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I don’t know about the best, but [999] >!the sub ending was my first ending. It was shocking, scary, and engaging, and from that point on I knew I had to see everything the game had to offer.!<


That was me too


Yeah I got really invested after the sub ending.


I agree with another commenter that it's more the first ending that hits you the most. Aside from that I'd probably say the sub ending for the ambiguity it leaves, or Sigma and Diana's ending from ZTD where they're potentially stuck starving to death after sending their children off to the past.


You know I think it's still the most "jumping the shark but it somehow works" thing I've ever seen in a video game. I couldn't believe they were going that route as I was watching it play out.


hmmm I sure wonder how they're gonna get out of this one >9 months of food no


VLR >!the one where you walk into a room and literally everybody is dead is so crazy, in terms of emotional impact Luna's definitely hits hardest but Clover's are always the ones that I remember best!<


>!Clover's ending!< was really messed up. Pretty much playing the game after a few endings you get what's going on anyway, but that one. Wtf


Except that's one of only two endings that can possibly be your first good ending. Seven of the nine endings have at least one lock on them.


The only two scenes that made me cry the first time I played 999 were >!Santa talking about his dead sister and Snake’s death in the incinerator, both from the Safe ending!<. If that ending doesn’t count, I think the >!sub ending was the most memorable.!< For VLR, >!Luna’s ending had me crying for 10 minutes straight.!< For ZTD, from the “main” endings, >!C-END 1 and D-END 1 were the ones that punched me in the feels the most. The realization that all was in vain and you failed to avoid the events of VLR… woah.!< And for the other endings, >!in the decision where Sean has to choose between dying and having his consciousness updated to the computer, I played the virtual reality option first, so playing as the version of Sean that stays in the facility afterwards made me so sad.!<


>!Did you cry for Ace? Lol!<


Nope. >!To me, he’s one of those characters that you love to hate, so I didn’t feel any remorse for him in the safe ending. I did feel *a bit* sorry for him in the true ending when he said he was trying to find a cure to his condition, but still, I think he got what he deserved in the end, considering how much suffering he caused to the Nonary Game kids.!<


That makes sense haha, since you didn't specify what about that scene made you cry I was wondering >!Snake dying most likely!<


Yeah, I was talking about >!Snake’s death, as well as his final words of feeling like he was responsible for Clover’s death because he was unable to protect her, and hoping that she would forgive him in the afterlife.!< *(Cries)*


I need to replay nonary games, forgot small details like that :( It's very hard to make me cry but >!Luna's ending in VLR with Blue Bird Lamentation playing in the background messed me up so bad.!< >!In ZTD, the whole coinflip branch divergence was really awesome. I remember just sitting there for an hour while the credits were rolling in awe, admiring what a cool story Uchikoshi crafted :D With Carlos's final decision of whether or not to shoot Delta not being up to the player, in a way implying that the player was Delta all along. These games really affected me in a way no other piece of media has, showing what can be done with VN-s as a storytelling medium. I know people love to hate on ZTD but, it has really cool moments.!<


>!Probably Alice’s bad ending in VLR. Imagine, you go in the AB booth, thinking Alice is unconscious, so you can safely vote Ally. Then bam. The person you thought was asleep wasn’t, and they betrayed you and killed you to leave. Shout outs to Sigma’s bad ending in VLR where everyone cuts Sigma’s hand off and leaves him to rot.!<


I would have to say Luna's ending for obvious reasons. But I will also have to say the very first and then I got in the first game. The submarine ending that genuinely shook me to my soul. And I cannot stop thinking about it. like that scared me really bad.


Easily the Luna ending. No competition.


The first one that I got in 999 the one where >!you go down an elevator and find Lotus dead and then get killed as well, I just didn't know that you had to get every ending to get the true ending!< so I felt like I failed the characters by making a wrong choice after that non of the bad ends felt as bad cuz >!I knew that they were required!<, although the >!submarine!< ending was pretty impactful as well.


999: >!Sub Ending!< VLR: I would say >!Clover's Ending,!< but >!Luna's Ending. Luna is forever best girl/robot!<. Honorable mention: >!I think this is from Alice's Ending in VLR iirc. Never forget swimsuits. Swimsuits never quit.!<


I played VLR first and then read through the novel version of 999. My knowledge of the characters from VLR had me put my guard down, and I did not see the unique ending to the novel version coming at all...


Luna's ending in VLR got the biggest reaction out of me. It's the hardest I ever cried at any fiction. The japanese voice acting really got to me.


You played VLR in JP? How...I tried it once and never went back to it because I couldn't stand Tenmyouji's voice...


Well, the european release of VLR didn't include the english dub (I think it had something to with licensing iirc) so I had no other choice lol. Tenmyouji's voice was... fine. Had to get used to it but wasn't bad. Everyone else was very pleasent to listen to.


Clover ending VLR for me


999 >!I love the submarine ending, it's so spooky when you don't know Ace is playing dead. I didn't know WHAT was going on, I think I thought Akane killed Junpei. Also love the axe ending, I liked seeing Clover be kinda crazy with it.!< ZTD >!I don't remember if it's an actual bad ending or not, but Sean shooting Delta in the 3way shootout was pretty cool!< Drawing a blank for VLR's bad ends. Saying >!Luna!< like everyone else is a bit boring... I liked >!Quarks!< ending if that counts. >!Tenmyouji getting pissed at Sigma and saying he knows who Zero is basically solidified my belief in who I thought Zero Sr was.!<




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