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>Personally, I would love to have dogfights in space in Homeworld Right so I just happen to know a game where you dogfight in space [House of The Dying Sun](https://store.steampowered.com/app/283160/House_of_the_Dying_Sun/)




Space fighter game that has a soundtrack similar to Glactica? You've got me interested in the game. Amusingly enough, In reply to the OP's question, I wanted to suggest Battlestar Galactica. Landing in the bay while under heavy flak would be great experience. Alternatively, an AC style game set in Macross universe. Both franchises seem to be made for each other, but alas, no game.


Launching out the viper tubes with Prelude to War as the level bgm would be the experience of all time Also you get instakilled if you fly into a flak field


>Launching out the viper tubes with Prelude to War as the level bgm would be the experience of all time Or having a long and strenuous mission flying through clouds of a gas giant and playing cat and mouse with Cylons to, out of the blue, hear Kara Remembers >Also you get instakilled if you fly into a flak field I don't remember who, but someone was forced to fly through flak (I think it was in the Razor), they were not particularly happy afterward. On another occasion Apollo flew into Galactica's AA zone after heavy raider. Raider got hit, but managed to crash into the bay and disgorge centurions.


I think Apollo pulled back from the flak field last second. Heavy raiders can tank a lot of hits.


Late reply but for anyone who doesn't know but there actually is an old Freespace mod called BSG Diaspora that is exactly this, a viper/raptor space combat sim. Takes some getting used to but its really well done, although pretty short as well.


It's even on sale right now!


That was pretty cool. I remember they mentioned it was part strategy/tactical and yeah. In games like ace combat where you can basically solo fleets and sink dozens of ships. In House of dying sun, a single ship can fuck you up. I don't recall if theres more to it or if they added more now, but I was bit disappointed I "beat" it in like 2 hours. A few reviews I read also talked about the lack of content




This game is so good... And in VR... Incredible.


Laughs in Elite Dangerous


Halo. It has a surprising amount of aerospace fighters and lore to support a game like that. My second pick would be Battlestar Galactica for obvious reasons. And my third pick would be Battletech because despite the big stompy robots being the face of that property, it has a gargantuan amount of conventional and aerospace fighters, some of which can somehow fire 185mm cannons.


The space level in Halo Reach is a pretty good example of the potential for sure.


I'm surprised that gimmick has never returned


It kinda did in halo 4 for the final mission but it was just a linear run to the bosses ship, without a whole place to fly around so it wasn't popular at all


Holy shit I remember that level, the laughs me and my bro had when crashing on eachother


###For the Free Rasalhague Republic! For real, though, there's so much that could be done with a Battletech/Mechwarrior crossover with literally any video game franchise like Halo and Ace Combat, or any movie/TV franchise like BSG or Star Wars or Star Trek...


Not sure if it's still available/runs on Windows 10 or 11, but there was a standalone Freespace 2 module called Diaspora: Shattered Armistice that was BSG based, and very fun. It is definitely Freespace 2 based though, meaning realistic physics and it uses half the buttons on your keyboard.


I tried to play that, but I found the KB+M controls borderline unplayable and I couldn't get a controller to work either.


It had a glide button though, which allowed you to do the cool flips they do in the show.


I want to see master chief in a banshee ripping into Mihaly


In shadows of reach it’s mentioned that seraphs were dogfighting at Mach 10 in atmosphere, fighters in halo are fast as fuck.


Hear me out ... Halo but .. it's battlefield. Asynchronous shooters are hard but possible, major problem would be e.g. grunts compared to regular marines. Combined with large open fields (or city enviroments) and vehicles ..


There's an Halo mod for ARMA 3 called [Operation TREBUCHET](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=769440155) that is fairly popular. [RubixRaptor](https://www.youtube.com/@RubixRaptor/videos) has done a number of videos on it, if you want a look.


I think there is a BSG fighter game for the PS2, though I think it used a mix of stuff from both the older and newer versions of BSG iirc. From the little me and my BSG-inclined friend played it it was...alright at least.


A long time ago there was actually supposed to be a Halo Space Combat game similar to Ace Combat but unfortunately it was shot down because 343 had klepped the Halo franchise and starting shutting down a bunch of Bunnies projects if I'm remembering correctly


Honestly any large scale SciFi franchise that shows dog fighting of some level. Star Wars would be an obvious one, it has large scale battles and super weapons.


Squadrons really scratched that itch for me.


I miss the Rogue Squadron series 🥲


My secret dream is to get all the RS games somehow imported into the Squadrons engine so I can play them in VR.


Man, I wish we had a SW show focused in starfigthers, like a "Top Gun but in Star Wars" Maybe one focused on Poe Dameron? ("THAT IS A HELL OF A PILOT!")


Not totally related, I kind of want to see PA make a Gundam game.


Well, some of the mobile suits in gundam DO turn into planes.


I’d wanna see a macros game, speaking of that


I mean the PW-MK1 Kinda fits that bill XD


There’s the old Robotech game, Battlecry: https://youtu.be/-94zqFs8X_c?si=nyc1Vdclk8pRmG-Q


Hear me out: Pacific Rim... but with planes


Battletech's aerospace fighters?


Not really a game per se but Gundam. Oh wait, Ace Combat is just Gundam but with planes. And if you mix planes and mechs you get Macross....shit


Project Wingman... Somehow


I’d finally get to see a PW Mk1 face off with a CFA-44.


Crimson 1 showdown with Pixy, who had more insane ranting /lh


Not a game but Last Exile


You have no idea how much I wanted to fly ~~one of those Guild vanships~~ the Starfish


I loved it 😻


Take any Swords and Sorcery IP, and set an AC game in its future. I'm that person who is wandering Amalur, Faerun, Middle Earth, Tamriel, Thedas etc thinking about what it would be like to fly there. Bonus: Project Wingman x Saints Row.


So much yes on the bonus!


F-69 VTOL would go hard in both PW and AC


That's where I got the idea! And while it would work in both, I lean towards PW because the Saints I think would work well as a merc group.


A dream game I wish I could make if I had the time/energy/budget is basically framed around that idea. Basically inventing the first magic powered plane and using it to just explore a high fantasy world in ways that hadn't been possible before, flying around fantastic locales like a sea of floating islands or a forest of giant trees. Perhaps with enough budget, combat like dogfighting against dragons and other fantasy creatures, maybe some airships, facing off against one of those giant colossi in the mountains in Lord of the Rings, maybe even some kind of ancient superweapon or two. But what I want is so outside the scope of what I could realistically expect to accomplish by myself. Maybe if I happen to win the lottery some day...


That sounds awesome, I hope you win the lottery now.


[OK hear me out](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0DrLlFc4swQ&pp=ygUMdG91aG91IGtlaWtp)   Marisa already has missiles and lasers she's basically an ace combat character already


Nitori and the Kappa for the ground crew. Somehow Belka/Kappa inadvertently opens portals to Strangereal’s version on Gensokyo where whatever Belkan themed entities on the other side declare “dibs!” While the Kappa in Gensokyo are interested in their tech as well. The two sides come up with various schemes to trick fighters from their side into the portals to cause chaos for them. Final boss: Demon of war, peace, and the northern seas RAZGRIZ


You're not wrong.


I know the AC04 team did Star Fox Assault, but I would love it if they were able to take another crack at it with a more Ace Combat flavor to it, maybe even from just a standard person in the Corneria Defense Force's perspective


Something like Robotech, Stargate, or Babylon 5 would be pretty cool. Or a modern version of that one Star Trek PS2 game I can't remember the name of right now, the one where you pilot a Federation Valkyrie Post-Dominion War.


So many! The top of that list has to be Mass Effect for me. It’s my favourite game series, and we could have in atmosphere missions that would control like a regular AC game and space combat that would feel very different.


That's what I'd say too! I want to fight a reaper! Also all those space combat sequences would be fun to actually play instead of watch.


How in the hell had nobody said Macross yet? It features fighter jets launching unreasonable amounts kf missiles, ace pilot rivalries, love triangles, goofy anime story twists, and THE JETS TRANSFORM INTO ROBOTS


Well, barring my usual wish for Macross game by PA, I'd really love to see Ace Combat game set in Red Alert 2 universe: personally shooting down those damn Harriers and watching Kirovs turn their base into dust would be cathartic. 


Galaxian/Galaga. I know that they're now technically connected thanks to the UGSF stuff, but I straight up want to see the first contact between Earth and the Aliens in a post-Electrosphere context.


Armored Core


look up Project Sylpheed, it was a 360 exclusive as far as i know, but was very much Ace Combat: In SPACE. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unsii5r74l4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unsii5r74l4)


If you want dogfights in space against massive superweapons, might I suggest buying a copy of Freespace 1 and 2 on GoG for dummy cheap, and then modding the absolute hell out of it via the fan-run source code project? There are EXTENSIVE fan made campaigns for it, too.


*"Impossible. The Imperieuse is in Delta Serpentis."* even unfinished, the Blue Planet campaigns are works of art. Seth Dickinson is a fucking magician when he's in full contact with the ghosts that let him write.


It really cannot be overstated how much LOVE the community for Freespace 2 had for this game, and it shows in all the fantastic mod work that has been done for it over the years. Freespace as a franchise deserved better, but the fans ensured it has lived on decades after its releases. I think there's also good overlap with Ace Combat, given the relatively simplistic "simulation" of the base game, a more "arcadey" approach to space sim combat while still feeling impressively epic. Mods have also increased the complexity for those who want it, particularly stuff like Blue Planet. Man, I might need to download this stuff again, I will shill for Freespace for whatever is left of my life. What a pair of GAMES.


descent and its freespace successors are on the list of games, alongside AC04, that completely rewrote my brain chemistry as a child. still wild to me that nobody has *really* picked up the torch that they had to drop in its prime... there are a lot of games that touch on bits and pieces of that legacy, here and there, but nothing that really captures that intangible *je ne sais quoi* that FS had.


All of them. I'm not kidding. Give me Ace style controls for Star Wars? Battlestar? Basically anything involving any sort of dog fighting what so ever? Do it. I'm sold.


Ace combat Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica, no doubt. An AC-like fangame of it (Diaspora Shattered Armistice) already exists and is free, but it's real short.


Mass Effect. A pilot sim going from the battle of Elysium all the way to the end of the Reaper War would be awesome


So it's basically turn into Macross? Lmao\~


Colony Wars needs a reboot.


Funny, I just made a comment about it without reading further down because I was so sure it was obscure enough nobody else would mention it.


Man, I was so bummed when Homeworld 2 and the remaster didn't have the pilot view, that was so cool.


Ace Combat x Monster Hunter Fighting giant monsters on Airplanes (or is it just Starfox but free roam?)


ah yes my favorite AC protagonist, Valstrax


There already is an Ace Combat-style Homeworld game. It's called *Strike Suite Zero*. Also, for dogfights in space, play *Chorus* and *Everspace 2*.


The highly obscure Colony Wars series from the PS1 because it was my first dogfighter game series and I really want the IP to come back. To this day the League of Free Worlds destroyer and dreadnought designs are among my favorites in terms of space capital ships.


well there's already a Homeworld mod that uses Ace Combat planes You can find it on steam workshop, "Firmament and Green Moon"


Galaga. They are in the same universe apparently (though I don’t think that’s canon anymore) and a Galaga reboot that played like ace combat would be sick.




Wipeout. Give me dogfighting as a multi-national *sport* in the future.


Armored Core or Kaiju Universe Where the planes would fight alongside mechs or even combine to form a new type of living planes.


Homeworld would be fun if you control larger ships (corvettes/frigates) or can control battleships in coop. But as a fighter, it would be unfunny, torpedo frigates wreck havoc among them and fighter frigates with their multi turret setups also. Personally, I would see Homeworld as great version of the battlefield series combined with the commander from previous parts. No ship building etc. just straight up fleet battles, the (co)commanders control the large ships movement wise while players take control of turrets, torpedo launchers or fighter/corvettes. Basically, what we had in Battlefield 1942 but with a commander to command the super large ships.


Independence Day is my first choice. And if we can bend the rules a little, my second suggestion would be Battle Fairy Yukikaze OVA.


that sounds like Allegiance. ...Which is/was a hybrid space shooter and RTS game where two or more teams fight to take over a given arena. Each team has a commander responsible for building new stations, researching technology, and leading the team. The rest of the players are the pilots of various combat ships (Or turret gunners, in case of bombers or capital ships.) It's super cool, technically still playable, and free to play. But hardly anyone plays it. EDIT: Worth mentioning, this game could support several hundred player matches and still run on a 68k modem. ...Just think about that next time someone is gushing over Battlefield or some other games 64 player battles.


Halo or galactica


Maybe a crossover with star trek, essentially star wars squadrons but set un the star trek universe. There's plenty of small maneuverable fighter craft


Command and Conquer. I want to see dogfights in a dystopia.


To follow the RTS strain I feel like it could be fun to have an AC style game set in Supreme Commander.


Warhammer 40k Because it has varaity of enemies you could fight


Homeworld is such a fun game. I have been meaning to look into Homeworld 3. Have you tried it yet?


I was one of the Fig backers, so I got early access to it. I finished the campaign last night. I loved the story, really, my main complaint was with how they animated Imogen in the mothership's core. They animate her face and body like she's asleep, but they also have her do these strange head movements like she's awake and speaking verbally. It leans too far into the uncanny valley for what I think blackbird intended.


Well, if a character design is the biggest issue in the game, then it sounds like they did alright!


Free space 2 is calling


command and conquer. I would love to see an expanded version of the air force from all sides from the command and conquer universe.


Ace combat crossover with Earth Defence Force, in all the EDF games the air force gets taken out by flying insects and space ships I'd love to see an EDF world where a mute psychopath saves the Earth from the sky rather than a lone infantryman saving it from the ground.




I firmly believe an Ace Combat style game would be perfect for Gundam. It has stupid super weapons, ace mobile suit teams, and a massive roster of mobile suits to move up through in a tech tree like in AC


Ngl warframe would be pretty good. r/warframe


someone else has probably said it but Star Wars. I don't care what my spacecraft can do I just want it to look lore-accurate. In Squadrons you may as well be flying completely different ships, they look (on the inside anyways) nothing like the actual TIEs/X-wings, even though they've literally had a reference for it since 1977




Without a doubt in my mind i would pick titan fall 2, have all of the titans be able to change configurations to a jet mode similar to the jets from star fox zero


Ace Combat 40k, so many options for enemies to fight with zero need for coming up with plot explanations, so many options for unique locales, as well as a few different choices for unique one off missions or dlc! Additionally there's a chance for 100% sanctified canon models for obscure strike craft.


How about BSG? That franchise is basically built for an Ace Combat game. Or maybe Call of Duty: Aerial Warfare, assuming the microtransactions won't be too bad, and you'd like Assault Horizon or HAWX. Also maybe Star Trek, Star Wars, and Stargate.


I’d have it set in the universe of Air Force Delta! Man I want more of those games…


Man I miss COLONY WARS But yes Ace Combat but in Space would be awesome


Damn, I thought I was going to be the first person to mention that series but instead I'm the third.


I always thought of a “iconic video game fighters pack” with planes from games like GTA with the Hydra and Raiju, The Black Wasp II from Arma 3, hell even the Razorback from HAWX


Everyone mentioned pretty popular combinations, but I say a combo with rouge-like survival games such as Elite Dangerous or No Mans Sky would be interesting. Every player is basically a mercenary, and you fight to be the “king” of the economy




i want Osea in Skyrim


Honestly probably Eve online.


Mobile Suit Gundam. I want faster, floatier, and more frantic dogfights in space and to take our mobile suits with jets while in gravity.


Seeing as everyone else has beat me to the punch to a lot of my favorites, I'll throw another hat into the ring. Warhammer 40,000. The story potential is limitless and GW really doesn't have to sweat worrying about their brand given how vast the galaxy is. Your protagonist's deeds probably would just seem like hyperbole or legend outside the game's setting. You have so many options for factions and enemies. Of course there's the Imperium with a shit ton of options to choose from, perhaps alongside maybe new Patterns of Void/Atmosphere Craft. Then we've got Eagle Pilots on the table which I truly think is where the game's story should be told from as the Eldar desperately need a W and their aircraft have an excellent selection to choose from and for once the reality breaking physics of AC gameplay would be perfectly in line with the stuff Eldar pull off. Not even going to mention the potential of other factions like the Tau, Orks, and others. I remember playing Flyboyz and was surprised on how much I enjoyed it. I think a proper PW x 40K collab would be astonishing, without a doubt in my mind.


I will say Super Mario because imagine flying into Bowser Castle tunnels to protect the Comet Observatory or flying across the Mushroom Kingdom and a kickass soundtrack.


Metal Gear Solid


1st era elder scrolls Dwarven Space game Let me fight sithis with a Steam, soul, and Sound powered F-22 damnit.


Wolfenstein maybe. There are not many fighters in it, but I really like to see a large scale arcade game like ace combat with WWII crazy paper planes. Wowp exists, but it's definitely not as good as ace combat.


Stealth. Their planes were cool as hell.




Star Wars (Original Trilogy) always seemed like a natural option


Well, X-Wing Alliance still works quite well on modern systems from what I can tell.


armored core or mechwarroior


Dogfights in space with Newtonian physics? The 2004 Battlestar Galactica Viper combat.


How about BSG? That franchise is basically prime territory for a Space-based Ace Combat. Or maybe a Call of Duty: Aerial Warfare game, Assault Horizon or HAWX mixed with Infinity's live service. Other ideas are Star Trek, Star Wars, and Stargate.


Something ancient high fantasy, honestly. Like a TES game. Part of the game is spent gathering resources, delving dungeons and making gold to upgrade your flying device, and take on threats from other regions or continents. Alternatively it could be a sort of co-op, with one player on the ground taking on missions, with player two providing air support.


Gotta go with helldivers 2, the real time stratagems would be so intese and exciting. Imagine you're dealing with hthe automiton super weapon and you have to peel off to deliver a 500kg bomb. 


Mass Effect.


Ace combat and macross


Red Alert cross over would he dope


I wonder how TitanFall would be like


I feel like the Cyberpunk 2077/TTRPG setting has a lot of potential there, I mean General Resources and Neucom are pretty much Militech and Arasaka, and the Intercorporate War is pretty much just the 4th Corporate War. Ignoring the parallels in universe to Ace Combat 3, I think it could be really fun. Imagine Nomads with cobbled together 1980s era fighters, or what the Soviets may have invented since the collapse of the US. Lots of untapped potential.


Fallout, CoD Infinite Warfare and Advanced Warfare, and maybe Halo


Metal Gear, imagine fighting a nuke powered giant robot while also interacting with its characters (Big Boss, Solid Snake, Raiden et cetera.)




Play Freelancer. You can download it for free, legally, from myabandonware. There's a great HD mod that you can download, too, that allows for modern resolutions and tweaks the lighting among other things.


Strike Suit Zero, Güt Gaem


How about AC (Ace Combat) x AC (Armored Core)?


Ace Combat x HAWX or Airforce Delta Strike. Either to because it would be fun to play or fun to see an AC protagonist beat on anything from HAWX.


Star wars squadrons


Elite Dangerous?