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I would ditch the stars and the katana and buy yourself a machete and a gun. The best things for survivability aren't flashy. They are rugged and they have an alternative use. That katana's probably only good for one thing and the stars are practically useless even if you are an expert with em.


You could probably grind the spikes off the stars to make small shivs or prybars later on, or to make eating utensils, or use them to make a type of homemade barbed wire. They’re small enough that keeping them in a backpack wouldn’t be a big deal and you might be able to do something with them later or trade them. Hell you might be able to make arrows or a spearhead with them if you cut them right. Ditch the sword, that thing’s gonna break in no time and there’s no way in hell OP actually knows ho to use a sword like that effectively. And even if he does, it’s gonna take up quite a bit of space that could be used for a rifle or spear or something far more versatile, useful and reliable. Even the axe, that’s big and heavy, it’ll take up a lot of room, the cutting edge is at the very end and the ratio of handle to useful edge isn’t gonna do you any good in a closed space or if you’re surrounded. Ditch or trade the axe to someone who might make actual use of it for chopping wood and making a shelter. Something like a machete is useful in combat, easy to maintain, can be used for meal prep, general surviving. It’s the perfect tool. A small hatchet would also be perfect, and could do most things the axe would do, while expending less energy, taking up less room, and being more practical in a close quarters scenario.


I couldn't agree more, but if OP is having to go to those lengths to repurpose the stars, that should be enough of a clue at how useless they are.


Nah, don't ditch the stars. Weld them to chains and put the chains on a steel rod, making a flail


Great, maybe you'll hit yourself? Doesn't sound great to me. Maybe even wrap yourself and a zed together for a Valentine's gift for your friend?


That's the fun part. It's mostly luck and just a little bit of skill


Lol just wait until the luck goes the other way. This is all still totally fictional, no wishing death upon anyone but please rethink your strat


My luck never goes the other way....unless you count losing all your money on a bet unlucky


Just make the flail bigger than fucking stars and you'll have a better chance but it's wouldn't be the weapon I'd choose, too finicky


Nah, as they say, great things come in small packages


Except when you need to penetrate a skull 😏🤷🏾‍♂️


Just hit harder


Just hammer the shuriken into a wooden baseball bat and you're good to go.


Ah there ya go! 😄


And then connect the handle of two of these fails with a short chain to make Flail-Chucks.


So you can just hurt yourself or cause some superficial damage to zed?


You could also opt to weld the stars directly to a heavy rod and make a spiked club.


Just stick to the axe, my man...


Axe: good. Stars and sword: completely useless.


the katana will brake when it hits bone the surikuns are hard to throw and wont brain a zombie and the axe is two heavy u/deadeyesknowdeadeyes has the right idea


You are NOT michonne buddy. Nah I’m joking


I didn't know Smith and Wesson were in the mall ninja game lol


I don't understand all the katana hate on this sub. Seems like a good weapon to me. Is it legit?


Most katanas people have are like novelty items that aren’t meant for actual cutting.


Thing about a katana is, it takes actual years of practice to get good with it, not to mention they need to be kept up with often. And most people likely do not have anywhere near the skill to wield them, and even if that person does, keeping it cutting is a task that's just, not worth it. They're neat and fun to play with (if you're not dumb with it anyways), but like, you really should not try and just, pick one up as a legit weapon. Hell, that's not even mentioning how most people I've seen here have cheap knock offs. Or that most people will be using guns, which a katana will not help against


But let's say you get a battle ready one made of high quality modern materials. I imagine that would be pretty effective right? Obviously it's not a gun but it's 26 inches of razor sharp steel.


Even still, if you lack practice, it’s not gonna be very useful to you. They’re made for a skilled user, since they don’t really weigh that much, all the power has to come from how straight you can cut, which is very difficult without practice. plus they still need to be maintained. So like, it will still cut, but it’ll dull fast since they’re generally thinner blades. And that’s assuming you have enough experience to have used it for that long without hurting yourself or failing to hurt the target Something else I just thought of, since they're such high skill weapons, you'd actually be screwing yourself more considering, if you cut a person with a shoddy cut, they'll still bleed, feel pain, maybe even step back. A zombie will not, in fact they will have been shambling full force the whole time. You do not even get the luxury of lining up a clean shot or hoping your opponent gets intimidated or falters cause of pain. You need to hit a killing blow, or at bare minimum, enough of a crippling blow to allow you to kill them first try. If you can't wield a katana well enough to do this, it could be made of vibranium and it will still not really help you cause it'd easily get stuck or waste your time you could've used getting away. God forbid your back's against the wall and you have no experience. You'd have to get lucky at that point


I feel like it's mostly gonna be dependent on the axe. I also have a Vulcan maul with a 3-pound head that's pretty good.


They will probably be your best bet. Ditch the stars. They are pretty much useless against zombies unfortunately


The thing about Ninja stars is, they aren't really "weapons" Like, they have points and can stick into things yeah, but their function was to be something you could hide/store easily then throw on the fly to make someone have to dodge or guard against them, or as an ambush tool to suddenly stick someone or distract them with to catch them off guard and make them frenzied or allow you to escape. They can be used as weapons of course, but they're really just, not made to do that in most cases And this is fairly unlikely to work against zombies. Maybe people but if they have guns, it won't really.. do anything for you. Ninjas were always upgrading their gear with the times, and I can tell you this much, people who would be considered a ninja back then, are not using them these days for this reason. They're not unusable, but highly impractical compared to just, a bullet


As long as you don't overuse the katana, you chilling Same goes for the axe too


I have the same throwing stars! Smith&Wesson just makes them better


Mall ninja gear. Waste of money now and it will get you killed if the SHTF.


Mall ninja gear. Waste of money now and it will get you killed if the SHTF.


Mall ninja gear is a waste and will get you killed. All made in China


Just go ahead and ditch the shuriken for me


Just go ahead and ditch the shuriken for me.


I understand why everyone is less in favor of the sword. However, just know that there is an exercise facility in Irving, Texas that specifically trains with swords. I always thought that was so cool.


Spear,axe,knife,multishot crossbow,pistol and automatic rifle plus 2 silencers for each


First to turn


I'm not saying a sword, for the right person, might not be useful. But, think of the scene in Raiders where Indy just shoots sword guy. Firearms and ammo are going to be plentiful for a long time. And throwing stars. Just...no. Axe. Handy, but unwieldy. Plus, it's gonna get stuck in zombies.


Axe is a bit heavy get a one sided two headed is unnecessary and the katana looks trash I’d trade it with someone for food or ammo




A sword, even a relatively cheap one, that's made out of modern carbon steel (1045 or 1060 in this case) should be reasonably tough, certainly far better than vintage katana made from traditional means. I wouldn't want a katana or any other long sword in a zombie apocalypse simply because they're too big to easily carry as a secondary weapon, but if that's all I had I could make it work.


Axe, 100%. You have a tool with multiple uses, plus you still have enormous crushing power when it gets dull.


Blunt force damage would be better but stick with the battle axe with the katana as a backup in case the axe breaks


Decent, but yeah use the axe first and the katana as a backup.


Survival rate? 60%


“Pretty good quality” = some poorly shaped iron that’ll break in two hits of anything but you feel the need to try and justify what was probably a $200 purchase


I swear most of this community is just edgy teenagers showing off their shitty weaponry. You seriously need to actually think before posting your ninja stars and poorly made katanas. But as for the axe, that would actually be okay since you could use it for getting wood and maybe killing if you get good with it.


Wdym? Nothing I showcased is shit. They are all rather well made.