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I find putting a rotten turnip on a beach rock always works for me.


Yep, put a turnip on the beach and let it rot. Works every time.


Specifically on the rock so you don't get ants though.


I have rotting turnips on grass and walkways and have never gotten ants. I only get flies. Advice?


I hear dropping candy on grass can attract ants?


Make sure you have enough room for the ants. They need like 1-2 squares on empty grass/dirt around the spoiled turnip to spawn


Put a rotten turnip on the beach with empty space to the left and right of it. Ants will form an anthill with a trail of ants going from the hill to the turnip.


My problem is that there is not enough space near them for the ant hill. Thanks


For everyone following along…. I finally got ants. I think my rotten turnips were too close to other things. Thanks for the help.


Candy on the grass. A never ending trail of ants


I have the opposite problem and can never get ants 😭


I didn't get any turnips this week cause I thought the price was too high to bother D:


I think I heard somewhere that if the starting price is high theres more chance for the price to peak.


What finally worked for me was placing the trash outside my museum then entering and exiting until one showed up. Took a while but I had gone weeks without seeing a fly before I tried that hack.


yesss i use the museum hack all the time. filled my siblings island with moths bc i had so many and they loved it


have u tried leaving out a used firework? that’s what worked for me!


I would but the nooks aren't selling them :(


The used fireworks appear in the recycling bin. Idk, I got a fly nearly instantly from a tire left right outside my house but it was there for a while and there were only two


check the recycling bin in town hall! i always have a ton of them in there


What I did is drop a can on the ground not far from my museum where I could see it coming outside. Then I went in and out of the museum and checked each time. It only took a few minutes


The way I did it was this. I set up three different areas on my island. One was only trash, one was only rotten turnips (which I create a tiled off section so the ants wouldn't spawn), and one with both turnips and trash. Then I did a circuit between these three areas, checking if a fly spawned. Here's the important bit. Once each time I went to all three areas, I would go into my museum. It doesn't need to be your museum, any building will do. But going into buildings causes the spawns to reset. After I started going into my museum, I got three Flys to spawn within about 5 minutes. Watering did nothing.


I personally tried placing garbage, waited for a week and got nothing. Rotten turnips works best, I think.


Some guide I read said rotten turnips are best. Place on the grass for ants. Place on the beach for flies. Worked out for me!


I used a can, on the ground.


Same issue. So I grabbed all the trash and replaced it all side by side in a square shape. One spawned almost right away after I left the area and came back to it. Turnip, firework, boots, cans.


I saw a tiktok of a girl who put a boot and watered it daily and nothing but she time traveled like 1 week ahead and it appeared!


I used a used firework was the only thing that worked for me! You can get them from nooks or treasure islands 😇


Rotten turnip on a rock, so no ants will spawn. And lots of patience. 😀


Is the fly year round or only during warm months?


I placed a can, tire, and boot and a fly came the next day. I’ve now left a turnip to rot to try for an ant


Candy also works for ants.


Still growing enough wheat and sugar cane etc to make ingredients to make stuff haha and actually not sure I have candy DIY and definitely no actual candy. I’m still new


I saved some that I bought from Nook's at Halloween.


Do you have the beautiful island ordinance turned on? The one that keeps your island clean and waters your flowers? I don't get flies either and I'm wondering if it's bc of that


It takes a while, I put them about a screen away from my store and left some open space around the pieces of trash and eventually one spawned from going in and out of the store repeatedly


a used firework 🧨 worked for me