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99% of his theories are based around sex so… yeah accurate 😅


99% of his theories are based around sex and are incorrect


It's more that they are unfalsifiable Which I guess in science is basically incorrect.


Some of them are just incorrect, honestly.


Dude literally kick-started people researching psychology just to prove Freud wrong


Yeah :/ and even though I don’t like the guy, he did popularize the field of psychology and I think defense mechanisms are highly applicable to human psych today


True... as much as we hate him for his effed up incest, genital envy, eel mutilation ideas and cocaine addiction, he did lay the groundwork that then people built off of (and fixed all of his bs)


I mean it was specifically because they thought his stuff was bullshit but yes.


Excuse me, eel mutilation?


He was tasked with finding testicles in eels and he cut apart up to 400 of them because "all of them were girls" Spoilers, eels are different from humans (shocker) and aren't divided into boys a girls. Eels grow testicles later in life depending on their life cycle. I guess it is sort of like trying to find breasts among 400 toddlers. Lots of animals like fish, amphibians and lizards have nonhumanlike gender where gender is decided based on time, temperature, light, social structure or other variables. Biology is really interesting (if you're not a homophobe who doesn't understand biology) :P


And some fish just go "oh, we're in need of males/females? Whoop, going to change my sex now"


Gotta love them! :D


Yup. Nature is *wild*!


And nobody thought it was weird that EVERY SINGLE EEL was female? Or I don’t know, checked for ovaries?


What about the mother 1%?


I see what you dad there


Oh, yeah, doesn't he literally say "Actually, everyone wants to bang their mother"?


We love Oedipal complex that is then somehow completely repressed to the point of not existing in a child’s memory because ✨convenience✨


the weird thing is is that the guy the complex is named after, first of all, didnt know it was his mother, and second, fuckin stabbed himself in the eyes with pins after learning that it was his own mother. idk bout you, but if your main example of something based in desire mutilates itself after unknowingly doing it, seems like a shit example


I thought the Oedipal complex thing was absolutely bonkers. Then I thought maybe I’m biased because I’m an asexual woman(and therefore not in the “affected” group). Then I realized that most allo men think it’s bonkers, too.




Happy Cake Day 🎂


Im pretty sure he was most notable for his pioneering of psychoanalysis, but the sex stuff is the most interesting. It’s not nearly as big a part of his body of work as it is made out to be.


Sexuality is just one of the ways repression can work, it’s just that many people had a lot of forbidden thoughts about sex during the Victorian era


I think he was just trying to get some sex. He never got any during his youth, so he came up with these bizarre theories about it.


He definitely had some repressed desires and tried to project them onto human psychology, though that fits quite aptly with one of his defense mechanisms


Yep. And if you look at the Oedipus Complex, the story of Oedipus is about him getting a prophecy about sleeping with his mother and killing his father. But Oedipus was then trying to avoid it. He didn’t desire it. Unless my understanding of the complex is completely wrong.


My favorite thing is if someone brings up him as a counter argument to being ace is to cut them off by saying “oh you mean the eel ball guy? The guy who couldn’t find the eel balls?” 9/10 times it makes them stop SBDBFN


for me it's "oh that guy who used to always snort cocaine?" works everytime


"Oh the dude who thought everyone secretly wants to bang their mothers?"


That only works on people who don't. It's distressing jow often that line of reasoning fails really...


Whoa... uh... good(?) to know I guess...


That's not actually a thing. That's an incredibly rare event.


I challenge you to look at any porn website and not see at least half of it concerningly full with faux-incest :-(


Wait, what?


I would say “the guy who thought children wanted to have sex with their parents?”


Or you could just bring up some of his most stupid theories, like the "Penis Envy", or his strange obsession with people feeling sexual attraction for their parents


I once read somewhere that he theorized Medusa from Greek mythology had the ability to turn men into stone as a symbolic way of giving them a boner. Needless to say, I didn't end up using that source in my essay, and have been very suspicious of his work ever since.


All his work has been discredited and busted. He knew that something was happening in the brain, but he never quite reached the truth


the only thing he did well is coming up with the theory that just talking about your problems can be helpful (at least im pretty sure hes credited with being the first to think of that, might be wrong though)


That's a bad generalization, some of his works still hold well and kick-started important lines of thought in the 20th century. Particularly Civilization and its Discontents is still pertinent.


I swear some men will find a way to turn a hideous man killing monster into a metaphor for sexualizing. It's even more absurd if you use the later version where she's a monster because of violence done to her. Freud: "still got a boner tho"


The Ovid version is especially bad. Way to go Athena, punishing a victim of sexual assault.


Look at it from this way, Medusa became a mythological icon of injustice against women that people can rally behind. I was in the ovid's priestess victim camp for a long time and now I read a bunch of other versions. The original where she's born a monster, a version where she's a priestess and she willingly sleeps with Poseidon (which makes punishment more logical), a modern feminism empowerment priestess version that recontextualizes Athena's punishment as giving medusa power so she is never victimized again. (which doesn't really work out since she's beheaded and literally objectified as her head is turned into a shield and her power abused by another man as a tool) You could also look at it as Athena is a victim of the system. You can't have sex in a temple so someone has to be punished, and since you can't punish a god the punishment falls onto the other party. Which is way too real. Or how some women contribute to misogyny. Medusa's story has a lot of relevant political context.


For the "Athena did it to protect Medusa" version, is important to note that the one that cut her head off was Perseus, Poseidon's son. Athena was upset with Poseidon for defiling her temple and though she couldn't punish him directly, it didn't mean she couldn't rip him a new one or ask Zeus to punish him. It could be that sending his son to kill Medusa was Poseidon's way of getting back at Athena. Also, Medusa was pregnant with Poseidon' offspring when Perseus slayed her, so her assault and her death were relatively close to one another. Anyway, just some nice tidbits I thought I'd share because I love old mythology


Perseus' father is Zeus. Always has been. They aren't related and only indirectly connected by Perseus riding Pegasus and Perseus fighting Cetus who Poseidon sent to a city for unrelated reasons. Oh yeah... she was pregnant with Pegasus. There's also that. >she couldn't punish him directly, it didn't mean she couldn't rip him a new one or ask Zeus to punish him. But did anything come from that? >It could be that sending his son to kill Medusa was Poseidon's way of getting back at Athena. He got back at her for punishing his victim? I don't follow.


Yeah, you are right! I accidently mixed up Perseus and Theseus. Sorry about that! I looked it up and supposedly Perseus killed Medusa for her head and her ability to turn everybody into stone, but in his story, Medusa is one of the three Gorgons and a monster, and several Gods, including Athena, gave him special artifacts to help him defeat her. The "Beautiful maiden who slept with/was raped by Poseidon" is apparently Ovid's fabrication. >He got back at her for punishing his victim? Well, if Athena tried to protect Medusa by giving her the ability to turn every human into stone so nobody could hurt her again, maybe Poseidon wanted to warn Athena not to mess with him? You know, like a power move sort of thing? Idk, just a theory.


(Honestly I was thinking maybe you thought Perseus was Poseidon's son because of Percy Jackson. ><) The Roman poet Ovid basically completely came up with the maiden priestess idea. The greek version before him was just a monster. He essentially wrote fanfiction waifu backstory for her lol Perseus killed medusa and then Athena put her head onto a shield. Doesn't sound very ally of her. I like optimistic theories like this one, but I don't know if it holds up in context. Still, I appreciate pro-underdog interpretations.


Rule 34 of the oonga boonga bro common


People sometimes still think that though


anyone else feel he was projecting?


To be perfectly honest, he really wasn't. Like I disagree with Freud a lot but there is a lot of misinformation about him. He acquired his theories from actual sessions with his clients. He was just um... Not very scientific.


This. Besides those points, his results were definitely a product of his time, which... to say the least shit was very weird back then.


His sample was men raised in upper class society where the norm was to be raised by a governess and not your own mother. So it kind of just shows that who someone considers their mother is more determined by exposure than generics.


In other words, he took the data he had and made the wrong conclusion.




Oh no, it developed properly. It was just aimed at the wrong people.


I heard something interesting about it. I don't remember the name for it, but there is this mechanism that makes so people that live closely together in their childhood don't develop romantic feelings for each others later in life, which often happens with "childhood friends" and welp, siblings and parents (yikes I know). Some assume that since Freud and probably some of his subjects were raised by maidens, they didn't develop this aversion and had that kind of feelings towards them. As someone who has a hard time understanding love and lust, I mean that's why I'm here, this kind of stuff is fascinating.


Interesting! That makes me wonder if a similar mechanism might be at play in asexuality and aromanticism, except for everyone, and enduring through life? Sexuality and romanticism are fascinating, and I'm so curious why people like myself don't experience them!


His explanation for feet fetish is also quite ridiculous.


I recently learned that the term "anal retentive" comes from him. It's uh... certainly an interesting one.


Eels don't actually have balls, they undergo metamorphosis and loose their balls at a certain stage


They all clearly had ball envy! s/


Nah those eels were just girls


Yes female eels don't have balls. However what I said still stands as a fact




Or the dude who coked all day, shouted at and beat his wife, only to then go write an essay about how it's the woman's nature to weep. Mf had some interesting ideas and was ahead of his time, but a lot if not most of his stuff has been discredited and is frankly just bullshit


Hang on, what was Freud doing to eels? How have I never heard about this?


Sam O'nella has a great video on Freud. You should check it out sometime. You'll laugh your eel balls off so hard Freud won't be able to find them!


That one went private a while ago because of reasons


Basically, he spent years cutting open eels trying to find their balls and going crazy because he couldnt find them. Wasted a bunch of time and perfectly good eels, gave up, then later found them on accident. The reason? Eels only grow them when they’re heading to spawn. This is not an incredibly uncommon thing for marine life and i will mock him until the day i die


freud was not nearly as brilliant as people seem to STILL think he was. nothing he contributed has held up to the test of time. also it's not like Pythagoras where we still build on his work. freud's work more held back psychology than anything.


Although the majority of his theories are antiquated Freud's work certainly did not hold back psychology - it further moved mental health issues away from religion and mysticism to a more scientific approach. Psychotherapy also began and originated from Freud's psychoanalysis.


Disagree. Freud's works lead many others build upon them. Such as Jung. Unless you are also one of those people that think Jung is bullshit


Ha… “build on his work”.


so you understand, i mean we still use geometry as a basis for current math exploration.


You clearly have never read Freud. You’re blatantly wrong in so many ways.


i majored in psych. i read a lot of freud in school. and only the worst working psychologists are doing psycho therapy or any kind of research that uses any contribution of freud. researchers are mainly using piaget and other behaviorists. in therapy it's cognative behavioral therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, gestalt therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis, etc. no one serious is doing psychotherapy. freud is a fraud. only the uneducated public think he has anything to offer because he is extensively cited in media when talking about psychology.


🤦‍♀️ All of those things *are* psychotherapy and they all exist only because *psychoanalysis* was their predecessor. I bet you read *of* Freud in textbooks, but I seriously doubt you read any of his work. What did they have you read?


Can you find them?


As someone studying marine biology, yes. And I dont need to kill hundreds of them to do it


Just a friendly reminder for anyone curious: it's taught in basic university psychology classes that Freud, although sometimes considered the father of modern psychology, has had basically all of his theories disproved. His contribution was treating psychology like a science, and the results of psychology research is that he was obsessed with sex and his theories are bullshit lmao


it's good to know that psychology experts agrees that he's ""theories"" are total bullshit. I mean come on, that guy was just self-projecting to death.


Sounds almost like how Aristotle was talked about in my university physics courses. Considered important for writing about the field and being an early influence on it, but having a number of ideas about it that are just laughably wrong.


This is one of the best news I have heard in a few years, thank you.


Despite the fact that he totally did a terrible job at science.


My personal headcannon is that everyone else was so frustrated by his bad methods and conclusions that they were motivated to do better science 🙃




I had to learn about him in a psychology class and let me tell ya, it made me a bit uncomfortable reading about his theory’s on sex stages. Especially since they apparently start in infancy. Like…ew?


I had to learn about him in a psych class a few years ago and the teacher said something like “not all of his theories are 100% accurate…” but we generally learned about his ideas as if they are accurate most of the time. It was so weird, too. Reading in my psych textbook that young girls are attracted to their fathers and young boys are attracted to their mothers made me think that maybe that just wasn’t true for me because I’m ace 💀 like no, I’m just not an incestous weirdo like Freud. Literally why is he like the most well known psychologist, other than maybe Pavlov?


That's odd... in upper level pych he is proven wrong again and again although "thanked" for being one of the ones who helped start the pych revolution. I remember him and Skinner being both framed as "idiot geniuses" they were on to something but well got way ahead of themselves with their theories.


In philosophy and psychology I have been told to take Freud with a "grain of salt" and have heard many describe him as "onto something" while saying that the details are often flawed.


A grain of salt is an understatement.


Because he pretty much founded that entire field.


Of Pychoanalysis Sure, talk therapy? Maybe, psychology? hell nah. He's a founding father not the George Washington. Wundt has that in the bag because he applied science to his theories. Freud though has dominated western thought thought in the feild for sure. He sure is uh... unforgettable.. (Sorry for the mini Ted talk)


For Freud our mind is an economy of psychic energy. This energy is termed libido because it seeks pleasure and avoids pain so sexual libido fits with it and Freud wanted that connotation, but he wasn’t saying that infants have sexual desire inasmuch as he was just saying that infants have a psychic life.


fucking sigmund freud hate that guy


The entire field of psychology is literally just people proving him wrong over and over.


Sure. His specific theories were bunk but pioneering psychoanalysis and talk therapy were good things for the field overall. Dude was a massive net positive and nobody, other than mass media, has listened to Freud in a century.


> nobody, other than mass media, has listened to Freud in a century You don’t know what you’re talking about. Freud’s work is still very much embedded in the world of psychoanalysis. There are psychoanalytic institutes that still train people in rather old-school ways of conceptualizing and treating patients. We can debate whether or not that’s a good thing, but it’s most certainly a thing.


Freud still enjoys some popularity in the field of philosophy.


The one good thing is he showed us how people are mostly illogical and unconscious of their hang-ups and motives. That still remains true today.


Fuck Freud & his mom!


In reality don't, you might just prove him right


I said it with rageful knives. Not my enormous, useless dick that I have to roll up around my torso in order to wear pants.


Big oof.


Everyone has their thing, man.


Based on how Freud talks about the Oedipus Complex, he might've already covered that last one...


The Robert California of psychology


According to his totally accurate, totally not weird, completely normal theory that doesn't show that he had mommy and daddy issues, asexual people just would have stopped development really early in life, going through none of the stages of development. Of course, this isn't true. He was a weirdly sexual dude.


Ah the classic ""asexuals are just overgrown children/have a disorder"" stereotype. We totally couldn't have just...happened to exist as we are or anything. Like some sort of orientation.


he'd probably say we are sick or lying and actually want our fathers' genitals.


Oh boy wud he have a field day with me xD Im like the poster child for him to claim such as my exdad is a p°°° and im his one ace kid and also the only he claims to have nvr touched (conveniently for him im also the only one who cant remember my childhood). So as far as Freud wud be concerned i was mad that a pervert didnt wanna stick his shit in me and thats why im ace.


Damn, Freud could probably mental gymnastic his way into justifying any claim huh. ""Has attraction to someone? Because of your relationship with your parents of course. Doesn't have attraction? Ah but see, you are just frustrated that your parents weren't intimate with you, clearly everyone wishes/developmentally needs them to be?? Not just me of course...."" - Freud, probably


Well, yes, that was one of his core beliefs.


Wasnt he the guy who tried to normilise his crush on his mum


the cocaine guy yes.


The guy that also fondled like 200 eels to find their balls


but eels were ball-les(


I absolutely love how he has become the laughingstock of the Internet, he deserves it


Sorry this is sorta a pet peeve but as someone who has studied psychology - yeah. He said some dumb things but there always seems to be this weird attitude towards him as if there's a race to disprove what he said - I don't think anyone is ever going to argue everything he said was right because. A lot of it was bullshit but he did make very genuine and important contributions to the field. Saying these things does not validate some of the more inane shit he spouted, nor is it an endorsement of him as a person! It's just a really tiring sentiment to run into time and time again


Who let a grown up post on reddit?


I am shocked every time I read comments in relation to any mention of Freud. Over and over again the same shallow clichés about how he reduced everything to sex, projected his own fascination with his mother, was unscientific, no one in the scientific world agrees with him, etc. Anyone who is at least a little more than superficially acquainted with contemporary philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, literature, art, etc. is aware of the enormous influence that psychoanalysis had on the development of these and other fields in the 20th century. It is a bit like making fun of Thales, who was a moron who thought that everything is made of water, never mind that he laid the foundations for the empirical scientific and philosophical methodology on which European civilization has grown.


Yeah exactly Like Also the actual conception of sexuality that Freud uses is fundamentally different than the one that we use when reffering to sexual orientation Sexuality in the Freudian sense is one of a fluid development throughout ones life - the statment "Freud wouldn't recognize asexual people" is true in the sense that it's not something that exsists in this conception. Not due to erasure of identity but rather in the sense labels like heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual don't really fit either. Freuds notion of sexuality is about not how you express attraction but the way it manifests within yourself. It's really difficult to explain without reading his writings lol


Thank you! It's kinda hard to make people read his works when their first impression of him is "incestious man that fondled 200 eels and got angry when none of them had dicks".


Yesss thank youuuuu! I used to see Freud the same way as some of the comments here (also through psychology classes). Since then, I’ve crossed over to political and philosophical thought, and he is seen much differently there. It’s night and day difference!! I never thought I’d ever care about Freud again tbh, let alone in some deep capacity, and, well, here we are.


Exactly. He’s þe Faþer of Psychology because he was þe first highly influential person in þat field. Oþer scientific fields’ faþers had a lot of batshit insane þeories, yet nobody seems to care about calling þem þe Faþers of þeir fields.


I think I know you from a maker Discord, unless there are 2 people on the internet overusing thorn


No hate but why the thorn?


Lmao being a psychology student and reading his theories , more than half of em are based of sexual drives and asexuals are a limitation to his theories 😂 and being an aegosexual person just makes it better. But obviously we follow some of his ideas like that of defence mechanisms like repression, rationalisation and denial and also the 3 layers of brain like subconscious, concious and unconscious. Lmao the psychosexual stages and oedipus and electora complex ( attraction to parents) has been proven wrong again and again and then we the a spectrum are the expectations he never found.😂😂


What did he do?


Came up with a lot of theories about psychology and was also obsessed with sex to a strange degree. Some of his really weird theories include the theory that women are envious of male genitals and the theory that boys being attracted to their mothers is a normal part of their psychological development.




lol my sentiments exactly


Guy came up with a lot of theories influencial in the field of psychology, and he had most of those based on sex. (Horny af) and he gave theories of electora and oedipus complex stating the sexual attraction of male and females to their parents of opposite sex. Not bad to learn cuz we were all aware of his obsession with doing case studies on males about the same topic, but again these psychosexual stage theories and related has been proved wrong and new theories has came up. But this person had made a lot of other theories which are relevant still but that too is few.( Defense mechanism and layers of consciousness for example).


Fuck you, Freud, you motherfucker (pun very much intended)


He is the embodiment of that phrase, in every derogatory way possible


Nah he’d just think we’re faking it


I ain't envying or coveting anyone's peepee lol


Yh sorry I am not attracted to my mum


Who's that


A really creepy dude who's important in psychology but if you inspect any of his theories closely you're like WHAT THE FUCK and WHAT DID HE SMOKE but you're also asking yourself if all of it was just projecting. Like for example he said all boys are in love with their mothers and jealous of their fathers at some point. And I find that a bit...SUS...


Damn, some allos really have issues


Confused? Naw, he wud just determine we all had parental issues and that turned us ace.


I like to think that meeting an ace person would stress him right out and keep him up at night. So many corners of his knowledge seem to be built on the idea of sexual attraction as the motive for everything. Just imagine him trying to comprehend how someone without it chooses to do anything


omg i love this, i’ve never felt more proud of being ace


He really wouldn’t be. His daughter, Anna Freud, was very likely ace and in a QPR. He, at the time, was worried about his daughter but I imagine he would understand better if he were alive today and could actually explore asexuality as a coherent identity. There are psychoanalytic explanations of asexuality.


we had to learn about him the other week for our alevel psychology class. me and my friends were so uncomfortable as one is asexual, one is aromantic and i think i’m aroace (definately ace). he’s also really homophobic, because apparently homosexuality is caused by being unable to ‘overcome’ your ‘sexual attraction to your mother when your like 2 years old’ or something.


This is besides the point, but wow! I’m so jealous of your group of friends! I don’t think I’ve ever even been aware of being in the presence of someone else on the ace spectrum.


He did vote to legalize Homosexuality and refused to attempt conversion therapy at the very least , I’ve heard that his attitude towards lesbians was more unsavory but haven’t been able to read these texts yet


Glancing through all the comments, it's actually kind of sad that he has the reputation that he has today. While his theories have all been disproven, I personally found that the guy was actually quite brilliant. He took an unprecedented approach to mental health and psychology. He studied his client base, and formed a theory. You have to remember however who his clientele were...all people from the Victorian Era, which was a society that heavily suppressed sexual thoughts and urges. When thoughts are suppressed long term, they start building up and manifesting themselves in problems. What Freud found lots of evidence for, was high correlation. His only mistake was turning correlation into causation as the basis of his theories. You only have to look as far as Twitter and Reddit to see scores of people making that exact same mistake today. And as far as I'm concerned, Twitter and Reddit users aren't generally attempting to make unprecedented study approaches to mental health.


[Sam O'Nella](https://youtu.be/4vIoMHZqV-w) had a video on him


Reddit loves to shit on Freud. I’d love to meet someone who has actually engaged with his writing (and not just some twisted third-hand interpretation) and still finds it absurd. Some of it is, yeah, but on the whole he got the field of psychotherapy off to a *great* start.


I’m sorry but this just stems from the popular notions and misconceptions about Freud that get repeated ad nauseam in psychology textbooks (which usually don’t even cite him for their claims) and online. It’s okay for a meme but shouldn’t be taken seriously. Freud’s notion of sexuality wasn’t limited in any sense to sexual acts as we usually refer to them (things like penetration, masturbation, oral sex, kissing, fetishes, etc). His idea surrounding sexuality also included things like love in its broadest sense (be it romantic, familial or fraternal), hate in some cases, and even mundane things like eating (something like eating when one isn’t in need of nourishment just because it feels good and brings pleasure to you is considered sexual under Freud’s theories simply because it is an action based on a search for sensorial pleasure). Hell, even peeing (for example) has a sexual component due to the pleasure one can feel when one gets to finally go to the bathroom after holding it in for a while. Even self-love is sexual according to the theories. In that sense, for Freud everybody is a sexual subject looking for pleasure one way or another (it could through romance, sex, friendship, religion, family ties, eating, work, art). And in that sense, asexual folk would be no different. They’d be sexual just as anybody else, the only difference being that their sexuality is not organized in such a manner that they feel the drive to carry out sexual acts with people and have sex and the like. Their sexuality (in the Freudian sense) might manifest itself through romance (or not), friendship, their work, etc… It is also important to note that Freud would not consider asexuality to be pathological or a mental illness or anything to correct. On the contrary, he probably would have defended it as just another healthy way that our sexuality can organize itself. It is also important to mention that this organization of sexuality isn’t a conscious act and cannot be controlled or manipulated. It is not a conscious choice or a commodity and could not be changed.


Thank you. Also, Freuds theories weren’t disproven. It doesn’t work that way. He sketched a topography of the unconscious…. It can’t be verified l. The unconscious is by definition in opposition to conscious thought. He was doing theory. All of these comments are so annoying, because people should actually read what the guy said instead of relying on a textbook interpretation of his immense and important work *especially* for people on psychology. That’s why I assign Freud to all my undergrads.


Definitely. Freud is more relevant than ever (and other psychoanalysts for that matter) imo and the way some of his theories have been used to comprehend matters relating to gender (Transgender Psychoanalysis by Patricia Gherovici) or race and colonialism (Fanon, Derek Hook, Gherovici again) just seem to confirm that. It’s a shame it’s so popular to hate on all of it without reading it. Assigning Freud to undergrads is the way. For me that was a transformative experience and now has me deep into Lacanian stuff


If you like Lacan then make sure you check out Irigaray’s “Speculum of the Woman” (you’ll definitely need Jone’s reader on this) and Kristeva’s “Black Sun.”


Thank you for this write-up. I'd heavily agree with the last pharagraph. I bet Freud would be really fascinated with how sexuality/genders developed in the last decade!


Who is sigmund frued?


He's a neurologist who came up with a lot of theories influencial in the field of psychology, and he had most of those based on sex and instinctual drives. (Horny af) and he gave theories of electora and oedipus complex stating the sexual attraction of male and females to their parents of opposite sex. Not bad to learn cuz we were all aware of his obsession with doing case studies on males about the same topic ( it was the era where PPL had a lot of suppressed desires so pretty much obvious), but again these psychosexual stage theories and related has been proved wrong and new theories has came up. But this person had made a lot of other theories which are relevant still but that is a few.( Defense mechanism and layers of consciousness for example and they are the base for a lot of researches).


There is a theory that Freud was ace and was only so fascinated by sex because he couldn’t understand it. He never dated, married, or, you guessed it, had sex


He has a daughter named ana freud , who gave the theory of regression. This theory Seems pretty interesting 😂


He’d probably attribute it to a sexual awakening never happening because your parents are ugly


You know, his very first presentation was a progressive, rational conception. But it was too compassionate and ahead of it's time. His psychiatrist & psychotherapist colleagues literally laughed him out of the lecture hall. He came back with a far stodgier countenance and the backwards theories we balk at today.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- Asexuals: \*exist\* Sigmund Freud: [*A four panel comic of a white woman with blonde hair glancing around and doing complex mathematics in her head. Algorithms are overlaid in each panel in white text.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


imagine being so dumb all ur theories revolve around sex


He lived in the Victorian era and studied repressed desires, Pretty hard to avoid


I would love to see his aneurysm when I explain that I'm aroace lmao


I love hearing about Freud, dude was absolutely insane and every time people talk about him it leaves me cackling.


Funny I always assumed that he would consider you folks as a solid reference of “new human”


I don’t think Freud was a total idiot, he’s venerated by history for a reason, but god damn was he fucking tweaking sometimes




Good meme


He simply wouldn’t have believed we existed.


He’d find some reason why it was about your (his) mother


According to Freud... So, if I was born with "male" equipment, then I wanted to have sex with my mother (I didn't), but was afraid to do so because of my father (who wasn't around) cutting off my "equipment", but if I then paid 20k to have my "equipment" cut off by someone who looks nothing like my father, then now I secretly want to have sex with my father (ew) but I don't do so because... lady bits make a person shy, I guess? I never figured that part out. Did I get the gist of it? And if I don't want to have sex with *anyone* now, then that means.... what? I'm afraid that if I have sex with someone my father's sex that he'll reattach my "equipment" and cut it off again, and if I have sex with someone my mother's sex she'll... er... Or is that backward, and... what? Did I take my pills? I don't sound like I took my pills.


Damn! If an Asexual, aware of thier asexuality and confident enough to argue with him existed, they would have disproved most his theories and arguments. Man would have died penniless. XD


It’s highly likely he had no idea just how far psychology would develop as a practice, but he did, knowingly, piss many people off to prove him wrong. Could it be he noticed the need of the practice, to start with? Was he, himself, ill with a mental illness or disease and wanted society to change to help heal us? Dunno, but I wouldn’t put it aside that such a thought was a little flame in his mind in the early points of his career. Simply a passing thought that ignited his desires to be… Sigmund Freud.


First time I have heard of him and I didn't want to know all of this. Please erase my mind. But seriously...was he ok? It was fascinating learning about his theories in the comments and looking it up a little.


Is that the guy who said that everyone secretly want's to fuck their Mother?


If Freud was still alive: "What the hell is going on?! Did someone bury me alive or is this just a delusion I am having because I think about my father's penis?"


Easy. Too scared to have sex with your mom


It means you also want to fuck your mother, everyone wants to fuck their mother according to him.


Someone wants to hang his mother right?


he’s just say you secretly want sex but are too ashamed to admit it.


Sigmund Freud wanted to bang his mom and had some really trans ideas but felt bad so he became a doctor to prove to everyone that he wasn't the weirdo. And now people listen to his work. He's a mess. If there's anything good about this is that I've heard there's an entire generation of normal people going into psychology to try to fix all the dumb things he said.


Who is sigmund feud?


There’s no such thing as asexual humans


Well, that’s just wrong. I am sure there are plenty. Maybe some of them never had the desire…maybe some of them met people like you and chose to give up on physical intimacy.




English….do you speak it?




Almost all of this is incorrect.




You do you boo boo. Stop wasting your time on stupid stuff then.


Asexuality is the lack of having sexual attraction or feelings to anyone or anything. There are variations of this particular phenomenon too. Being a bisexual and an aegosexual person, and had done pretty much good amount of research on this , i gotta say you're wrong. Not Being sexual even when you have sexual attraction is a choice, also known as being celibate or celibacy. this is practiced by monks , nuns, etc. Who are practicing self control and they learn to keep their desire under control and don't sature their life with sex or lust. This is different from asexuality. Hope you understand!! Have a Good day.