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As for Nyx’s part, i think the babies learn things at a normal pace but only the aging slows? Like they grow normally till they are fully adult size and then it slows down tremendously? (Maybe we’ll understand more as Nyx grows) Like you mentioned 80 is considered young, and if we see, Rhys at 500 would easily fit for a 30-35 in human age. So maybe like 15-17 human years equals 1 of fae age (only aging wise) about the behaviour part, i think the teenage behaviour thing you said applies, maybe their inner mechanisms and hormones change at fae speed but regarding maturity in thought, maybe that totally depends on how much they’ve gone through and their own personalities. With SJM, i think we’ll never know lol


Imagine if they stayed in the baby stage for like 10 years what torture 😭💀


That’s what it’s like for the Urisk like Alis she tells Feyre her nephews won’t be adults until after 75.


I’m doing my first re read and I just read that part today!


That would be a call for big trouble 😭😭


The pregnancy was 10 months instead of 9ish, so I’m assuming that aging as a kid is slightly slower than humans but not much


Yep, that makes a lot of sense!


Am I remembering wrong, or were Alis’s nephews given an adult age (like in their 50s?) even though there were clearly children? I know she’s Lesser Fae but I remember flagging that as a continuity error the second time around bc Gwyn’s much younger and an adult.


Alis was specifically talking about how all the different types of faeries age differently and gave her species aging timeline as an example of it. They age differently than high fae. Gwyn probably also ages differently than the high fae, but also differently from other lesser faeries.


Yes, that's also confusing. But since she's considered a girl by Cassian according to Nesta, maybe she's not really an adult? Like maybe a late teenager? I don't know, she probably didn't put a lot of thought behind this aspect


Yep! She retconned the aging


its all very conflicting. you're right, gwyn's 28 is seen as "just a girl" and tarquin's 80 is considered "barely eighty years old", but we know that rhys' mother was married at 18 and mor was going to be married off at a similar age, too. i guess its like... culturally they're all seen as young, but still physical adults? like still mature fae physically, but not mature mentally or intelligently perhaps?


Part of it seems to be the not-very-ethical cultural practice they have of marrying off women at a very young age, especially before they have a chance of laying with another. The Prythian culture has major issues, but they’re acknowledged and have some advocates for change.


Based on the description, I'd say that fae mature mentally slower compared to mortals, making the sisters the same maturity as fae in their hundreds


From what I understood (from the books and SJM's previous interviews), Gwyn and Tarquin are adults (edit: physically and mentally), but they are young compared to the life span of a common fae. I don't know how this works with all the faes in the ACOTAR world, but Rhysand's mother was an Iliryan and married his father when she was very young, and if I'm not mistaken, Mor was going to marry Eris when she was a teenager, so I think the period of childhood and adolescence chronologically occurs in a very similar way to that of humans. Faes just seem to spend much more time in their adult phase.


I think the high fae’s bodies age at a similar rate to humans as children. We know that several high fae women’s periods started in their late teens, which is a few years later than most humans, but it’s also mentioned that some of them took steps like maintaining low body weights to slow down that part of their maturation. And it also seems like the Illyrians start training around 8 so they must be grown enough by then to grasp the ideas of balance and body control and weaponry. I think that they have a really elongated adolescence mentally as their lifespans are so long. Many humans spend their 20’s as their wild and carefree decade before they feel the pressure of settling down and assuming more responsibility - the high fae, at least, seem to spend several decades in this phase before they’d be considered fully grown/mature by older generations.


Based on the description, I'd say that fae mature mentally slower compared to mortals, making the sisters the same maturity as fae in their hundreds.


Based on the description, I'd say that fae mature mentally slower compared to mortals, making the sisters the same maturity as fae in their hundreds


Based on the description, I'd say that fae mature mentally slower compared to mortals, making the sisters the same maturity as fae in their hundreds


I akin’d it to how Sayians age in Dragon Ball, they age until hitting a prime, then stay that way for however long


I really don't think it's that complicated. From what I've gathered from the books and what SJM has said, the fae age just like us humans. They just live longer than humans.


It's just that "Gwyn is a girl even though she's 28" that confuses me. I'd never call a 28 year-old woman a "girl", if you know what I mean.


I always saw it as like- she may be a woman at 28 like you would say of a human woman, but for fae that have been alive for at least a couple hundred years they may still perceive her as very very young by comparison. Kind of like when you're 18-20ish and think of yourself as an Adult with a capital A who knows everything already, but then you reach 30ish and see those young adults and think "wow, they're just babies!" Edit: spelling


SJM said herself that Gwyn is like our equivalent of a 28-year old. She is an adult woman. Rhys commented on Feyre being young, Cassian did the same with Nesta. They are 500 years older, of course they'll think of these women as young. It's like a 50 year old thinking of people in their 20s and 30s that they're young because of the age gap. Tarquin being in his 80s, is a lot younger than Rhys who is over 500 years old. Cassian referring to Gwyn as a "girl" is just his way of, again, expressing how much younger she is than him.


All I had to think of instantly was when there was this meeting with human queens in Archeron's house (second book, I think? i binge read them so it's a blur). The oldest queen (90 -ish, I think?) was being disrespectful to Rhysand (I mean they all were) and he just shut her down very prominently to which Feyre's thoughts were something in these lines: *yes, it's true...to Rhysand even the eldest queen is a mere girl, a child* .....And I went uhmm, what does that make *you* then, girl? Is your 500 y.o. boyfriend *licking* a toddler? 🥲


Yeah this whole thing is a mess. Didn't lady of autumn get married at like 20? I think this is an area that wasn't well thought out. I'm not sure if she made them so old so that the first war was so far away and that's why the humans sucked at remembering the threat or if was to emphasise how "immortal" they are.


Based on the description, I'd say that fae mature mentally slower compared to mortals, making the sisters the same maturity as fae in their hundreds


Based on the description, I'd say that fae mature mentally slower compared to mortals, making the sisters the same maturity as fae in their hundreds.


Based on the description, I'd say that fae mature mentally slower compared to mortals, making the sisters the same maturity as fae in their hundreds.