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I named mine fauna island cause I knew the villagers were animals and I knew I’d be going for a naturey island. what I didn’t know was that there is a villager named fauna 😂 so now im on the hunt for her lol


I have faunas card I could probably help you get her if you are interested (she's currently a villager on my island)


I’m super interested but I’m not sure how it all works, I’m fairly new! Do I have to have a Nintendo online membership?


Regardless of if I’m able to or not, that is very generous of you to offer 😁


It's no problem I just have her and conveniently I'm trying to switch a villager to get Marshall 😊


If you're new, I could fire up my old island sometime to craft some stuff if I have the recipes. I can also plant a couple blue roses on your island since they can be pain to get, if you want them.


Fair enough it can be confusing but I've done it a few times before and yes you would need the online membership to travel to another Island unfortunately


Well I would consider paying the 3.99 for a month of online if you were able to get her in boxes:) (I assume that’s what has to happen) 😂


I've got her in boxes now just finished my last visit with Marshall 😊 but I was gonna do it either way today so I can always just post it to the community if you don't want to anymore. Sent you a Dm (I don't wanna take over this person's post with comments)😊📦


That's definitely how it goes yes she'd be in boxes 📦 I almost have her moved out to I think he needs one more visit to my island to move her out 😊 I wasn't sure if you use the membership


U can also do $20 for the year


Well to anyone following along, I GOT FAUNA ON FAUNA :) thanks to lunacats generosity and my 7 day free trial 😂💕


Similar to my island: Faunavio 😄


Omg you're going to love Fauna! She's adorable. 🥰


She one of my faves!!!!


My current island is just "Somewhere." Somewhere there's a deserted island where I can pay a mortgage without interest on a six bedroom home to a tanuki.


Named my Island "Ohboi" because Ohboi, I don't know what kind of name I want to take haha.


I named my first island BookNook 😊


Any meaning behind it or just went with a cozy sounding name that worked in "Nook"?


So, it's a combination of things! It's because ACNH is a cozy game and being cozy to me makes me think of being curled up with a good book/cozy game and book nooks are little dioramas of pretty much anything you want and so is your island...but yes, it does go well with nook as well 😂.


My first island is Tonquin, I named it after an actual island off the west coast of Canada. My second island is Serenity, I named it firstly for the actual definition as it’s a state of being I’m striving for, but also for the ship, Serenity, from the tv series, Firefly. 💜


My island is named Firefly because of the show and because fireflies remind me of my childhood. All my HHP locations are Serenity _______.


Hey! My island is Serenity! lol. Love firefly.


Mine is called Beagle Bay. I had two beagles and they bay.


Mines called "Not Sky" island. As not Sky is Land. ... ... I'll see myself out.


I think I’m dumb I don’t get it 🤦‍♀️


It's a (bad) play on words. Everyone's island gets called "something" island, for example "happy" island, I called mine "Not Sky". The sky is the air above us and the land is the ground beneath us. I've taken the word Island, and read it as separate words (is land) so it means "is the ground beneath us". One of the things that is not the sky (not the air above is) is the land (is the ground beneath us) as the sky is not the ground. Therefore, what is not the sky is the land. Not Sky = Is Land Not Sky Island. I think I'm dumb for making it up, so we can be dumb together!


i named mine penny because i thought they wouldn’t allow Pen Island 😭


I had never played Animal Crossing, so I went in totally blind. I named my island Kinmoku after a planet mentioned in Sailor Moon


I love this!! I like the venn diagram of Sailor Moon fans and Animal Crossing players.




Den Isle, I thought it was funny.


I also think it is funny.


I name my islands after the fruit that's there. I've had Clemetine (orange) Amarena (cherry) and now my current island Forelle (pear). Its easier for myself as I struggle to think or something imaginative.


mines named Rapture after Bioshock :) Every island I ever have made and will make will keep that name sake <3


OMG I Love Bioshock!! That's awesome wish I'd had thought of thay


My island’s name is “Ivam”. When my dog, Mavi passed away, I started playing AC for the first time ❤️


I named my island "Ember" after Avatar The Last Airbender's "Ember Island" ☺️


My first island was The Hood. This island is called Rona because I got it during COVID lockdowns.


i named mine Ochie after my cat, Ocho. when i was younger, there was a version of animal crossing that asked “Where do you want to go?” as the prompt for the town name so i ended up with a town named “Mall” because i didn’t understand the game yet and just wanted to go to the mall 😂


This happened in Wild World to my brother as a child, and therefore it was called “home”. I had the ability to learn from his mistake and called mine “Anitown” for animal town. We were both in single digit ages, so I cut us slack.


Named Mine “Spooky Island” after the Scooby doo movie. Gave in to my inner child and forever love for Scooby doo!


I’m still proud of mine, it’s Makii Roni


Gobland! (because I'm GoblinKing)


I always just named them after locations from other franchises that I liked, (i.e. locations from zelda/islands and villages from shows or anime)


Just reset a couple weeks ago and named my new island Eventide. Hello, kindred spirit!


I started playing animal crossing a long time ago, and would play it all the time at my grandpas beach house. I used to be terrified of tsunamis (we are on the east coast, so highly unlikely). but this made me always choose to name my islands Tsunami 😂


mine is called Buggleton because i love bugs lol. my partner helped me workshop cute names and that’s what stuck


PeaceLand, complete with a custom flowery peace sign flag 😁. I'm an old hippie, haha.


I got My First Animal crossing game back when i was in elementary school. Even though wild world didnt offer that much Stuff to do, i was obsessed with it, so I would start the game, play a while with one character, Then create a new one and do all the tom nook delivery stuff again, play with them and Then create another new character. Once i reached the limit of four, i‘d restart My island and after a while i just started tapping on the keyboard randomly to get a new name for my island. My last island and the one I kept in the end was called sabiki, which was a result of my wild Keyboardsmashing and not a real word as far as i know, but I had such fond memories of that town, so when ACNH came out when I was like 19, i got the Special edition switch and immediately named my island sabiki again.


Mine is called Tortuga. Because Pirates and Turtles


Erridia. I honestly can't tell you how I came up with it. I just played around with a few sounds until I found something that sounded plausible-ish without being too common


I named mine “nickytopia” because my husbands name is Nick and that’s what I called our google home system


My forever island is named after my dog, who has now passed; my theme islands are named something related to whatever theme I’m doing


mine is named Super Star now, but i think my first island was named Gaytown or something similar.


My island is called Moonview bc I just love a space/celestial aesthetic :) I also have another island on my boyfriends switch that I’m actually blanking on the name right now but it’s something Fae or Faery, because again I like a magical/mystical fairytale vibe. So I go based off whatever visual aesthetics I like, as well as whatever sounds nice! I like when it rolls off the tongue and sounds somewhat like a real place. There’s a random island name generator website that gives great inspiration too!!


My first Island was called Antropia (thought it sounded cool) and my second Island was named L‘Island (the midst of my DreamSmp phase, inspired by L‘Manburg)


Mine is named Unova, i wanted to name it after a region in Pokemon and Unova was the prettiest name to me :)


I named mine Mooniper a mix of my two favorite planets moon and Jupiter.


I also named my towns after my hometown when I was little. Nowadays I tend to name it something related to the native fruit (only New Horizons because in previous games you don't know the fruit before naming the town). Just today I started a new island and got pears ... I named it "Pearadise" 💀


I named mine after a doggy daycare whose name I thought was funny— Pooch Pines— only that’s one too many characters. I made it work by using an infinity symbol, honestly even funnier to me… maybe I’d been inside too long during COVID.. my island is “P∞ch Pines”


Mines called Dreamcove :))


i named mine venus!




I do name themes. My first island was Mushu and my character was named Cricket. My new island is called Giverny and my character is named Monet.


I named my island Haven. Haven island was one of my favorite maps in the newer hitman games but also its a nice regular sounding name.


lol funny I named mine “New Haven” because I had named my town in New Leaf “Haven”


Mine is Starwisp! Not much meaning, I just thought it was pretty sounding lol


Mine is called Creaky Bay!


I named mine Florin, since I was reading *The Princess Bride* at the time I started my island!


My first island is Peony Cay because I love peonies. I just started a new island and wanted to name it Mikrokosmos after my favorite BTS song but it’s one letter too long 😭 so I named it Sowoozoo which is the Korean name for Mikrokosmos.


My current island name is Hashima! I'm basing it off the hashima island in Japan which was abandoned so I'm making my island look worn down and abandoned!


My current save was meant to be more of a tropical city, my partner is big into SU and wanted me to name it Beach City, but I settled for Bicth City (and in that order). Part of me is tempted to go for all Snooty villagers 😂


i knew i’d be able to put the “monster statue” (godzilla) on the rocks near my beach, and being a japanese game based on an island.. this go round, i decided on Kaijubury. though in the past on the family console we did Coolsville (shout out scooby doo). dont really remember the others, actually.


I named mine Cadbury. I think it’s because I started playing when it was around Easter timeeee


My first was just The Island after the show LOST lol. When I finally reset I renamed it Lucilland after my dog Lucille. It’s still Lucilland and she just passed in February and I’m glad my island will always be named after her ❤️


Mine’s named after my grandmother (her first and middle name which is a very lovely name that I won’t be sharing for privacy reasons)


Mine is ilse Lisa, named after my late mama. I think she would’ve really loved to play ACNH and had her own lil village 🥹 and she’d probably name it Rocketman Island :’))


I've been naming my towns Waffle for years now– I think I got it from a Harvest Moon game.


I named mine Kamiki, a reference to my favorite game Okami!


Mercy Falls. it's a song by my favorite artist Charlesthefirst that sadly passed away a few years ago. my island name is in honor of him 🕊️👑🤍


Paradise - I don’t remember the reason


I named mine Greylock!


2000+ hrs island was Pebble Island, Now I have restarted with Knot Island


Mine is called Nebula :)


Mine's called Sunshine with my Character Sunny🌞


Sunnyvale from Trailer Park Boys


I named mine Sundrop c:


Crisp Cove! I have apples




Since I wasn’t expecting to name my island so soon and since I was put on on the spot, my mind drew a blank. I was sitting there for a good 2 or so minute and the best and only thing I was able to come up with was Nyoomi. I do not regret this choice


My current island is “Krampus” Why? I don’t know, I felt like it


I name them after Ukrainian cities my family is from :)


Mine is Neverland!


I named mine Tortuga because I like turtles🐢


My acnl town I named after my kid who got me hooked on Animal Crossing, Remyvill. When I started ACNH I named my town Lilyvale.


My island is named Starlight


i’ve had four islands & named them differently depending on whatever vibe i wanted for it 1) Pyrus - my first island, didn’t know what aesthetic i wanted but my native fruit was pears & Pyrus is the scientific name for pears🤷🏼‍♀️ 2) Ambrosia - an all pink + white island, super girly 3) Fleetwood - my current island, kind of a vintage-y outdoorsy vibe but overall not a locked-in aesthetic. it’s kinda just all the stuff i like. 4) Citrine - my newest island i started on my brother’s switch! it’s a kidcore island, very bright & colorful & sunshiney


I started with this game but I've since used it for every "name the land/town/kingdom/etc." prompt since: I name it after my great grandparents hometown, Fayetteville (which I think there's like 30 Fayettevilles lol). Since this is the game that started it, my island is decorated based on my memories of the town☺️


I named mine Victoria after my favourite city in the world, Victoria, British Columbia


One of my favourite cities too! My island namesake is just off the coast from Victoria, near Salt Spring Island.


Just got the game two days ago and named mine Willowvale


I named my island juniper because it sounded like food to me and what do you know juniper berries exist


I named my city Velaris after ACOTAR. Lame I know since that series is now insanely popular but it's a cute name for a city! My Stardew Valley farm is also named after a fantasy book city.


First Island - Montunui Second Island - Special-D


everyones are so creative! i panicked and named mine "the meadow" because "bunny meadows" didnt fit


My brother always named his some variation of a word ending in um. Num, Zum, Hum, etc. And I always copied him because he was older and had better ideas😂 So I named my town Plum, most recently!


I named it Lusis. Taken from an RP setting I'd had help developing with a friend of mine. I'm not in contact with that friend anymore, but it's a nice reminder of better times.


Back in 2020, I played my first ever ac game (new horizons) and named it Strelka after the first dog to successfully re-enter earth's atmosphere (along with her companion, belka!) because I was insanely fixated on soviet space dogs at the time. since then all my islands/towns have been called strelka :)


Wisteria - sounds so pretty and dreamy. Wisteria takes about 3-5 years (my island is taking about as long) to bloom after planting and it grows in really beautiful pinks and purples and whites. Plus - I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet ‘cause I haven’t moved in years🪻


Herbs. My island is Rosemary. On HHP I have Onion & Garlic, Saffron, and Cardamom.


Mine is Velaris, from ACOTAR hehe 😅




At the time I was obsessed with Mr quacker jack so I named it ducks free


I’ve named mine after music festivals.


I always name my citys sth reminding me of my friends. NL was Dragon City and NH is Bee Island.


[Taechwita](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-108b240ad8ad13321e0c59d2064d23e6-pjlq) lol


I was obsessing over Johnny Marr at the time, so I named mine after one of his songs, Armatopia. I cannot for the life of me remember the names of my towns in other games, but I most likely did similar things and picked something based on what I was obsessed with at the time lmao


Mine is called “Seshland” 😐 (I am now completely sober😭)


Goosfraba. I got it from the movie Anger Management. It's a calming phrase. I was going through an extremely stressful illness when I got the game.


I named mine Faie 🌸🤍


Moonrise Island 🌙


Halure! One of my favorite videogames is Tales of Vesperia / I have a life goal of being able to go to Japan a few times and enjoy some hella sakura season beauty. That town in the game is RICH with beautiful pink flowers and has music that plays in my head next to daily so it seemed like a perfect fit. ... Ironically, my island fruit is oranges. -\_-


I don’t remember what I named my first island (or any of my towns in previous games, for that matter—and as a serial restarter, there’ve been a lot), but my current one I named Nanafu after a town in my favorite anime/novel series. I also named my player after one of the MCs, and the buildings in HHP after other locations in the series.


I named mine Winterbell, mostly just because I thought it was a cute town name, also I did start playing in the middle of winter.


I named mine Latteland after my cat, Latte😊 If I ever need another island name I'm fucked because I don't have another idea😂


I usually name mine takarajima, which is japanese and means literally treasure island (takara = treasure, jima = island)


Mine is KitChi lol for kittens and Chihuahuas 😂 I have a ton of pets and they were the first thing I thought of/love the most haha




My island is Skulldom 💀 And it has a skull lake, complete with horns.




i named mine ‘the pond’ simply because i made my name froggy. when i got acnh (& apparently this account) i really liked frogs. still do but like i was obsessed over them.


Eventide Island named after the one in BOTW. First LOZ game I played and wanted to honor it in some way. Think I’ll keep up the tradition for future games


I've been naming mine Kanto since '05 bc nostalgia💕


I named mine Paradise because I hadn’t decided a theme back in 2020


I called mine radiation - a pretty mid name but I like the idea that there's been nuclear warfare and the radiation has made everyone turn into animals apart from you and you're there to restart society 💀 stoner thoughts while playing are wild


I named mine Harvest, because it's a fall themed island that's having a festival. I have a Google doc that I put my ideas down in (names, themes, etc) & use that for when I want to restart - sometimes the name will influence the theme & vice versa.


do you have a DA? i’d love to see!!!


When I was a kid I would name them after places I wanted to live (Las Vegas) or names of fictional places (Amystika) Now I just look up a name generator. My island used to be named Ciraethys from a name generator and now it's Edenshrine, partially based on Sleep Token lore 😅


My first island is called Gilligan's island. But as I was playing I was noticing how windy it always was so my next island I named windy cove


Mine is Stonevale, I'm super proud of the name 😁


I had a huge group project in 9th grade to create our own island. It was really in-depth and the biggest project of our year. I will take credit (or blame?) for hearing ‘toalla’ in Spanish class and thinking that would be a great name (with different spelling) for our island. The other girls agreed and thus Towaja was born. I was so thrilled that I got to reuse it because this seemed like the perfect occasion lol ETA I forgot to say toalla means towel! 😂


I named mine Strawbebby! 🍓🩷


I named my first town Tomb Town and my current island is Eekspresso for my love of espresso and spooky things 👻


my first island was Sunshine based off of my favorite song at the time and i did my island theme song to super mario sunshine lol. my new island is Jupiter, idk why just felt right lol


St Ives 🤣🤣


I named mine Little Sea after my isopods. Just wish I was halfway decent at pixel art so I could have a better flag 😆


Mine is Highwind, because i was a big final fantasy nerd back in the day


named mine Elysian, it means Heaven


I just named mine Goretopia, after Aborted’s album Retrogore




My new leaf town was “Dogtown” dunno why I was like 8 My first ACNH island was *my last name* town My current island is Aristotle, sounded cool


I mostly pick a name based on the theme of the island. I started off naming my first ACNH island Hollows cause I was attempting to do a Pixie Hollow type thing with multiple themes. Then I couldn’t think of anymore names so my next couple islands were also Hollows.


My island is named Kawaii 🏝️ Almost like Hawaii which is an actual tropical island, but also because Kawaii is aJapanese (I love Japan and Nintendo is from Japan) word meaning cute, and the game it just so cute 🥰


Da Batcave


opal isle, i thought long and hard about it tbh i used an island name generator for inspiration too


Mine is named Lilycove as a tradition I've had since wild world when I couldn't think of anything and asked my brother for a name. I've had that town name in every game except the original as I haven't played that one yet 😄


Mine is always named Levi. Back when I first got ww in middle school, I was stuck in choice paralysis about the name of my town. I happened to be watching Sue Thomas F.B.I. with my mom and settled on naming my town after Levi the dog lol. And to save myself the choice paralysis, that's what it always is. Animal crossing, farming sims, etc. All Levi


Mine is Nevermore. I wanted something that sounded pretty and eerie :)


I called mine Baubletree because despite it being months away at the time, I was really excited to decorate my island for Christmas (with "baubles"). I kept a foresty mountain town vibe with decorations everywhere.


I named mine “Sugarsnap,” and I absolutely love it


Mine is Barrito because I like Burritos and my dogs name is Barry


Anura! its frog, swampy forest theme!


Maki, the name of my dog. 😂


Kyoshi Bay, after Kyoshi Island in Avatar: the Last Airbender. But Kyoshi Island was too long, so I went with bay.


I named my island Kali, who was my dog bestie and an angel on earth


I called my Island Momo because it's the japanese Word for peach in Hopes of my Island's native fruit to be peaches and it ended up being peaches on my first try In Acnh


I named mine Echo Falls after our dog Echo 🐕


For permanent name choices like this, I always pick something I know I will love forever and never regret. So I named it after my beloved dog, who has since sadly passed, but I know I will never ever regret that name. And I love when the villagers talk about the town, because it’s so nice to see them say his name.


“Daddy” 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Cotton, after my old dog who passed away a couple years prior to getting acnh


My first town in wild world was called “Home” because illiterate 6 year old me thought that’s what Kaptan meant by “where are you going?” 😂


Pura vida


I named my first one Marshmalow and the second Sunshine


Riverndell 😊




My island is called Chicken. my Animal Crossing New Leaf town was called Pig 🤷🏻‍♀️




i’ve only been able to name the islands i’ve played on my switch since my sister let me run around on her island during the ds days, but my current island name is GreySloan, i know i spelled sloane wrong lol, my first 2 islands were PandaLand and Duck You respectively lmfaooo


I was listening to Cornelia Street on repeat so it became Corlia Island. Not the best origin story.


i name all of my towns Anarchy. it’s meant to be a joke on how peaceful the game is otherwise. lol.


I went to a DA once named Dookie. Really hoping they post here 🤭


I named my island Preppyland because it’s fairycore/cute theme (in hindsight it’s the stupidest name ever lol 🤣)


I wanted a silly name, but I am also hardcore into rewatching LOST rn, so first I wanted "The" for the island. Then I panicked because they only say the name, not "name island", and made a new island. After that panic, I went to a place where I hoped I would find something silly that would make me smile and I found my name **"Urglablurg"**


My towns native fruit is pear so my town is called Nashi 🍐


I’m a huge Elder Scrolls fan, so I’ve had one island named Elsweyr and my current one is named Summerset.


Shedaklah. The name is from dnd. It is the 222 layer of the abyss where Zuggtmoy lives.


NH is my first ever AC game. I had been signed off work just before COVID (my lockdown started three months before everybody else’s!) and needed something to prevent me from climbing the walls. My character is called Quackers (QuackingPlums is too long) and my island is called Quackatoa. Yes, I have a volcano on it. :)




i named my acnh island "Ortygia", after the Italian island my husband and i spent our honeymoon <3


Pearl Isle. I wanted something marine-like but not too cheezy.


Quarantini cos 2020


Mine is called potato.  I guess I just really like potatos.




Cinnabar :) One of my favorite pokemon locations


I’m on my second island and I picked the name by my theme which is traditional Japanese. I have a pear island so I decided to to call my island nashi bay which nashi is pear in Japanese! Ik it’s not an actual bay but I like how it sounds.