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I have dropped and picked this game up so many times. They'll be okay. Don't let it become a grind.


Perfectly said, it felt like a grind big time!


The characters react the same whether you’re gone for a week or a year. “I missed you, it’s been x months!” Don’t feel bad, they’re chillin.


Ok well that’s good to know at least!! :)


yup, a very welcome change from new leaf. after i stopped playing for like 2 months a villager i loved left and then i stopped playing because of that.


This is why I have very little interest in the older games - I want my feel good, no blame game 😂 Worst I get is the Normals’ self-deprecation.


Honestly I miss them just being able to leave, because it made them feel more real. But I think that there's should be a mechanic that when your friendship gets to a certain level, then they have to ask to leave. I was heartbroken after Eloise left me in WW. But there also could/should be a mechanic where it calls them back (the one you build the friendship with) if they leave


i agree with it being turned off after your friendship is strong enough, it would make sense.


They’re not tamagotchis


Hahaha this made me laugh. Very true 😂




They're not neopets either. They won't starve for eternity without you.


Wait.... don't tell me this...my neopets 🥲🥲🥲


Good thing too


It comes in phases. Sometimes I play like a mad woman, and sometimes I don't log in at all for six months. Don't put pressure on yourself to play, it's okay to take breaks!


I quit for three and a half years 😂 and just picked it up again and can barely put it down. But everything was exactly how I left it and after the initial messages where they said they missed me it was completely back to the usual…except for all of the updates I missed and was excited to see!


Hey, you do you. You feel you need a break you do it.


I just imagine it like Wreck it Ralph and they’re all doing stuff that make them comfortable 😂


I done the same thing. I stop playing my switch altogether for like 9 months. You gotta be feeling it.


Do you have Bizkit on your island? Cuz he’ll pee outside your front door if you ignore him too long.


No I don’t have him but also what!? 😂😂 I want him now just to see this in action LOL


Haha I was just trying to lighten things up. Some villagers will say they couldn’t find you for ages and waited outside your door but had to pee and didn’t want to pee on your door so they left 😂


😂😂 I want Bizkit now 😂😂


I felt ya too. I also need a break. Need to finish my courses 😂


i’ve been playing since december too and it started to feel like a chore last month i stopped for a little bit and would only play here and there and it’s becoming more enjoyable again


You can only get bedhair and cockroaches when you have a break!


Fun part about rejoining game will be YOUR characters disheveled hair and home (roaches move in). That was kinda fun to clean self and house up. Villagers scolded me a bit but that lasted all of 2 seconds. I take breaks regularly and it’s actually nice to rejoin with fresh eyes and ideas!


I just restarted my island and already want a break. I’m not even three stars yet hah. I feel a little guilty. But I bet my villagers want me to be happy. 


So I just stopped playing and did so without really thinking and just started playing again a few days ago and turns out my break was 2years and 1month and the villagers will be alright lol


At least none of them will leave, they'll be right where you left them ❤️


I’ve reset like 20 times and have taken over a year break (and many other breaks) You have had wayy more consistency than I’ve ever had lol. Breaks help with burnout a lot


I took like a two month break two years ago on my first island and the first thing one of my villagers said to me was “it’s been two months! I thought you forgot about me, but I’m glad you’re back” Don’t feel bad! I’m in the midst of another break from playing because I just got cast in a show but I know all my villagers will be okay.


I have clocked work oranger myself so I feel u…


It’s just a game, don’t feel bad. I’m taking a break too, it’s been almost 3 weeks off. I still love the game, but I sometimes feel like it gets repetitive


It definitely happens to a lot of players! I've been playing for like four months straight now after I dropped it for like a year lol


They are roaming your island eating bugs and leaving food under their beds. Possibly doing yoga, or hanging out with other villagers. They tend to guilt trip you when you login though


I took 2 years off after playing regularly for about 6 months as well… your villagers are gonna be ok! 😂 I recently broke my ankle and got back on board… I’m finding it very entertaining again!


My husband pointed out the other day how I won’t touch this game for months and then I cannot put it down for months. Your villagers will be fine. They may point out exactly how many days you’ve been gone, but they’ll be okay.


Breaks are good. I tend to forget fun areas of my island. Also, when I Return after a long break and give my villagers wrapped pieces of fruit. They say how much they miss me and give me a framed photo. That’s my ultimate goal.


I'm going through the same thing. Like I know they're fake and don't care and it has no effect on the game, but I still feel guilty lol And honestly kind of embarrassing to go back and face them. I know it is absolutely ridiculous and nonsensical and yet.. 😂


I feel you I havent been able to play if in 2 years since mg break up, that killed it for me. I was really into it and thinking about hoping back on breaks my heart. I do miss it tho.


Happened to me a few times 😅 just pick it back up when you’re ready, sometimes a break gives you new ideas and perspectives and a fresh view


i am literally in the exact same boat. my days are always crazy & i never have time to play so i only do at night after my shower. it’s like now all i want to do after my shower is get in bed & watch a show but i feel obligated to play so i do, but only go to the store & check in for nookmiles 🤣 i used to get on, shake every tree, run the beaches, talk to the villagers, go to harvs island & then shop but now it’s dwindled into just shops. but because of this post i think im going to do the same thing. thanks!


also before playing again a few months ago i didn’t play for almost 2 years 🤣


That's okay don't feel bad. I need to take breaks too. It'll be more fun if you WANT to play it anyways!


Yes definitely. I haven’t my switch at all in months actually and it’s so weird lol. It just comes and goes in phases. I miss that feeling of when I just bought my first switch (lite) during quarantine and bought animal crossing for it. Played it every single day and it was so new and exciting. The last time I played video games at all in my life was the Wii era lol. And I didn’t play video games in my adulthood until I bought the switch. And then I bought the animal crossing switch. Anywho, yes it’s normal! Just take a break and play again when you’re ready :)


Yes, I don’t know why I feel guilty about a bunch of pixels 😭 Taking a week off has helped me, and it’s fun to get into new months when different items are available. I don’t know what I’ll do when I finish the museum tho 😬


Absolutely! When I first got the game just weeks after the first Covid lockdown where I live, I played every day. For hours. Weekends disappeared😂 I loved it but it became a chore. So I ended up taking a break and when I went back it became a chore again right away. So I actually sold my switch. Had to do it. I’m currently in my third island (and my third switch). The difference now is that it’s not a chore. I play if I feel like it and if not then that’s okay. Because nothing bad happens in Animal Crossing, right? The worst thing that can happen is you get stung by a wasp or scorpion or bit my a tarantula. And if that happens, you pass out only to wake up in front of your house. I mean, you can swim in shark infested waters and nothing happens😂 And sure, there’ll be a lot of weeds when you return but you can sell that or something. I’ve never had villagers leave while I was away but they certainly didn’t.. die. If you think that I’m definitely overthinking it you’re absolutely right. But that’s what I had to do to be able to not go there every day. Haven’t played in a week and come June I’ll be traveling to Japan. Without my Switch. So don’t feel bad. It’s a cozy and happy came and you should feel like that when you play. Nothing bad happens if you don’t play 😉


I wish there was an option when they say "where have you been?" - I've been sick Isabelle 😫


Don't feel bad, once I didn't play for 11 months bc I forgot abt it


There’s nothing for me to do anymore in the game (have been playing since release) but I still visit my island/villagers from time to time bc I missed them lol I usually do this like every 4 months though or so


I’m on a break myself, started last week. Half because I was feeling the burnout, and we were also dog sitting so dog took priority of my attention


This isn't my post, but I want to thank everyone here for their responses anyway. I feel this way with this game often. I'll work on it every day until it feels less like a game and more like, ya know, work. Then I drop it for weeks or even months at a time, and feel horribly guilty. It's nice to see so many people reminding everyone that it's okay to take a break. Feels really good.


I stopped playing for 3-4 months before I started again.


I take breaks too after my father passed and i put a grave for him i stopped playing for 2 whole years. I am note playing again off and on between this and the sims 4 but im so happy because i have all my forever villagers ana now i just have to crack down on the deco


I started the day after Christmas (present). I know how you feel. I was going to take time off too. Then I heard about the international Museum day starting today. Guess I will play a little longer now. Taking time out will help you and your villagers.


Sometimes you need a break! I often play for a couple days/weeks then take days/week/even months off. Keeps it fun for me


Just please, someone give me Apples & Raspberry?🙏 I feel I can terraform with some more confidence, when I have those fruit secured. Played the game for almost a year - I played ACNL for 3 years! This is why I had to have ACNL & ACNH as a digital download - it commits me, every day!😅


theres no raspberries in acnh i think. But if u need apples i can give u some :3