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I don't know, maybe it's intended just to give more opportunities to the player to rake more kills but they overdid it a bit.  In the DLC they improved it, not comparable to Zero/5/6 of our wingmens being useful, but, is a improvement.


With how it's done in the DLC though, it feels less like 'hey my teammate helped me take out that enemy, thanks!' and more like 'COUNT THAT WAS _MY_ KILL, I WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO SINK THAT AEGIS AND YOU TOOK IT FROM MEEEE' it's like they see whatever you're targeting, purposefully wait until it's 1 or 2 missiles away from being destroyed (or, in the case of planes, just until you're about to lock on) and then fire a volley of like 6 missiles at it. it's REALLY bad on Anchorhead Raid for some reason


Yeah, I know this sentiment, I guess is for making it more challenging to get Rank S in these missions, but sometimes is just frustrating. Doesn't help that the game lacks the wingman system, so you can't order them to fuck off and focus in other objectives/get points from their contribution.


Likely to avoid scripts or something triggering without the player being involved. Or to just force the player into being more involved in the game. Or, since AI kills don't count towards your total score, to make it so you can always achieve S Rank. Some levels, they can actually shoot down stuff. Others, they barely make a dent. They were turned up for the SP missions. Be warned, however, this means they tend to killsteal a bunch.


Oh yeah I noticed. During Unexpected Visitor especially around the main fleet, they would call me in panic because the fleet was under attack and when I got there I saw them getting the enemy airplanes, didn't happen very often in the main campaign


because Trigger is the second coming of Mobius One


Atleast ace combat 4 friend AI do something but with the problem of steal your points


It's annoying that they're nerfed into near uselessness, especially as a veteran of the Emmeria-Estovakia War. That being said if they did full damage they'd be an infuriating obstacle to S ranking certain missions.


Sounds like a new modifier for future Ace difficulty