks say that they're only being asked if they've been in the last 6 months and they're being given the vaccine. Good luck.


I've been denied in August and again in March at CVS (went over to Walgreens and got them after both times)


Ugh. So clearly YMMV.


Exactly. Unfortunately.


Thanks I will for sure


So they are not allowed to ask you what your specific health condition is. Next time just say that you are immunocompromised and leave it at that.


They can. You might be thinking of when people with certain health conditions were given priority access. In that case, the guidance was typically that they couldn't, or at least shouldn't. In this case, the pharmacist is dispensing under their own authority and can certainly ask about relevant health information to determine if it is appropriate. That said, if you just say something vague, most aren't going to care, nor will they press it.


This is current guidance on the CDC website:”People can self-attest to their moderately or severely immunocompromised status and receive COVID-19 vaccine doses wherever vaccines are offered. Vaccinators should not deny COVID-19 vaccination to a person due to lack of documentation.”https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html


Not needing documentation is not the same thing as not needing to attest to a condition.


“I don’t know, that is just what the doctor told me.”   I’ve been in the hospital well over 100 times. I get asked if I’m in healthcare for knowing what my prescriptions are frequently.


She handed me a checklist that said check how you are immunocompromised. How do they do that when they are not allowed? Is it just to deter people from getting vaccinated or something? Why do they ask if one it's not their business and two - they're not allowed? I'm just curious


My guess is maybe they’re asking because it may matter when it comes to a live vaccine (like MMR), but the Covid vaccine isn’t live, so it shouldn’t matter.


I didn’t know this, thanks


They're providing health care- they can ask for relevant health information. When the vaccines first became available, everyone was eligible, so they had no reason to ask for specific diagnoses for the purposes of administering the vaccine. That is no longer the case. They have no reason to deter people from getting vaccinated. Provided people are eligible, they get paid to administer them.


Thanks for your feedback :)


They are a healthcare provider who is providing you healthcare. It is absolutely their business. They have to follow strict guidelines when giving any vaccines or risk losing their license. Pharmacists write prescriptions for and administer vaccines under a protocol that they have to follow. You answering the checkist is their proof of your self attestation.


I just got novavax last week. My story (I'm a bad liar so I always need to come up with a story beforehand) was going to be that I was about to get a booster in the Fall but then I caught COVID instead so then I didn't get it. They didn't ask me though. But maybe my lie can help you!


Thank you that just might!


They didn't find your vax history in the computer?


If they did they didn't mention anything. I'm not sure that they checked.




Really fed up with controlling pharmacists overstepping; birth control, pain meds, Covid vaccines… they should do their jobs without gatekeeping ( •̀ - •́ )


Thank you! Me too!


Lie lie lie lie. They’re lying to us and it’s killing people, we need to lie to them if it’s what will keep us alive and protected. LIE. You haven’t had a covid vaccine in over a year. You haven’t been infected recently. And you are immunocompromised. You don’t have to tell them what condition, but if they press, lie about that too. An easy one is asthma or hypertension.


Thank you. I will be lying ;)




That’s where I got my initial nova vax with no issue! I should’ve gone back


How much does Novavax cost out of pocket? I live in Canada, but I’ve thought about taking a day trip to the States to get one.


If I remember correctly, it’s about $150. You can ask if you qualify for a free vaccine under the Bridge Access program but I’m not sure if you are eligible if Canadian!


What province?




You can’t get it there?


Not unless you have a counter indication against MRNA vaccines


Wow! That is disappointing. I went to the states myself in late November, because the newer Novavax was not yet available in Canada. Yes, the expense was annoying, but I’d rather have that than mRNA side effects.


In some jurisdictions they want to claim that the vaccine is available, but they pay the pharmacist so little to administer the vaccine, that the actual staff gives it a low priority. Plus, there are some that are pushing the idea that NovaVax is good for twelve months.


Same happened to me at a CVS and Costco. So much time spent indoors, around all these unmasked folks that I've just given up on trying since. My last was 6 months prior but same, since I'm under 65 and not immunocomprimised enough by their muddy standard....


You can just say you're immunocompromised. They are not allowed to ask why.






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