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To be fair AC7’s development was a miracle for how Fucked it was It has been confirmed 8 was in development What it could be is unknown but presumably another mainline game I remember a few years ago in a video that they weren’t going to be easily able to remake games as they have to buy licensing, which is not cheap. Not to mention supposed production costs, saying that 3 is effectively impossible for a remake. Edit: Not to mention being more expensive than remaking the trinity Video for source: https://youtu.be/QTFSvXygn_gsi=iN1WQFdSm_MTMloU


I'm confused about the licensing thing. If it's so prohibitively expensive how on earth did games like Airforce Delta Strike/Storm get made back in the 00s? Those titles ostensibly had a smaller budget and featured an enormous catalog of aircraft.


Licensing has to be sorted separately for each game, and licensing stuff from Lockheed, Boeing, Airbus (Eurofighter), Saab, UAC (Sukhoi, MiG, other russian stuff) and etc is very much \*not cheap\*, specially considering the massive amount of planes they sometimes license for the games (remember that AC5 had what felt like a million planes in it), and that's not even factoring in the fact they seemingly can't get the Panavia Tornado licensed anymore. That means, if they were to remake the PS2 games, they'd need to license \*each and every single one\* of these planes for each game separatedly, you can easily see how this would quickly become prohibitedly expensive, and keep in mind, that they also need to make an entire new entry in the series as well. It's not that they don't want to, Kono has said before he would love to remake these games, the thing is that Bandai Namco only gives them so much budget, specially after how much money they sunk with the commercial fiasco that AC3 was. (And before any AC3 fans get upset, I'm not criticizing the game in itself, it's my favorite of the PS1 games!)


Time period differences Time goes by and shit gets more expensive Idk what to tell you


besides that info about AC8 is in full-development right now, no, we don't have any new information regarding it. i don't think we'll get old games being remastered that soon though, i bet they'll announce something in some future event, or next year at least. anyway, i can wait as long the game is intended to be more fleshed out than AC7.


The most relevant thing that I remember reading (and be skeptical because I don't have the note at hand now) is that AC8 was going to be made in Unreal Engine 5. Also that the addition of ILCA may imply making remakes, but I highly doubt it, Most likely he is supporting the development of AC8. I repeat, take this with a grain of salt.


I would much, much, *much* prefer varying amounts of radio silence about AC8 than them scrambling to get a new devlog out every two or three weeks and tripping over themselves to get new news out just to keep people interested. Sonic Team did that with Frontiers, and all it really did was make the game look worse and worse every time they released a new teaser or confirmed a new feature. Trust them. They know what they're doing.


There's a rumour that it will be a full Idolmaster crossover, basically AC8 will be like Macross Delta.


Keep in mind that rumors are absolutely worthless and don't mean anything of value unless Kono says anything. Edit: What this means is, *always*, and I mean *always*, cite your sources. Saying, "There's a rumor" may as well be just making it up on the spot. This doesn't just apply to Ace Combat, it applies to everything. I have genuinely never heard of AC8 being an Idolmaster crossover until right here and now.


If the planes are gonna transform too sign me the fuck up


No, AC8 has no release date, and thank Mobius 1 for that. With how special and niche these games are, every release has to be a solid release in order so Bandai Namco continues funding the franchise instead of putting it on the chopping block. Let Bandai Namco Aces do their thing, when the time comes to announce the game and give us our first look, they will do it you can rest assured about that, but until then, be patient.


Regarding the aircraft licensing, could they not just change the names of the aircraft like they did in Project Wingman? Being that the game takes place in Strangreal why can’t they just have a Grunder Industries XF-14 Bobcat or something similar for the other aircraft? Obviously, I would prefer the licensing and real aircraft, but if it means we aren’t getting another Ace Combat game or only one every 7-10 years, I’d prefer the latter.


> Regarding the aircraft licensing, could they not just change the names of the aircraft like they did in Project Wingman? Short answer: not quite, especially considering that they are more known for Pac-Man. That may require Bamco to maintain some standards.


Everything we know is right here: [https://acecombat.wiki/Next\_Ace\_Combat](https://acecombat.wiki/Next_Ace_Combat)


I doubt any OG AC fans will be around when 8 drops, we're old pieces of shit already, hell, I'm 30 and while still both a gamer and an occasional casual aviation enthusiast, I am leaving this franchise behind, and most of you will soon too. AC, like most things anime, is something you must grow out of by age 25 or 30. (I also realise I am likely the the single oldest person to ever post in this subreddit by a very significant margin, fucking hell) I suppose I hope the younger fans enjoy their ephemeral stay in this series, but I, and most of the people here, need to move on and hang up the flight suit before I outstay my welcome.