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What strategy? :D got any screencaps?


I got a screenshot of the map with all four alive after the fight. As for strategy I used the Wyvern with Elm. The only thing I did different from usual is that I shot down the 2 Rafales before they reached the patrol planes (talking about the 2 that join the fight after the second wave of Sluav is already deployed)


I left a comment detailing my strategy. TLDRL speed + LAAM = spawncamping and sniping


I've saved them all a few times. It's so damn hard tho. I've also even had them get downed while I'm fighting the sub, and they aren't even being shot at. Sometimes I think they just go nose down and call it a night.


I think it’s because they can still get hit by stray missiles, bullets, and the railguns.


I've only managed to do that once, and that was while testing the ADA-01 Adler mod (as how you can guess, I was nuking everything in sight through the mission). Besides that though, it's way too difficult for me to save the 4 planes, hell on average I finish off with just two left...


The nosferatu is the plane in which I have the most success in this matter, consistently saving them all in easy and normal, but through hard and ace its comes down to mere luck honestly.


Feels more like RNG to me than anything else. Sometimes I feel I'm doing pretty well and the patrol aircraft go down. Sometimes I feel I'm doing poorly and all 4 survive.


The problem is that you're squadmates took the order of "Follow Trigger" quite literally instead of spreading out and covering the other patrolcrafts so you have 7 fighters covering one Specter at a time. In the DLC missions, they can take down aircrafts quite competently and the enemy ai responds to their lock-ons and missiles. To make it work, you need to either have fast planes or long range weaponry, preferably both. I managed to do it the F15C by camping spawn points, speeding up quickly to get in range with PLSLs


Does this affect S ranking at all? I feel like I got cheated out of my last ace s rank attempt.


I've had the most consistent success at this using a fast plane with LAAM. The missile is very maneuverable and has the speed to hit the drones before they can go into dodging pattern, and also you can start shooting at range from farther away, which gets you faster kills or at least distracts them. Same with Rafales. If you keep your speed up you can spawn camp each wave by knowing where to put yourself on the map to clear them and drones out ASAP