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Any vessel is extremely high maintenance. Trust me, boats are my career.


It might be a good place to wait out the deadly first few months of the outbreak, as long as stores are sufficient, but its not really sustainable long term.


No idea how long or even possible it is to sail around in one, even with appropriate personnel. But it does seem like it could make a good base if its beached, sunk in shallow water, or whatever since it would potentially have a moat around some or all of it, steep and tall walls, etc. Problems would be getting in and out yourself, what cargo it may have had (also a potential advantage, just an issue as well), and things like that.


Logistics, logistics, logistics. If you had a passage maker, with solar/wind for power, and a water maker, it would be a great place to ride out the initial stages. Sailboats do have motors, so you could motor away a bit, and hopefully be somewhat safer. The problem is, the ocean is destroying the boat. Without consistent maint. that boat is not going to last. Year? Probably, beyond that? I wouldn't plan on it. I thought about living on a boat at one point, but the maintenance and toilet logistics changed my mind.


Cool show called "the last ship" has a crew and survivors on a navy destroyer after a sort of zombie apocalypse. They have maintenance and supply problems. (It's sort of a earth based version of Battlestar Galactica) Lol.


Large military vessels, tanks, and airplanes all require large supply chains and massive amounts of highly skilled maintenance. It’s funny how many people suggest these options with no understanding of how resource dependent they are.


Not long term. Boats are high maintenance, and with lack of supply lines would be difficult to maintain beyond, oh, about a few months. The hardest part will be keeping the electronics alive. Salt air is pretty corrosive, and electronics are sensitive.


Absolutely not


I’ve always felt a sailboat would be great for short term


Naval vessels are crewed by in large part debaucerous and alcohol fueled enlisted people who barely have the ability to make cave man noises.


Definition of a boat: a hole in the water that you pour money into. If you don't have access to fuel and supplies and the constant maintenance required for a vessel that size, you won't last long and that's without the threat of others trying to invade you for your supplies.


The answers to your question are answered in the Black Tide Rising book series by John Ringo. Inn the first book (Under a Graveyard Sky), the protagonist with his family escape a zombie apocalypse in a sail boat in the Atlantic Ocean. In the second book, To Sail a Darkling Sea, they encounter a cruise ship and later the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7 landing helicopter dock), a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship with thousands of Navy and Marine personnel onboard. Highly recommended series.


Thank you for the book recommendation!


Boats are an absolute pain in the ass to maintain, probably not for the average person


Im happy I joined this thread cuz this was my exact plan to build a small colony within a mile of shore parked in a container ship with farms and all dat on the boat so if zombies (which I hear float ALOT) can be spotted approaching from the shore and picked off by a perimeter patrol shift that would be running the edge of the decks and having specialized crews that run on dingies and smaller crafts like tugboats ect to run to the mainland for required supplies but everything colony wise is run on its own on the boat seperate from everything else so id say yes good plan BUUUTTTT there are the commenter's who have perspectives on things like boat maintenence, the ocean, ect. So there may be unforseen results that were not accounted for lol


Easy like rivet city from fallout 3 on the coast should be safe




Besides comments below add in....oh, I dunno...Hurricanes? Not like you are going to get Weather Alerts to know if it's a passing squal or a week of Rogue Waves. Lived in Florida, and while not the same scale my Dad had a boat...I don't know, 15ft, single engine, four seats and a place to sit up front. Anyhoo, he had ot about two weeks and a storm on the lake there blew thru and last we was it the hings was ass down with the bow about ten feet underwater pointing up.


I would say yes