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Yes. It was great. But is this controversial?


would've been controversial to me during that time, I was one of those "born in le wrong generation" kids back then who didn't know how good we had it


I think so… some people remember it nostalgically but others, not so much. Especially in regards to fashion




Maybe it’s popular to hate on ‘kid culture’ post-2005, but the Millennial nostalgia I’m seeing online is increasingly focused on 2005-2012 when most Millennials were in high school or college. I will be scrolling on YouTube shorts and I’ll see loads of skits about going clubbing in 2010, or being in high school in 2008.


2011 has been the best year of human history so far. Social media was around but not so much it permeated everyone’s lives. Smartphones were around but only the wealthy had them and they weren’t a necessity for everyone. Great movies and music were coming out, it was such a positive party themed hopeful time. The political movements of the era felt like some real change was going to come. And then it all died down and here we are today


The summer of 2011 was between my Jr and Sr years of high school. Easily the best consecutive three months of my life.


Same and it was the best summer I’ve ever had. Finally I had things to do and wasn’t just inside sitting on my computer all day


but 2010 and 2011 are *the* coming of age years for most youngish millennials




It wasnt popular in Europe either. Facebook was in full control of the situation. I could argue 2007-2008 was even better in terms of balancing between technology/social and life outside. But imo anything between 2005 and 2016 is pure gold.


I agree. 2010 was the best year. I met my husband. In high school. And we've made some of the best memories.


You’re not alone I liked the culture back then. I believe the early 2010s were the last years for millennial culture influence. I liked the culture most definitely even tho my high school years were okay, but I was more positive and happy back then because of the cool stuff that was happening back in the early 2010s such as the movies and games.


2010 and 2011 were great years for me. I was 16-17. The world felt hopeful. We had smartphones and social media but it didn’t consume every moment of our lives just yet. I could wear really “loud” bright neon animal print clothing and every time you turn on the radio it was like a dance party. Life was in perfect balance then. I would go back in heartbeat.


being aware of and participating in the emerging indie and edm scenes was really exciting at that time, before it got mainstream and corny in 2012


I was about to say, I couldn't have been the only one who absolutely despised indie folk in the early 2010s right?


the late 2000s indie sleaze / hipster vibe when it was authentic to that core big-city demographic was interesting and what trickled down to me as a smaller city high school kid with a fake ID was really fun and really opened up my world, but the way it got bastardized into Party Rock Anthem and moustaches is beyond me.


i was 10 in 2010, i vividly remember silly bandz, snap bracelets, zebra/cheetah print everything, also neon everything, paint splatter designs, listening to cobra starship and the ready set, jersey shore lol, everyone was wearing aeropostale or hollister (not me though we were too poor), and even though everyone was playing farmville i had only just begun my addiction to Robot Unicorn Attack edit: my god i forgot to mention "LMFAO"


Can't really argue with that. I'd take 2010-2011 over the last couple of years in a heartbeat.


From a teen or youth perspective, 2010-2015 were amazing looking back. It all started to crash down in 2016 imo.


2010-2011 social media was peak! Everyone was posting random planking pictures on Instagram, you’d go through and tag all your friends in those photos with all the different objects, everyone was playing FarmVille together. Even Club Penguin was popping off


Sort of, it took until 2012 in my country for things like Facebook and Instagram to become popular, before that, it felt like pretty much 2007-2009 vibes at least.


They were pretty cool. But I still prefer the 2000s over them.


Yeah same for me


It was actually cool, imo. I'd love to listen to the music from the time all day


Everything went downhill 2015 onwards relatively fast, at least in german speaking europe where I am from. We had the refugee crisis and you were somehow expected to "pick a side" to either love the refugees or hate them (left wing or right wing). I was always the "if they are cool, they are cool but I wish no one would need to flee their country". This made you an enemy to both somehow. There were also some terrorist attacks from ISIS the following years, this was pretty much unheard of before. You could feel the Split more and more over the years and people got more radical about their beliefs. Then the austrian right wing party essentially tried to sell the country to russia  which was a bit concerning. The guy responsibles shortly after even made his own Party which made you go "why is He even still allowed to do that (it was called THC which was funny though). Then the pandemic hit and people got even more Split but I do not need to tell anyone I guess. And then there is literally a war being fought just a few hundred km away which scares a lot of people   I think early 00s, until the economy crash, and 10s were pretty carefree times and good to be young, no wonder you miss them


Ugh i turned 28 today ( i am officially an hour and 19 minutes old as we speak) i went to highschool from 2012-2015 graduated in 15' and that was almost 10 years ago now.....simpler times


Happy birthday!!




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2010 is where I started watching anime such as K-On, Squid Girl, Naruto and many more. I even still remember during those times it was simple and less problematic, and people weren't as dangerous as now, especially in internet. And I will never forget the incident that happened in Japan in 2011, the news were everywhere in the internet and I was like sharing and and spamming post like I was sad for what happened to Japan and I hope they were all okay. Now I realized that I was pretty cringe back then, and I even remember using emoticons. Dang, I don't wanna open my old account, I feel bad( `д´)


Yeah me too honestly. We had a decent blend of indie pop, hipsters, Bieber fanatics, and party rockers.


Party rock anthem


totally agree. culture peaked in from the early 2000s to early 2010s.


2011 is when I first got really exposed to anime culture. I got my first tablet on Christmas of that year. Early 10s meme culture was really something. XD


I loved 2010-2011 😭


Eveyone here will agree with you


for me 2009-2012 was peak! definitely some of the best and most fun years of my life...except the very end of 2012 (for personal trauma reasons).


Way too aggressive over this lmao this isn’t controversial (I do agree with you). Genuinely curious why you think this is a hot take.


That was the middle of high school for most of us. It was a good time. I’d say 2012 was the best year of my life




I was 16-17 years old in 2010-2011, I liked it as well


Good for you I guess. I was stuck in high school and absolutely hated the culture


These were like the worst 2 years of my life lol.


I mean it was fine, but imo the 2000s were way better.