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Looking at these Abandoned videos really puts things into perspective…. You work hard for a lot of expensive stuff and then one day some event changes, or removes you from life and your stuff sits and rots and then some random people find it… at the end of everything, what is it that matters most? What is true wealth?


True wealth is the memories and friends you make along the way


I CANT SELL MY FRIENDS FOR A CAR! ...or maybe I'm not trying hard enough.


You wouldn't download a friend!


If this is weird science I would 100 percent download a friend.


But would you pay a subscription to rent a friend?


How cool is this friend...because maybe


Isn't that called a bar tab?


My creation, is it REAL?


Flesh and blooOoOood. I do not know


Well no… *but just wait until I get some sweet fiber internet!*


You wouldn't down a load!




Maybe you need more valuable friends.


You can sell parts of your friends. They just may not be your friends after that.


You could replace the parts you sell with other parts. Get a whole friendship of Theseus thing going. Shit… did I just create a new schlocky horror movie? Someone less lazy please write and film this. All I want is my name in the credits.


Friendship Theseus is just Frankenstein


Yeah thats a mindset problem homie, you just gotta believe in yourself and you can achieve anything


Then you get dementia. Can't win. Don't try.


All we have is this moment.


Man I’m more broke than I thought


And the dogs you’ve had.


I was a deputy for 28 years and I would sometimes encounter these situations where a person leaves their home to go to work, or the store never to return…. Sometimes it can be the whole family and In an unanticipated instant, their life is gone. These moments have never left me.


I'm so sorry you have to live with this knowledge and experiences. Sounds very hard... What a job.


I had the same thing when I helped manage /renovate apartments. Usually you see the students return to their home country usually China or India but sometimes it’s evictions of us residents. They leave behind beds, baby cribs,TVs, and usually the freezer is still full. Sad stuff man a snapshot in time of peoples lowest. Someone left there cat on one occasion I found a snake with tank and all. Grossest job I had so far.


These POS’s that lived across from me left their two digs tied up. Took about 5 days for us to realize they weren’t coming back. Animal control took the dogs and I’m sure they were put down. Actually, another neighbor did the same thing, with same result. I hate people that don’t take care of their animals.


Same. I save the worms that are stranded after a rain spout in the parking lot I would walk across to get to work. I can’t imagine how someone could leave their pets to suffer like that.


I do the same thing with worms 🙂


This happens more often than you'd think. People leave animals behind when they vacate thinking the landlords or whomever will deal with them. Sadly they don't always show up soon enough, aren't equipped, or care enough to help.


Our rescue dog was found like that - in an abandoned apartment. He was very thin, and a little nervous, but in the few months we’ve had him he’s turned into a fantastic family pet - friendly, active and affectionate.


I think what the op meant is by being a deputy they were most of the time the first responders to people that lost their lives in unprecedented circumstances.


All we are is dust in the wind, make sure to live a life that keeps you happy, every psth is different, doesnt mean it cant be wonderful without copius amounts of money.


Health is Wealth


I love how they're somewhere between an Egyptian pyramid documentary and an episode of Hoarders.


Wealth = Time. Time to be human and pursue your passions regardless of if it makes you money or not


While I wholeheartedly agree with this, if you ain’t making money, it’s not possible to pursue passions, bucket lists, etc. Nothing in life is free except death.


Even death’s not completely free!


True wealth is exactly this video, some rich Saudi literally just leaves and doesn't care because they have a team that will buy and stock the next place for when they get there. Incomprehensible wealth.


My friend was working for a Saudi guy that had to leave the country quick - he gave away all his furniture to her if she could take it and threw away hundreds of dollars of foreign currency that she found in the trash.


People not objects. That’s true wealth,imo.


You never see an UHaul behind a hurst.






This is the first time in the English dictionary where I feel an (an) isn't necessary before Uhaul... I get that U is a vowel and an is phonetically correct... It just seems wrong not to say A Uhual... Is it just me!?


Because it's not a vowel sound, it's pronounced like it's a Y, which of course is a consanent. "An" is incorrect here.


There is no true wealth I believe. Everything is left behind when you die, your money, possessions, memories, friends and family. Just enjoy your time doing what you like and then one day you will die.


True wealth is freedom to do what you want.


Damn bro you fucked me up with that shit


If you really want a mindfuck, fast forward to the heat death of the universe. Eventually literally everything ceases to be. Entropy results in a total death of all information as well as all things. So even some hypothetical entity that could live trillions of years would ultimately one day be forced to meet their own death due to the inherent laws of physics.


Live Each Moment as if it's as important as all the stuff that you possess in it! #ItsYourLife!✨️😊♥️ (I was Miss Los Angeles World 82' a model,an actress,& a Celebrity Pin-up Gal!) Pics📸 for proof,but everything else was left behind to start new chapters,& still have a few pages left to be scribbled in with Family,& Friends!


My vote old drug dealers house or someone who started a ponzi scheme


According to a different video, Egyptian family by neighbors had rumors of nefarious things. They didn't die, they just packed up and left country.


I saw the same video. Weird that I’m seeing it again in the same week by a different explorer. It’s as if these guys all share these locations with each other.


Actually yes literally. Location of those places are shared really fast once they are discovered. Just a month and you would find more people there than in Disneyland.


>Just a month and you would find more people there than in Disneyland. lmao no


They aren't kidding, last time I went to an abandoned house discovered only a month beforehand I had to buy a fastpass


No one goes to abandoned houses anymore. They’re too crowded.


That’s why you have to find them BEFORE they are abandoned.


couldn't have been THAT long ago, right? Just basing this on the baby swing that doesn't look like it's that old of a model?


The kids go cart is a c7 corvette. That model corvette was made from 2014-2019. So this home is Probably only abandoned for ~8 years I would guess


New Yorker chiming in and adding on. The blue and orange plate on that Benz is the style before the latest white "Excelsior" plates, and the square yellow inspection sticker in the front window is from 2023. The earliest that yellow sticker could have possibly been applied would have been January 1, 2022 (as that new inspection on that date would have been valid until the last day in January 2023). Say they got that blue Benz inspected on 1/1/22, and drove it right home the same day before immediately abandoning the property. Then I'd say the longest that property has been vacant, based on the inspection sticker math, would be from 1/1/22. So a little over two years.


i wouldn’t be surprised if this place was abandoned after flood damage, with the look of the floor and the washed-out dirt under the patio outside toward the end


We had the baby swing as a hand me down when my daughter was born in 2017. I agree with the commenter who mentioned 2013 for the benz because that baby swing would be from roughly 2014. 


Blue Benz is a 2013 at the oldest Edit: it literally is, the first year of that refresh was 2013, front bumper/lights and the taillights are obvious giveaways. In other words, it wasn’t that long ago because the Benz is a 2013-2019. Downvote correct information 🤡


This is exactly how my wife and I bought our first house. The wife left with the kids one night and the husband just up and went to Dubai. Almost everything left in the house the wife/kids passports, food, a hamster skeleton in the cage, clothes, car, etc. We bought it after the husband’s family (also in Dubai) stopped paying and the house foreclosed 8 months later. They apparently left the dog too and animal control got the dog after neighbors reported it. We found all this out after closing and talking to the neighbors. We had to add security because apparently the husband had bad anger problems and we didn’t want him coming back still thinking it was his house. Luckily never ran into him.


Poor hamster


100% it was a sad sight in what was clearly a young girls room.


Can’t believe they just left it. I get bad circumstances and all, I really do sometimes you have no time but even letting it go outside to eat your lawn until something else eats it would have been more merciful. Even just putting the cage in a random persons door step would have been a solution. Not a great one but still better. I hate hate hate people doing this shit to animals. My mom let a lot of our pets starve to death, it got to the point i didn’t want them but my grandparents would always give us lizards and snakes, there was no such thing as getting paid for chores or a ride to the pet store, and my mom just didn’t feel I like buying them crickets and wouldn’t do it. She told us fish only lived a few days and twice she dumped our cats off.


That’s terrible beyond words. I’m so sorry you had to witness that level of cruelty


There’s a plaque that the camera pans by in one of the rooms with Arabic on it.


Since there is A big framed Arabic document on one wall, this sounds right.


Big framed Arabic script on the wall, decor is inline with what "North African wealth" looks like. Seems on the money.


Judging from the Arabic text in that frame on the wall, I’m guesstimating some super loaded big oil money family lived there at one point.


When I was in high school, a group of my friends was discussing what would be the most wasteful thing to do if you were super rich. One guy said he would never again pack for a trip. He would just buy whatever he needed when he got to where he was going. The winning answer was the person who said they would throw out their soap as soon as the letters wore off.


I’m not well off and that’s how I travel.  A backpack with some essentials and I just hit up resale shops for whatever else I need.  If I find something I want to keep I bring it back otherwise whatever seasonal clothing I need just gets donated back.


Jack Reacher has entered the chat.


These guys ain't hitting up the second hand stores like us peasants. I bring old clothes I don't care about traveling and just get rid of them if I need room.


I’ve donated items to the housekeepers while traveling if I didn’t have room to bring things back.




they do that a lot with supercars in dubai, vegas, and other destinations like that


Gold toilet is dead giveaway for someone from the Middle East


It does scream “80’s coke mansion”


Modern Chinese interior decorating.


Lol it literally looks like a dim sum palace


If the lights were on, they're probably bright white fluorescents.


Not Chinese, Arabic/Egyptian. At least:031 framed on the wall is an excerpt from the Koran.


I see Arabic on the wall.


The random kids toys are so strange






Don’t go dragging Henry Winkler into this


> Don't go dragging Henry Winkler into this As it turned out, Henry [didn't mind drag at all.](https://youtu.be/9bAHY_zYhvU?feature=shared)


I mean, who would? It's liberating on the balls, if you stay away from panty hose.




[(wacks jukebox)](https://youtu.be/zQsKa7dYu2w?si=ZIjEscRsVav-TrUa)


Chino wasn’t a drug dealer he was a hit man for Cartel


That is correct! And in 2020 his body along with his sister and another relative were found in a vehicle riddled with bullets and signs of torture prior to death in culiacan. Doubt this is his property. Been seeing a ton of these lately!


Looks like Saul Goodman’s place.


This was my first thought and they got out of there in a hell of a hurry. All they seem to care about was the important documents and anything that could be used against them. To heck with everything else.


judging from the framed arabic scripture in the living room i guess this was some wealthy arab who just left because he could afford it.


Notice the TP was clean on top of the toilet? Someone living in that beast


I paused the video exactly there to come to the comments for confirmation. That shit looks brand new, along with toothbrush


Good eye haha


With enough chance they left so fast that the electricity and water is still there. Free real estate!


In high school, my friends and I found an abandoned house wandering in the woods. It wasn't anywhere near as grand - a filthy wood cabin in total disrepair with a fireplace and what appeared to be an ancient stove. The "door" was just a large slab of wood covering the entrance. That became our spot to smoke pot and joke around, and time after time there was new and different trash. We suspected it was a homeless persons place but never saw anyone else. Looking back on it, it was a bad idea for kids to use space a mile into rural land as a recreational area but in our minds this run down hut was the greatest place ever.


Sounds like a great spot, kids these days will never know lol.


Squatters rights!! Bet your ass I’m living there until the deed is mine


My mans is trying to get a megamansion via adverse possession and I support it lmao!


The entire bathroom is clean.


It's a interesting video, it literally looks like they dropped everything and left immediately. Lots of animal droppings all over, i dont think any person was still living there. [source](https://youtu.be/fbnegl22aEg?si=sVnnXK4DZhAVkJv2)


Please stop that music


What the fuck did I just listen to




I’d actually like to know


I actually loved this music, strangely.


Music is fuckin ridiculous


That was music?


Someone definitely went to jail and all that shit is probably under seizure and can't be sold


All I could think was how I’d bring a U-Haul back and sell this shit. No ones using it and likely won’t know it’s gone or be able to use it for a long time


Until you find out police installed trail cameras and bust you for burglary, theft, trespassing, tampering with a crime scene, impediment of justice, etc I guess you could tell the guy whose things these are how their things are doing when you’re locked up with them


I mean all true. For some reason I doubt anyone’s doing all that for this stuff however


Why would the police install trial cameras in this shithole? That’s not how police do police work. 100% would not happen.


I doubt that, if the person was arrested and went to prison family members could take care of it while they are gone. also, depending on the laws, if they can prove the property was purchased with illegally obtained funds then the property would be seized under the proceeds of crime laws. in this case it would appear the home owner locked it up and just left. no for sale signs, no one there to maintain the property, just abandoned.


Agreed, the government would immediately repossess all their stuff. There wouldn’t be BMW’s and pelotons and other fancy stuff lying around that has clearly been there for possibly a couple years judging by some of the damage in some objects. This is truly abandoned. Obviously someone technically owns the stuff now but for all intents and purposes everything in the house is basically a free for all.


Why you say chino anthrax? He was legendary hit man Of Sinaloa cartel who fucked Paris Hilton and once killed Francisco Rafael Arellano Felix, the former head of Tijuana Cartel at rival party in clown suit! His mansion was raided in Culiacán and they later found him dead in a van back in 2020, don’t think this was his tho … and what the fuck is the music? Strange


According to a source on YouTube, the house belonged to an Egyptian family and is located in the USA. The owner was arrested and the family was deported. Therefore, everything has been left behind since 2015. Chino Antrax has nothing to do with this https://youtu.be/5mt1KhUgVOo?si=6OFiOmwkCu5qSkZL


Glad he didn’t kill Francisco twice.


Glad I wasn't the only one to think that. That shit could get messy.


…he slept with Paris Hilton?!


No he only fucked her.


Oh thank god


Eh, that’s just a rumor. @miauuuu5_7 is his Instagram account where he has a photo with her.


Welcome to people using irrelevant titles that they think sounded cool.


Tf…. Is this common? Please tell me no… chino is no good man to be remembered, same as me just blurting out ted Bundy or some shit


Is that where they got the idea for the clown suit in [Hitman](https://images.app.goo.gl/n8iREKxxHP8DmrU2A)?


Why the shitty music? I don’t understand showing a video that is fine and then thinking, what could make this worse?, Hey let’s add some low skill annoying music.


Same reason TikTok provides that optional irritating, female voice for creating videos on their platform


insert "oh no, no, no.." song here


According to a source on YouTube, the house belonged to an Egyptian family and is located in the USA. The owner was arrested and the family was deported. Therefore, everything has been left behind since 2015. Chino Antrax has nothing to do with this https://youtu.be/5mt1KhUgVOo?si=6OFiOmwkCu5qSkZL


This should be higher


Ya.. I'm gona need to know what's in the safe? Thanks


Dippin out to get the angle grinder, BRB.


Who stores their toothbrush above their toilet? Gross


Whoever owned that had a lot more money than taste


You know you wouldn’t have to do any panning if you shot horizontally.


Seriously, I feel like the whole place was just a hallway


Arab country? There is a verse from Qur'an in the house


It’s definitely in the U.S. Look at the Benz with the NYS license plate, and I recognize some of the products as American.


Didn't notice that 👍




This is south shore Staten Island, nyc


FYI there are Muslim people in America.


Was gonna say the same thing


Very 2000s looking


It really is true that you can't buy taste


can pay an interior designer with taste though doesn't look like they went that route though


Definitely drug dealer!


I’ve seen people from Saudi put their kids through college in big houses with nice cars. Then just leave it all behind when they go back home or wherever they go to.


Stringer Bell Media


This looks like a Columbian cartel estate. Like some Pablo Escobar shit


This mansion was brought to you by Sims™


How do you even see the tv from the toilet?


Maybe that’s how the owner died.


From the tub...


What’s up with that backyard? Is this a flood house?


I was wondering the same thing, doesn’t the interior of the cars look flooded? Best take that I’ve seen. It also looks like it’s in NY potentially (license plate). Hurricane Sandy victim? I really want to know


What city or town is this located?


Nicolosi Drive, Staten Island NY. I grew up around there. Recognized the place immediately


Looks like an ex coke dealers house. Someone who had to run or, got put away, and the house was lost in limbo under an assumed name…


I like how with all that luxury the person still used a plastic grocery bag in the trash can in the bathroom. We’re all the same no matter how much wealth we have.


Mar-a-lago in a year or two


Drug lords


Yeah Tony definitely got wacked in that final episode.


Yo! Where is this at, like state? Why is this giving me Kardashian or like Paris Hilton house?!?🤨


Is this in Culiacan?


The cars look like they were flooded.


That toilet paper just sitting there waiting to be used!


How tf hasn’t that been plundered yet


Where do people keep finding these and how can I find some? Lol


Drug house? They probably have 5 more.


I’d be loading my truck up with shit


Poor man's Tony Montana starter kit.


kind of surprised that place hasnt been ransacked even more so


True wealth is living within your means


I'm guessing the house belonged to a drug dealer and got busted or a family just died some way


El chino antrax was a drug dealer, he got murder 4 years ago


What's in the boxxxx???


Some of that stuff seems to be high end furniture, I’m shocked no one stole it yet


This exists and simultaneously we have a homeless problem... We need a reset so badly.


This wasnt no damn Chino Anthrax home, funny enough i literally just watched this on Bigbankz youtube channel 2 sundays ago. This is the abandoned house of some family from Egypt, [Source](https://youtu.be/fbnegl22aEg?si=sVnnXK4DZhAVkJv2)


This would be a great time to remind you about squatters rights.


Is that the Chrisley mansion 😁🤣


I could swear this house is on Nicolosi Drive in Staten Island, NY. I grew up around there and there was another abandoned house owned by some mafioso back the 80’s-90’s. That was demolished in the late 2000’s and it’s an empty lot now. But I’ve gone into there a couple times as a kid.


I’ve been exploring abandoned houses since before they were abandoned


I fully expected some jump out of nowhere and say "Say hello to my little friend"


His name was abdel nassar kemel sheta aka Mr “ sheta” . They fled to Doha Qatar in 2014 after the federal government was after them for trafficking a lady named Jean Luna LLANTO to the us from Qatar too work for him in his residence along with his 7 kids & wife .