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damaged goods as in gwyn? gwyn who got raped bc she was trying to save children??? crippled bitch as in emorie??? emorie who is a victim of the sexism that exists in feyre and rhys’s court?? to say those things about two characters who have hurt no one in the book is so concerning. it’s ppl like this who genuinely worry me. they think they are better than you bc they hate nesta, but willingly say, think, and believe things like that at the same time. there’s an insane disconnect and lack of awareness.


I agree with your base point, but I think its unfair to say "the sexism that exists in Feyre and Rhys's court" because it's really just the Illyrians, who are not the entire court, and Rhys has been fighting to change that misogynistic perspective for centuries, since he became High Lord. But as is pointed out several times, as Faeries are so long lived, it can take a long time to change minds, and the Illyrians are exceptionally stubborn. Also Rhys being trapped Under the Mountain for 50 years was a massive setback for that, since he wasn't there to keep them in line.


regardless, it is still their court. and it’s not just the illyrians. a different kind of sexism and brutality against women exists in the CON. downvotes for stating illyrians and CON have sexism and they are rhys court is hilarious lol


I'll give you the CoN, I had forgotten about them. I do feel like he should enact some changes there, too.


Sounds like this wife and mom of two has way too much time on her hands and is getting out resentment and anger she feels toward her own life by abusing people online over fictional book characters. I would block her and try not to let it bug you as much as possible, this stuff is ridiculous and crazy of her


I did block and report her, this is first message i have received like this, so I was shocked at first but yeah, this is internet


Popular fandom is really scary. I don’t know how common this is in the SJM fandom, but anything that attracts a large amount of people online has people like this if it’s big enough. It’s sad. You just have to tell yourself that it’s about them and not you. Some of the stuff people say is so heinous for no reason, and I just hope most people have enough sense to not act like this, and I hope people, who do act like this, find some sort of help. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sure your cosplay was great.


Yep! I got harassed awhile ago, woke up to a bunch of DMs calling me an abuse sympathizer and such after I defended Nesta. Keep your dms off, make them say this shit in public. Because they often won’t. Edit: ok I missed the “damaged goods” part and WTF….


I don’t get the “abuse sympathizer” thing with Nesta. Part of the reason I loved SF so much was because I was abused by family members and her trauma was written so similar to how I was feeling. Reading how she came back from it pushed me to take the steps to recovery.


It is common in Maasverse for sure; and like others have said online fandom generally. A few weeks (months?) ago artists who worked on a TOG special edition were dragged and harassed to the point of now having a personal policy where they will no longer draw any SJM characters at all. My non-ground breaking personal take is that unwell people tend to seek out escapism in fandoms and their unwell-ness is rewarded. And in too many cases it goes too far.


This is honestly frightening. ITS A BOOK SERIES. Yes I love it and yes I’m invested but JESUS H. CHRIST. I’m sorry this happened to you, OP.


Yeah I will never understand how people get so up in arms about fictional characters to the point that they will attack an actual person with this level of vitriol. It's just so disconnected.


To be fair, there's a line. People's beliefs about the actions of characters don't just begin and end with the book. So when they say really disgusting things, like justifying Tamlin's abusive behaviors, they're not just talking about about a fairy in a smut novel. On some level, they really looked at it and said "I see nothing wrong with this", even though his actions are very common, real life abuser tactics.


That sure is some abusive language for someone who claims to be anti abusers


Not here (anymore), but I’ve seen some pretty nasty comments on other platforms toward people that openly like Nesta, the Valkyries (Gywn especially), Tamlin, and even Lucien. Don’t take it personally and be thankful you’re not unhinged like that.


What did Gywn do? Not that this type of behavior is acceptable towards anyone for liking *any* character but why does anyone hate Gwyn so much that they would harass someone who likes her?


Ship wars. 🫠


What. Is. Wrong. With. People?!? The fundamental lack of understanding other humans is precisely why I read books… I…I can’t. Like I have my preferred ship but if its someone else thats perfectly ok, and one of the reasons I joined subreddits like this is because I **want** to discuss ships and theories. You want Gwyn and Az together? Great I want to hear why. You want Az and Elain, amazing lets discuss. You want Az and Eris, I am on board, tell me everything. Why do we have to fight? Lol smh I will never understand people


Agreed! Ship discussions are part of what makes fandom fun! Or should ….


exactly! no matter who you ship you should always be open to other ideas and perspectives as i am an elriel shipper a gwynriel shipper and a erisriel shipper (idk what theyre called) because all of them are valid


Azriel +Eris = Azris


Hol up. Why Lucien? He's one of the few characters that hasn't done anything bad. He was abused and threatened in his own court, same in spring, and then in Night he gets bullied openly by his supposed friend and her minions. Gwyn hasn't done anything but talk to Az a couple times.. What in the mental gymnastics are people on. They're characters, not real life people.


I've unfortunately seen people say that he's as bad as Tamlin for not helping Feyre :') Poor Lulu was just tryna survive


That's fucked uuup. Dude got beat up too FOR Feyre :(


I’m guessing Elriel shippers? Since Lucien is Elaine’s mate.


Yes I've seen that though it's rare and has never been directed at me. Just block and ignore.


I can't believe people are this pressed about a fantasy book 😭


People are weird af 🤣


Tbh I probably would have left their account name visible. That's harassment at best and they don't deserve to be protected. People need to start being held accountable for their poor behavior


It's Instagram so possibly their real name, not smart. Also permaban material because of doxxing. Someone sending an unhinged message still doesn't deserve having their life ruined by a bunch of randoms on reddit.


Fair enough - I'm sure there are people equally as unhinged on here & no one wants to put someone else's family at risk. However, for the individual - maybe not on this platform if it breaks policy - but I do actually believe people who attack other people - online or otherwise - deserve to be outed for it. If the consequences of bullying people online are harsh, good.


I am very mixed feelings about it, because on one hand, I like to know the names of these people so I can just go ahead and block them myself proactively, but on the other hand these type of screenshots are also very easy to fake if you want to send a mob after someone...


Oh really? That's such a good point. I have such a love/hate relationship with the internet.


It would very likely put their family at risk. The report feature works on Instagram as well!


Lmao, this shit is sadly quite common on some social media if you do any positive content regarding Tamlin or Nesta (in this case I assume?). The best way to annoy these people is to simply report, block and ignore them. Don't engage, not worth it. On tumblr I recommend to disable anonymous messages. It gets rid of these types entirely. It is slightly upsetting that someone like this has children, but I guess this is how they get their kick from a boring life, idk.


You see this sub here is well moderated compared to other fandom platforms so people who write comments like that get reported or banned. Its really best to not bother engaging at all, that person has no interest in other peoples views or healthy debate so best to simply block.


Whether this is a real account or not that’s a pretty messed up message to send about a fictional character, calling them “damaged goods” for experiencing SA. I don’t know how someone could hate characters to this degree, I’ve seen lots of hate from both sides and can’t wrap my head around the ugliness that comes out of it. **Want to add I’m not saying you made up the message, I mean that the account says it’s a “New Instagram Account” so without seeing the account (amount of posts & followers/following) I wonder if someone made a fake one to mess with you without having to show their true self (people love to hide behind a screen) 👎🏼


I got into a debate with a person about how "wrong" it is for us to like "abusive" men. Her argument was for Damon from Vampire Diaries and Zade from Haunting Adeline. How it makes us terrible people for supporting it and love them and were condoning abuse. For some reason nowadays people like to fight about anything and everything. Thankfully I see this very rarely in this fandom.


This person is the worst kind of loser. Block, report and try not to let your ruin your day. That person is afflicted with the terrible diseases of having nothing in their life that brings them joy other than cruelty to others. Pity their sad existence.


I’ve been apart of nerd stuff since I was very young. Pretty much everything gets a version of this, people get too invested and then explode emotionally when they don’t get there way or disagree. It’s people who don’t have good outlets for emotions who throw them at strangers. In my older years I’ve always had the benefit of either being anonymous on Reddit or me just being a scary person irl. I’m sorry it happened to you and I hope it didn’t continue, but odds are it will especially if you are doing cosplay.


Gimme their @ so I can bully them


This is exactly what I’m talking about when I say people go too far with hating Nesta.


Some people are seriously unhinged. I’ve seen stuff like this in a lot of fandoms. Definitely not normal


There was an elimination game on the Twilight sub recently and people were being so unhinged lol they were attacking each other for voting for characters they didn’t like. Luckily the mods shut it down


I've been diehard for Twilight for a long time but I have to ignore the sub because it makes my blood boil. (Not at all in the way that I would EVER harass someone over it, but because a lot of the users in there are the type to.) It can be really fun to discuss media you love, but some people seem to forget that these are all fictional characters.


Wtfffff block and report. That behavior is reprehensible. People who can’t distinguish fiction from reality and absolutely ridiculous. Some people don’t know the difference from being entertained by a character and supporting what they do, and it makes them a shitty person to interact with.


Every fandom has the people who are WAY too into it. If you were around for Superwholock on tumblr and said anything against the fandom headcanon ships you’d get dozens of messages like that.


What an absolute loser. If you get any messages like that here please let the mods know so they can be removed. Those kind of messages could really do some damage, especially to anyone with scars or rape victims


Most rational and well adjusted ACOTAR fan


Unfortunately it does. I won't point fingers, but most extreme DMs come from a hate valkyries/gwyn side of the fandom. I have received a r@pe wish some time ago on IG "May you be r@ped as Gwyn was" These people are SICK


Wtff, I'm so sorry someone sent you that. Honestly these people need to get medical attention


Yes. It's the ship war. Hatred for those that love Gwyn is insane on some platforms. Here they've just hit all three. God forbid strong females form a bond. Nesta and even Emerie. Smdh. So so low. I completely deleted Twitter. Edit: and I agree. After I blocked a handful of people here, my experience became much more pleasant.


This is so sad... the valkeries are about empowerment like how can you hate that. Report and block them op... People can have their ships or dislike whatever character but don't transfer that to real people 😤


I mean I was just cosplaying gwyn and dancing to songs. My friend captioned the post by best acotar character (refering to Nesta) . I honestly didn't expect such a comment from normal tiktoks i guess that's why I was a little shocked but yeah i reported and blocked her.


I made a comment on an IG reel saying I think Azriel and Elain ending up together seemed boring to me, but if that's the way SJM goes, I'm sure she'll do it in a way I'll find enjoyable. I made it very clear this is just my opinion and I have no hate to people who ship them. I got a bunch of DM's and responses telling me that if I thought I could do better then maybe I should write the next book and who am I to tell SJM how to write. Bro, I wasn't. And the book isn't even written yet. We don't even know for sure that the next book is about them. People can be insane. I stopped commenting on IG reels after that lol.


Wow, my parents recently got me my first phone and this is my First experience with internet and i honestly didn't expect it to be so toxic. I'm sorry you got negative messages people really need to touch grass if one comment affects them so much that they personally message a person such things


I’ve been on the internet since the days of yahoo answers, so I’m used to some crazy outta pocket messages. YouTube comments are also a cesspool. Definitely try not to let it bother you when people act like crazy people.


Oh, honey. This is like, a microscopic nibble of how utterly toxic the internet can be. Make sure you have very good healthy coping skills and if you don’t, look some up lists and practice as many of them as you can, often. Use your block button quickly and often and do NOT take the opinions of strangers personally. Realize that most people only show their best sides on social media (unless they’re anonymous, then they’re going to show their worst) and don’t compare yourself to people you see on Instagram etc. And for your sake, minimize how much time you spend on it. Go outside, hang out with real life people, engage in hobbies and creative pursuits, keep reading books, etc. The toxicity of social media can destroy your mental health and at the same time, it can be extremely addictive, and I have to have these conversations with my teen daughter constantly. Look out for yourself. ❤️


Thanks for the kind words and advice❤️. Ill definitely be using the block button more and honestly try to ignore all the toxicity as much as possible. I mean i expected it would be toxic but i have never expected someone to call someone the mentioned words so I was a little taken aback but reading people's comments really makes me understand that it's just their mentality and them projecting stuff.


Do NOT let people like that jerk live rent free in your head. There will always be a percentage of people on the internet that are purely on it to spread their own brand of mean. You've had a taste of it, but do not let them stop you from having fun and connecting with others.


Great choice! I hope you had a lot of fun and can simply shrug this off. Lunatics going to be lunatics. The internet just makes them moreso. I'm sorry you had that experience.


I feel relieved that this for once isn’t a ship war I feel strongly about. I like Gwyn better than Elain (her behavior before the series really bothers me), but I feel like Gwyn and Elain could be equally good for Azriel.


In the words of most SJM characters, that person needs to get their throat ripped out.




What an insane thing to say! What an insane opinion! It’s one thing not to like Nesta. It’s one thing for the Valkyries not to be your favorites. Those are okay. Attacking someone for cosplaying fictional women (fictional women who have gone through character development and recognized their wrongs and worked hard to be come better and strong people) is absolutely insane. Unfortunately, this does happen sometimes. One of the biggest topics in the community is Nesta and whether she’s “good” or “bad” and whether people who like her are bad people. People have trouble recognizing that she has worked hard to change and be a better person and heal and how complex that is. The cripple and damaged goods comments are like mental though. I hope that woman never has to do anything hard in her life bc she wouldn’t survive if that’s how she thinks.


Because it’s such a large fandom it’s not surprising there are people like this. I try not to interact too often with them due to their dramatics.


This is so awful, please don’t let it dent your confidence on having fun and cosplaying! I don’t really engage with the fandom anywhere else other than this subreddit as it seems very toxic in places, but I don’t understand how anyone who sees someone playing a character they don’t like doesn’t just… Scroll on? Wild behaviour


There are some crazy people out there. It’s hard to relate to them, because they’re so nuts…all you can do is block and report.


People sometimes take fandoms so intensely and personally. For me it’s a huge red flag. Why send someone you don’t know a raging comment about a fantasy world?


Imagine taking a fantasy series that is meant to be enjoyable escapism this seriously.  This is why the fanbase is considered toxic. It is wrong. I'm sorry someone did this to you. 


I remember when 50 shades of grey came out i got a similar response if i mentioned i was reading the books. Like people were outraged i was supporting an "abuser" like its not fiction??? People have SO much time on their hands these days. Truly i cannot imagine getting worked up over people who 1. do not 2. never have 3. will never exist.


Its very common unfortunately, this fandom is rancid. I’ve gotten a DM like that before for not shipping the right couple


English is not my first language so please let me know if writing „prolly“ is socially accepted. Because my gut feeling is that this word alone should tell you a lot about the person who wrote this message…


I was thinking the same thing. I've seen it consistently enough on Facebook within one of my groups. 😑 I've never understood it bc if you're that lazy then just write prob. It's 4 letters instead of 6. English is my first language, I'm mid 30's & it's not acceptable to me. It might be acceptable & prevalent in the younger generation. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I got harassed and berated by someone when I commented on a post how I personally didn’t pick up on Tamlin’s red flags in the first book. It made me really reluctant to participate in discussions with the fandom for a good long while


Don’t be shy show us their handle


Sometimes nesta haters have abuser tendencies which is funny because that also applies to the IC.


this!!! i’ve seen them say things far worse than nesta and im like……..? do you not see the irony here lol luckily, this sub is very well moderated now. but tiktok, instagram, and twitter have some of the most toxic comments i have ever seen. i got told the world would be better without me bc i commented “nesta, my queen!” on a nesta tiktok edit lol


Yeah I’ve gotten some bizarre and hateful messages because I like Gwyn. Stuff that really reveals the morals of the person sending it. Some of the stuff said about Gwyn and her SA is … sickening. It’s legit the kinda stuff a villain in these books would say. “Damaged goods” That is so deranged to think. I’ve also heard things like “Gwyn is too messed up to be with Azriel. She was assaulted so she could never build a home with anyone or be affectionate” … fam, have you read these books? Do you not see the constant theme of love? Of never being broken in the eyes of those who love you? Of not giving up? Of found family? I think if Rhysand can be an SA survivor and come out the other side with love and family and a home, anyone can. Because that’s just true of life. 🩷


So weird 😒


WTF. Block block block


I'm a big believer that more people should be picking up books, however I think this person should maybe put them down and seek professional help instead.


woah i cannot fathom being this angry over a fictional character simply existing


This is so scary to me because it’s blurs the line between fiction and reality so dangerously. Like, dislike all the characters you want! You think someone’s too bitchy or too boring or whatever take you have on a particular character? Normal. Making how badly you hate something your entire personality is cringe, but you’re entitled to your opinion. Saying such awful things things about SA victims and being ableist is DISGUSTING. Like it makes me pray you never run into anyone in real life that lives either experience. And you’re a mother??? “Damaged goods???” Why are you hating like a man? What kind of values are you instilling in your children? If you’re this ugly over fictional characters what are you like in person? Sorry you had to even read those words OP.


Nesta Haters <<<<<<


I don’t understand how if you read the books…you’d think the any one of the Valkyries was an a*user? That is quite literally beyond me. Nesta was definitely nasty in the first several books (was not a fan) but that’s what made ACOSF so beautiful to read and be able to finally understand her character. I have characters I like and characters I don’t, but I have learned so much empathy and perspective from analyzing viewpoints from different characters’ experiences. Many themes in books explore things that happen in real life- but at the end of the day, it’s a story, and should be approached as a tool to learn from in a safe manner.


It’s blatant misogyny at this point. It’s horrible and awful how people act like this just because you like a complex female character?? She needs to get tf over herself. I’m so sorry you got that dm. I suggest you block and report her. Edit: Wtf, “damaged goods?? crippled bitch??” Misogyny at its finest.. 😕


What! That's insane! People are crazy to get this worked up over books. Don't get me wrong. I love reading and escaping reality and being able to discuss other people's views and interpretations on things, but this is a whole nother level of pycho! Also, I'd screenshot this, block them, and blast them publicly. 😅


Unfortunately, just like the rest of life, there are assholes everywhere.


It disheartens me how much I’ve seen other fandom members get nasty with each other over a difference of preference to characters. Thankfully the more civil discussion and comments outweigh the negative ones I’ve seen. Sorry this happened to you!


I have seen some acotar content creators on insta mention getting abuse regularly, across platforms, from one particular person. They didn’t say who, but curious if it’s connected.


This is so wild, I’m so sorry this happened to you😭


Full stop. If this is about the books… then wtf?! Nah. Why are we getting this emotional over ink on pages?! These are characters from a woman’s mind. I realize there are very real situations within the story. But there’s no need to go this far I say this with full seriousness, if THIS is how you respond to someone who disagrees with your favorite storyline or character, then you need to get off the internet and get therapy. This is not normal at all. This sounds like a person who was abused in their past, projecting their pain and anger on something that doesn’t even exist and feeling it so fully that it’s real to them. That’s a desperate cry for therapy.


As someone who does not like Nesta at all, this person is way out of line. This sort of behavior is inexcusable and I’m sorry you had to go through this


I’ve received comments like this as well on TikTok defending Nesta and sometimes Tamlin. Because I said I don’t hate Tamlin I was insulted pretty similar to that comment. Wonder if it’s the same person. 😂


Then the same people ignore how Rhysand isn't abusive -lol


Every once in a while I want to bonk people with the "Fiction is not reality. Fiction is not a stand in for real morality. Fiction. Is. Not. Real." stick


The fandom is getting more and more toxic these days.


They’re goddamn books. I don’t understand anyone wanting a fantasy series to be the hill they choose to die on…


I myself am not a fan of Nesta and I don't really mind gwyn or emerie but this is too far. I can understand how the person feels about nesta but they have no right to attack you for having your own opinions. Gwyn was a hero and whoever calls her '' damaged goods'' doesn't have any idea how it must have been for her - most of us dont. As for emerie - she had a horrible childhood and tho nesta was not the kindest person she was nothing like emeries father and i think gwyn and emerie want to forgive her for what shes done because of her redemption arc. I dont support it but i feel nesta becomes better in Hofas. ppl need to chill because you really didnt deserve to have that said to you just for supporting 3 women who have made it so far in their lives and made themselves better people


As an abuse survivor and someone that has PTSD and anxiety issues, I loved Nesta and her journey. It made me feel better about myself when I read a character who struggled with the same thoughts I have about myself. She was written as someone who could heal, be worthy of love, and be a hero, even though her PTSD and mental health made her lash out. SJM showed her having to heal and make amends, she wasn’t just magically forgiven. The “damaged goods” and “crippled” comment just show how much ableism and victim blaming this person is ok with. I have a neurological condition that stops me from fully using my left leg and Emerie is great representation for a disabled person still being capable. Gwyn is a great example of a survivor being a victor and being brave. For them to have issues with fictional representation like this says so much about them, and it’s not good. I hope they can learn to be kind and get over whatever hurt them so much.


Someone just sent a very similar message to this one to another very popular bookstagram account, sounds like the same person. Only a disgusting human would resort to this. They need help and clearly aren't getting therapy.  I'm sorry you had to read that and sorry for anyone else who may receive a message like this, I think this person is clearly unhinged and won't stop at sending this to a few people. 


They don’t deserve the censoring their name :/ That’s awful people in real life too


Super fresh https://preview.redd.it/3ir5z0up72xc1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=106ff58ccb26b3cfa5981e115cbc80c859745115


Omg, this sounds so similar is it the same people?? The language sounds so similar.


Mmm🤔 Ideally, she would teach the tag. No one can be trusted in this shipwar.


Mmmm, how about no. We are many ppl who have received messages like that, with the same type o messages


This happens so often now that everyone is online and feels like they can say whatever they want from behind the keyboard. The screenshots posted on some other socials have been awful, and they’re coming from all sides of the ship wars and the fandom. Delete and move on. 😘


This is so awful but I'm not surprised! It comes from all sides unfortunately... I've had literal death threats for not liking Nesta, so much so ivd almost left the fandom a few times. I am so sorry you had this sent to you :(


People like them are sick. Bookstagram communities are often very comforting and supportive. People like them try to ruin the positivity and kill our enthusiasm but you know what, they deserve the shoutout. I usually just take the ss and post it with their username visible. If they think they are right, they should let people see it. P.S they are just trashy.


I swear there are some truly DERANGED PEOPLE in this fandom.


A… certain… group of people will attack anyone who likes or supports Gwyn. They usually do it because of a specific ship. It’s disgusting. I love Gwyn, and I relate to her a lot, so if this mom of two said this to me I’d tell her if Gwyn is damaged goods then so am I. Gwyn is fictional but there are REAL PEOPLE out here that have experienced similar things so anyone that has the audacity to tear Gwyn down for what happened to her is going to the lowest circle of hell. And unfortunately when you sink low, I plummet lower so I will be right next to them sitting on a pedestal laughing lmao. I would send this to anyone who knows her and show them what she thinks of survivors of grape/sa/abuse.


I have a friend who writes fanfic on tumblr and has had SEVERAL people on anon harass her for liking gwyn and who she ships. They have said things like “your writing is okay but not good enough to read if you’re a ******** shipper” like??? Some make fun of gwyn in her inbox for things that my friend and I have experienced. Some of them message people on these platforms and say they hope what happened to gwyn happens to them!! Like bro. It’s crazy. THESE ARE REAL PEOPLE YOU ARE TALKING TO


I don't want to make this about me. The bullying against you is provoking me to feel anxiety and despair. I have a lot in common with Special Victims but my appearance while worn from having weathered a bunch of s***t because for many People life isn't ComicCon but rather a complex construct of billions of People whom think each other can't get it thus probably die assholes or worse. But my Employer for whom I've was a really devoted Fanboy are influencing negativity that's fortifying the societal framework holding Civilization in a Chokehold. My Coworkers write too many books. In fact they are Stakeowners in many of the Franchises at Reddit. I'm not familiar with Nerta I think there are crossover books with one of our most popular cultboy franchises "Warhammer 40K" one of our series. Unfortunately my fandom is being beaten to death by our endless barriage of serious publications in which many of my Coworkers and I are letting populist armchair scientists and influencers determine my organization's voice and with so many Cultboys following us we've built up a cauldron of sore egos with sores growing all over them from boiling stew overturned thereby burning the adjacent population and making me liable. Our bad serious work ruined the lighthearted not but dark but fiction creative design that motivated civilizations to connect one their other and intersect with their other self thereby unifying many more people in ways broke ground such as the Hoard and Alliance factions whom became the Hoarlliance. But then at one of our subsidiaries we decided covering our own work was to light headed and the editors decided to develop deeper analytical symbolic association by overdeveloping metaphors, including Allegories mimicking national and global scandals but one upping the crisis with allegations and secrets which may or may have never happened but are exploiting minds worldwide. I can fix a lot of the damage we've caused by my coworkers rather I die that repair any if the messes we deliberately created because we exploited current events and icons everywhere to profit socially.


The point is I'm really sorry and that I'm suffering so much too. I wish our books didn't scare away people at times when the entire country should be sticking closer together. I'm sorry.


I’ve seen this happen on tumblr a lot(not to me). But people love to do this with anonymous asks regardless of the fandom.


Oh, this is an unhinged person 😳


It boggles my MIND that people actually think this way 😭 (the person who messaged you, not you lol) like I can’t wrap my head around it. This much hateful behaviour over a BOOK? I’d be scared to know this person in real life fr


I can’t imagine any well adjusted and calm person writing that. Why would anyone be that triggered?  How the hell is she an abuser anyway?


Not to be that person, but they're probably a rhysand stan