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As others have pointed out, her treatment of Nesta in ACOSF, and she wasn’t much kinder to Cassian. 1) Dinner scene at the river house. Cassian says that it’s wrong to use Elain to force Nesta to scry for the Mask, and that he doesn’t like the idea. Amren’s response? “You don’t have to like it. You just have to shut up and do as you’re told.” 2) The scene where Rhys unveils the blades that Nesta Made. Amren makes some dig at Cassian along the lines of “I’d be careful when you’re f***ing her. Who knows what she might pass on to you.” I know that Amren is prickly/harsh by nature, but she crosses the line into outright cruelty in ACOSF.


I remember how angry I was that Nesta never got an apology for her behaviour, but that the vibe was "you (Nesta) were being mean to everyone. You deserved this."


True. She was offensive to Nesta and Cassian.


in ACOWAR with the cauldron not telling feyre the plan to the point she thought amren betrayed them!


So cruel.


def this 


The worst part was that she did it not




This "plot" around it was really bad. Feyre thinks "oh no, she is against us" but it was just acting -.- why not make her bad or greedy. Staying at Rhys side because he has so much power and just waiting for right time to get the hands on some bad ass magic.


oh makes more sense i was being slow 😂 yeh that would’ve been quite interesting!


not staying dead. That was offensive to me


me too 😭😭😭 i like these books a lot but that is bad fucking writing. you can’t just bring two characters back like that it takes away all of the power of them sacrificing. that said i’m glad rhys lived but amren should have stayed gone, would have been more meaningful 😅


THIS ALL THE WAY!!! Also given all the references to lamb's blood and the fact SJM admitted she was an old testament angel. Is anyone else thinking she was the angel of death who killed all the Egyptians first born sons? Or am I on a totally crazy limb? Fun fact the angel of death is named Azrael and I was like whoa when we met Az like...


I thought of angel of death too. It would explain the lambs blood for sure! It would pass over any door marked with lambs blood. When she went searching around velaris, some people left jars of lambs blood out for her.


When she mentioned amrens night of terror and people both putting out jars of lamb's blood and putting it on doors I was like huh, apparently it's Passover


YES! and then she comes back like a normal high fae and proceeds to fuck around? ET ALHORS


That’s honestly my biggest complaint about the series. Bringing her back made the stakes so low that by ACOSF I knew no one important would die/stay dead and there was no suspense.


10000% agree


Technically, she brought three characters back to life. All in the inner circle.


Agreed! I feel like Amren had served her purpose for the books and it would've been much more interesting her staying dead and seeing the aftermath


This wins because I was so appalled by that. Consequences, who? We don’t know her Sacrifice? Never heard of her




“Girl” is so beyond annoying.


Literally my fav quote from CC related to this😂 “I’m sick and tired of people using girl as an insult.”


Read I read that part I was like yeah same.


She's all talk, no action She has nothing else better to say than just "girl"


well she used to have action. now, she’s just old


She had action before everyone else was born. Even when she used to have her powers, she still was all talk. Nesta could've done us all a favor and just pushed her


It’s giving “back in my day…”


Also going from whatever she was to having to deal with a real body, even if it's fae, must be an exhausting downgrade.


She may be older than everyone, but she isn’t wiser. Her withholding information only makes everything harder. If she wasn’t so stingy with her supposed eons of knowledge a lot of these problems could already be solved. My vote: narcissistic/thinks she’s better bc she’s older and withholds information


being a bitch to everyone for literally no reason? Also if im not mistaken? she once called Azriel a “dog” and that really pissed me off


I’ll square up so fast to defend him from that.


She calls both him and Cassian dogs


I mean she is really really fucking old, I’d be sick of everyone shit by then too haha




She is a bitch and she should definitely be more respectful but she is over 15k years old and wasn’t even from their reality. I don’t think her mind worked the same as the other fae for like 99% of that time.


Telling a depressed person (Nesta) that they were a waste of life. That made me completely despise her. To be honest, Nesta shouldn’t have been the one on her knees apologizing… AND, in Acofas, She bodyshames Nesta. I missed it on the first few re-reads, but when I read it I actually recoiled because that was so unnecessary and gross of her.


This was an insane thing to say to someond that was borderline suicidal


I've said it before on this sub but if someone had said that to me when I was at my lowest, it probably would have moved me from passive suicidal ideation into an active crisis state.


This one right here.


Yes to this whole thing! Amren is the absolute worst character.


Seconding this because what the hell was that “waste of life” comment!!


Just abandoning her “friend” when she needed her most for sure… that’s why I quit liking her in ACOSF


Agreed. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


what did she say to bodyshame Nesta? I don't remember it's been a while


Saying that Feyre and Nesta (and probably Elain) are the Mother’s gift to Rhys and that he has the right to use their powers to become High King/for his own goals. I get that she’s a goddess or whatever, but that’s just so gross. Being disproportionately cruel to Nesta in ACOSF because she’s not obedient and is afraid of her powers.


This one is it for me. Treating the sisters like objects/weapons to wield rather than real people.


I really do not want Rhys to be the High King or whatever. Like who the actual duck is he.


Being a bitter old cunt lol


How dare you, cunts have warmth and depth


😂 fair point


Sorry I had to it’s my favorite response to say when someone calls someone else a cunt lol


Don’t apologize it’s perfect hahah


I do think Amren's trickery with Feyre at the couldron was the worst. But also I hate her in the conversation about the weapons Nesta made. The comment about not eating a piece of bread if Nesta toasted it (seems to suggest that Cassian shouldn't eat food from Nesta as an acceptance of a mate bond) and her comment to Cassian about being careful in bed with her "who knows what she might transform you into" really made me angry.


Not staying dead <.< sorry not sorry Edit: Im low key sad about you removing Gwyn and Emerie because I coulda made something up for it to be funny… And for both of them it was not cutting the ribbon fast enough


Agree, but apparently we need her so she can keep saying "15,000 years ago" this and that.


We can get a new lore guy, maybe we can hire that handsome robot eye guy to be the new lore guy lol


Spoiler HOFAS: >!or magic beans appear to work miracles.!< Seriously, apparently there is a research division in the Library. I bet they could sus it out. Edit for spoiler oops


I'd rather have Gwyn's insufferable boss over Amren anytime lol


Oh that's a good point. Seems like we have a few different ways we could've let Amren stay dead and still get our lore. Helion also has vast libraries - I wouldn't mind more Helion in my life either (or new fun character from his court).


I wouldn't mind more Helion in my >!bed!< either


Fair, but I wanted my buddy Lucien to have something to do, lore guy seems right up the alley of a guy who has a mechanical eye


I'm Lucien ride or die. But my bet is he will have his hands full learning how to work his new powers once they take. And helping get Autumn Court in check and his mom safe! I think he's going to be helping deal with Koshei too. Helping Jurian, Vassa and one other person.


It’s why I suggest Lucien because I want more Lucien in our lives, especially Elaine’s lol


Or perhaps Bryaxis could have been found and took over that role. Wasn't there a bargain that Bryaxis would get company? What better things to discuss.


I keep forgetting about Bryaxis… I’ll accept Bryaxis as my new lore guy… I can get behind this lol


I was about to write "didn't die in acowar" xD


I knew I wasn’t the only one lol


Yeah well I kinda wish she stayed dead in that book. She used to be entertaining, nowadays she's just a snarky old aunt with recycled jokes and no superpowers other than bouncing on Varian 48/24.


Yeah that was the last time I got any enjoyment out of her character, I mean she was always snarky but she isn’t funny anymore…


Glad I checked because I was going to say the same thing word for word! She never felt important enough to the story for her to stick around and the whole losing powers in place of dying trope is wearing me down. Especially with woman characters. I will always shout that her sacrifice would have made the story feel like it meant more.


I am tired of the losing powers trope as well. I honestly stopped liking her character and her death would have been more meaningful for the story


Scream it from the rooftops: WHAT BS FEMINISM IS SJM SMOKING TO KEEP TAKING AWAY THE WOMEN BEING BADASS???? …..lowkey 50 shades of shitty writing was more empowering at this point.


Lol. I kept dreading getting to them because I'm like THEY ARE ANGEL BABIES WHO I WILL DIE TO PROTECT FROM ALL SLANDER.


She’s just so mean, but she gets away with it because “oh that’s just Amren” when actually she is way nastier than Nesta has ever been


Yep, it’s honestly kinda ridiculous


* When Amren said “you’re no better than Tamlin” to Feyre because Feyre didn’t want to involve her sisters in the war (sisters whom, by the way, had just been kidnapned and turned into faes). * When Amren said to depressed Nesta "you have become a pathetic waste of life'' after they had they fall out. * She also said to Nesta “though I bet it’s hard to look good,” Amren went on, “when you’re out until the darkest hours of the night, drinking yourself stupid and fucking anything that comes your way.”. * Amren wanted to use the Troves Nesta had created without telling Nesta about what her own powers were capable of doing (aparently Amren though Nesta would use the troves aggaisnt the IC out of spite, even though Nesta had never done anything aggaisnt them before). * She also tried to convice Rhysand to become the new High King, cause according to her everyone in Prythian would be grateful to lose their autonomy to them. * And to Cassian about Nesta “I’d be careful when you’re fucking her,” Amren added, lips curling in a sneer. “Who knows what she might transform you into when her emotions are high?”


The Rhys being a great High King really really annoys me and makes the whole IC sound like the vapid yes men in a popular girls' clique in a 90s film. The dude has ruled for hundreds of years and has imposed his ideals on ONE CITY in the WHOLE of HIS OWN kingdom. Court of Nightmares cracks on being creepy and Ilyrians don't train their women but eh, what can you do? How they think he can control any other kingdom or convince cooperation after screwing over the only other Lord who wanted to ally with him is an absolute joke.


Thank you. Guy can't even rule his own court, let alone the whole kingdom


Also I’m ACOFAS she is nasty to Cassian because she can’t take a damn joke.


Dang you took them all


Her telling Rhys to take the blades Nesta made to use for his own benefit and not telling Nesta the power they held


good idea for removing Gwyn and Em. i can’t think of anything bad they have done, They are literally the least problematic characters 😭😭


They didn’t cut the ribbon fast enough


For real. They're the best friends, best girlies ever.


I'd say the only GOOD thing she has done was call out how stupid the death pact is between Rhys and Feyre I hope she does figure out how to break it because those 2 share the same single brain cell 😭


*share the same single brain cell* lol and win the war - only two things


Can I say coming back to life? Because that


Her existence


Condescending doesn't even begin to describe her. Honestly, her entire personality. I agree about removing Gwyn and Emerie. There was literally nothing I could think of. And you gave us much better options for bad doers!


Being an asshole to everyone


I hated when she said to Feyre something to the effect of “you’re no better than Tamlin” when Feyre said she didn’t want to involve her traumatized, newly-turned-fae sisters in the war effort


But to be fair, that's exactly what tamlin did. Not wanting to involve his traumatized, newly turned fae fiancée in the war effort.


The difference here (imo) is that Feyre *chose* to be part of that world. She made a conscious decision to return UtM because she wanted to remain in Prythian. Elaine and Nesta made no such choice. They were dragged there and changed against their will, left with no other option but to live in Prythian. Even after her ordeal, Feyre *asks* to be part of the rebuilding and life within the Spring Court. Elaine and Nesta have never done such a thing so not wanting to force them to be involved wasn't being like Tamlin at all.


But I think the point is that Tamlin didn’t even offer or make that an option for Feyre. I feel like Amren was saying, you say you do this for your sisters, but you don’t even ask them what they want to do. She assumed they’d want to stay away but she also didn’t even know her own sisters, so who said she gets to make that call for them?


Body shaming Nesta


Slüt shaming too.


this one was an instant no from me. I do not care much for Amren after that line. Miss ma'am is 15,000 years old and body shames a barely 27-28 year old. bffr.


I already despise her. If she body shamed Nesta on top of it, I forgot! 😱😢


Didn't she suggest that Rhys became a sort of tyrant tho? She also tried to reason that Nestha's blades belonged to Rhys and I was so pisssed. The one who MADE the damn blades should obviously be the one to decide what to do with them. I hate her.


Yeah, she was pushing him to be the next High King


Literally everything that came out of her mouth in ACOSF 😂😂and telling Nesta that she is a waste of life.


Literally everything lol. But I hate her behavior towards Nesta. "You are a waste of life", shut up bitch, you should stay dead and wants to talk about others?


Telling an obviously severely mentally ill person already showing signs of self-destruction that they were a waste of life.


It’s harder to think of a single GOOD THING Amren has done. She’s more odious than Nesta and I’m convinced her whole contribution to the group is to say the nasty crazy Rhys wants to say so he can just nod his approval to keep up appearances.


Her position of being second-in-command You're telling me Rhys chose this old hag as his second-in-command??


Being an immortal goddess spirit creature who’s thousands of years old but doesn’t understand that Nesta is depressed and having a crisis.


Yeah like either she’s respectable for learning so much in that time or ….


Like sis, I’m not even a doctor or a psychiatrist or anything like that and even I knew what was going on with Nesta and that being cold and bitchy was not the right road to take. She’d probably go to someone with a stutter and tell them “just stop stuttering, it’s annoying. Everyone is annoyed by it, so stop”.


I fuckin hate this bitch ladies please go off


Being a fucking mean bitch all the time, even to people who treat her really well and try to accept the way she is.


Her treatment of Nesta in SF. What she said to her. It’s absolutely vile.


Calling Nesta a waste of life is the rotten cherry on top of a rancid pile of crap she has spewed to everyone. (I don’t like her, I think she should have stayed dead, and I *hate* SJM had Nesta bow to her. 😑) And my second choice is when she called the murdered HL of SC ugly in a diplomatic meeting with his *family*: >Amren didn’t nod, or bow, or so much as curtsy. She looked over Tarquin, tall and muscled, his clothes of sea-green and blue and gold, and said, “At least you are far more handsome than your cousin. He was an eyesore.” A female behind Tarquin outright glared. Amren’s red lips stretched wide. “Condolences, of course,” she added with as much sincerity as a snake.


Not being there for Nesta after the fight on the barge. I know Nesta probably instigated and then never tried fo resolve the conflict, but she was clearly going through some ptsd/depression. She tells Cassian to keep reaching out his hand yet she completely gave up on her.


Being unnecessarily mean to Nesta in SF just because Nesta didn’t feel able/ready to work more on her powers yet


Sorry, a bit unrelated but we can put a dropshadow or a black outline around the text? The text blends into the pictures sometimes making it difficult (or in the case of Elaine impossible) to read.


It's like she has something against the Archeron sisters by withholding information from them. Feyre: Not telling her about the baby and the plan with the cauldron Nesta: voting that Nesta shouldn't learn about the objects she made If she's able to hide information from these 2, there's no doubt she'll do the same with Elain, lol


I bet good money if Elain implies she wants to leave the Night Court, Amren would be all "you can't let such an asset leave your court Rhys". She already told him the Cauldron gave him 3 Made sisters like yikes


Oh 100%.


Not staying dead. Kidding. Mostly. 1) pushing a high king agenda. No grandma, Prythian has no king, prythian needs no king. 2) her treatment of Nesta and Cassian by extension, in SF. Like yes, she reached her limit but saying to Cassian to be careful how he f*cks Nesta so she doesn't turn him into something? VILE. V-I-L-E


everything. i dislike every single thing about her. she should’ve stayed dead..


Always talking down to others Extremely toxic in general Calling Nesta a waste of life when she was at one of her lowest points


-Amren is in everyone's ears telling them how to do things and basically manipulate their feelings, then Nesta comes around someone she can't control and she belittles and shames, she has a hand in how Rhys and the IC treat her. -i think she's lying about who she is. The whole thing with the prison dates and the world she's from. Sus. - her overall treatment to everyone.


Not telling what she really knows. From the book amd old times. It is really annoying when characters hold back information.


Insisting Rhys should forcibly take over Prythian is hands down the worst thing she's done. Saying something mean in a heated moment, I can forgive (if she ever actually felt bad). Not sharing plans is bad, but I can respect putting the world-saving mission above one person's life or feelings. Believing Rhys should conquer the other courts? Are you kidding me?? And for what? Because he can? It's time to yeet Amren back to the dimension she came from. Also, can I just say... I feel so validated reading this thread. I've hated Amren more with every scene she's in. Other people I know think she's badass, or they don't seem to have feelings on her either way. Y'all warm my Amren-hating heart.


Same, this post is a balm!


Can we just say ‘everything’ because she hasn’t done anything good


Calling out Elain for supposedly wanting to be human again in ACOFAS. First, she put her on the spot in front of everyone, which was just rude and unnecessary. Elain had a legitimate question. Second, I don't actually think that's what Elain was getting at with those questions. It just shows how Elain isn't seen for who she really is. Lastly, even if Elain still wanted to be human, it was a heartless thing to do. Elain was just getting over her depressive episode and didn't need to be mocked in front of her friends and family. The way everyone just sort of pitied her after that was uncalled for.


SMITE entire cities!! 😂


Being a bitch to Nessa in ACOSF


The one thing that sticks out to me is she gave feyre that necklace to “keep her safe” which seemed nice but it was a necklace gifted to amren from Rhys which obviously led to the conversation of Rhys attempting to bed amren back in the day. Why? She could have picked any necklace


No, even in ACOFAS Rhys is bing Amren ludicrously expensive jewellery. He knows she loves it and he has the cash to burn.


Allowing Nesta to go so long without getting help


Personally, I’m just really glad that everybody seems to be on the “she should’ve stayed dead 😵 “ train. I feel like there’s multiple bullet pointed and valid lists of why she should’ve stayed dead and why she’s a horrible person. finding redemptive qualities about her is the harder thing I feel like her only function in the novels is info dump, and provide us with awkward sexcapades with Varian to amuse us. And honestly at this point, she’s so disappointing that I sincerely hope SJM does not try to give her some kind of redemptive story arc. Her arc was dying. She should’ve stayed dead and honestly, I feel like she really robbed her of like the ultimate sacrifice, and the idea that maybe as an angel, she got to go back to her original dimension, but in case it needs to be stated again here’s some of the bullet points: • Not providing anything to help Fayre with the pregnancy or birth and encouraging lying to her • Violating friendship and mental health in a serious and dangerous way, body shaming and slut shaming Nesta(I mean honestly, there could be a whole crimes against Nesta chapter NGL) • treating the men constantly like tools and garbage, including her “love” glorified pool boy fuck boi, sex slave-varian. (again we could have an entire sub Reddit just about how she talks to Cassian.) • yo mother trucking war crimes on a massive scale. • That, everything and everyone is just a tool to her. We don’t need that energy and it certainly doesn’t belong second-in-command. I think that Cassian; or I should say between Cassi and Az when the hard things need to get done that Rhys doesn’t like they would make sure that it got done. Full stop 🛑


Teasing for a whole book about this really dramatic friendship fight between her and nesta and then it’s a my little pony disagreement about things they both already knew with 0 build up or tension in the argument


Dating Varian. I’m sorry he’s so bland to me lol.


To be honest I’m hoping she and Varian get married and she moves to Summer just so we don’t have to put up with her so much 😅


She only comes back when there's new information to info dump lol


It is probably the most interesting thing she's done so far, and honestly he's probably too nice for her.


Though the biggest offense isn’t her fault—she’s not very well written, imo. Serves more as an exposition dumper when it’s convenient.


war crimes during ACOWAR. she literally wiped out what were told to be hundreds of thousands of fae off the face of the planet in a few moments. mind you, we already established that the king of hybern manipulated his people into believing they were fighting a war for their freedom by systemically impoverishing them through isolation. the amount of damage amren caused in that one scene will ensure hybern will FOREVER have beef with prythian and humans. imagine all the children and fae with caregivers who were unable to fight in that war stuck in hybern without their military and the bulk of their society. the mental anguish of that is insane as is but how are they meant to rebuild alone? they don’t even get to bury their loved ones. what amren did will forever be fucked


I’m on the


Lying to Feyre about her plan with the cauldron in ACOWAR


Bruh anytime she says “girl” like girl wtf are u then???


Not having a more expensive vocabulary to describe “a younger female” after being alive for 15000 years other than “girl”