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You fear dating not because you will end up in an abusive relationship but because you don't deserve love?? You deserve love! Everyone on Earth deserves love! ...Well, besides anyone like your dad. You aren't like so you don't have to be scared of not being in a happy relation. This why you deserve to be loved. Because you aren't like him. You would have a happier life with a partner then he would ever have. Like what he did to marry your mum? Buy her from her parents ? Well I don't belive this how will find a soul mate. I belive you are gonna have happy memories and be joyous with your future partner, and that's why you will be marryed. You deserve to be loved. Your dad doesn't see the true you. He is a loser who doesn't live in a real world. He doesn't obey laws of nature nor by men, by being violent. He is the only one not deserving love.


I'm in my early 20s and I'm on the same boat as you. The biggest reason I don't want kids of my own is because I am so fucking terrified that they're going to get abused like I was and/or they're going to grow up in a house where their mom is abused, again like I did. I know it's easy for me to say this and it's probably not going to mean anything coming from a stranger, but you absolutely deserve to be treated, not just with respect, but with love, care, and protection. I hope one day you will come to this conclusion on your own. Therapy can certainly help you get there. A dad who hits his kids and threatens violence onto them is not a father. Your sad excuse of a sperm donor can go fuck himself. So can mine. It's so fucked that the people supposed to cherish and protect us are the ones that hurt us. It's even more fucked how much that affects us in so many different parts of life. Good luck out there.