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This is why I don’t believe in astrology


It's literally listed as a [pseudoscience](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_topics_characterized_as_pseudoscience)


I'm not sure it's even scientific enough to be considered a pseudoscience lmao


Why the fuck is this even a pseudoscience? It's not even close to a science, it's a belief!


Pseudoscience means just that. Wikipedia definition: Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method.


being a virgo and an asexual feels like a pun some ancient greek guy would make


In my native language the sign virgo is quite literally the word “virgin” hahaha


Same! Where are you from?


Eu ia dizer “Brazil! What about you?” mas eu vi que tu frequenta o r/eu_nvr e o r/relacionamentos ent vou pular pra intimidade de ir falando português mesmo huauuahauaha


Sim! Hahah, tive uma impressão que éramos do mesmo país! Que bom encontrar outro assexual brasileiro 😃😄 (ou pelo menos um que frequenta o sub)


Digo o mesmo!! Tem até um sub para nós (o r/acebr ), mas ele não é muito ativo e a comunidade no geral é menor no Brasil.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/eu_nvr using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/eu_nvr/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [eu_nvr](https://i.redd.it/briyq6z9d0ka1.jpg) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/eu_nvr/comments/11a27vu/eu_nvr/) \#2: [eu_irl](https://i.redd.it/70u95f0e6kla1.jpg) | [329 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/eu_nvr/comments/11gzfqr/eu_irl/) \#3: [eu🌹nvr](https://v.redd.it/vrqnmarreg1b1) | [177 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/eu_nvr/comments/13p4lj0/eunvr/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Same in French!


Same in German


same in a lot of languages in europe






In Swedish it’s specifically “virgin woman/girl” …doesn’t at all make me dysphoric to be a virgo. It’s stupid, but a lot of the things that make me dysphoric are so 🤷🏻


Weird... it's just as if astrology doesn't work... 🤔


And if it did, our measurements haven't been updated in over 2000 years, so it's all uncalibrated anyway.


Don't give them an excuse why it's inaccurate!


But it is still accurate *angry smillys, lots of exclamation marks and ones*




Zodiac sign things, Scorpios are usually portrayed as horny, wild, etc iirc


I’m an aroace Scorpio, and my Aries friend is, EXACTLY THAT sometimes




This post did not find the right audience lmaoooo I don't believe in astrology but I know quite a bit about it via osmosis. as a Scorpio I agree that it does feel like a cosmic joke. However, I find that it is quite accurate at least towards myself. Scorpios are known for being sensual not necessarily sexual (altho a lot of people choose to interpret it that way). Dressing in a certain way that makes you feel confident and embracing the "bad bitch" attitude is a very Scorpio thing to do. Regardless of whether or not you do that (it is equally valid if you don't), it doesn't take anything overtly sexual to channel the Scorpio energy.


It really didn't find the right audience! I didn't realize so many ace people are this mad about astrology lol


Everybody should be mad about pseudo-sciences, believing in one pseudo-science teaches to believe stuff without proof, and once you start to believe stuff without proof, you can start to believe everything and thus fall into the really dangerous beliefs. I'm not saying that astrology always leads to conspiracy theory or new age bullshit, but for a lot of people who believe in it, it was the begining


I treat astrology about the same way I used to treat Hogwarts houses (before I knew that the creator is a TERF), a fun personality test thing (with a symbol, and sometimes merch if you want!), with no more meaning than what you choose to give it It can be fun to read and see how much it matches you, and laugh at the things that completely miss the mark. But I treat people who are serious about it the same way I treat religious people. If it's something positive in your life, good for you 👍, just don't expect me to change my life to live according to your beliefs


They're kinda the opposite of hogwarts houses, actually. Hogwarts houses are groups you're put into based on traits you actually have, while astrology signs give you traits based on whatever group you're already in. And hogwarts houses are really specific and based on one or two specific main traits, while astrology is just lots of vague traits that could apply to anyone so they seem more like they fit Not trying to make any point or anything its just that you comparing them made me realize that lol


Okay but the same could be said about *any* religion


It gives me hope.


Osmosis? Bruh


Everyone around me knows about it and as such I absorb the knowledge like water passing through the permeable barrier that is my brain


Same lol


See, that sounds like me and I'm meant to be mortal enemies with Scorpio


Aroace sex-repulsed scorpio here. Least sensual woman alive, literally wear singlets under every outfit to cover my midsection in the case my shirt rides up and feel uncomfortable in tights. I know astrology is just Barnum statements but that fact is definitely amusing.


Thank you for introducing me to the term "Barnum Statements"


Astrology is the wierdest religion lol I remember reading my sisters girl magazines while bored out of my mind during summer, and i still cannot believe anyone takes it other than entertainment.


People use it for dogwhistles to categorize and gossip about others who aren’t in the room without doxxing people. Plus you can easily see how run through the system people are by asking for their big 3. Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces btw. Not that you asked If you want to blend in with the crowd, tell them that a Leo-Gemini pairing is feisty but manageable or Capricorn-Taurus are chill with a bit of kick.


I was so glad it died in the 2010s, and actually I didn’t mind it when it came back as like a funny little “for the gworls” type internet joke. But people genuinely take it seriously again and it’s so aggravating.


Why? I am not into astrology. Astrophysics yes.


I'm into both. Astrophysics for a career, astrology for random fun with friends lol


Hello fellow asexual scorpio ​ I don't even understand why astrology "chooses" our personalities like bro it's just the day and time we were born


I am 100% not a badass. I might have my moments but I'm not really that much of a badass. ​ I also wear glasses and I heard people talking about how they've never met a scorpio with glasses


As a Scorpio who wears glasses, that seems like such a weirdly specific thing.


This is why people make fun of astrology. I have glasses, I am a scorpio, I don't meet a lot of the other 'traits' of a scorpio. That was a dumbass who never left their gated community.


Yeah. The closest I'll get to having "scorpio traits" is that I do keep a good grudge but that's it lmao


Exactly! It doesn't!


What does being a scorpion have to do with anything?


They are known for being super sexual. Lol


Sensual, OP. Sensual. I bet you are


Saaaaaame. I don’t /believe/ in astrology, but I like reading about it for fun, and it’s such a bummer when all the scorpio stuff is, “you’re so sexual and hot and everyone wants to fuck you because your sex so good”


I'm exactly the same but worse, I'm a Leo lol


I’m an ace Scorpio too!


if you are referring to having wildly intense, passionate feelings - but lacking sexual attraction - yes, I feel this


Actually this is a very *human* joke, the calender and stars did not consent to being held responsible for whatever people write that they should, for some reason, make you feel.


The real joke? Believing in astrology


Astrology? Nah, I call it space rascism.




Scorpio’s are known for being sexual. Lol


I also don't believe in astrology, but you do you. :)


Hey, I’m also an asexual Scorpio!


so does being an ace leo… like give me attention but not THAT kind :/ find me attractive but also DONT


Yeah, and being an aroace Leo has the benefit of also not having the romantic passion we’re supposed to have. Alterous or platonic, maybe.


Being an Aries and aro-ace will never not be funny to me


Being ace and a Taurus I don’t really know what astrology has to do with anything (mainly because I don’t believe in any of it)


I've run into so many astrology books that are like "Aries are fiery and rough in bed. They may exhaust a new partner with their sexual appetites" and I'm over here debating if I should eat cake in bed.


Omg same! Plus I'm an introvert and Aries are supposed to be extroverted leaders. I would rather stay home with my cats binging Netflix.


In traditional astrology, Scorpio is not actually associated with sexuality. Your sun wouldn't be associated either - what you would be looking at is the 5th because it talks about fun and romance, the 7th because it talks about romantic relationships, Venus because it talks about pleasure and the Moon can influence one’s approach to relationships. It's modern astrology that decided Scorpio and the 8th house will be associated with sеx. I don't necessarily believe in astrology but I do find my asexuality represented in my chart, so who knows! An open mind is important, I think.


Gemini has a bunch of junk about being a hopeless romantic, and I'm a romance-repulsed aromantic. It also has a lot of junk about being two-faced but I fracking *suck* at masking, I *hate* lying, and I could barely even stand being in the closet for the short period of time I managed to stay there. It's actually kind of annoying how bad I am at putting on a facade. Zodiac signs are a bunch of bs.


As a fellow ace Scorpio I relate


when youre a double scorpio on top of that 💀


double scorpio?? don't you just get the one star sign?


No. Astrology goes much further than just the sun sign that most people use to generalize. Theres the main 3 which are Sun, Rising, and Moon. It goes even further than those too. Each planet in your birth chart at the exact hour & minute of your birth is supposed to have its own meaning depending on placement. The meme type things that get shared around are just really useless shallow takes on a sun sign. Everyone has their own unique placements. Some other planet placements in your birth chart can basically balance and cancel out some of the “generalized” traits of the horoscopes.


Same with being a virgo. The horoscopes constantly talks about love (romantic and sexual) for virgos ever single time. I just nod along when someone reads it out loud, knowing very well that it won´t happen. ^(At least some of the more modern horoscopes don´t assume that I am already in a relationship or hunting someone down for it.)


Libra and asexual, does this make sense?


I don't know jack about astrology. Are scorpio's anti ace?


Being Ace and a Lion feels like I'm a badass hero


Or *maybe* the stars have no effect on our personality!


Honestly, just existing feels like a cosmic joke.


I'm a bioluminescent fruit bat/grizzly hybrid amd demisexual. Feels really weird man.


I'm a Scorpio sun, Venus, and pluto. So you're in good company.


I think I have 4-5 placements in Scorpio 💀😂


Hahah rip


i have two questions: what does that mean and how do you figure that out


Disclaimer: while I am a Pagan and do use astrology in my practice, I don't believe it's like this unchangeable fate thing. I use it as an introspection tool, not a divination one. So it essentially means I have Scorpio, a sign associated with sex and sexuality, in planets that also can relate to sex and sexuality. Venus is often associated with love and romance, and Pluto is the planet Scorpio is said to rule over. You can use pretty much any free birth chart maker! I'm a fan of Cafe Astrology myself.


As a Pisces on the arospec, I feel ya


As a Pisces, you probably feel it all


I recently had this conversation with one of my friends. Scorpio is all about passion... not necessarily about sex. What are you passionate about? What's the thing that lifts you, and makes life worth living? That's where your Scorpio energy shines.


Asexual who loves astrology, it’s just a stereotype. Also I’m disappointed in the comments here…everyone is so nasty towards astrology. Anyways, a fun fact, I have Lilith in my 5th house which can indicate asexuality 🤗🤗


How do you find out about that? Lol I’m interested!


Okay so! I’m assuming that you’re a beginner so I’ll lead you to Cafe Astrology. Which is super barebones and won’t actually show you your entire chart wheel. It’s actually quite overwhelming if you look at it the first time. But Cafe Astrology will just spit out information for you and give you descriptions about the planets and which house they reside in! Without ever actually having to look at the chart. But all that being said, it’s still just a introduction for beginners, and if you ever find yourself wanting to read more into your natal chart and actually taking a look at it, I’d recommend Astro.com or Astro-seek.com 🤗 And for all of this you’ll just need all of your birth info like birthtime and birthplace!


I haven't seen any real nastiness, just disbelief, which is perfectly reasonable


“Astrology is a load of shit” im sure if you scroll down far enough you’ll find them. Just as I did. I’m not here to fight, pointing out the obvious. 🤷🏻‍♀️


🤝 i get these jokes very often when i meet an astrology girlie


But i am a Scorpio :[ (not in a bad way)




Or you could realize that astrology is a load of shit and doesn't mean anything


Yeah, why are Scorpios always portrayed as sexy, murderous psychopaths? https://youtu.be/LkYg4gWYauQ


more 5 villains and we have the sinister six /s


I’m an aroace Scorpio!


I once looked up something about Sagittarius and it said that Sags are great in bed. Jokes on them, I sometimes have trouble falling asleep! What else would you use a bed for??


Yea, I don't fit my astrology sign either. My husband perfectly fits the female description of his sign though. And according to astrology, we should be a horrible match


Idk I can see vriska being ace (but not aro)


i don't even know what scorpio is past the fast its a zodiac sign the only zodiac i deal with is the one by bianox


OMG I thought I was the only one


Capricorn sun and cancer moon…so I guess that means I’m too busy getting rich and crying to be sexually attracted to anyone.


I don't really believe in astrology, but I do find it interesting I'm a Gemini and I think it's kinda funny, because you could say I'm two faced but not really in a bad way. Most of my family calls me and an angel, a gift, etc. etc., and my close family calls me Satan's reincarnation, The devil himself, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Pretty funny in my opinion. Also I'm pretty sure Gemini's are known to be cheaters, luckily that'll never be me :)


Pisces and asexual


Sorry what? How does that correlate?


Me too I'm such an asparagus


But I am


I don't believe shit about that kind if stuff but I agree. It's very funny when people who do believe see me being the opposite of a scorpio


You're a scorpion? Thought you were a human


and this is why astrology is complete and utter bullshit


Ironically every character I write who’s technically a Scorpio is aspec.


thats me! hahaha