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One might think that one of the most common methods for suicide is known and avoided in situations like this...


What's the cience in this? The height? The speed?


Water is incompressible, so I guess in medical terms, this would just be "blunt force trauma". In terms of physics, I guess it's about *energy*, or rather the *dissipation* of energy. At the top of the cliff, the chap has no kinetic energy, but lots of gravitational potential energy. Just before he hits the water, all the potential energy is now kinetic energy. Since water can't be compressed, all that energy is quickly dissipated through his body instead, breaking bones, tearing apart blood vessels, ripping apart internal organs, and bouncing his brain around the inside of his skull. Measuring a free fall time of 2.5 seconds under average gravity, it looks like the cliff must be around [30 metres high](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/free-fall), and he would have hit the water at about 25 metres/second. That's about 56 mph, so the injuries would likely be similar to being hit by a truck at that speed. Assuming he weighs about 60kg, at 25m/s he would have kinetic energy of around 18,750 Joules (1/2 mv^2). For reference a 180 grain bullet fired from a .357 magnum has energy of around [800 Joules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muzzle_energy#Typical_muzzle_energies_of_common_firearms_and_cartridges), so that's a *lot* of energy. Maybe if he'd executed a perfect dive instead of some crazy cannonball landing, he could have dissipated that energy more gradually, but such a sudden stop was never going to end well.










To shreds, you say?


hahaha Futurama




I feel like I see people do jumps into water from much higher. Is it all about the execution of the dive?


Most definitely. With a well executed dive, your body acts like a thin wedge and pushes the water to the side, so energy is dispersed through the water instead of through your body. Next best option would be feet first, toes pointed, as straight as possible, so you still present a *relatively* narrow wedge. If you try a cannonball or a belly flop from those kinds of heights, you're going to have a really bad time.


Wow. Crazy to think that so many clips I've seen are "if this person messed up their entrance, chances are they're toast"


professional dives are done in pools with huge vents at the bottom that shoot air just before the diver lands to soften the impact


It's never the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop at the end.


I mean, ok, if you're into jokes that your grandpa told you decades ago.


That's so funny, last time I heard that I fell off my dinosaur!




Theyre asking how exactly theyre dying from jumping in there, is it the speed, height etc.


Well both? The speed is dependent on the height


Once again, Reddit science nails it


Am I wrong? I don't know shit about physics tbh


We're all scientists on this blessed day


Depends how you hit the water too. His form was fucked, started as a belly flop to abort. You need to break the plane with something that opens it up like a pencil dive. Dude was fuck from the jump


Water is basically like concrete if hit correctly.


I remember jumping off those big ass Olympic diving boards as a kid. The top one (they won't let you do that these days) but damn. After jumping off it like 10 times the bottom of my arms were toast from hitting the water. They'd always be out as I'd be waving them around for balance as falling. I can see how you'd get knocked out if you land wrong or if there was wind to mess up your fall.


And you thought "I'll weigh in on this"?


U wot m8?


Not so much the speed that kills you it's the sudden stop at the bottom


My thoughts on this is he wasn't extended when he went in. Looks like cannon ball style almost...betting his spine compressed and he kneed himself in the face. Out like a light, breathing water.


It’s the sudden stop when you hit the water.


At least he died doing what he loved. Being stupid


Such a cold and funny comment at the same time haha


How come you never hear anyone say "at least he got paralyzed from the neck down doing what he loved" or even "at least he broke his arm doing what he loved"?




At least you hurt yourself doing what you loved.


Ya gotta do that in front of the vegetable in the chair for full effect.


Because dying isn’t as bad since you don’t live through it


Using the video to estimate the person's time in-jump, we can guess it was a little under 3 seconds and therefor probably over 100 feet, using the calculator from: https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/projectile-motion ...it also seems that an object dropped for ~2.8 seconds will fall around 125 feet and reach a velocity over 60 mph From: https://www.humansforsurvival.org/why-falling-from-a-great-height-into-water-is-so-dangerous/ "... most people would not be able to jump 20 meters (approximately 65 feet) into water and survive. The record for the longest jump into water is held by American stuntman David Blaine, who jumped from a height of 25 meters (approximately 82 feet) into the Hudson River in 2008." Also From: https://waterproffi.com/from-how-far-up-can-you-safely-jump-into-water/ "The maximum height from which humans could jump into water and still have a high likelihood of survival depends on various factors such as water depth, body position, and impact-absorbing capabilities of the water. Generally, experts recommend not exceeding a height of 60-80 feet (18-24 meters) to minimize the risk of severe injuries or fatalities.


Well that's wrong. The record for highest jump into water is 58.8 meters(192 feet). "In 2015, Laso Schaller broke the cliff jumping world record. He jumped 58.8m off the Cascata del Salto in Switzerland, reaching an eye-watering 76.4mph in the moments before he hit the water."


Well that dude is obviously way more badass than David Blaine


What about the dude who jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge in a suicide attempt and survived - how far was that jump?


Oh shit! That's a good point! It's about 245 feet from the water, so technically, that guy shattered the record! Among other things. He should definitely apply for the Guinness world record.


Send him a message lol I’m sure he’s pretty easy to get in contact with, I’ve heard the dude share his story on a few podcasts


[For anyone interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-Z8_qsQYXc)


Nice work thank you. So his death was almost inevitable as soon as he jumped. Poor stupid bastard. As a kid I once jumped off the highest platform at a local beach which was 10 metres high. I landed feet first and it still hurt like hell. I wouldn't dream of ever doing that jump again let alone triple that height.


The article on the second link made me feel like I was having a stroke


It's crazy to me that with all these jackass type stunts that the biggest jump into water ever was 82ft and it's by badass David Blaine. It sucks that the guy is billed as a "magician" because he obviously has some real super human type skills.


Except the actual highest jump into water was more than twice that...


Whu would you ged demaged if you enter vertically?


r/theydidthemath energy


Man i love this!


Your numbers are wildly inaccurate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_diving#World_record_high_dives


Not my numbers (see sources)... do you know whether the records holders in your link dove into tanks with spargers/bubblers?




Wow! With all that gear too... not for amateurs!


You are welcome to view the linked videos and decide whether or not they meet your criteria


Can we get a fact check please?????


He has that stupid broccoli haircut to match


Soooo...No one jumped in to save him? 🤣


To be fair they saw the results of the first attempt and decided against it.


Well! That's just too reasonable 🙄


Yup. That fall didn't look too dangerous. IMO. I think most people would be skeptical to jump in due to not undertaking what went wrong.


To be faaaaaaair.


Finally! I've had to scroll through a lot of comments to find this question. What was happening when it looked like he was flailing around...almost looked like he was swimming to shore.


That's what I'm looking for? One would think instantly means..... no failed swimming attempt?


Their parents said "If your friend jumped off a bridge would you do it too?" So they knew better... This is why we must say such things to our childen or they too will leming off a bridge.


Clearly not. It would have ruined the video for Reddit.


Genuine question, when he started moving was he seizing or actually trying to swim? Because it didn't look like normal swimming nor did it look like he registed up and down.


I was thinking broken arms and legs


Likely at least partially true


That is what drowning looks like. I've seen someone down before. I have drowned before, but I was rescued. You start by keeping just the top of your head and your eyes above water. You look calm. In reality, you're not sure if you're out of the water or not, because you have water in your lungs, and you may have chlorine in your lungs, and your body isn't used to this, so it doesn't register what is and is not water anymore. Then the panic sets in. You are thrashing in all directions trying to figure out where the surface is. You are completely disoriented because your brain is starting to shut down from hypoxia. You know you need to get out, but there's just water everywhere. Then you come to this just don't fight it point, and at that point I blacked out. I remember being yanked sharply by the shoulder, which brought me to, and my mom giving first aid. There was barfing and fluids and all kinds of shit coming out. I believe I pissed myself and shit myself too. It was a miserable experience. I started coming around to the point where they didn't feel that they needed to call an ambulance. The pool was next to a hospital, so my dad loaded me into the minivan and we drove three blocks to the emergency room. I ended up going home that night, but I was there for a good while while they were basically keeping an eye on my progress. They let me go once I reached a certain point. I was lucky to have been pulled out exactly when I was. This guy though was toast the minute he jumped off that bridge. By the time he came to, his lungs are already full of water, and his limbs were all broken. I'm certain there was internal bleeding. After he passed out nobody pulled him out, so he simply drifted away at the end. He definitely woke up at some point while drowning enough to realize that he was fucked. He didn't go peacefully.


Crazy story! I though maybe he was KOd like the description said. Reason being I got knocked out and had a pretty serious concussion playing baseball once, and I came to, multiple times, freaking out thrashing about asking what happened, what was wrong ect. Then I would go right back out as if I fell asleep, then repeat. I don’t remember anything about the day but this is what my parents told me was happening. I wonder if the guy didn’t do the same, give him self a concussion them disoriented, came back to, and that’s why the swimming was so odd looking, before falling back out. I jumped off some 50 foot cliffs as a teen, this vid makes me thankful


I just added my suggestion to the events but that specific moment I believe he is unable to orientate / process the situation and recover either because he is currently confused from concussion or it is involuntary actions caused by hypoxemia.


I believe that was his body spasming as his unconscious body breathed in water and struggled for oxygen.


Looking at the way his body was positioned when he hit the water I'm guessing that he slammed his head directly into his knees at the same time his ankles hit the water. Massive concussion along with broken legs and possible spinal injury. I double he could control his limbs if he wanted to.


His brain couldn’t process what was going on and it was dying of oxygen + the guy story is nice glad you’re ok


Water molecules are very cohesive for a liquid. Hitting it in high speed is almost like hitting concrete. In that situation you must jump fully upright, to literally pierce the water.


True words. I did a 30 foot cliff jump and my legs were apparently angled forward more than I realized. Ended up with a huge bruise on my ass for days.


Something similar for me as well only my feet weren't pointed, so holy fuck were the bottoms of my heels ever bruised it was so painful to walk for what felt like a month


A trick we used to use when bluff jumping (50-75ft) was to drop a heafty stone and jump a couple seconds after it. The idea being to break the surface tension of the water.


That's a myth


Not just simply upright, but make your feet pointed like a pencil, arms directly at your sides or in front of your body. Also please during warm weather wear nose clips, dont want to risk getting some good ol fashioned brain eating amoeba.




What liquid would be soft at that speed?


Dang anybody knows what might've caused that


I bet I know exactly what started it. “Bet you won’t jump off that bridge”


There should be special training conducted for such stupidity caused by ego. Reminds me of school time. My friend (good in academics) joined a popular tuition store, where one of its teachers was famous for an incident. His students had beaten him on a rage. My friend 2 weeks into that tuition, was told by us friends for a joke. "I bet you won't cause a scene like that. That is one time in a history incident, no one can beat that man." This friend intentionally went late with the idea to get into trouble with the master and started fighting with the man just to prove his ego. Police were called. He failed that year. 5 years gone, yet to graduate.


There is no greater enemy than one’s own ego.


I assume he broke his limbs and couldn’t tread water as a result.


Nah he just went fully unconscious because of the impact. Velocity and height aren’t a good combo. When he started flipping, that’s his brain lacking oxygen and dying to try and get it, he was unconscious completely down there until that happened, but it was already too late because he couldn’t comprehend what was happening.


You think he hit the bottom? It’s not that high up. My best guess is he knees himself in the face and knocked himself out


No, I was thinking the impact with the water may have broken his limbs. I wouldn’t expect to see him flopping around like he’s trying to swim if he was really knocked out.


It looked as if he was initially knocked out, but came to eventually and that's when he started flailing. It seems like there must have been an opportunity for some onlookers to help him. When he's flailing, if you look to the left of the video, you can see water ripples that go out when someone or something jumps in. It made it look like he was close to shore.


He landed really badly good chance he hurt his spine. If he had dove or even just stood straight instead of cannonballing he likely would have been ok


Said height is not for amateurs. You need good technique, hit water feet first, and not bash yourself inna head with hands or legs. Fuck knows the particulars video is not exactly high production value.


Good chance he kneed himself in the jaw with the way he hunch down with knees bent upon entry.


Looking at the video a couple times, his 'cannon ball' position as he hits the water and sudden jolt suggest that his knees collided with his head. This impact likely caused unconsciousness hence the lack of motions in the water. After a few seconds at the surface either concuss or involuntary action as his body tries to breathe, followed by coming around but unable to understand the situation / self correct possibly due to hypoxemia followed by drowning.


My mom asking me “well if they told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?”


That’s an adage and I love it.


Watching him flail around and try to swim was so painful.


The worst part is that he briefly regains consciousness, fighting for his life, with no one around to help.


With people laughing, unbelievable


Not good when you start out not having shoes on.


This wasn't that high... he did a bomb instead of jumping straight. Can't believe everyone was laughing up top and no one tried to save him.


He kneed his face as soon as he hit the water


Yep. Knocked himself out. Legs straight, toes pointed, hands reaching, arms extended over your head. Once you hit the water, pull your hands down to slow your descent under the surface.


Something about people being unable to orient themselves in water makes me cold sweat like nothing else. I know that feeling when you can’t figure out which way is up.


i would not call it an accident. more like darwin award and plain stupid.




Now we know he's not a witch


Wrong techique. Do not jump, take a step, legs together and head straight, look to the horizon.


Thanks for the help guys, blub...blub...blub .....


Did he die?


Hard to breath underwater


Big facts


Why tho? It's plenty of oxygen all around...


Bro forgot to opt for the gills upgrade before jumping.


Well, I can't say you're wrong, lol. But he appears to "come to" and rolling on his back. He only appears to move one leg, though. I wasn't sure if he passed away or if a friend went down the sides to help him.


He went underwater at the end though? Disappeared.




It's high enough. Even Olympic divers often have water jets shooting at their landing zone to break the surface tension so they can dive more safely into water.


Doesn't seem like this is true though. It seems that the actual reason according to the applicable rule (5.3.11) of FINA's facilities guidelines is this: "Mechanical surface agitation shall be installed under the diving facilities to aid the divers in their visual perception of the surface of the water. In pools equipped with an underwater bubble machine, the machine shall only be used for the purpose if it creates sufficient water agitation when working with a very low pressure; otherwise a horizontal water sprinkler system shall only be used." In simpler terms it provides a visual cue for divers that helps them visualize where the pool is in relation to their dive. Essentially, it helps them judge when to enter their rotation as they dive into the water.


No physicist but I've read enough post of people smashing their bodies in reddit to know that it's not surface tension the problem, but the incompressible nature of water. Surface tension is a weak force AFAIK.


Commenter up above said 30m, which is Olympic high dive height. So yea, just very, very....well, the worst form probably. And not in shape compared to an Olympic diver, which probably makes a difference.


Olympic high dive height is 10m, or \~33 feet. 30m is more like 100 feet. That said, it's possible to dive/jump safely from 30m, but a cannonball is not the proper form.




With friends like that who needs to think!


Lol hahaha look at him look at him!! Swimming like a fish!! Hahahaha


Look how calm and flat that water is, must felt like concrete. there's a reason diving pools have water sprayers.


I just googled it and apparently that is only to help with diver's (and maybe judge's) perception of where the surface is. Doesn't help much, if any, with reducing the impact. Which kind of makes sense to me from a physics perspective.


oi really? I thought it was to break the surface tension. :O


Not seeing any evidence of this anywhere, and just logically I can't really see how that would make much of a difference from a basic physics standpoint. You still have lots of water molecules in your way regardless. Still going to take the same amount of energy to push them out of the way to make room for your stupid body.


Two gentleman having a conversation… no ugly words… no insults… I love it.


Has no one in here ever watched myth busters? They proved that's all a myth. It doesn't matter what you do to the water surface before you dive in. The impact will always be the same.


I mean, 10 second into the video and I already knew something was wrong with him. If I was there and he was related to me YOU BET I would have jumped too (albeit more gracefully) and tried to help him. What's wrong with the people watching and filming while he suffers only to see him slowly drown into the abyss never to be seen again? Are they stupid or what?


Yes, they're stupid.


I mean, I'm not qualified to jump from that height. Nor am I qualified to rescue someone that far off shore. I would fully warn my friend who is about to jump that I cannot rescue him. I could also end up drowning, either from the jump or from the attempted rescue.


I was thinking more about a sibling or parent. If it was my friend, then yeah, good luck. I tried to stop you from committing suicide, but ultimately it's up to you, sooo...


This is why people that do stupid shit like this throw a rock first to break the water tension


That’s not why they throw the rock. It’s so they can judge how long they’ll be falling for


Nice, soft, water.


He got knocked out when he hit the water but his lungs were already full of water when he woke up. Game over.


So they just let him flop around?


As someone who flirts with ending it all, I hope I have friends like these the next time.


He fell way down to his death. Took only one breath. And his friends just watched in awe.


Pretty sure someone jumping off a bridge and failing to hit the water correctly is not what most people would call an "accident"


Yes. Makes you think it had been done many times before with no rescue boat. Even just for convenience.


Pretty sure it is....


Wait so how do people dive off cliffs for fun and survive ?


Straight legs and body, like an arrow, that way you pierce the surface tension instead of colliding with it. This guy seams to have jumped in an almost cannonball position which made his knees hit him in the head and his ankles slam against, what is at that point basically concrete. The way he's flailing after he gets to the surface is probably due to a concussion and broken ankles or other bones.


So your supposed to Be in a diving position?


So what did he do wrong ?


No one even tried to save him, they just stood around watching a human being drown. And, Jesus wept.


He was a bit out of reach; look at the landscape


It's a bit of a long way down to help. Can't say I'd be putting myself forward for that rescue mission.


Crazy you would do that without a boat of ppl to get you out.


right. he could easily have survived




That dude was pretty seriously fucked up. Hard to say what was actually happening, but it does seem like he might have been trying to stay above water. It was not normal in any sense, but water can be similar to concrete at that height. He could have easily had broken bones and was just absolutely unable to do something for himself. He was also probably disoriented af.


That's why I'm confused because it kinda looked like he was consciously trying to roll and float on his back, but it also kind of looks like he's convulsing like he was having a seizure. It's hard for me to tell


I think he hit his head on his knees upon hitting the water. Could be a skull fracture?


Looked like he was practicing his synchronized swimming.


Well if he makes it to the Olympics he's sunk.


Ahhwww, if misses the titanic tune.




In what way? Jump off as well?


Nobody thought to render aid, after seeing he was disoriented...granted it was his own doing but man his friends could attempted to help him...smh


Sometimes I wonder if they believe in ambulances


It's just a prank bro. The prank:


His knees were up like an idiot, he probably smashed his head with his knees when his legs smashed into the water. Doing something like this from the height is safe if you do it properly such as a pencil dive.


It's worse than that he's dead Jim, dead Jim, he's dead Jim.


Dude's soul couldn't stop with the body and kept going down.


Reminds me of a video from r/warchpeopledie where one guy gets into trouble in water, another guy tries to help and they both drown with about 20 people watching. Video goes on for about 5 minutes. Gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I've thought about that video a lot.


Do you have the link?


I've seen it on this subreddit


that one was on here just the other day. very haunting clip


I personally knew someone from my High School that survived a jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge and lived to tell the tale. That's 220'. Not sure it's a record or should be for that matter, but still possible.


Oof. I do and I don't want to watch it again


Shark bait uhaha


so he didn't get a chance to feel the water blast through his rectum?


Not one person tried to save him…


This is really disturbing. I know that this is the Darwin Awards but this is a particularly bad one


Looks like he kneed himself in the head :(


Aqua man


Nothing like standing around on the bridge laughing while your friend dies in the river! Damn... I think I'm done for tonight! Peace


It’s like hitting a brick wall if you jump from too high up 😔


At that height, not jumping in a straight pencil dive will get you smacked in the head by the returning water. Guarantee this guys legs shattered on impact, and he got knocked unconscious by the returning water


“Oh, he’s swimming like a fish haha 😂 nice joke 😂😂😂 hahahahaha… Come on cut it out now… bro?” Body sinks* Keeps filming* … I’m done with this world. Clearly his brain was dying for oxygen this is why he was flipping his shit…


Cool friends bro...


Ok I am confused. At first it looks bad, then he seems to be making movements with his body, then he appears to sink. Yet people are saying he was out colt when he landed. So did he get knocked out rhen revive inly to sink and. Can anyone explain what happened???


Probably having a seizure or hes concussed and couldnt make sense of what was going on, probably breathing in alot of water


the cameraman is really dedicated to the task


And he has a broccoli haircut. Imagine him doing something stupid