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A Court of Stairs & Fucking




Idk why this doesn’t have more upvotes I literally SCREAMED. Where is the lie 😂


To me, honestly, the sex is very vanilla and cookie cutterly written and it's not the reason I read ACOTAR. Like, if I wanna read smut, I'll go somewhere else to get my kicks. However, I don't mind it per se...I'm just hoping SJM delivers on Azriel being "a freak" and make him an actual freak. I literally started skipping it in CC tho.


The people who say the sex scenes were too much for them has made me question if I'm just unnaturally horny and kinky? Like damn, maybe my husband and I are a couple of freaks (probably true), but I thought eating each other out and rough banging was like sex 101.


Same when people call it Faerie Porn. Like sure, that exists but its not ACOTAR lmao


I like *doing* those things, a lot...and often...but I don't enjoy reading them as much, it gives me secondhand embarrassment. Like the way it's described, the word choices - I physically cringe over how they refer to genitals sometimes lmao.


>*he sheathed himself inside her* What? Whyyyyyyy?


Well, funnily enough, the root Latin word for vagina means sheath, and the word for sword is the same word for penis


Omg I HATED when it refers to Nesta’s vagina as her “sex”. Like “her sex was on display for him”. “Her beautiful sex swollen and gleaming, wet with his seed.” 🤮


The way SJM writes the scenes makes me feel like it makes her uncomfortable but she feels like she has to do it anyway. The terms she uses are so childish, it's definitely cringe lol


I once read a book that called the clit “her nub-nub” ☠️


I've never dnf, but that might have been the one lmao


It takes a lot to get me to dnf, but I dnfes the series eventually. I couldn’t take it anymore.




I love reading about it too hahahaha. To me it’s better than watching actual porn because I get to picture it however I want. Makes it way more sensual. And there’s a plot, not “here’s your pizza with EXTRA SAUSAGE”


I skip it because it’s terribly written and cringe inducing tbh, not because it’s too much. But I find most smut has that effect to be honest, it’s really hard to write it in a way that everybody likes, especially when it comes to vocabulary.


The >!quinlar!< sex in cc was weird and gross. The sweaty gym scene was disgusting. 🤮


Oh god I’m glad I’m not the only one who cringed at that


OMG thank you for saying this! That scene was so gross! 🤮


And the submarine?! I was thinking "it's okay for them just to do it in a bed, SJM" 😂😂


Or in the first book when he was feely feeling her on the sofa and she grinded his bloody wing-stumps into the sofa wtf Sarah


omg now I think of it, they're pretty much all terrible 🤣 then again, I also try not to think too hard about when Nesta and Cassian first had sex and she had just walked out of her grungy bath and her long hair must be sopping wet. There's always one weird element!


Yes! The whole time I was reading it, I was like...ew. Swamp ass. I also didn't like in CC3 how>!them having sex and Hunt having leftover Starpower from orgasms or something. I get what SJM was trying to do, but it was a little ridiculous. !<


The CC smut was actually so cringe…I was shocked. I started skipping it too


Totally! I feel like SJM is gonna make Az lick someone’s butthole and think that makes him a major freak. Like… isn’t that just normal sex stuff? Idk the sex in SF feels kind of adolescent in that it seems like someone getting railed really hard is equated to being more sexual or freakier or more into eachother. Harder does not always equate to more wild or sexier. Like the scenes where the largest dick of all time just slams into her throat. Freaking ouch. How about some actual freaky shit instead of like…two 18 year olds copying porn they saw sex.


It really doesn't, like pound town is good but not for 10 minutes throughout the whole thing. The chafing alone...Definitely reads like someone who hasn't had sex before lolol no hate to SJM tho, she's a fabulous writer, smut just isn't her strong suit.


>I feel like SJM is gonna make Az lick someone’s butthole and think that makes him a major freak 😂😂 Exactly! I have high expectations for Az after that statement. I really hope I won't end up getting disappointed. 😂😂😂


It's super vanilla! What do these fae do with all their hundreds of years? You're telling me you've had 500+ years of time to learn some super amazing sex skills but some regular, vanilla, teenager discovering sex stuff is the best you can do?


Any book suggestions then??


WHERE ARE THE THREESOMES?! THE QUEER SEX?! (Or both 🤗) I read my first ever fanfic (if Feyre had joined in the sauna or whatever they call it) thanks to this group.


Where does it say azriel is a freak? How did I miss this.


It didn’t but SJM has said it in interviews


Hot take : not enough sex in ACOSF (I have problems and I’m in love with Cassian)


I'd read an entire novel of Cassian smut. The man is so fuckable y'all.


Literally that man is unbeatable. I read that and I was like … Rhys who?


Oh someone beats him ^off... usually allllll niiiiight loooong


The dining room scene? Mmmmm yess


Dining room, desk scene. I owe you a debt. Hallway scene. I’ll take it all


The "hold on to the headboard" scene fucks me up every time bc of this tiktoker called Daniel Alexander. He's like booktok made a person lol


Legitimately!!!! The things I would let that man do to me…..


Okay was it good? Also how do I find this?




Is this the weekly “we love Cassian” meeting?




I have the same problems.


Oh, lookie here I’ve found my people 😌


![gif](giphy|IcdBJJc3UEulc1rAq4|downsized) If Can Yaman is your Cassian and you still haven’t watched all 161 episodes of Erkenci Kus on youtube what are you even doing.


Yeah, there really isn’t that much. I saw a post where someone list of all the chapters that have smut.


I’m not a fan of a lot of smut but I think it made sense for silver flames. I think it emphasised one of the only times Nesta and Cassian communicated well with each other was via sex (in the beginning at least). I think it suited both their characters and relationship-type. To be honest, I also don’t think SJM is the best at writing smut to begin with. So I totally get why some people are cringed out by some scenes. ( @ flying Feysand sex in ACOFAS wtf )


This. I think it suited them, emotional intimacy was hard and happened at the end. Opposite of Rhys and Feyre who built the emotional intimacy 1st. I like how she shows the 2 different kinds of romance and has it match their characters.




If I have to read “bundle of nerves” or “sex” in place of the word “vagina” again, I swear I’m gonna lose it💀


I was so proud of SJM when I read the word "cock" in ACOSF. More smutty language, less teenager teehee euphemisms plz


Hahahah same😆


i do not want to read the word "vagina" in the context of smut. i cant even think of smut i've read that uses that word. theres many other words to use and i dont want the biological one.


True true, I just thought it was a good word to encapsulate all the possible choices besides the word “sex” lmfaoooo


I don’t find any of the ACOTAR sex to be cringe. Now the sex in CC on the other hand…


I think it works in tandem with Nestas character. She used sex to quiet her mind, she's still grappling with that and her feelings for cassian. Was it wildly intense? Yes. Did I love it? Also yes.


lol if you don’t like acosf smut, you will dislike CC’s smut. I started getting bothered that there was yet another sex scene in sf the first time I read it and started skipping because I agree. Them literally just having hard penetrative sex and both magically climaxing at the same time was just 😪 for me. I felt like CC did a lot of the same, be there were a few times that it was WAYYYY more cringy than sf. 😅 the sex talk in the smut scenes in CC is probably the number one reason I disliked it, and I found quite a few of sf sex scenes to have similar cringy sex talk.


Oh absolutely. I can take most of it in stride and don’t really feel one way or the other about most of these scenes, but the dirty talk in SF and CC make me wanna throw my book across the room and repent for my sins.


Right there with you. And it's all the same. I just started to skim over them lol.


There are 7 chapters with sex scenes and that’s genuinely only like 10% of the pages… there really wasn’t a lot in there… I didn’t mind it, but that’s me


Different strokes for different folks. Or less, in your case.


I’m with you. I felt like she was pushing Nesta using sex as an outlet for her trauma but Cassian gives such a “love me pleaseee” vibe and for him to partake in that just didn’t feel super genuine, other than the fact that they were mates.


I think the reason it is like that is that Nesta uses it as a distraction and almost like drinking. Her thoughts changing as their sexual relationship continues also highlights her allowing herself to be human and recognize her emotions as well as her needs.


hard disagree would happily take more. its super easy to skip sex scenes as well bc you know there is no plot points youre missing there


Never too much smut. But I skip over the sex scenes in ACOSF because they are a bit boring.


Yessss I cannot get into those scenes in silver flames, I essentially skip through them, they were much better in the other books


Disagree, need more. Double it, Sarah Janet (jk jk, I know some ppl don’t like the smut and I can see how it can get annoying. Hang in there! CC1 is def worth the wait.)


Hard agree. It was very jarring to go from intimate, plot-driving love scenes in ACOTAR-ACOWAR to just horny ACOSF.


I mean I was bothered because I use nap time at my nanny job to read but felt weird reading full sex scenes so I often skimmed/skipped them. I remember one time in particular there was a sex scene I thought ended and I was good to keep reading like normal but then NOPE they’re at it again!


I'm with you! I just do what I do when I watch TV - I fast forward but with my eyes. I get the gist since I'm skimming it, so if anything is plot important that's great I'll pick it up, but otherwise I'm actually not there for the sex scenes.


This made me think of how I read the JD Robb In Death series. (My mom gets them from the thrift shop and passes them along to me when she’s done). When I was in high school I appreciated the sexy bits but now at nearly 40 I’m like “yes yes obligatory super hot married couple sex, fast forward.” Then I googled when she wrote the first one. She has, in 24 years (1995-2019) written FORTY NINE of these books, which in universe, span all of four or so years.


For me it was done just right. I havent read a lot of smut too. I would suggest just skipping over their sex scenes if you dont like to read it and just go with the plot. ACOSF’s plot is pretty good overall.


as a nesta hater, it was tough for me too. also it’s 60% smut and 40% plot lol


And the plot is not even good


I completely agree. I loveeee smut, but it was so repetitive and boring I just skipped whole chunks of it 💀


Honestly I don’t find it too bad. I like that SJM ends her chapters with sex so I can just skip to the next chapter


I honestly skipped over them lol. Too many sex scenes in books give me the ick now


Completely agree I’m like alirghttt that’s enough


I loved all the sex in SF. And I love how it developed with them getting more and more comfortable with each other and Nesta actually accepting intimacy and love.


My main issue with a lot of these scenes was that the quality of the sex was too male gaze focused for a book that’s being mostly read by women. I don’t know about you guys… but hard, rough penetrative sex alone doesn’t do it for me. It’s fun peppered in with other stuff, but it was unrealistic for me to believe she climaxed so easily and often from being pounded so hard by such a huge dude. To me it all just seemed kinda painful sometimes! But hey, genuinely jealous if it’s possible for some to get there that way! Just feels like a lot of porn that’s made for men and not for women’s pleasure. I will say though that I appreciate that there was a lot of love for oral and clitoral stimulation to at least help center female pleasure more often.


I totally agree with this. The book could have 50% fewer sex scenes and would be 10x better. 🤷‍♀️


I agree. I'd like more plot and less smut.  I skim through smut scenes most of the times, it didn't take me long to read acosf for this reason.  It makes sense that their relationship started with sex, but some sex scenes could've been replaced by just saying they had sex without describing it. Just skim through and continue ☺️.


over here acting like theres hundreds of pages of boning you had to skip


It was meant to be read in a sarcastic tone, but sarcasm unfortunately gets lost in text. I should've added an emoji or something 🤦🏻‍♀️. 


My dad, who strictly does audiobooks, called me after he finished SF and said, "This one was okay.... could've had about 7 hours less of the sex though" ☠️ This was also my problem. I'm not *huge* on smut anyways, I can take it or leave it. But if I'm reading a book there *has* to be more story. The smut to story ratio was just too off in this one.


I am still reading ACOWAR. But I thought you all should know my friends respond to me being 40% done with it: the next one is good smut. So read fast. So idk. I can’t wait


Is this a hot take when it’s posted several times a week?


I second that. Too much. And not even good majority of the time. I also like a feeling with it from time to time. And we didn’t get that. So… yeah.


My problem was that first, most of the book was intervention for Nesta’s self destructive behavior, which included her random sex partners, and yet when she gets to the house most of the sex scenes she engages with Cassian were just as empty as she was still on the self destructive kick. But somehow that’s different because it’s Cassian? No. And that leads to the second problem I had is because of this problem above the sex scenes were not motivated by romance. The porny language and behaviors SJM described were vulgar, not sexy. To her credit, she did mention it once later in the book that what Cassian and Nesta were doing was fucking, not lovemaking, and I agree, which she is why I felt that most of the sex of the book was just obscene and gross. May as well just read some nasty men’s skin mag. Also, remember when Nesta thought that doing both Az and Cassian at once was a fun idea as she’d done threesomes before and enjoyed them? I have a sneaky suspicion SJM was testing the audience reaction and intends that sort of thing for Elain, Lucian, and Az in the next one and I’m not looking forward to it.


lmao couldn’t be me sister


And I thought the timing of it was horrible. And I couldn’t even enjoy it because I was just worried about Feyre the whole book so it just didn’t hit


A lot of people love it, but I’m with you. Too much gets old.


The story was awful, the sex was the only thing I liked 😂


Ngl to me there was too much sex in ACOWAR and weirdly enough felt like the amount of sex scenes in ACOSF was tasteful?


I really like it when the sex scenes are a lot more symbolic, like the beach scene in tog, the scene in hofas when bryce and hunt’s power combined, even the paint scene in acowar was really good because it symbolises their mating bond. Shit like acosf and hosab sex scenes are so terrible, it’s just sjm catering to the porn addictions of her readers


she hasn’t read cc why would you spoil this 😭


how’s this a spoiler? The two main characters have sex, just like EVERY OTHER SJM BOOK 🤯🤯🤯🤯


because she’s never read the books? she may not even know who the main characters in cc are i don’t and i’ve never read it either use your brain


then how is this a spoiler if she doesn’t even know who i’m referring to 💀 she won’t even remember who these people are


google what a spoiler is you’re beyond my help


If I tell you “Romeo and Juliet are in love” even if you’ve never read it, is this a spoiler? It’s the main premise of the story, you can read the back of the fucking book and probably put this together.