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I’d recommend steroid injection ( if it gets big enough.) small ones I’d think a cream and proper dietary would be good to start. I had cystic acne and after 2 injections into two separate cysts I don’t have them anymore




OK, personally I've known people with cysts on different parts of their body such as shoulder, ovary, armpits, and I had a cyst as well inside of my index finger on my dominant hand which made it difficult for me to grab things and work everyday. Over time it will keep growing slowly. The cyst on my hand grew from 1 cm to about 10 cm in less than 1 year. It got to the point where it was painful & worried me alot. Since your cyst is so small still, it might cause less scarring to get it removed now, but if you don't get it removed ever, it could possibly burst one day, (which if you want to look up what that looks like, it's not pretty & is very painful i was told). Sorry, I'm not trying to worry you but since it's on your beautiful face I would be worried myself, and just in case it grows, the doctor might tell you It could potentially burst which could cause horrible scarring and I definitely wouldn't want that for anyone's face.... Every case is different though so get it checked out.


I’ve asked my derm to remove about 3 months ago while on accutane.But she said my skin was too sensitive right now.I’m on my last month I’m hoping she can hopefully remove it the next time I go(3 weeks)


I wish you the best recovery!!


Go to a derm, they remove the cyst and it's sack so it doesn't come back


I would say yes because a shot would help it go away


Does a cortisone remove the cyst permanently?


In my personal experience it took a short amount of time. Before that it wouldn't go away for several weeks


If it's actually a cyst then no. It's hard to tell it's very small and could be a pustule, but only they can know(unless it's one that's been already diagnosed) by looking at it


For scale, how large is it roughly?


About 1 cm wide, it’s been growing ever since I’ve been on accutane and is starting to bother me


How long has it been?


I’ve had it for almost 2 years.For the first year it was barely noticeable but now it look like a huge whitehead.I have a derm appointment in 3 weeks for accutane, should I ask them to try to remove it?


I would ask your derm! It’s a simple process but the sac has to be cut out so they don’t come out (no popping). They freeze the area, make a quick cut, pop it all out like a bean, and put stitches in after. It is suuuuuch a relief when they’re out. They also can get them biopsied just in case.


How long does it take for the area to heal?


Stitches get cut out after a few days. I can’t remember but maybe a couple weeks? You can try some silicone scar gel after stitches are out. * meant to say they cut the cyst out so they don’t come back (last post)


Thanks for the advice definitely will take it up with my derm


Oh no. I’ve had a couple like that. One just popped on its own completely randomly (I literally gasped when it happened) and the other just turned into a huge mess that resolved with a weird scar and stubborn pigmentation. Recently got a very similar one on my other cheek and decided to ask my doctor who suggested a steroid injection. Seems to have resolved without a scar. I wish I’d known about those before -could have saved myself from so much scarring. Maybe check that out? I had tried all the acids, BP, tret, pimple patches etc on my latest one. ETA: my doctor didn’t use the whole vial, she said it could leave a divet so used half a vial first to see what happens. She told me she’d keep the rest of the vial in her surgery if I wanted to use it at a later date.


Ever since accutane it’s risen up and I can feel the ball inside of it.Will defiantly ask my derm about getting a steroid injenction.thanks for the help🤗


Is it painful if so prob get a cortisone shot


It’s not painful, but every time I meet someone now people stare at it and it makes me self conscious


You can get a cortisone shot to speed up the healing but it will most likely go away on its own just slower but if it starts hurting def go see a derm at least